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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Dec 09, 2017 9:39 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 23:

Joe sipped his tea, ate a biscuit. ‘Sounds as if this’ll be a huge shindig by the sound of things to come. With The Honourable Joseph Bloody Ryan, Esquire, M.L.A. being in charge. He gave me the job to arrange volunteers, not him to do what I needed to do.’ Joe’s anger rose at the thought of Joe Ryan making him do things he wouldn’t receive gratitude for.
‘Don’t worry Joe. In the end, you and I both will be fighting whoever we’re to fight. I’m going because you asked me so nice.’ Billy laughed, drank his tea, ate his biscuit. Silence fell between the two friends. Luck would play a huge part in their future for each didn’t have a clue on their future.

Over the next week Joe and Billy broke their horses into saddle. Spartan pig rooted a little when the saddle tightened on his girth, apart from this small incident Joe rode him out. After satisfied with their breaking-in ability of their horses they cleared the camp to ride back to the homestead.
‘They’re as quiet as mice.’ Nat told them when they arrived back at the homestead.
‘Yeah, Spartan pig rooted a couple of times afterwards settled. He’s got a brain in his head.’ Joe answered Nat.
‘What’re you going to do now you’ve found your horse?’ Nat asked aware of Joe’s answer. He was about to lose his right-hand man.
‘I’d love to stay with Hannah until we leave. Going to be a little tough on her without me being around. Have no idea how long I’ll be away. By the look of things; we’ll be heading off in a couple of weeks. The ship sails in October. Okay with you Nat?’ Joe asked.
Nat walked over to Joe, shook his hand, wrapped his arm around his shoulder and hugged him. ‘Of course. Okay with me. You both take care of yourselves. We’ll be in town to farewell you both off on the train. Better say bye to Martha before you take off.’ Nat’s eyes filled with tears. Joe was after all his son-in-law but more of a son he never had.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Dec 10, 2017 9:47 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 24:

Joe nor Billy had never left Australian shores before except Joe serving time on St Helen Island Prison which was within eyesight of the mainland. This adventure would take each man across to the opposites side of the world to fight an enemy neither understood the reason.
Hannah, being a school teacher, inquisitive mind searched through books she obtained to enlighten Joe and Billy on their quest. She wanted to make both men aware of their journey plus deeds to serve the British Empire. Her research revealed Britain acquired the southern tip of Africa to share between British colonies and independent republics of Dutch-Afrikaner settlers regarded as Boers. Many Boers escaped British rule moved north and east to settle on new islands to become Boer republics of Orange Free State and the Transvaal. More Hannah researched this information, more she became afraid for both Joe and Billy. ‘Why do they want to go?’ kept buzzing through her mind.
Her research showed discovery of gold and diamonds in the Boer republics thus British subjects flooded into the Boer territories in search of wealth. Boers didn’t appreciate British again invading their territories so to stop the British invasion Boers fought for their land killing many British invaders.
The Australian colonies being part of British Empire offered troops for the war in South Africa. Joe and Billy being amongst the Australians to leave their homeland to fight the Boers. They would join other Australians from colonies throughout the country to form a unit to become 'Colonial Mounted Rifles'.
Hannah hated the thought of Joe leaving to fight an unknown enemy across the other side of the world. After many pleads with Joe to remain home, her pleads fell on deaf ears. More information Hannah fed Joe about the conflict between British and the Boers, more determined he became to represent his country and the British Empire.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Dec 11, 2017 9:40 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 25:

