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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:46 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 22:

‘I didn’t need to borrow any money to purchase ‘Kahmoo Station’. I paid cash for the land, and built the rest when I received the annual wool cheque. Your mother and I lived in a tent for the first couple of years. You realise the land is on ninety-nine year lease. You want to mortgage the property for more than its value.’ George questioned.
‘If I don’t take this opportunity now, in the next couple of years the horse would’ve already bolted after the gate is closed.’
‘I was around when James Tyson purchased ‘Tinnenburra Station’; he wasn’t much older than you are now, and made it the largest sheep station in the region. I remember speaking with him not long after we’d arrived, his vision to apply for leases along the Warrego River and Cuttaburra Creek. After he obtained these leases this didn’t stop him, he went south to New South Wales and beyond. At the time he tried to convince me to expand from owning one station and buy as many as possible. I didn't take his advice.’
‘This is what I’m taking about. I’ll buy the properties or lease them west of ‘Kahmoo Station’ as far as Eulo,’ his excitement and determination flowed onto his father.
‘Who am I to stand in your way, if James Tyson can do it, there’s no reason why you can’t. Although he was single and possessed a determination to obtain more pastoral land and become a ‘Pastoral Tycoon’. You could be another James Tyson.’ George smiled and wished he had been thirty years younger and know what he now knew.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Sep 09, 2016 9:18 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 23:

‘I know what I’m doing dad. Tomorrow I’ll talk with the bank manager to find out how much finance he can give me, then its onward toward what I want.’
Both men looked into each other’s eyes. George didn’t want to be a sceptic only wished his son success with this new venture.
Nat met with the bank manager and secured a loan. ‘In a way I agree with your vision Nat, only problem I see is where the Federation Founders will finally decide on the ‘Battle of the Sites,’ is a mystery.’ The bank manager remarked.
‘I have it on good grounds through the ‘Democratic Federation’ will be in south-west Queensland. This is one reason I want to do this.’
‘At this stage, however, according to William Astley, journalist, he’s in favour of ‘Yass-Canberra’ region. Whatever place they decide I can’t see you going wrong with your plan and the bank is right behind you. We need more people like you to make this country ride on the sheep’s back, take a chance, so to speak, however Nat, you are in luck. I heard this morning through the gossip column if you visit Mr A.S.Cowley, Secretary For Public Land two doors down from our building, he will tell you how many properties are for lease in the Cunnamulla region. I’ll write a letter from the bank supporting your endeavours and you can hand it to him personally when you meet him.’
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Sep 10, 2016 9:43 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 24:

Nat couldn’t believe his luck, being in the right place at the right time. As soon as he left the bank with the signed letter in his hand from the bank manager, he visited Mr Cowley. Did he need an appointment? No! His bank manager wrote a letter of introduction to hand to Mr Cowley explaining Nat’s needs.
‘Come in Mr Young.’ A tall thin gentleman greeted Nat at the door, ‘it's an honour to meet you, I’m Arthur Cowley,’ they shook hands.
Nat’s body tightened, fear filled his mind, and at the same time excitement flowed through his body, how could these actions be going so quickly. ‘I’m most pleased to meet you Mr Cowley.’ Nat stammered letting go of Mr Cowley’s hand and handing him the letter who quickly tore the envelope open, scanned the letter and sat behind his desk.
After placing the letter on his desk, he said in a friendly voice, ‘call me Arthur, I understand you own a property outside of Cunnamulla and wish to purchase more. Is that correct? The bank approved the finance. Exactly which properties are you interested in?’ Mr Cowley said in a gaff voice.
‘As many as possible for what finance is available. How does this work?’ Nat queried.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Sep 11, 2016 10:29 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 25:

‘Land in your region is surveyed; most of it is leased for future development. Conditions for each property needs improvement with stock, buildings and fencing.’
‘Mr Cowley, I presently own ‘Kahmoo Station’ about ten mile west of Cunnamulla and anything west of my station I can handle. I can perform those conditions.’
‘Then if that’s the case we'll look at a map to define which properties are available for lease or purchase.’ Mr Cowley left his desk and walked to a large table on the opposite side of the room. On top of this table lay drawings of maps. ‘Now.’ Mr Cowley pointed to the map moving his finger from one name to the next, ‘ah, yes, here is ‘Kahmoo Station’, he moved his finger to the adjoining property, ‘what about ‘Moonjaree Station’, the owner returned the lease.’
‘It joins my northern boundary, Peter Greig is the manager.’ Nat’s excitement drew to almost hysteria thinking he could own this property, his dream developed in his mind. A smile filled his face.
After Nat returned to his parent’s home, excited to inform his father about his luck, they sat on the front veranda enjoying a cup-of-tea and a slice of Ma’s damper thickly covered with strawberry jam. Nat said to his father. ‘Will you come with me to inspect what properties I purchased? I value your expertise.’
‘I’d be delighted. When do we leave?’ His father placed his cup on the saucer, took hold of his son’s hand and shook it, ‘I can’t wait until we leave.’ A smile covered his face.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Sep 12, 2016 10:19 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 26:

