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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jun 17, 2017 10:17 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 117:

Second stage to build a modern type railway station housing the staff, baggage area for passengers to collect their baggage after leaving the train, all undercover for the comfort of the passenger. Cunnamulla’s temperature at times reached one hundred and twenty degrees in the shade, compared with winter weather at times close to zero degrees. Front of the railway station to be constructed similar to homes built in the town with a large front open veranda, centre opening, columns spaced evenly along the front of the building to show a homestead type building. A separate goods shed built nearby along the track for the business people to easily access delivery of their goods.
Todd understood completely what he needed to do in the shortest time possible. His skills to organise, work with others to complete the project upper most in his mind. Perhaps the burning of the recently built railway station may have been a blessing in disguise to prove his worth as Chief Engineer. He would do the best job possible in the time required.
With October 1898 closing in only painting needed for the completion of the railway station. Todd’s job of completing this huge task completed on time.
‘Mel. I’m done.’ He expressed to his wife after showing her the results of his work in building the most modern railway station in the State.
‘I’m proud of what you’ve done Todd. Congratulations’.
On 10th October 1898, a huge gathering of Cunnamulla’s townsfolk stood in front of the railway station. Seated were distinguished guests, one in particular, The Right Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA who would officially open the railway station in honour of the citizens of Cunnamulla.
When time came to official open The Right Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire, MLA stood in front of the crowd.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jun 18, 2017 11:02 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 118:

‘Citizens of Cunnamulla. Thank you all for inviting me to officially open Cunnamulla Railway Station. Before I commit this honour would Ryan Carlson pleased join me.’
Ryan sat with his parents on the large front open veranda. His mother squeezed his hand looked Ryan in the eyes nodded. Ryan stood erect, his legs barely carrying him almost turning to jelly. His nerves on edge. He had no idea why he was being invited to stand beside such a distinguished gentleman. Approaching this person Joe put his hand out to shake Ryan’s hand guided him to stand beside him.
‘Citizens of Cunnamulla. This is indeed a great moment for the township of Cunnamulla in more ways than one. On my left is a young gentleman, eleven years of age, who without his skills in finding water in this area, this town would not become anything if not for this young man. I introduce Ryan Carlson, the Water Diviner.’ Everyone in the audience cheered clapped. Joe Gibson stood clapping loudly with a smile wide across his face.
‘Good on ya Ryan.’ Joe shouted above the crowd.
When the crowd quietened The Right Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA continued, ‘I’m proud to announce Ryan Carlson is awarded The Certificate of Cunnamulla Youth of the Year for discovering water in this area. Ryan, I congratulate you on your efforts.’ Ryan handed a framed certificate showing his reward for finding water in this dry portion of Australia. Tears of pride sprung into Ryan’s eyes. He nodded returned to sit beside his parents.
‘Next my duty here is to call upon Todd Carlson, Chief Engineer.’
Todd stood walked to the same place his son had stood. He shook hands with his Member of Parliament. ‘Citizens of Cunnamulla, you all would agree when I say how glorious this Cunnamulla Railway Station is. How proud you all should be in the completion of this huge project. If not for this man, this grand railway station wouldn’t be possible. Todd, I congratulate you on completing this huge project.’ He shook Todd’s hand.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jun 19, 2017 10:33 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 119:
Todd stood walked to the same place his son had stood. He shook hands with his Member of Parliament. ‘Citizens of Cunnamulla, you all would agree when I say how glorious this Cunnamulla Railway Station is. How proud you all should be in the completion of this huge project. If not for this man, this grand railway station wouldn’t be possible. Todd, I congratulate you on completing this huge project.’ He shook Todd’s hand.
‘Before I officially open Cunnamulla Railway Station, I would like to say a few words to show how this man standing beside me has commenced another project in his life. Todd Carlson is not only a Chief Engineer, also Chairman of ‘The Great Artisan Water Basin’ Committee for this area.’ Silence fell across the crowd.
‘A couple of years ago I wrote to Todd asking him to form a committee to oversee the development of finding water in this region. With the assistance of his two committee members, Joseph Gibson and Nat Young, plus young Ryan Carlson these four citizens have discovered water in this region to help this country survive through one of the worst droughts in this country’s short history. I present to you the first Commissioner of Water and Resources appointed in Queensland, Mr Todd Carlson.’ Todd looked at his member of parliament shocked. Everyone cheered.
Voices in the crowd called out ‘Good on ya Todd.’
After the gathering quietened The Right Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA continued. ‘This is indeed a proud moment in the history of Cunnamulla. I now have the honour to proclaim the Cunnamulla Railway Station officially open.’ He drew back a curtain showing the official plaque of the opening.
1898 certainly became a great year for the Carlson family. Everyone celebrated throughout the night. By the end of festivities Todd still couldn’t believe the position bestowed upon him as Commissioner of Water and Resources in Queensland plus Ryan receiving a government certificate for work he discovered. Everything was good in the Carlson family. What next.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jun 20, 2017 10:40 pm

