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'Landmine' vis a vis Goldmine

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'Landmine' vis a vis Goldmine

Postby gooner » Tue Mar 13, 2018 4:49 pm

Crypto Currency, Gold mine or ‘Landmine’ :scratc
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Since the mid nineties the World Wide Web has touched mostly but nearly all aspects of daily life “You want to know anything, then, Google it??” Ask the personal electronic assistant Cortana/Siri...

Since the birth of the WWW we’ve had visionaries who foresaw the huge potential and value the internet would bring to everyone and all. Also there were many who viewed the internet as a fad and doomed to disappear. From those early days many individuals who embraced the technology made money along with some phenomenal amounts of cash too! Over the past decade time we spend online has doubled. The World Wide Web :aok the dawn of the Internet of all things :scratc If you’re adverse to change then it’s a lost cause! Change it will touching more of everyday society and ever more aspects of our daily lives.
To my main theme… :-D
We could possibly, again, be at a non similar juncture of technological change :shock:
The Blockchain. A gigantic decentralized ledger of hash tag addresses which are all linked and change one part of the chain means re-writing the whole chain (what this means in everyday reality is too big a picture to grasp) So to skip loads technical stuff at this time there is a lot of media attention towards both Crypto currency and ALT coins. Positive and negatives in equal amount.

Methinks this new digitized currency is here to stay and will change the way all business is transacted. This Phenomena is growing and many already have gotten wealthy, but it’s still early days and opportunities beckon. A Gold Mine vise vie a Landmine.
My initial foray into the world of Crypto took me to where I was able to view hundreds of crypto currencies and loads of info with links to the associated web sites of the coins listed. As it’s now the year of the Dog (Chinese Astrology) I came across Doge coin and followed the link through to the official Doge Web-Site. Wow being a catch phrase featured I got myself a Dough Wallet and a link to get some Crypto’s for free! At the Doge coin faucet. I spent some time trying to acquire some Doge for free. (Currently it’s on the back burner) A quest yet to be realised, So to conclude, I have a dough wallet all albeit empty, and being a little savvier about the Crypto revolution. I moved on… following a face book post about a TV show featuring a Crypto Millionaire, took me off on a tangent. I registered for something? (Trading Software, make a zillion in day) Even before the promo vid had ended the phone rang with a person attempting to extract cash from me, (even using the old spiel “Normally you need to deposit £360 but at this time a few select are being offered the opportunity @ £180”. It’s a minefield !
Catching up then….
Wallet; Hot, Cold, paper or Hardware wallet :getsmiley (wallets are important). It’s wise to be cautious :punch spoof fake cloned sites and as with all things, knowledge is Key! Be on your guard as it’s all out there waiting to capatalise off your fiat (real money). More recently, I’ve put my head ‘above the trenches’ in all things being crypto ! Progress made is something I shall return to… For now, I must share a few of many emails received from my newly found crypto-knight / cryptonian associates. (Brightening up the day) :rotfl
Hi Colin here
The most amazing thing that could have ever happened
to me just happened!
I’ve been using this for two days and I’ve made $3,000!
Check this out:
It’s always been my dream to just put a pack on my back
and travel from country to country with no ties, no
responsibilities and just explore the whole world.
Now I can finally do that!
This thing is making money for me on complete autopilot
and I can finally live my dream!
I’m just waiting to get my passport sorted out and visas
and stuff like that, and then I’m going to hit the road.
I’m going to start with France and then kind of just work
my way slowly through to India.
I’m so excited I can hardly contain myself :lol:
Check out that software!
Bye :cry
Good luck there! :neernerneener
I'd heard rumors about this mysterious money-making
tool for months.
But those in the know were keeping very tight-lipped.
Take a look at this hyperlink (which I didn’t)
People like you and me are bringing in TENS OF
THOUSANDS every day!

I'm talking about more money in ONE DAY than most
people make in a couple of months

With NO experience, NO fancy equipment, NO selling
anything, NO MLM gimmicks, NO websites, hell
Check it out here
People like Sandy, the former dental hygienist, who is
now making better than $20,000 a day!
And she's damn sure not doing that scraping the junk
off other peoples teeth!
And she had NO prior experience and spends practically
NO time in the process!
You better CHECK IT NOW!
There's nothing to buy and no long-term obligations.

BUT Spaces are VERY LIMITED! Here's that link again
After that car show the other day my brain has been working
overtime trying to find out how I'll be able to get one.
I swear, test-driving that Ferrari and the Lamborghini was
probably the closest I'll ever come to total bliss in my
I REALLY need to have one of these in my life man!
I went to that autoshop the other day, you know that guy
Shawn that we met there?
He was the one with the three Porsches on display? He owns
the place and gave me his card at the show.
Anyway, he says he started his collection by using software
like this:
I've just started using really works man!
I think you should get in to it!
Let me know how it goes...
I've got some incredible news for you!
Its s finally here!
The system we have all been waiting for and it's been
released today to 150 people.

