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devil u do devil u don't

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devil u do devil u don't

Postby mzawf » Mon May 03, 2021 3:46 pm

Hopefully science and understanding has moved on noting homosaps having only learned 100 years earlier the world in fact wasn’t flat and some sort of spherical shape snack.gif asbestos around since 400 BC, with its then magical fire resisting properties (google)
Cigarettes, Heroin Hydrochloride, DDT being a epiphany of the 19th century. Big money, Big business makes the world go round :earth ..Genome technology, science money [surrender.gif] 21st Century Revolution [guitar.gif]
Trust the Science :mz :punch

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Becky, dub, Nevis
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Power saving device?

Postby mzawf » Sun May 16, 2021 2:15 pm

See Why Power Companies Are Scared Over This Breakthrough Device
That Cuts Your Power Bill By Up To 90%
Appliances always draw more power than they need to run due to inefficiencies and noise on the sine wave.

Any device that saves money and electricity is of interest :-D does it work?
After seeking an opinion from our expert
Here is his answer :getsmiley
Energy is energy and energy can neither be created or destroyed.
The noise on a waveform typically contains very little energy.
It’s 'snake oil' and won’t save you a penny.
Dave Freeman May 16th 2021 | Advertorial :scratcPower saving device


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Becky, Nevis
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wrong wrong wrong

Postby mzawf » Sun May 23, 2021 5:14 pm

If something is wrong this is! Cuba neighboring the richest country on the planet! :earth Cuban people queuing for basic essentials, medicine shortages and more [smiliefurious.gif]
‘However, that isn’t our biggest problem anymore. Right now, practically nothing is being sold, only rice and tomato puree (300 ml for 33 pesos, more than three working days on a minimum salary). There isn’t any meat, or chickpeas, or hot dogs, or chocolate, or crackers, or bread being sold. Nothing at all really...

Each day in the United States approximately one pound of food per person is wasted. This equates to 103 million tons (81.4 billion pounds) of food waste generated in America in 2017, or between 30-40 percent of the food supply, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Google 25 Aug 2020

wake up America
Sack the law makers who allowed this disgusting situation to fester!
:getsmiley Any clear thinking individual will understand decision makers need to be accountable grrr.gif
Clearly not being the best way to bring us together as friends :heart
Good to hear on the covid front that Cuba has seized its destiny and hopefully their vaccine is the best [2thumbup.gif]
Allowing Cuba access to the estimated $10 billion vaccine market.
More reading... ... s-in-cuba/ ... d-vaccines

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Becky, Nevis
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Postby anon » Thu May 27, 2021 5:54 pm

Im color blind Im happy :hippy :wub

Lest we Learn

Postby smug » Wed Jun 09, 2021 3:38 pm

Shared from Face Book [1-beer.gif]

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Don't be fooled

Postby smug » Sun Jun 13, 2021 4:06 pm

Samuel Langhorne Clemens aka Mark Twain has been attributed to saying “If voting made any difference, it would be illegal” following a question on the state of democracy by an astute reporter of that time

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World Refugee Day

Postby mzawf » Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:52 pm

A poem to mark World Refugee Day by Brian Bilston.
Click on image to enlarge :aok

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Becky, dub, Nevis
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