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Brothel Keepers of Old London.

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Brothel Keepers of Old London.

Postby Nevis » Fri Dec 10, 2021 2:25 pm

I research a lot of family trees, and you never know who is going to turn up.
Mother Claps Molly House.jpg
Mother Claps 'Molly House'

Old Bailey. MARGARET CLAP, Sexual Offences, keeping a brothel, 11th July 1726.

Margaret Clap was indicted for keeping a House in which she procured and encouraged Persons to commit Sodomy , on the 10th of December last and before and after. Samuel Stevens thus deposed. "On Sunday Night the 14th of November. I went to the Prisoners House in Field-Lane, Holbourn . I found near Men Fifty there, making Love to one another as they call'd it. Sometimes they'd sit in one anothers Laps, use their Hands indecently Dance and make Curtsies and mimick the Language of Women - O Sir! - Pray Sir! - Dear Sir! Lord how can ye serve me so! - Ah ye little dear Toad! Then they'd go by Couples, into a Room on the same Floor to be marry'd as they call'd it. The Door at that Room was kept by - Ecclestone to prevent any body from balking their Diversions. - When they came out, they used to brag in plain Terms, of what they had been doing, and the Prisoner was present all the Time, except when she went out to fetch Liquors. There was - Griffin among them, who was since hang'd for Sodomy. - And Derwin who had been carried before Sir George Martins for Sodomitical Practices with a Link Boy, he brag'd how he had baffled the Link Boy's Evidence and the Prisoner boasted that what she had said before Sir George, in Derwin's Favour, was a great Means of bringing him off. - I went thither 2 or 3 Sundays following, and found much the same Practices as before. They talk'd all manner of the and most vile Obscenity in her Presence, and she appear'd wonderfully pleas'd with it." Joseph Sellers deposed to the same Purpose and added he believed there were above 40 Sodomies commited that Night. The Prisoner in her Defence, said that Darwin was taken up only for a Quarrel and that it ought to be considered, that she was a Woman, and therefore it could not be thought that she would ever be concerned in such abonsinable Practices. But the Evidence being full and positive, the Jury found her Guilty .
Old Bailey. THOMAS JOHNSON, Sexual Offences, keeping a brothel, 26th February 1849.

Thomas Johnson was indicted, (with Mary Timbrell and Harriett Smith, not in custody,) for keeping a common bawdy-house, 2nd count, for keeping a disorderly house. MR. CLARKSON conducted the Prosecution.
ANN PALMORE. I am now in decent and respectable service. In July last I lived as servant to the prisoner and a woman named Timbrell, at 3, Hare-court. They cohabited together then, it was not a quiet house. It was a house where women of the town came with men. They paid for accommodation, sometimes I received the money, and sometimes Mrs. Timbrell did. I never knew the prisoner receive it, he was my master, and directed and ordered me as such, and Mrs. Timbrell was my mistress. The prisoner knew the purposes to which the house was devoted. He has seen the men and women come into the house, this was going on for two or three months while I was there. The prisoner has furnished money to Mrs. Timbrell to pay the rates with.
Cross-examined by MR. BRIAELY. Q. Did not he, in fact, reside at 3, Hackney-road? A. I do not know, he had a shop in the Hackney-road, as a boot and shoemaker.
HOWELL GODDARD . I am ward-beadle of Aldersgate-street. No. 3, Hare-court, is in the parish of St. Botolph Without, Aldersgate, I know the defendant and Mrs. Timbrell, I have seen the prisoner go in there a great many times. I know the sort of house it is, it was presented by the neighbours to the Court of Aldermen as a disorderly house. It is a brothel, girls go there with men, the door is kept half open, it is in a public thoroughfare. It comes into Aldersgate-street, the house is a great nuisance to the neighbours and complaints have been made of fighting and riotous conduct.
Cross-examined. Q. Do you know where the prisoner actually resided? A. No; I only know that I have seen him go there, I have seen a great many persons go in.
JAMES FREEMAN . I am a boot-maker, and live at 4, Hare-court, and have done so thirteen years. I know the defendant and Timbrell, their house is a common brothel, the defendant lives there. I have seen him there three or four times a day, I have heard rows and disturbances there repeatedly; fighting, and murder crying, night and day, and language not fit for a man with a family like mine to hear, it has been a nuisance for the last seven years, the defendant has been prosecuted for it before, I have seen men thrust out into the street, and Johnson' in rows with them at the door, but not lately. There was a dreadful row with him and Mrs. Timbrell about a month or six weeks ago; they were fighting.
Cross-examined. Q. Do you know what business he carried on. A. I believe he had a boot-shop in Hackney-road—I have not seen so much of him as I used to do, but he gives his address 3, Hare-court, I saw him there two or three times the day before the house was shut up, which was last Friday night week, and I heard him there as late as half-past ten o'clock.
HENRY LUTLEY (City-policeman, 268). I know the house 3, Hare-court. On 15th Oct. last, about ten o'clock at night, a gentleman, named Page, came to me, and complained that he had lost his waistcoat from that house. I went there with him, and saw Mrs. Timbrell, he pointed her out as the person that had ill-used him, and I took her to the station, on a charge of assault and robbery, the prisoner accompanied me, and offered to become bail for her. I have frequently seen him in the house. I have been called there scores of times to rows.
GUILTY . Aged 65.— Confined Nine Months, and to enter into his own recognizance for three years.
Old Bailey. CAROLINE HOWARD, MARY JONES, Sexual Offences, keeping a brothel, 2nd July 1855.