Chapter 4

Day of reckoning arrived for Joe and Billy to depart Cunnamulla. Most of the townsfolk gathered at the Cunnamulla Railway Station to farewell them with a couple of other young fellows who wanted to join the fight. Hannah couldn’t stop blubbering, wiping her face, not knowing when or if her husband returned.
‘Please don’t go.’ Hannah pleaded to Joe who stood erect shouldering his haversack. Joe looked handsome in his uniform, polished boots, wearing a slouch hat curled at one side, a plume of emu feathers showing his place from the colony he represented.
‘Stop worrying Hannah. Billy will have my back.’ Hugging his wife for the final time. A loud whistle echoed through the covered platform. ‘Time to go.’ Wrapped his arms around Hannah, kissed her on the lips, whispered in her ear, ‘I love you.’
‘Good luck my boy. We’ll miss you both.’ Nat shook Joe and Billy’s hand before they stepped onto the train.
‘Don’t forget your mother-in-law.’ Martha cried out wrapping his arms around Joe’s broad shoulders. ‘May God be with you at all times. We’ll look after Hannah until you return.’
Joe pulled shut the passenger door as the train departed from the station. Waving to Hannah until they were out of sight. Sounds of Waltzing Matilda echoed through the station played by Cunnamulla Town Band.
Cheers rang out from the passengers on the train to show their gratitude for the men going to fight in a foreign country. Joe sat silent thinking about the next couple of years not having a clue of who his enemy will be or if he’ll ever return home. His mate Billy sat beside him solemn.
‘Don’t look so glum.’ Joe said to Billy. ‘We’ll survive. Think about the adventure, sailing overseas, walking on soil from another country. Wonder if their country is similar to ours.’ Joe questioned.
‘She’ll be right mate. We’re in this fight together.’ Billy expressed pulling his slouch hat over his eyes. Soon snores echoed from under his hat. Joe sat silent looking at the countryside from his seat wondering if he or Billy will ever return to this land again. ‘How did he talk himself into this predicament?’ Joe pondered before copying his friend, pulling his hat over his face to grab a shut eye.
Stopping at all stations more soldiers entered the train. Charleville being the first stop for refreshments. Joe and Billy entered the refreshment room to have a cuppa and scone when a cheer rang out from the patrons seated at the table cheering the soldiers plus wishing them the best of luck.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Dec 12, 2017 9:50 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 26:

They sat at a table for two, a waitress placed a cup filled with tea together with a scone on a plate. ‘This is on the house gentlemen. What you’re about to do for our country doesn’t need payment. Tell me when you want more.’ She left both men to enjoy their refreshments. These same gifts from people along the track to Brisbane became frequent. Joe and Billy didn’t need to pay for anything. They represented the colony of Queensland to fight the Boers in South Africa. Both men relished in their heroic status.
When their train arrived at Roma Street, Brisbane a contingent of officials awaited their arrival. Head of this parade The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA. Joe stepped from the railway carriage to be greeted by his Parliamentary member, shaking hands, ‘Joe, I’m thrilled to be here to greet you before you sail to South Africa.’ They released their grip.
‘Joseph, this is Billy Campbell, a fellow soldier who will be beside me fighting in South Africa.’ Joseph shook Billy’s hand with glee.
‘Pleased to meet you Billy. Proud you are fighting beside Joe.’ Joseph expressed in an authoritative voice releasing Billy hand.
‘My pleasure Sir.’ Billy shouted.
‘You both will sail on SS Cornwall which departs Brisbane in the morning. Until then you will be guests at my home until your departure.’
‘You need not worry about us. We have our horses to look after until our departure.’ Joe explained.
‘I insist.’ Joseph demanded. ‘I’ll have one of my men take care of your horses and belongings. You both travel with me in my carriage at the front of the station. This is the least I can do before your departure.’ Joseph concluded.
Joe and Billy looked at each other. Billy said, ‘I don’t mind staying behind to look after our horses while you stay with The Honourable Member of Parliament.’
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:18 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 27:

‘No Billy. Where I go. You go. We’re in this together. We’re not having too much to drink tonight. Are we?’ He asked Joseph.
‘I expect you’ll have a couple of beers before your departure. I’ve invited a couple of others to join us. They can’t stop talking about how you’re going to fight the Boers.’ Joseph concluded. ‘Come on.' Joseph directed a question to a nearby man. 'Sam, will you tend to these gentlemen’s horses and gear to keep them safe until their departure.’ He commanded. ‘This way gentlemen.’ Joseph led the way from the platform to his waiting carriage parked in front of Roma Street Railway Station.
Making their way through the streets of Brisbane they stopped in front of a huge Victorian home. ‘Welcome gentlemen to my humble abode.’ Joseph beckoned for his friends to depart from the carriage. Leaving the carriage, they followed Joseph to the front entrance who addressed his staff. ‘My staff will escort you to your rooms. When you have rested, would you do me the honour of wearing your parade uniforms. I want to show you off.’ Joseph bid them farewell. Joe and Billy escorted to their rooms.
Joe couldn’t believe, less than a decade ago he worked with Joseph Ryan on ‘Tilbaroo Station’ as a shearer. Now Joseph, a member of Parliament, lived in the capital of Queensland with staff to attend his every need. Before the staff member left his presence, Joe asked. ‘You wouldn’t perhaps have any writing material?’ Without speaking the staff member pointed to a desk with the appropriate material on top of the desk. Joe followed the staff’s pointing, ‘thank you.’
Joe wrote a letter to Hannah:
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Dec 14, 2017 11:28 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 28:

To My Dearest Darling Hannah

This day we arrived at Roma Street, Brisbane greeted by The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA. Joseph insisted Billy and I be his guests before we sail tomorrow to South Africa. Joseph invited guests to a farewell party for Billy and I. His home overlooks Brisbane. His servants, yes servants, treat us like heroes. We’re staying in his home before we sail on SS Cornwall in the morning.
Hannah, I miss you already. You must be brave until my return. Billy will keep me safe. You must be concerned why I wanted to fight in the Boer War. My reason being my patronage to our Empire. I will return safe. Billy and I have no idea what we’re getting ourselves into. We can try to do our best to come back safe and sure to continue our lives.
I love you so very much and miss you Hannah.
Your Husband – Joe.

Joe signed off on the letter, addressed an envelope to his wife, folded the letter placed the letter inside the envelope. After resting for an hour, he bathed, dressed in his military uniform.
Joining Billy, also dressed in his military uniform, Joseph greeted them. ‘I’d like you to meet some friends of mine.’ Joseph paraded his two soldiers in front of the gathering. ‘Evening everyone. Thank you for attending this function.’ A slight laughter echoed across the gathering. ‘These two gentlemen standing before you are soldiers ready to fight the Boers in South Africa who are representing our great State of Queensland but the British Empire. Would you please make them welcome?’ Everyone clapped and cheered.
Soon after Joseph finished his introduction men walked up to Joe and Billy shaking their hands, slapping them on the shoulders wishing them all the best for representing their Empire. They each had never been paraded in front of a gathering of people before. Joe wished he remained in Cunnamulla with his Hannah whilst Billy’s stomach churned with nerves.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Dec 15, 2017 10:37 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 29:

‘Can’t we escape from these people. They’re all fakes.’ Billy whispered into Joe’s ear after many greeted them.
‘Don’t worry, my friend. I’d rather be back in Cunnamulla with Hannah than to live here.’ Joe answered.
Before the evening ended everyone in the room understood why these two soldiers were fighting the Boers. A few younger fellows wanted to join. They were too late. When the clock struck twelve o’clock Joseph called on the gathering to go home. Wished everyone a safe journey.
‘Would you both have a drink with me before you retire?’ Joseph asked Billy and Joe. Both nodded. ‘Accompany me to the veranda. We’ll be in peace with no interruptions.’ They left the ballroom walked to the veranda to sit around a table. Sights of Brisbane gleamed across the horizon.
‘Joseph, I have a letter I’ve written to Hannah.’ Joe handed Joseph the envelope. ‘Would you make certain this letter is delivered to Hannah please.’ Joe asked.
Joseph took the envelope from Joe. 'You can be certain this letter will be delivered to your wife. I place my life on the letter reaches Hannah.’ Joseph stated. ‘Now gentlemen, let’s partake in a farewell drink before your departure.’ Joseph handed each of his companions a tumbler of rum. Clicking them together, Joseph said. ‘For a safe return. Thank you both for fighting for the Empire.’ Each swallowed their rum in one gulp. Replaced their tumblers on the table.

Boarding SS Cornwall at Brisbane docks Joe and Billy took their place at the bottom of the gangplank. Waving good-bye to Joseph they boarded the vessel, climbed to the top deck to wave to the many spectators who arrived to bid them farewell. Joe wished Hannah was amongst the crowd but understood she wouldn’t be.
When the SS Cornwall sailed along the Brisbane River out to Moreton Bay, Joe looked across to St Helena Island.
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