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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:57 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 155:

'Wonderful news. I'll give him to you and Joe as a wedding present.' He left.
Once Joe left he kept walking never to know the expression on Hannah's face, could he have changed? She pondered. Who would've thought by what Joe Ryan had done she would meet her soul mate and within a couple of weeks become Mrs Hannah Gibson.' Hannah closed the door to her cottage, leaned against it and smiled.
Christmas Eve arrived Joe decided to stay the night at Alex's hotel where Alex arranged his buck's party. Earlier his parents arrived as did Hannah's grandparents. Hannah insisted they all stay at the cottage until they decide to return to Brisbane.
'Come on Joe, this is your last night of freedom before you're under the control of the ball and chain.' Alex laughed.
'Hannah's not a ball and chain.' Joe sipped his beer Alex placed before him. Nat and his father joined them in his celebrations. Life couldn't be any better than his marriage to Hannah. His love for her sunk deep within his soul. He considered himself the luckiest man on earth.
Joe didn't want to write himself off but Alex had different ideas. Many of the shearers he'd worked with sent beer after beer to him through Alex to celebrate his upcoming nuptials to the most beautiful and caring woman in Cunnamulla. By the end of the night he became legless. Alex with the help of Nat carried him to his room.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Feb 01, 2017 9:47 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 156:

When Joe awoke early Christmas morning his head had a thousand drums beating all at once. Entering the kitchen Alex readied a breakfast of bacon and eggs, 'how're you this morning? You remember you're getting married today.' Alex told him when he placed a plate of food in front of him.
Joe almost vomited smelling the odour of the food, 'I'm sick Alex. Need something strong for a hangover?' He slurred.
'Eat up and drink plenty of water. You'll be better in a couple of hours.'
'What time is it?' Joe asked trying to swallow a piece of bacon.
'Ten o'clock. Lucky it's Christmas Day. I don't open today but no doubt there'll be someone who wants their grog. Everything is right for your reception. Food will be cooked shortly. Mrs White is coming to cook. She's delighted to do it even though it's Christmas Day.'
'What time is the wedding?' Joe asked, confused.
'Three o'clock. Got plenty of time to get ready and be at the church on time.'

Joe and Alex stood side-by-side before the alter at the church waiting for Hannah's arrival. Joe glanced at his watch. 'She's an half-an-hour late.' He whispered to his best man.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:47 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 157:

'She'll be here. Brides always make their Bridegroom wait just in case he decides at the last moment to clear out.' Alex imparted these wise words to his best friend.
Joe heard music. He turned to see his future bride escorted by her Pa enter the church move toward where he and Alex stood. When she came in line with him he looked across and saw how beautiful she appeared in her wedding dress and reminded him of an angel from heaven. His mind dull from the night before. His knees shaking.
'Who giveth this woman to this man.' Brother Paul spoke in a loud voice.
'I do.' Nat handed Hannah's hand over the Brother Paul.
Joe couldn't remember much more of the ceremony only when Brother Paul said, 'I declare you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.' Joe turned to Hannah, lifted her veil from her face and softly kissed her lips. Brother Paul presented them to the congregation.
After the many good wishes finally the bridegroom with his bride arrived at the wedding breakfast at Alex's hotel. They were driven there by a coach driven by the owner of the livery stable. 'This is my wedding gift to each of you.' He told them.
During the wedding reception most of the guests congratulated the newly weds. Speeches given by Alex also by a couple of others who wanted to share their excitement of these two people finding love and now bound in holy matrimony.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Feb 03, 2017 9:35 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 158:
When it was time for Joe to speak he stood upright and determined to show how proud he felt in finally being married to Hannah. His speech bought tears to the eyes of many at the gathering. Everyone understood what Joe had gone through and held this person in the highest esteem.
Nat replied to Joe's speech. 'Joe, welcome to the family. Although you are my Overseer don't think this woman is going to change anything. I've known her all of her life and one thing is for certain, she always gets what she wants.' Everyone applauded and laughed. 'Now you are part of the family, I have a gift for you and Hannah.' Nat handed Joe an envelope containing papers. 'These are the deeds to 'Tilbooroo Station'. The property is yours and Hannah's,' sat down.
Joe couldn't speak, his eyes covered with tears, his throat thick with emotion to thank his father-in-law for this kind gesture. After his tears cleared and he finally found his voice, he thanked Nat and Martha for their kind gesture. 'Need to ask my wife where she wants to go for our honeymoon.' He looked at his bride.
'Tilbooroo Station' of course. Where else.' Hannah said and smiled. Joe kissed his bride.
About The Author.
Dear Reader,
I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading this book. This story is a follow-on from 'The Shearer'. Although it is fiction the characters in this story are taken from the names of my great grandparents who actually lived in Cunnamulla during this period. I've relied on my imagination and research to write about this period and hope by reading this story it takes you back to a period in Australian history of how the shearer and their families survived in those tough times.
If you want to know more about me and the books I've written and published click onto my website
Thank you.
Pat Ritter
Author/Self Publisher.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Feb 04, 2017 7:26 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 1:

Story Thus Far:

‘The Shearer’:
‘The Shearer’ is the first book in this series. Set in 1891 at the scene of ‘The Great Shearers Strike’. Major character Joe Ryan. Joe fought for better working conditions and wages for his fellow shearers. Along the way he fell in love with Hannah Young, a grazier’s daughter.
During 1890 Christmas Dinner with Hannah’s parents, her landlady Ma, and Hannah’s grandmother discovered they are sisters separated when Ma aged ten, Hannah’s grandmother at birth. First time they’ve met since being separated.
1891 Joe Ryan met his friend Joe Gibson, a fellow shearer to help fight for better working conditions and wages.
During the strike, graziers wouldn’t permit ‘striking shearers’ to shear their sheep. Contracted shearers were those who held a ‘non-union ticket to shear’ only hired by graziers. Joe Gibson held this ticket.
At the height of ‘Great Shearers Strike of 1891’ Joe Ryan gathered his shearers to strike on the outskirts of Cunnamulla. Four months they survived until police intervened to stop the strike. Joe Gibson met his friend Joe Ryan on the final day at the strike camp before police arrived. They exchanged clothing plus personal items. Joe Gibson took Joe Ryan’s place. They changed identities.