CAROLINE HOWARD and MARY JONES , unlawfully keeping a common bawdy house.
MR. RYLAND conducted the Prosecution. PATRICK BURKE. I occupy No. 6, Hare-court, and have done so for five years, during all which time No. 2 has been a brothel. I knew Mrs. Robinson, who was convicted here in March; and at the latter part of the time that she was there, I have seen the prisoners there. I have seen men, and women who I knew to be prostitutes, go in together at different times of the night and day. I was never in the house. I have seen Jones there for three years off and on. I have heard most ridiculous conversation there, and most undoubted bad language, the neighbours have complained. I have been aroused in the night many times by the rows, the house is a nuisance to the neighbourhood, and I have complained of it as such, the younger prisoner has been there since May, and I have seen her take money from prostitutes of Aldersgate-street. I have only seen Jones acting as servant.
WILLIAM ARTHUR EDE (City policeman, 125). I have known the house, No. 2, Hare-court, since 1848, as a common brothel. Mrs. Robinson, who was convicted here last March, was the lessee, and is now, the prisoners acted as servants, it was still a brothel up to last Saturday, when I took the prisoners into custody. I have seen prostitutes go in and out repeatedly both with and without men. I have seen both the prisoners take money, there have been complaints continually about the rows there, and the house has been indicted six or seven times. I went into the house in March last, and saw what was very improper; a person named Curtis was keeping the house then, and Howard was there.
JOHN STRADLING (City policeman, 117). I have known this house for the last five or six years, it has been a brothel all that time. I knew Mrs. Robinson, the prisoner Jones was servant there in her time, the prisoners have both been there since Mrs. Robinson has been away, the house is frequented by prostitutes and gentlemen, and has frequently been complained of by the neighbours.
JOHN FOULGER (City police sergeant, 89). I knew Mrs. Robinson well, and the prisoners as servants to her, I had Howard in custody before, on a charge against the same house, at the London Sessions, and she had three months. The house has been indicted a number of times. I was in the house once when two people were found in a most improper position. I apprehended another woman named Kitty, who is since dead. Jones was there then, but she was not named in the warrant, and I did not take her. The prisoners have managed the house lately. I told them the charge, and Howard said that she had two small children, and was obliged to do something for a living. Jones said that it was not their house, they were only acting for others. I have seen the lease, it is dated 9th Feb. 1849, and is in the name of Ann Robinson, Inspector Brannan produced it at the Old-street police station; he found it in another brothel.
POWELL SODEN . I am ward beadle, and collect the rates. The house has been a nuisance since 1848. I know the prisoners; Howard has paid me money for rates. I cautioned her in June, and said, "If you are still in the house you will be prosecuted". I asked who was to be rated, and she told me Ann Robinson.
JONES— GUILTY . Aged 40.
Confined Two Months .
Old Bailey. LEON PINKERWITZ, Sexual Offences, keeping a brothel, 21st March 1904.