=> Secure your place here
See you on the inside!

Why on earth would someone want to just GIVE away
something this powerful?
Take the first click NOW
I just turned on Binary Boom and Iím watching my
account increase $8 every minute!
Get yours now
Speak soon,

Needless to, or not! It must be said initially I didn’t follow any links, but copied a few, pasted them into Google (cognito) and tried to get a little info on this wondrous software. What I did find is that, this software type is more for the learned trader, dealing with real time changes and fluctuations within commodities markets as well as Cryptocurrencies. (This being a loose interpretation) I did get to assess one example on the offing, trading software? I wasn’t that impressed it radiated unprofessional bla! (although I’m only a rookie in the scheme of the techno babble)
I intend to follow speculation opposed to trading which comes with serious risk it’s like Vegas.
More to the point the Crypto Revolution has been seen as the 21st century equivalent of the wild west of old 'so take care'!
In conclusion the Doge coin foray is pending; I have joined along with kraken, kucoin and bittrex.
Where one can purchase or sell what might be described as top tier coins (forerunners)
View loads of interesting stuff. The aforementioned platforms are from my research reliable and a good way forward.
Minefield,! Get into a habit of browsing incognito with all things crypto!
Save your platforms addresses in the favorites directory to avoid visiting spoof sites! I regularly check the site authentication ) This can be done by clicking on the https padlock at the top corner of your browser click the valid there you are able view who owns the certification associated to the site
Re- Check I’ve ordered via Amazon an hardware wallet ( I should have ordered two, reflecting on, crucial backups) if you loose you’re private keys your Cryptos are kaput :scratch :indifferent :scratch
Plus a crypto bible, adding to the mix! Onwards it’s a minefield but finding it satisfying and enjoyable…
Lots going on in the world of Cryptonians :yes
Thanks for reading and watch this space.
Knowledge is Key!:
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I have a PLAN
Mazwf ICO SHOPmyzone alt coin
“I’ll be back” :party

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ArthurBrown, mzawf, Nevis
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cont' Landmine' vis a vis Goldmine

Postby gooner » Fri Mar 23, 2018 3:36 pm

goldmine vis a vis a minefield :scratch
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Howza :glasses :thunbsup
Catching up on where I left off ‘I have a PLAN’!
mazwf ICO SHOPmyzone alt coin. :indifferent The latter point being, put to one side. I have a plan well in sort :yes and to say the learning curve is steep concerning all things crypto :scratc is an understatement! It’s more akin to upward and extremely rocky terrain. Firstly noting in all things Crypto SECURITY is Key! Passwords for trading platforms, two factor authentication, public key’s Private keys, wallet UTC certificates, addresses, backup & backup, recovery phrases… :shock: The bottom line is you’ll need to be organised and meticulous! Available time being my personal drawback, factoring in mobile technology it’s not that difficult to a degree keeping a finger on the pulse :nurse
I found that Coinbase (more recently having entered into an agreement with Barclays) being a good starting point. whereas you can purchase some crypto/altcoin and help getting up to speed with loads of other crypto etiquette. Maybe a split/spread on an investment (BC,BTC,LTC,ETH or just by some bits of a bit coin (whole BTC don’t come cheap) so it’s comforting to see that smaller amounts off BTC can be purchased (market rates apply) which are constantly in a stage of change. Meant as an example only, £50 might buy 0.00846 BTC . With a small amount BTC one can trade this for other tokens on different platforms. (fees apply) in the form of a percentage of your trade will be consumed on trading costs.
At this stage of the game, again, its sensible to acknowledge the risk element “it’s 21st century, an experiment of sort and we are privileged to be living it”! Pounds from pennies! Or ... pure conjecture :scratch
Get into the habit to make your browsing Private/In Cognito, a must! :aok
As I mentioned in my previous post a few of my own preferred platforms might be worth joining to be more involved but a necessity for trading more widely; Kraken,Binance, Bittrex, Kucoin, yobit, are (in my limited understanding)all good. Once setup and registered much enjoyment can be had such as; speculate, credit, send, receive trade, withdraw :getsmiley learn. A friend recommended that I register with, CC is a handy software tool loaded with many helpful features, real-time price information plus the opportunity to set up a portfolio to track profit and loss on any BTC/alts you own. Featuring clear pictorial charts to view and real-time data. Another good source of information for any budding CryptoKnight is which as I understand is the preferred platform for serious traders. The Crypto Lark blogs on YouTube are very informative on all things Crypto/alts and enjoyable to watch :aok
At the time of writing this article BTC has been on a push downward and is currently trading below the 6k point vis a vis 12k+ in the final days of 2017. Another recommendation I recently received is to hold back on BTC purchases until any market corrections calm, plus with good fortune reverse to an upward climb. :punch There are developments and innovations happening continually in the business of BTC and alts, BitCoin gets the jitters and alts follow suit. A bounce back is forecast as we move forward. To what scale BTC recovers only time will really tell. There are many influencing factors driving these markets, as there is much learning to be had as well.
As an aside :wub me personally, PC/Internet gaming became too time consuming. Crypto speculation can be great fun with real gains to be made when approached sensibly. Not to dissimilar as playing a game but with potential reward of the real kind. I am not spending my time feeding virtual animals on a farm or building virtual cities without real value or fighting a virtual war (no dig to serious gamer's intended :joker ) 'Time is Money'. I am more focusing my spare time speculating with view to accumulation!
It has been suggested that serious gamers' make good traders :applause if true that puts me at a loss :lol: . Furthermore it’s being continually highlighted that there are risks to your investments (spending Fiat on virtual assets) take this part literally. Returning to the opening part of this blog security and organisation are Key! Scammers and Blaggards are not in short supply on www same as in real-life!
Until the next time stay safe :punch be lucky :innocent and keep it fun :party
Health & Happiness
:thanks for watching [47_47.gif]
BTC USD (Bitcoin / US Dollar)