‘What about Ma and me?’ Martha asked.
‘Mother wouldn’t you love these ladies’ company for a couple of months whilst father and I return home to inspect these properties? Claimed nine properties from our place to Eulo. I can’t believe my timing?’
‘I’d love their company. Imagine how many places I can show Martha and my sister Margaret. I'll show them off at my local club.’ She smiled and squeezed her sister’s hand.
‘What about my boarding house?’ Ma objected, ‘who’s going to run it whilst I’m here enjoying myself.’
‘I’m certain Hannah can continue to run things whilst you are both away. We’ll leave daylight tomorrow. Shouldn’t take but a couple of months to make them operational.’ Nat smiled, stuck out his chest, puffed on his pipe.
‘That does it then. Tomorrow ladies, I’ll show you both the sites of this fair city. First we go to Gregory Terrace, the latest architectural design building constructed by George Henry Male named ‘Queensland National Agricultural and Industries Association’. You’ll love it.’ Gloria added with a smile of contentment.
Early the following morning Nat accompanied his father by rail then aboard the stagecoach on their journey to Cunnamulla. ‘I’m excited about this venture, dad.’ Nat shared with his father.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:44 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 27:

‘So am I son, I feel as if I’m bouncing around on cloud nine without a crazy thought in my head. How much money did this cost?’
‘Dad, you’re always worried about money. You know the money we make on ‘Kahmoo Station’, now multiply that amount ten fold once everything is in place and operational. First stop when we arrive home, I’ll tell Hannah about Martha and Ma staying in Brisbane. We’ll stay at ‘Kahmoo Station’ to make it our base. Should make our job easier.’ Nat explained - his mind filled with visions of inspecting properties, speaking with managers and staff, his mind seeing into the future with his dream almost a reality.
Within a couple of months Nat secured employment of managers, ringers and boundary riders on all his properties except one. His selection of properties turned him into a ‘pastoral tycoon’ allowing him to control over one million acres of property west to Eulo. His father accompanied him to ‘set up’ these properties and through his rural experience selected the right personnel for the job to become a cog in the wheel of pastoral progress in the area.
When they visited ‘Tilbooroo Station’, the previous owner argued the property still belonged to him although he fell behind with his payments to the Land’s Department, he was entitled to stay, even if he claimed to be a squatter. Nat had more issues to sort out and after inspecting the property thought it needed more improvements than any of the others he’d purchased or leased. He'd deal with it later.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:31 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 28:

Exhausted from travel, working from daylight until dark, both father and son sat on the front veranda of ‘Kahmoo Station’ sipping on beer. ‘I can’t thank you enough for helping me on this journey, dad, I appreciate everything.’ Nat leaned over and shook his father’s hand in a display of appreciation. They’d never shared this father-son closeness before.
George almost choked up emotionally, his throat filled with emotion, hearing his son give thanks for his help. ‘I was pleased to help, after finishing what we started, you, Martha and Hannah should be financially secure for life and beyond. Pity about ‘Tilbooroo Station’ but I’m certain you’ll work the scoundrel out before too long.’ Tears dwelled in his eyes.
‘Don’t worry, I still got plenty of work to be done. Before I thought of this idea I imagined riding from one property to another, inspect how the operation was going and to keep a close eye on success. I’m not concerned about the scoundrel at this stage. I’m happy with the other eight properties and they’re operating to my standard. I’ll contact Mr Cowley in Brisbane on our return to pick up Martha and Ma and speak to him about what to do. In the meantime still got more work to be done and one out of nine is not too bad.’
‘I don’t think you need to worry too much about success. You are successful in my eyes and the personnel on each property, I’m certain, will be loyal to you and keep your dream alive. What about something to eat, I’m so hungry I could eat a dead horse.’
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