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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:45 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 148:

Chapter 16

When Joe returned to Kahmoo Station his smile told a story, 'what are you so happy about?' Nat asked when Joe pulled his horse to a halt at the front homestead gate.
'I'm the happiest man in the world.' He told Nat and swung down from his horse and tied it to the fence. 'Hannah and I finally set a date for the wedding, 25th December this year.' He replied excitedly.
'That's Christmas Day!' Nat exclaimed. 'You can't get married on Christmas Day. What will the Lord think?' He scolded Joe.
'I couldn't think of a better day to marry the girl of my dreams. Is Martha and Ma inside? I want to share the news.' Joe rushed past Nat jumped the steps, landed on the verandah and entered the house. Ma was the first person he sighted. He rushed over and wrapped his arms around her waist, almost lifting her off the floor and said, 'Hannah and I are being married on Christmas Day.' He smiled and released his hold.
'What!' Martha exclaimed taking her apron off and strutted toward Joe. 'Are you mad. Marry on the day Jesus was born.' Her voice vibrated around the room.
'I told him the same,' Nat echoed from behind.
'You spoke to the minister?' Martha asked bewildered.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jan 25, 2017 9:28 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 149:

'Yes, we've spoken with Brother Paul and he's agreed to marry us on Christmas Day at Cunnamulla. I can't wait, only seven months away.' Joe stated.
'Well, if Brother Paul agreed, than who are we to say the date is not right. At least you'll never forget your anniversary.' Martha concluded. I'll put the kettle on. I need to sit down.' Martha went to place the kettle on top of the stove.
'I'll join you.' Nat and Ma said in unison.
After the excitement of the news settled down all four discussed plans for the wedding, 'Got plenty to do. Make Hannah's dress. How many guests. You decided where the reception is to be held?' Martha smiled.
'We haven't decided anything, only a date.' Joe informed his future mother-in-law. 'What if I ask Alex at the pub to be my best man. He saved Hannah, Ma and poor Mr Wilson from the fire. I could ask him.'
'Good choice.' Ma concluded.
Next visit to Cunnamulla Alex agreed to be Joe's best man. 'You'll need the reception at the hotel. Won't you? Be my pleasure to pay for everything.' Alex shook Joe's hand, his thoughts over the moon to be chosen to be Joe's best man.
'Alex, thanks but I think Nat wants to pay for everything and my parents will pay for liquid refreshments.' Joe explained.
'Then I'll provide the venue. The best wedding Cunnamulla will ever have seen. I'll make it the best.' His excitement overflowed to Joe who couldn't believe how the wheels of fortune had spun his way after everything he'd experienced. There must be a God, he thought.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jan 26, 2017 9:48 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 150:

Hannah's dress looked divine when her mother presented the frock to her on one of the many visits to town. Everything was falling into place. Hannah decided to ask Miss Wallace to be her bridesmaid, 'Oh, Hannah, I'd be delighted to be your bridesmaid.' She cried when asked by Hannah and couldn't believe anyone would ever ask her to take on such an honoured role.
After the shearing finished the second wagon load of machinery arrived to be installed at Moonjaree Station. Joe only needed his two workers to help for he had a good idea of how to install the machinery into the shearing shed after Herbert showed him at Kahmoo Station shearing shed. Like the first one, three bays needed to be added to make a ten stand shed.
The three men worked from daylight until dark and within three months finished fitting the shearing machinery. Joe tested the machinery and everything found correct to his standards. He returned to Kahmoo Station when the first task he performed to replace the sign on the front entrance. Nat didn't want the sign changed because his father made the sign over forty years before.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jan 27, 2017 9:34 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 151:

Hannah finished work to return home. She'd settled with a cup-of-tea at the kitchen table when a knock at the front door startled her, 'coming', she called and walked to open the door, there stood a person who she thought she'd never see again.
'Hello Hannah,' his voice cut through her like a hot knife through butter.
'What do you want?' She sneered.
'I was passing through and wanted to tell you and Ma how sorry I was. What happened to Ma Guest House?' He queried.
'Burnt down. I don't want you here.' Hannah went to slam the door when a foot stopped the door from closing.
'Hannah, I don't mean any harm. I only wanted to tell you how sorry I was for what I did to you and Ma.' He said in an mellow and sincere voice.
'I don't want your excuses. What you did is unforgettable.' Hannah's rage increased. She tried to close the door but his foot blocked the door from closing. 'Go away!' Her voice trembled. 'I'll speak to you through the door?' Move your foot.' She screamed. As soon as his foot moved Hannah slammed the door and turned the lock. She rushed through the house locked the back door and all the windows then sat at the kitchen table hoping this person would leave.
'Hannah, I need to talk to you. If I've got to speak through this door then I will.' He shouted hoping she would hear his words.
'I don't want you here!' She screamed covering her hands with her face and began to sob. Tears filled her eyes. She knew the voice.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:06 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 152:

She knew the person. How could she ever forget it although it'd been more than four years since she last saw him. 'What do you want?' She called.
'I wanted to tell you how sorry I was to do what I did to you and Ma. Where is Ma?' He replied.
'She's living with my parents.' That was a mistake, she thought, I should've told him she was down town and would be back shortly.
'What's she doing living at your parents?' He replied in a sweet and encouraging voice.
'She went to live with them after the fire.' He doesn't sound angry, his voice calm and polite. Am I wrong to think what he wants, she pondered. 'What are you doing here?' Hannah asked more calmer than before.
'Like I told you, I'm passing through. I'm a member of parliament on my way to Sydney to attend a conference. I've changed Hannah. I want to tell you in person rather than through this door. I'm sorry.' He pleaded.
Hannah rose from the chair and walked to the front door, unlocked it, turned the knob and opened the door, 'hello Joe.' She said.
'Hello Hannah. Can I come in please there are so many things I want to tell you.' His pleading voice got the better of Hannah and she decided to allow him inside, worried passer-byers might hear her scream.
Joe entered, 'this is a lovely place. What happened to Ma's Guest House?'
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:07 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 153:

'It burnt down and I had this one built in its place. Do you want a cup-of-tea?' She asked much calmer than before.
'I'd love one, thanks.' He didn't want to ask for a scone because that would be taking the offer too far. Joe entered the kitchen and sat at the table. Hannah poured tea from the tea pot into a cup and placed in front of him.
'Black tea, as I remember.' Hannah said.
'You have a good memory. When did Ma's Guest House burn down?'
'Early last year. You remember Alex from the pub. He saved Ma, me and Mr Cummings who was staying here at the time. Burnt to the ground. Mr Cummings got out of bed to go to the toilet and accidentally knocked over the lantern. He died the next day in hospital. You may remember him, he once worked for Pa.'
Joe thought, 'yeah, he was a wool presser, wasn't he?'
'That's him. What did you say you do. You certainly didn't dress like you do now when you were here last.' Hannah asked.
'After the strike I travelled to Barcaldine to find out what I could do about making better working conditions for the workers. The Australian Labour Party was formed and I became their representative. Only one in Australia. Hannah, it's like a dream came true. I can now make a difference.'
He sounded sincere enough. Should I mention Joe and I are being married, 'Joe Gibson and I are being married on Christmas Day.' She blurted out.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jan 30, 2017 9:50 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 154:

Joe's expression didn't change. 'That's wonderful Hannah.' He said sincerely, 'I last spoke with Joe after he and the other leaders of 'The Great Shearers Strike' returned to Barcaldine. We made our peace. He told me then he was going to Cunnamulla to find you. We left on good terms. Congratulations. He is a good man.'
'Why did you let him take your place?' Hannah wanted to ask Joe this question from the time he left.
'Honestly, I don't know. Everything happened so fast that morning he came to see me to say the police were coming to arrest me. When he suggested the switch I'd had enough and didn't know what to do. Ah, don't worry, I've paid dearly for it ever since. He is one courageous human being.' Joe felt remorse for his actions.
Joe finished his cup-of-tea, stood and said, 'Hannah, thank you for listening to me and congratulations on your up and coming marriage to one mighty good fellow. I know you both will be happy. He truly loves you. Say hello to Ma for me and please explain how sorry I am for what I put you both through.' He shook Hannah's hand, walked to the front door, opened it, 'before I go. How is the horse going?'
'Joker is fine. He's with Joe at 'Kahmoo Station'. Joe is Pa's Overseer.' Hannah replied.
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