This is the most popular Bitcoin pair in the world. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of Bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin is open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls this cryptocurrency and everyone can take part. Bitcoin price grew significantly within a short period of time making the BTC/USD pair quite popular among active traders and investors. Through many of its unique properties, Bitcoin allows exciting uses that could not be covered by any previous payment system.

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ArthurBrown, mzawf, Nevis
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Part 3 'Landmine' vis a vis Goldmine

Postby gooner » Sat Apr 07, 2018 4:53 pm

Howza Cryptonians :wink having more recently moved away from the techno babble, and trying to obtain a wider understanding of the Crypto Universe :shock:
With less time being consumed in an attempt to understand the fundamentals surrounding digital assets and the role of the BlockChain in this process. Smart Contracts, Ethereum Gas powering an Ethereum ecosystem :shock: decentralized networks, API, Airdrops, fiat gateways... Reminding me of a time when trying understand algebraic linear equations x-y=2 x+2y=5 as with all things equations I found it easier to accept that it is as is :indifferent Lending more time understanding its possibilities. In the case of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain application its still developing and in a continual flux of change . Market acceptance will increase, a must, as US based swiftcard being one example where as digital assets can be used in everyday purchases. Most off the stuff cluttering my mind, all things crypto, having now being put to the side. (50 years or more in the future, maybe then downloads directly to the brain will be a possibility :joker making learning a whole lot easier :lol: ) Until that time I’ll turn my attention to buying trading Alt Coin holding a small amount of Crypto and watching the trends buffer :wub
Having sorted out my security, building a virtual Fort Knox’s Hot Cold paper wallet backups to the backup encrypted key for a modest holding (Beta stage universal wallet worth a look at also giving the possibility to acquire some free tokens on its release) A wallet which will allow the storage of all of your digital assets in one place. (Hot & cold wallet?) And as with trends more recently being somewhat flat, Bit Coin trading fewer than 5k, plus along with altcoin mainly following. Setting aside this notion seemingly of being, out of pocket in the wider scheme of virtual wealth :confused . Verses any return/losses on monies paid in. Transfer some of the bit of bit coin you own £ per ratio, let’s say to your kraken account (miners fees apply) :yes Send some bitcoin from a one place to another platform or wallet. Bought XRP ripple with bit coin which I purchased with real money (GBP) for me this is where the accounting math gets tricky and time consuming vis-à-vis funds invested in the mother ship (CoinBase) compared to the portfolio value across the crypto universe (kraken)(yobit)(binace) whatever path you follow :shock:
Its challenging and stretches the mind doing conversions back and forth on crypto holdings goes along way to solving this issue. Still in its Beta stages but a useful tool to have available. Coinbase also provides useful up to date information on the coins it holds and sells :aok
Following recently viewed articles on ATC (All Things Crypto) its decision time once more. A seemingly noticable correlation between graphs over past 3 years highlights bit coin at the lowest point in the 1st quarter, then steadily rising as the year progresses forward. This trend may be repeated in 2018 :celebrate
Source: Southbank Investment Research (click on image to enlarge)