'The Drover' - Page 1:

Chapter 1

Claire woke in the night startled by the storm and lightning strike. She sprung from her swag, dressed and threw a saddle on her horse, fastened the surcingle all in one movement.
Her instincts took over to saddle her horse and help ring the cattle before they stampeded. Excitement of the chase exploded inside her mind and body, not giving time to think what a nine year old child was about to do.
Rain soaked her clothes through to her skin. Her hat stuck to her head fastened only by a thin rawhide strap across her forehead to stop it from blowing off.
Swinging into the saddle she rode like demons possessed her small body, to help her father. The thrill of the chase ran through her veins, each muscle in her nine year old arms and legs strained to their limits, the mental toughness to help her father not being able to sight him caused her to wonder where he was. She needed to find him. Riding her horse at full gallop, lightning striking around them, cattle running in all directions out of control.
Through the faint vision of rain and wind, she saw a silhouette of a horse and rider, riding like the wind to get in front of the leading bunch of cattle to ring them round so they slowed and stopped. The moment she saw the horse and rider she knew it was her father. She felt a deep love. She would do anything to make him proud of her.
With lightning flashing above her head and near to trees, thunder exploded, wind and rain lashed her face, her hair streamed from beneath her hat; she rode on urging her horse into the chase. Without fear she jumped her horse across a log in the pathway and stretched her small body along its neck. She urged him forward to the front of the herd and came abreast with her father, his right arm out-stretched; she heard the familiar sound of a whip crack.
There was calm, the cattle stopped. With the final sound of a whip crack competing against the lightning and thunder, she rode up beside him. Claire thought her father was God, better than God; he could do anything just like God. She held him on top of a pedestal which reached for the sky and loved everything there was to love and would do anything to please him to earn his love and respect.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:55 pm

'The Drover' - Page 2:

Harry took a moment and thought about the time his daughter Claire helped him stop the cattle from stampeding. She was brave, very brave; and at such a tender age. He felt so lucky to have a family he loved and cherished.

Harold Clarence Williams was born in the country town of Dirranbandi in 1930; his dream began when he was 10 years old after hearing the poem Ballad of a Drover recited around the camp fire. At an early age his father nicknamed him ‘Harry’ for short; he was known by that name for the remainder of his life.

‘Ballad of the Drover’
Henry Lawson

Across the stony ridges, across the rolling plain,
Young Harry Dale, the drover, comes riding home again.
And well his stock-horse bears him, and light of heart is he,
And stoutly his old packhorse is trotting by his knee.
Up Queensland way with cattle he’s travelled regions vast,
And many months have vanished since home-folks saw him last.
He hums a song of someone he hopes to marry soon,
And hobble-chains and camp-ware keep jingling to the tune.
Beyond the hazy dado against the lower skies
And yon blue line of ranges the station homestead lies.
And thitherward the drover jogs through the lazy noon,
While hobble-chains and camp-ware are jingling to a tune.
An hour has filled the heavens with storm-clouds inky black;
At times the lightning trickles around the drover’s track;
But Harry pushes onward, his horses’ strength he tries,
In hope to reach the river before the flood shall rise.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jun 22, 2017 10:01 pm