‘Click Go The Shears’:

‘Click Go The Shears’ is the second book in this series. Follow-on from ‘The Shearer’. Joe Ryan who has the identity of Joe Gibson escapes capture whilst Joe Gibson takes the place of Joe Ryan to be tried for leading the strikers. Thirteen strikers appeared in court, sentenced to three years imprisonment for their part. Joe Ryan (Gibson) serves his imprisonment at St Helen Island Prison in Moreton Bay.
At the end of his prison term both Joe’s meet at Barcaldine (original town where strike occurred) to return to their own identities. Joe Gibson returned to Cunnamulla to eventually meet Hannah who still resided with Ma at her boarding house. Joe and Hannah fell in love. They marry. Hannah’s father gifts his property ‘Tilbaroo Station’ to them as their wedding gift. The story continues:

‘Tilbaroo Station’

‘Tilbaroo Station’ is the third book in this series. Read on to follow the lives of Joe and Hannah:
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:06 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 2:

Chapter 1

Hannah opened her eyes. A smile spread across her face. Thoughts raced through her mind clearly remembering love-making with her husband, not once, more times she cared to remember. Her body tingled. Her name now Hannah Frances Gibson, no longer Hannah Young. Memory returned of their wedding breakfast. Her father handed Joe an envelope. His words, ‘Congratulation. You are part of the family. I have a gift for you both. These are the deeds to ‘Tilbaroo Station’. The property now belongs to you’.
Where was her husband? His side of the bed empty. After dressing she walked to open the flap on the tent to a bright daylight morning which stung her eyes. Hannah blinked at the sudden sunlight to make out a male silhouette standing over a fire.
'Good morning husband.' She said in her sexy voice. Joe tendered the open fire in front of the tent, looked up, his wife standing before him.
'I wanted to serve you breakfast in bed.' Before his words escaped his mouth, she leaped toward him; threw her arms around his neck kissed him hungrily on the lips. Almost losing his balance, he murmured. 'Welcome to our new home.
Take a seat on the log near the fire. I'll have your breakfast ready as soon as the billy boils.' Hannah sat on a nearby log, wrapped her arms around herself, gazed about her surroundings. Happiness exploded in her mind. A cool breeze brushed her cheeks.
Sound of a laughing kookaburra broke the silence. Hannah acknowledged the bird laughed at her. Morning freshness touched her senses including bacon and eggs. Her husband selected a plate from the camp gear, placed two pieces of bacon with two fried eggs onto an enamel plate together with a knife and fork, handed them to her.
'This is our first breakfast together as a married couple.' His response sweet whilst throwing a handful of tea leaves into boiling water of the billy. With a fork stick, to hook the wire handle of the billy, lifted the handle placed the billy on the ground beside the fire to settle. Striking the side of the billy with the stick, tea leaves settled before pouring the golden liquid into a pannikin to hand to his wife.
Sitting with her legs crossed she rested the enamel plate on her thighs, her mouth watered. She devoured the food soon to leave the plate empty.
'Does this mean you cook breakfast each morning.' Hannah smiled at her husband. 'This was delicious, thank you. I'll wash up.'
‘When you slept. I fell in love with you all over again.' He leaned across pecked his wife on the cheek. 'I love you so very much. I'm the luckiest man alive. I'm going to work my butt off to make this property the best in the district. I still can't believe your father gifted this property to us as our wedding present.' A smile of joy spread across his face.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Feb 06, 2017 9:10 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 3:

'I had no idea what Pa was going to do. A total surprise. You could've knocked me over with a feather when he handed you the envelope, told you he gave us ‘Tilbaroo Station’. Mind you, only the land. The ole homestead is gone after the fire. I've got to overcome the fellow burnt to death.' Hannah took a sip of her tea.
'Living in a tent must be hard particularly when you're used to a fine home in Cunnamulla.' Joe said finishing his meal. 'Depends on how much time we have off to clean this place to start building.' His eyes moved to the burnt out remains of the homestead; his mind recognized nothing to salvage like the time when Ma's home burnt. After clearing the old homestead he'd start from scratch to build a new homestead for his wife plus future family.
'Doesn't matter Joe. My grandparents lived in a tent before they built their home on ‘Kahmoo Station’ after they married. We can do the same. Not much house-keeping to do only make the bed, sweep the floor. We'll be right.' She cheerfully explained.
Joe finished breakfast. 'I suppose we're lucky to be given the property. I've always wanted my own place. Have no idea when we'll be able to stock. Probably your father will have something in the pipeline.'
'Until then Joe, we'll make everything work.' Hannah finished her tea, started to gather the dishes placed them into a dish to wash. After completing this task, she tidied the camp, made their bed, swept the floor with a stick fastened with branches from a nearby mulga tree to use as a broom.
After celebrating their wedding in Cunnamulla on Christmas Day they bid farewell to their parents and Ma, gathered their belongings to start their new life with a new sulky given to them as a wedding present, hitched Joker to the sulky, made their way to ‘Tilbaroo Station’. Hannah wanted to spend their honeymoon on the property.
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