LEON PINKERWITZ. 36, Unlawfully attempting to procure Louise Chartin to become a common prostitute. MR. BIGGS Prosecuted; MR. WARDE Defended.
LOHSK CHAUTIN (Interpreted.) I am a laundress, of 2, Rue de Commerce Paris—my age is nineteen—I met the prisoner at a cafe in Paris nearly a month and a half ago—he told me he had just come from America, and said, "Will you come with me to America? You will earn a lot of money in America; you will have plenty of dress and plenty of jewellery". He said such a lot of nice things that I went with him—the evening before I went with him he had another girl outside, and he was talking to her—she did not want to give him any answer—the morning after, when I came I saw her with the prisoner, who said, "Here is a young lady who is going to America with you"—I said, "All right"—he said he wanted to put me in a house: I did not know what kind of house—the next day I had new clothes—the prisoner bought them at the Bon Marche—I slept with him five nights—I was all day along with him—I had previously always lived with my parents in Paris—father is a stonemason—this piece of dress material is the same as the dress I am wearing—I left Paris with the prisoner; I do not remember the date—I had no luggage—the prisoner had a box—he paid for the tickets from Paris to London, a single ticket for me and a return ticket for himself—we came by Calais to London—I had to meet a gentleman I did not know—after coming out of the train the prisoner said, "Oh, the police are after me; jump in a cab at once"—I knew nobody in London—the prisoner said to the cab driver. "To Queen's Square"—he told me it was to some friends of his wife—the police followed in a cab—I was not living an immoral life when I met the prisoner—I worked.
Cross-examined. The prisoner never told me he came from America; he said he was a Russian (Her evidence in chief was referred to)—I never said so till to-day—I do not know why—I was to go to America with the prisoner—I knew he had a return ticket to Paris to come back and fetch the other girl—I never knew the other girl. I only saw her once—I did not know the kind of house I was to go to in America—the first time I was before the Magistrate I said, "The prisoner said if I was willing to go with him to America and go to an improper house that I should have any amount of money and jewellery"—I knew it was a meeting house, an improper house; he told me; I did not know—it is true that I always lived with my parents—it is not two years ago that my father turned me out of his house—it is true he turned me out—he did not send me away; it simply came in my head to go—he never said I should not be there, because I mixed with bad company—I have not lived two years as a prostitute in Paris; I always went to work—I do not know a man named Ernest—I have lived in the Rue de Commerce about three months—the other girls in the house were married—before I went there I lived in the same street with a girl friend: I cannot remember for how long—when I came to England I had no intentions—I was going to take a ship on the Saturday to America.
WILLIAM BURCH (Detective Officer.) On February 18th, in consequence of a telegram received from one of our officers at Dover, I went with Detective Ferrier to Charing Cross Station to meet the 7.25 ordinary train—I saw the prisoner, whom I knew well, alight from a carriage with Louise Chartin—he had no luggage—we followed them across the Strand, up A gar Street, where they got into a hansom cab, which drove away—we followed in another cab—opposite 40, Gloucester Street. Bloomsbury, they got out—the cab was discharged—I went up to them and said, "You know me, Pinkerwitz?"—he is an interpreter, and understands English—he said, "Yes"—I said, "What are you doing with that young lady!"—he said, "I am taking her to her brother-in-law; I brought her from Paris, and she ought to have been met at Dover; as no one was there to meet her, I brought her on to London, and was going to Queen's Square with, her"—I said, "What number?"—he said, "I do not know the number, but she does"—I said, "Where is her luggage?"—he said, "It is coming on; I have only got to bring her here, and when I get back to Paris I am to have 200 francs for doing it"—I told him I should take him to Scotland Yard to make inquiries—neither officer spoke French—the prisoner said, "Very well, all right"—I took him to Scotland Yard—he was detained—the following day I applied for a warrant—he was charged at Bow Street on the warrant with attempting to procure Louise Chartin to become a common prostitute—he made no reply—I searched him—in his possession I found this piece of dress material, which is similar to the dress the last witness was wearing, this pair of ladies' new gloves, and this return ticket Paris to Dover, and a 1,000 franc note.