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Next on the Shopping some more bits of BC :yes then over to Kraken and considering a purchase of IOTA (miota) + XLM (stellar
(past performance is only an indicator and the reality says have no influence on any future outcome)
Even with humongous amounts of crypto research along with analysing historical data this message remains
Never invest any money into digital assets that you are not prepared to forfeit in the worse case scenario :indifferent
Ignore naysayers :getsmiley saying the crypto boat has already departed and the opportunity for profit and financial security completely gone :no Guarantees are few or albeit nonexistent for profiting on investments made. Only invest monies you are prepared to lose. The crypto universe has been labelled as the 21st century wild west :punch Its volatile, markets crypto markets represent risk and reward as well :yes with unforeseeable outcomes. Only time can prove me and many more :getsmiley wrong or bankruptcy afoot :-D :rotfl
Only invest what you are prepared to risk losing...
Stay Safe and secure
Be Lucky :notworthy
Thanks for watching until the next time mi amigos :glasses

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It's started! :punch
At some point in the future when your grand kids visit you, you can either tell them :getsmiley
1 You missed the boat on cryptocurrencies.
2 You were an early adopter and made money out of trading cryptos!
But, before you choose option 2 and join the crypto world, you need to join

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ArthurBrown, mzawf, Nevis
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Re: 'Landmine' vis a vis Goldmine

Postby gooner » Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:26 pm

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Following on from my last post I did purchase some XLM expanding my portfolio of ALTs on Kraken. Whilst defying the urge to purchase some bits of BC on coinbase (with a couple of relapses) I decided that it is time to sit back hold, and access. Bitcoin had started to rise :punch to a high :-D then falling and wiping off any gains made over four previous days :scratch
coin.png (9.02 KiB) Viewed 16114 times
alts mainly following a similar trend. It is fun seeing an investment actually changing in real time in comparison to guaranteed interest rate @ 2% ish.. Noting, that savings, are just that and at this time digital assets require risk money. But as I have previously stated I believe that we are, are at a juncture of evolutionary change :indifferent
At some point in the future when your grand kids visit you, you can either tell them

One? you missed the boat on cryptocurrencies.
Or two? that you were an early adopter and made money out of trading cryptos!
But, before you choose option 2 and join the crypto world, you need to join
With an explosion of crypto related stuff going on daily around the globe, Seminars with experts on the technical side of things (blockchain :read smart contracts & Gas :wub ) along with those of us who are just embracing the concept :thumbsup while businesses are being built around digital assets and being put into place now! It’s a 21st century wild west! Some humongous wealthy and ruthless investors are coming into all things crypto, it’s a happening thing. If you’re adverse to change it’s a lost cause, because change it will :-D
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ArthurBrown, mzawf, Nevis
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a we'll run business

Postby Smug » Mon Apr 30, 2018 10:51 pm

A Well Run Business
Me: I was doing an overnight at a hotel away from home. I took my computer down to the bar to do some data entries. I sat down at the bar and I asked the bartender, ‘What’s the w ifi password?’
Bartender: 'You need to buy a drink first.'
Me: 'Okay, I’ll have a beer.'
Bartender: 'We have Molson’s Canadian on tap.'
Me: 'Sure. How much is that?'
Bartender: '$8.00.'
Me: 'Here you are. OK now, what’s the wifi password?'
Bartender: ' "youneedtobuyadrinkfirst"; No spaces and all lowercase.'

Landmine' vis a vis Goldmine

Postby gooner » Fri May 04, 2018 4:49 pm At some point in the future when your grand kids visit you, you can either tell them One? you missed the boat on cryptocurrencies.
Or two? that you were an early adopter and made money out of trading cryptos!
But, before you choose option 2 and join the crypto world, you need to join

Howza :glasses getting back into the crypto universe :earth and completely digressing from the complexities of all things digital asset-wise :scratch Having said on a number of occasions, in general crypto conversation. You should follow my referral link :yes purchase a £100 of BTC (using my referral link to coinbase ) methinks 5 times your invested maybe plus, by the year’s end. Resulting in responses such as put your money where your mouth is! And so I did on the 14th of April I purchased 100 GBP worth of Bit Coin (and another stab at a higher exchange rate as yet to be collated) puttong the data into cryptocompare :aok
Noting that on the 24th I had made a profit of £9.04 and by the 25th made a loss of -£8.79
The price of BTC is up as of now :clap as GPD increases by 0.01 against the USD :scratc on a $9000 BTC that's £90.00 increase :shock:

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ArthurBrown, Nevis
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Landmine' vis a vis Goldmine

Postby gooner » Sat May 05, 2018 2:11 pm

Howza BTC is still on an upward trend and the £100 has increased in value :scratc
At some point in the future when your grand kids visit you, you can either tell them One? you missed the boat on cryptocurrencies.
Or two? that you were an early adopter and made money out of trading cryptos!
But, before you choose option 2 and join the crypto world, you need to join

(tracker100) Data source:

Coinbase referrals...
Using digital currency is more fun with friends! You can invite your friends by sharing the provided link. Once your friend buys or sells [b] free Satoshi.

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ArthurBrown, Nevis
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