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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Mar 07, 2017 9:35 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 32:

'Do you live here all of the time?' Melinda asked.
'No, Mother and Pa gifted us 'Tilbaroo Station' near Eulo for our wedding present. We spent our honeymoon on the property. That's where we discovered a bore. Since then we've wanted to find water on Pa's other properties.' Hannah explained.
'How many other properties does your father own?' Melinda queried.
'Apart from ‘Kahmoo Station’ where Mother and Pa live, eight other properties this side of Eulo.' Hannah explained. She never realised until this moment she mentioned these properties how wealthy her parents were. Probably the wealthiest in the district. 'Pa came up with an idea a few years ago to purchase as many properties in the area because the founding fathers of this country are deciding where The Treasure House of Nations Heart will be decided. Pa always said they needed 50,000 square miles starting at Cameron's Corner to include Cunnamulla, Charleville and Thargomindah. This is why he purchased these properties.' Hannah explained, proud of her father for carrying out his idea.
'I never realised.' Melinda replied believing she was in the presence of bush royalty.
'Ma used to live here to run her boarding house until the fire destroyed everything. She gifted the land to me after she moved to live with Mother and Pa on their property.' Hannah explained.
'So this is where Ma spent her life living in Cunnamulla.' Melinda queried.
'Yes. After the fire, she didn't want to rebuild because of her age. Mother and Pa looked after her until recently when the heat wave hit. Joe bought her to town, admitted her to hospital when she passed away.' Tears filled Hannah’s eyes.
'I'm sorry Hannah for bringing up these emotions.' Melinda placed her arms around Hannah's shoulders.
'I'll be right. She wasn't only my great aunt but my best friend who saved me many times. I really miss her.' Hannah pulled herself together. 'Why don't we have a cuppa.' Hannah led Melinda to the kitchen. Martha set the table, all three sat to enjoy their cuppa.
'This is good Martha. You make a grand cup-of-tea.' Melinda quoted.
'I try my best. Don’t be too upset Hannah?' Martha's concern for her daughter upper most in her mind.
'Thank you Mother. I'm fine now. Thinking about Ma bought back memories, good ones sad to leave her at the hospital. She passed away in the same bed as Mr Wilson did. Could've been an omen?' Hannah wiped her eyes.
'No. Her time was up.' Martha answered taking a sip of her tea. She also missed her friend who made a difference to her life after she moved in with her and Nat. She valued each moment. Would miss her company.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Mar 08, 2017 9:52 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 33:

Chapter 5

Todd and Melinda left Joe and Hannah’s home to travel home after Ma’s wake. Todd’s expression made Melinda think her husband was in a good mood. His smile told her so.
‘Aren’t they lovely people. Don’t you think?’ She asked her husband.
‘Yes, more so now Joe agreed to be a member on this new committee I’m about to form.’
‘Can I ask about this committee?’ Melinda queried. Todd seldom shared any of his work with her particularly about the building of the railway to Cunnamulla. Her part to cook look after Ryan. Never ask questions about Todd’s work. No interferences whatsoever.
‘You may.’ Todd thought about sharing his latest venture with Melinda because if he didn’t share his thoughts with someone, his mind might burst. ‘I’ve been given the role of Chairman of ‘The Great Artesian Water Basin Committee’. Joe Gibson and Nat Young will be on this committee with me.’ He blurted out with excited commitment.
Melinda wrapped her arm around her husband’s arm leaned her head against his shoulder. ‘Congratulations Todd. I always thought you would rise up the ladder of success. Can you tell me more? I promise to keep this information between us.’
Todd removed an envelope he received from The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire MLA from inside his coat pocket handed Melinda the letter to read. ‘I received this letter a couple of days ago. This is the reason I wanted to attend Ma’s funeral and wake. This gave me an opportunity to meet Joe Gibson and Nat Young. They are interesting people.’ Todd explained.
Melinda opened the envelope, removed the letter read the official document from a member of parliament with the crown seal. Without hesitation, she refolded the letter, replaced the letter into the envelope returned to Todd. ‘I’m so very proud of you.’ She kissed him on the cheek.
‘Mel, this is the biggest event to happen to me since I took over building the railway line.’
‘Can you do both jobs?’
‘Too right I can. Standing on my left ear. Everything is well on track to finish Cunnamulla Railway Station by October next year. In the meantime, I can oversee this new project of ‘The Great Artesian Water Basin Committee’. Also, I’ve given permission for Ryan to work with Joe and Nat as a water diviner.’ Todd finished.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:35 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 34:

Melinda reserved her decision on allowing Ryan to be exploited. If he did possess a gift for water divining she’d follow his progress hope he’d never be exploited. She remained silent.
‘You worried about Ryan?’ Todd asked Melinda.
‘I am. I don’t want him exploited at his tender age. What happens may scar him for life. He’d never trust another person. What if he can’t find water? What would happen then. Humiliation. Failure.’ Melinda shared her feelings. Tears formed in her eyes.
‘Don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye on him. Ryan has always found water along the track from Charleville to where we are now. No doubt he has this gift of divining thing. At first when Joe Gibson came to our camp mention Ryan about the water divining I thought a similar thought as you do now. Never wanted to have him exploited either. After meeting Joe and Nat, my opinion has changed. Ryan couldn’t be in better hands. In fact, I think this venture will give him a chance to experience life in the bush.’
‘I hope you’re right. Ryan’s only ten years old. He’s only a child, my baby.’ Melinda muttered.
‘When I was his age my work began before daylight never finished until nightfall. Ryan never works those hours. This’ll toughen him up for later in life.’ Todd clicked the horse to go faster.
‘Life is different now than when you grew up Todd. The way we live is different. Who would’ve thought we’d be living in a camp at our age. I like Hannah’s cottage. Joe did a great job building their house. She’s very happy.’
‘I’m certain when we start to build the Railway Station at Cunnamulla the department will build us a house to your liking.’
‘Better than living in a canvas tent.’ Melinda muttered.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Mar 10, 2017 10:07 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 35:

‘Yes, better than our present accommodation. Mel, life’s been tough on you and Ryan but I need to go where the work is. Now I’m appointed Chairman of ‘The Great Artesian Water Basin Committee’ where this new position may lead us, no idea. I’m certain the government might build us a flash house in Cunnamulla in which to live. Honestly, we’re not leaving this area for sometime.’ Todd smiled at Melinda.
Melinda remained silent until her thoughts got the better of her.
‘Todd. Do you think I want to stay out here in this heat flies forever?’ She almost screamed with frustration.
‘Mel, don’t be upset. This latest project has thrown my mind into a spin. What happens if we don’t find water? What if the information about ‘‘The Great Artesian Water Basin’, is a myth? I have no idea what I’m doing? I need your support if nothing else.’ Todd explained angrily.
‘I’m sorry.’ Melinda wrapped her arms around Todd to comfort him. ‘I’m alright living in a tent, for now. Concentrate on the present. Let’s forget about the future. Obviously, someone high in the government understands your potential to make the project work. Look what you’ve done with the railway line from Charleville to Cunnamulla.’ She explained.
‘You’re right. Someone in government must think I’m capable of doing both projects otherwise why should The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire MLA send me this letter?’ Todd told Melinda.
‘Reading between the lines when I spoke with Hannah, she mentioned an old boyfriend. What if this old boyfriend is The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire MLA?’ Melinda explained.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Mar 11, 2017 9:54 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 36:

Todd put his thinking cap on. ‘You may be right Mel. After Nat read the letter his comment sounded strange because he said something about repaying a good deed. At the time, nothing clicked into place. Now I think back, obviously, something must’ve happened between Joe Ryan and Joe Gibson.’ Todd fell silent thinking over his thoughts of the conversation at the hotel between Nat and Joe, particularly the way they looked at one another. ‘Joe didn’t want to make an immediate decision to become a member on the committee until he spoke to Hannah. Nat told him ‘to grow some balls’ which threw Joe a bit. Joe changed his mind instantly to be a member of the committee. Let’s keep this committee thing to ourselves. If every Tom, Dick or Harry finds out about what I’m doing.’ Melinda agreed with a nod of her head.
Finally arriving at the railway camp the sun slowly descended below the horizon. Todd swept his hand across his face in an Australian wave to brush away flies which annoyed him. He stopped the sulky in front of his camp. Ryan ran from a nearby tent. ‘Hi Mom, Dad.’ He stopped beside his father stepping down from the sulky. ‘I’ll help you unharness the horse Dad.’ Ryan said started to unclip the head strap from the horse’s bridle.
‘I’ll go start our dinner. Ryan, did you have a good afternoon playing with Tahlia?’ Melinda said as an afterthought walked toward the tent.
‘Yes Mom. Tahlia and I filled in the afternoon. Her mother cooked us biscuits.’ Ryan told his mother continued to help his father.
After the sulky was put away with the horse placed on the common to graze Todd and Ryan walked to their tent.
‘Wash your hands for dinner both of you.’ Melinda instructed.
By the time they returned to their camp after washing their hands and faces Melinda served their dinner on the makeshift table in front of the tent. ‘Take a seat. Dinner’s ready.’ Melinda tended to prepare a billy of tea.
‘This is delicious.’ Todd expressed in between his mouth filled with food.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:55 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 37:

‘Something quick because of the lateness. Ryan, after dinner, the dishes cleaned, we want to speak to you about something most important.’ Melinda said with a serious look on her face.
‘Am I in trouble. I behaved myself this afternoon while you attended the funeral.’ Ryan replied in between his mouth filled with food. His voice trembled.
‘No. You’re not in trouble. Why should you ask? Have you done something wrong?’ Melinda asked after serving tea in their pannikins placed each one in front of Todd and Ryan including the place she sat.
‘I thought. That’s all.’ His reply concerned both parents.
‘We want to speak with you about the visit from Mr and Mrs Gibson when they visited last.’ His father replied. ‘Mel, that’s the best feed I’ve had for some time. I must’ve been hungry.’ Todd admonished.
‘I’m not in trouble. Am I?’ Ryan repeated collecting the dishes carried them to the wash dish.
‘No, you’re not in trouble. This is important. After we finish here we’ll sit down bring you up-to-date with what’s happening.’ His father informed him.
After the washing-up completed all three sat around the fire.
‘Ryan, your father has something important to discuss with you.’ Melinda said. ‘What about some apple pie while your father discusses this with you.’ Melinda rose to allow Todd to explain his position.
‘Ryan, along this railway track we’ve been building.’ Todd quietly explained.
‘Yes Dad. You’re the chief engineer of the railways. You built the rail line.’ Ryan’s heart swelled with pride.
‘Along the way you used that thingy-a-bob to find water, you carry around with you, even take the bloody thing to bed.’
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:21 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 38:

‘You mean my water fork?’ Ryan pulled a fork stick from the back pocket of his shorts to show his father.
‘Yes. Now I want to explain something most important you need to understand.’ Ryan nodded. ‘When you used that stick at various stops since leaving Charleville, you always discovered water.’ Todd tried to explain in the best parent voice.
‘Yeah, but Dad I didn’t use the same fork each time. This one I used here because this is where the water is under the ground.’ Ryan tried to explain to his father.
‘Anyway, you’ve proven to me you have a gift for finding water under the ground. Honestly, I have no idea how you have this gift, but is a gift. Are you aware how this works?’ Todd pointed to the fork stick held by Ryan.
‘Easy Dad. I hold the fork of the stick between my thumb and index finger in each hand pointing the fork toward the ground walking wherever the fork takes me. When the fork begins to move. I don’t make the fork move, moves by itself, I stop, the fork moves downward. This tells me water is below the surface.’ Ryan explained. A huge smile flashed across his face. He’s pleased his father asked him these questions.
‘How can you tell?’ Todd queried not totally understanding his son’s explanation.
‘The fork keeps pointing downward, bending in my fingers. Stronger the bend, deeper the water.’ Ryan explained. ‘You remember when I found water here at this camp. The fork didn’t bend much. Water was not deep. You only needed to dig a hole not too deep when water rose to the top of the hole. You remember.’
‘Yes, only a couple of months ago. I believe you. I can’t understand what you are telling me. Obviously works for you. I remember because we only dug a hole a few feet before water filled the hole.’ Todd couldn’t understand how Ryan possessed this gift. Where did this gift come from?
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