Cross-examined. We communicated with the French police—I have their telegram here; it has not been put in.
By the COURT. 40, Gloucester Street, Bloomsbury, is about 200 yards from Queen's Square—there are brothels in Queen's Square.
JOHN FERRIER (Detective Officer.) On February 18th I was with the last witness at Charing Cross—the prisoner requested to make a statement to me on arrival at Scotland Yard—he said in English, "I wish to explain"—I said, "I will take it down in writing"—I did so—it was read to-him, and he signed it—(Read:) "18th February, 1904. Statement of Leon Pinkerwitz says: I am an interpreter. I have up to this morning been residing with my brother, Alexander Pinkerwitz, 34, Boulevard de Sevastople, Paris; I mean that I had a room with my brother, but have not slept there for two nights. On Monday last, about 2.30 p.m., I was in the Cafe Miller, at the corner of Boulevard des Italiens, Paris, when a man whom I have been associating with for about four days, and whom I knew by the name of Alfred, came into the Cafe Miller with the young woman whom the police have found me in company with. I do not know her name, I do not know her age, but she told me that she was nineteen. We stayed together in the cafe for about ten minutes, when Alfred left, with the young woman. Before he left he asked me to meet him at a cafe in Paris, I do not remember the name, at 9 a.m., to take the young woman to Dover. He said when I got there I should meet a big, fair man who would take her to London, and I would receive 50 francs. I agreed to do this. At 9 a.m. this morning I met Alfred and the young woman, as already arranged, at the cafe. He gave me the ticket, No. 207. and said.' There is your ticket to Dover and back,' and gave the girl her ticket to London. I do not know why the young lady came to London; I did not ask her, and she did not tell me. The young woman and I left Paris by the 9.45 train, and arrived at Dover at 1 p.m. When I got there I could not find the man. I waited till 5 o'clock, then accompanied her to London. When we were at Dover the young woman said,' You have been so kind, Leon, to bring me to Dover, and now that the man who should have met me is not here, will you be kind enough to take me to my friends who live at Queen's Square? 'I agreed to do this, and purchased a ticket for myself: she had already got hers. When I got to Charing Cross I was inquiring for a cab to drive us to Queen's Square, when the police stopped mo. That is all I know about the girl, except that I lived with her at a hotel in Rue Summarta. Paris, for one night, and that was Wednesday night last, hut I had no business with her.—Leon Pinkerwitz. This statement, on being read over to me, I desire to give further explanation. At the hotel in the Rue Summarta, Paris, occupied a room by myself, and She occupied another room with Alfred. I have no home in London. This statement that I have made is purely voluntary.—LEON PINKERWITZ. With regard to receipt No. 3137, it refers to a wooden box at Calais which I believe belongs to the young woman. The man whom I know as Alfred asked me to go to the Registration Office and ask them to send it to London I took no notice of his request as he told me I was not to open the box at the Customs House and I thought there was something wrong with it"—there was a box in Paris—the ticket 3137 found on the prisoner is here.
WILLIAM BURCH (Re-examined.) We sent to Calais, and the box has been examined—we have had a communication, and believe the prisoner and the girl were frightened to bring it through the Customs—that is the prisoner's own story of it—it would be examined at Dover—sometimes a box is examined on the boat—we know what it contains.
MR. WATDE submitted (here was no material corroboration to comply with the sub-section of the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1883. The Court overruled the objection, and left the ease to the Jury.
The prisoner, in his defence on oath, adhered to the statement which he made to the police, and added (hat he was an interpreter and guide; that he spoke nine languages, and acted as guide to the man Alfred for 150 francs, and received another fifty to bring the girl to be met at Dover, but the tall fair man not appearing, he acceded to the girl's request to be taken to her friends in London, when he was arrested.
GUILTY .** Three convictions were proved against him, and he was stated to belong to a gang of Continental thieves. Two years' hard labour.
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Last bumped by Nevis on Fri Dec 10, 2021 2:25 pm.

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