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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:36 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 25:

Hannah rushed to Ma threw her arms around her body hugged, kissing her forehead. 'Oh Ma, I'm sorry. We should've taken better care of you.'
‘Little you could've done. We've lost half of the population in town through this dreadful heat wave.' The doctor said. 'I'll leave you both. If you want me. I'll be in my surgery.'

Chapter 4

George and Gloria couldn't attend Ma's funeral because of the distance plus concern for their own health. Nat and Martha stayed with Hannah and Joe to make arrangements for Ma's funeral. Alex insisted the wake be held at the hotel. Brother Paul expressed sorry whilst sharing Ma's life with the congregation. After the burial, everyone adjourned to Alex's hotel for the wake.
'Hello Todd and Melinda.' Joe and Hannah greeted their guests when they entered the hotel. 'Thank you for coming.' They shook hands.
'You come with me Melinda. I'll introduce you to my friends.' They left Todd and Joe alone.
‘A lovely service. I've came to speak to you about something important.' Todd beckoned Joe to a table in the corner of the room. Concern showed on Todd’s face.
'What about a drink before we start.' Joe asked. Todd nodded. Joe walked to the bar. Alex served him a couple of beers. Wonder what Todd wants to talk about. Can't be about Ryan. Joe returned to sit opposite Todd. 'Here you are.' Joe handed Todd a tumbler of beer. 'What's so important?'
‘Is the name, The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire MLA of Queensland Parliament mean anything to you?' Todd asked sipping his beer while looking directly at Joe.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:38 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 26:

'Yes. We go back a long way. Why?' His concern why Todd addressed Joe by his position in parliament puzzled him.
'I've received a parliamentary letter signed by The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire MLA stating the Artesian Act 1897 is now law. I've been elected Chairman to oversee the project of Great Artesian Water Basin here in this area.' Todd handed the letter to Joe who after reading the letter returned the letter.
'What's this got to do with me?' Joe asked. He read where his friend recommended him to be a member on the committee.
'The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire MLA recommended you be a member on the Great Artesian Water Basin committee. Would you consider such a position?' Todd asked in an official voice.
Joe thought for a moment about Todd's request.
'Can I sleep on your proposal? I want to speak with Hannah about this important commitment. How long before you need an answer?' Joe asked taking a deep drink from his tumbler.
'I understand this is not the right time or place to burden you with this proposal. I have another four candidates to interview before I need your answer.'
'Thank you for considering me. I’m overwhelmed.'
‘His recommendation almost forces you to be a member on the committee. You no doubt read in his letter he's appointed me Chairman because of my position in building the new Railway Station here at Cunnamulla. This will be another string to my bow.' They finished their beers. 'My shout.' Todd took the empty tumblers walked to the bar.
On his return handed Joe his drink.
'This may sound a little strange. How would The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire MLA have any knowledge about Cunnamulla?' Todd asked in an inquisitive voice.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:20 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 27:

'Joe worked in this area as a shearer in the early 90's.' Obviously, Todd never understood about the Great Shearer’s Strike of 1891 or Joe Ryan’s implications.
'A shearer.' Todd thought how a member of parliament went from being a shearer to become the first member of parliament.
'I'd be pleased to tell you the story one day. Seems ages ago since Joe worked here. He first worked for my father-in-law Nat Young.' Nat sat with other gents near the bar. Joe excused himself walked over to Nat. They both returned to sit with Todd.
'Todd, this is my father-in-law Nat Young. Nat this is Todd Carlson Chief Engineer for the Railway Department, also newly appointed Chairman of the Great Artesian Water Basin Committee.' Both shook hands. Nat pulled a chair from another table sat down.
'Pleased to meet you Todd. So, the government at long last is doing something about our water supply. Not before time.' Nat sipped his beer.
'Yes, this letter arrived.' Todd handed the letter to Nat who read the letter, returned the letter to Todd.
'Bloody Joe Ryan. He worked for me.' Nat held his rage under control thinking what he'd like to do to this coward who allowed his best friend to go to prison instead of going himself.
'Joe told me he was a shearer here in the early 90's. I'm surprised.' Todd explained.
Nat looked at Joe. 'Looks as if he's repaying a good deed you did by recommending you be on this committee.' Nat's voice rose but contained the anger from rising in his throat for Joe Ryan coward.
'I've got to speak with Hannah before I make a commitment. You also because you're my Boss.' Joe stated.
'Fine with me. I wouldn't mind being on this committee myself. I own most of the properties this side of Eulo. Want to become involved.' Nat forced his point toward Todd.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:17 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 28:

'If Joe agrees, you're more than welcome. I need all the help to make this project work.' Todd smiled.

Hannah introduced Melinda to her mother and Miss Wallace after they'd adjourned to the snug veranda of the hotel. Women weren't permitted to be in the bar or lounge where men folk drank.
'I'm pleased to meet you Melinda. Welcome to Cunnamulla. I’m Principal at the school. Young Ryan is a delight.' Miss Wallace proclaimed.
Melinda smiled. 'Thank you. I'm pleased to meet Ryan's Principal.'
'I'm Hannah's mother. Call me Martha.' She nodded to Melinda who put her hand out to shake. Their fingers touched.
'Lovely to meet you Martha. I'm sorry about your mother, Ma.' Melinda solemnly said.
'Ma wasn't my mother.' Martha corrected.
'I thought because she was referred to as Ma she was your mother.' Melinda admonished.
'No. Ma was my mother-in-law's sister. She lived in Cunnamulla owned Ma's Boarding House at the same address where Hannah now lives.' Martha explained. Melinda looked confused.
'Perhaps if I start from the beginning. Ma's story will be clearer.' Hannah said.
‘Brother Paul explained at the service Ma was an outstanding citizen in Cunnamulla who always cared for shearers, ringers any other person who stayed with her at her boarding house.' Melinda tried to explain but couldn't because she wasn't aware of the true story.
'Would you like a drink?' Hannah asked.
'Cup-of-tea would be lovely.' Melinda answered.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Mar 04, 2017 9:19 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 29:

'Do you have milk?' Asked Hannah.
'Yes please. With one sugar.' Melinda replied.
Hannah prepared refreshments returned to the table where Martha, Melinda and Miss Wallace sat.
‘Did you meet Ma before she passed?' Miss Wallace asked Melinda.
'No. My husband wanted to speak with Joe about something important. I have no knowledge about what he wanted to speak with him. The only place to catch up with Joe was here at the wake.' Melinda shared.
'Wonder what your husband wanted to discuss with Joe. We certainly want Ryan to help with the water divining but never would exploit the lad. If we don't find water shortly with this extreme heat wave my father will lose most of his sheep. Do you think your husband changed his mind about Ryan helping us?' Hannah picked up her cup-of-tea to take a sip.
'He never discusses anything with me about his work.' Melinda continued to drink her tea. 'This is so refreshing.' She said.
'I hope your husband changes his mind about Ryan. Billy Campbell, the borer can't find water on Pa's property. He's bored holes all over the place. Looks like rabbit warrens everywhere.' Hannah giggled at her own comment.
'Todd will make up his mind about Ryan. His concern about Ryan being exploited also worried me.'
'Ryan wouldn't be exploited. If he found water he'd be well rewarded, instead of being exploited.' Hannah said. Miss Wallace and Martha listened to the conversation, didn't interrupt.
'Melinda, I'll fill you in on Ma's story.' Hannah placed her cup and saucer on the table, moved comfortable in her chair. The three others leaned in waiting to listen to Hannah's story. She told her small gathering Ma moved to Cunnamulla the same year of her birth. Ma previously lived in Sydney town.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Mar 05, 2017 9:47 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 30:

Her mother passed away giving birth to her sister Gloria when Ma was ten years old.
Hannah went on to explain Ma's father couldn't cope after his wife died giving his children away to people of Sydney town like a couple of pups. When she first held her baby sister shortly after the birth, Ma identified a birthmark in the shape of a heart on the back of her sister's left hand. Ma went with a family to live at Windsor.
'This is fascinating.' Melinda said moved her chair closer to Hannah. She didn't want to miss any of this story. 'How then is Ma your aunt?' Melinda queried.
'She's my Nana's sister. They hadn't seen each other since Nana's birth after they were separated. Pa's parents, Nana and grandfather visited Cunnamulla for Christmas a few years back. Mother invited Ma to attend. I'd been staying with Ma to complete my teaching with Miss Wallace. I had a boyfriend at the time. That's another story.' Hannah stated.
'Go on.' Melinda encouraged Hannah.
'My boyfriend carved the meat at the Christmas dinner, handed a piece to my Nana. When he passed her plate a birthmark of a heart on the back of her left hand clearly identified. Ma’s eyes almost popped from her head at the same time.'
‘This birthmark bought them together for the first time since separation?' Melinda queried.
'I told my boyfriend about seeing the birthmark on Nana's hand when he placed meat on her plate. We soon discovered Ma and Nana were hugging one another crying. After everyone settled Nana explained her story. Turned out Ma was her sister she hadn't seen since her birth. They each lived not far from one another; never knowing until that Christmas dinner they were sisters.' Hannah finished, took a handkerchief from her pocket to wipe her eyes.
'What a beautiful story Hannah. Thank you for sharing Ma’s story with me.' They hugged. 'I hope we can be friends. I have no objections to Ryan helping your father with water divining. I'll try to talk Todd into allowing Ryan to help. Ryan wouldn't be exploited particularly by kind people as yourselves.' Melinda continued to hug Hannah stroking her back to ease the pain.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Mar 06, 2017 9:45 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 31:

'I live a couple of houses from the hotel. What about we adjourn to my place, have a bite to eat.' Hannah told Melinda and the others.
'Excuse me Hannah. I'll catch up with you at school. Maybe another time.' Miss Wallace bid farewell to the others. ‘Lovely to meet you Melinda.’
'I'll tell Pa we'll be at your place. Bring Todd along when they're finished.' Martha said walked to where the men were seated.
'We'll met you outside Mother.' Hannah said took Melinda by the arm left the hotel to wait for her mother on the footpath. Martha soon finished her business with Nat joined the others.
'They'll be here for a while. I met your husband Todd told him you'll be with us Melinda. They can take their time to join us at Hannah's place.' Martha joined the other two to walk to Hannah's home.
'This is a delightful home you have Hannah.' Melinda said after they entered. 'Living in a tent isn't as comfortable as a home.' Melinda thought how delighted she'd be to live in a house no matter how small or grand. She needed to follow her husband's work being the breadwinner in the family.
'Joe built me this home. He's building a similar home at 'Tilbaroo Station' when he has time.' Hannah showed Melinda through the cottage whilst Martha filled the kettle with water fired up the stove.
'Joe built this home.' Melinda voiced in astonishment.
'He off-sidered for a builder here in town. Joe's extended Pa's shearing sheds to turn them into overhead shearing plants.' Hannah's pride of Joe sounded in her voice. She'd never tell him how proud she was of him.
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