'The Drover' - Page 3:

Was he Harry Dale from the poem? They had the same nickname. At the moment he heard the poem, he saw in his mind’s eye, his life, to learn the craft of droving.
Harry was born the 5th child of 11 children; 3 boys and 8 girls. His family were drovers from the top of their broad brim hats down to their R M William boots and loved what they did.
Harry’s father worked as a drover in the Dirranbandi, St George and Bollon areas in southwest Queensland where he lived a simple life.
As soon as Harry discovered what he wanted to do, his world changed in one day.
It happened when the Principal at Dirranbandi State School, which Harry attended, contacted Harry’s father to speak with him about Harry.
At their meeting in his office, the Principal said to Harry’s father, ‘Mr Williams, Harry isn’t doing well at school and I think for the boy’s future he should go with you.’ His father agreed.
Harry hated school and couldn’t see the sense in going each day when he could be out working with his horses and dogs. His father survived through life without an education and he would do the same. I’ll learn by listening to older men who’d been there and done it, it’ll be better than going to school, he always joked.
It was difficult at times when he needed to read, because he didn’t learn how to read or write only to sign his name in a scribble fashion he could only understand. Apart from having little or no education he possessed an immeasurable sixth sense to understand what he needed to do and to do the task to the best of his ability. He prided himself for being as honest as the day is long and abided to this honesty for the remainder of his life.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:47 pm

'The Drover' - Page 4:

Mervyn Barrington, his uncle, cleared bore drains for a living, using draft horses to tow a delver. A delver is steel constructed ‘A’ frame appliance with wooden wings on either side. Up to 14 draft horses towed the delver through the bore drains to clear silt or rubbish and allow the water to flow from the bore head along miles of drain to water stock.
From an early age Harry possessed an ‘eye’ for a horse. Shape, conformation, colour, head shape, distance between the eyes, sensibility and most important the horse’s personality.
There were rogues and also well behaved horses, much like humans. He reckoned when he harnessed his uncle’s draft horses and hitched them behind the delver he spoke in their language; he knew each by name and had them eat from the palm of his hand to do what he wanted them to do.
His hands guided the draft horses through miles of bore drain, clearing roly-poly bur which blocked the water flow. If the roly-poly was not cleared from the bore drain, the drain became blocked and water overflowed from the drain out across the land, thereby stopping the water flow to the end of the bore drain.
He learned young in life, hard work never killed anyone.
In between working for his uncle, he helped his father in droving cattle or sheep, mainly as the horse tailer. His job as a horse tailer, to ensure all of the horses were shod regularly; feed and watered and to load and unload the pack saddles from the packhorses. Pack saddles were used to carry most of their equipment and food. Another chore he did was feed and take care of the dogs; at times he attended to ten dogs.
His father taught him how to work from dawn until dusk without complaint and to do the job right in the first place so that way there were no mistakes and the job need not be done again.
After Harry worked for his father and uncle for a couple of years he was earnest to go out on his own as a drover to prove he could do it. By this time he’d acquired three horses, one to ride and two to carry gear in the pack saddles. With his three dogs and horses; he had his first droving plant.
His first droving contract actually came by accident or opportunity.
One day while he was helping his father move one thousand sheep from a property west of St George to Dirranbandi, a truck overturned on the side of the roadway not far from where they were droving. The cattle crate on the overturned truck held six bulls that escaped from the crate. Instinctively, Harry whistled his dogs and in no time stopped the bulls from escape.
‘Who are you?’ The truck driver called to Harry.
‘Harry Williams.’ The shy 13 year old lad replied.
‘Obviously you know a thing or two about cattle – how about taking these bulls to Bollon for me. I’ll pay you.’
‘Oh yeah alright,’ his face had a grin from ear to ear, ‘I’d better ask me Dad first though’. His father agreed.
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