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Postby Nevis » Sun May 17, 2015 5:05 pm

The Times (London, England)
8th January 1833
Execution of an Incendiary

The unhappy young man Wren, who was found guilty at the Late Lewes Assizes of setting fire to a rick at Uckfield was executed on Saturday at Horsham.
In the condemned cell he behaved in a becoming manner, but persisted in declaring his innocence of the crime. He however, thought little of a future state, notwithstanding the pious exhortations of the Rev. Mr. Wetherby, the chaplain, who was indefigable in his endeavours to bring him to a sense of his dreadful situation.
He slept soundly on the night previous to the execution, and when the Gaoler awoke him from his last sleep in this world he said, "If you had not awoke me I should have slept for two hours longer." About an hour before the execution he attended the chapel, and the impressive manner in which the chaplain performed the service seemed to work some change in him, and he read aloud after the minister in a firm and audible voice.
At twelve he was conducted into the Gateway to be pinioned, a ceremony which he underwent with astonishing fortitude, not once changing countenance or appearing the least agitated. His whole demeanor, however, was very respectful. He ascended the platform with a firm step, and just before he was turned off he advanced to the front and addressed the spectators, beseeching them to lead good lives, but still persisting in his innocence. His last words were, "I am a murdered man, I die innocent, so help me God!" which declaration he accompanied by stamping his foot. The hangman having drawn the cap over his eyes, the minister continued reading till the signal was given when the unfortunate youth was launched into eternity; his struggles were of short duration. The body having hung the usual time was cut down and delivered to his friends, who conveyed it from the place of execution with a horse and cart. We understand that Wren, though young, had been several times imprisoned, and that on one occasion he received a pistol-shot in his neck in an attempt to rob a baggage-wagon. :shock:

Last bumped by Nevis on Sun May 17, 2015 5:05 pm.

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