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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jul 24, 2016 10:13 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 111:

Billy shuffled his feet across to stand behind an old box tree, whilst Joe readied a fire to boil the billy. Shortly Billy returned and sat on a log near the fire.
‘Won’t be long before you’ve got something to eat,’ Constable Fitzgerald filled the billy with water and placed it over the fire Joe built. ‘Billy, what makes you think police murdered your brother? He hung in prison after being convicted of ‘Robbery Under Alms’.
‘They shouldn’t have killed him. He was my brother and I loved him, he was my hero.’ Billy croaked as tears filled his eyes.
‘Billy, he almost killed someone and attempted to rob the bank in Cunnamulla the police only did their job. I read the story in the Police Gazette last night after locking you up in the cell.’
‘I’ll probably hang – same as my brother.’
‘More than likely because you committed a similar crime to your brother’s, but you didn’t shoot anyone, thank goodness.’
‘Tea’s ready,’ Joe called, ‘where’re those scones you talked about?’
Constable Fitzgerald went to the tucker box on the back of the buggy retrieved the scones and returned to hand them out. ‘Try these; they’re fresh from the oven this morning. Got a secret recipe from my mother.’ He handed the other two a scone each with a mug of black tea.
‘This is bloody good. What’s the secret ingredient?’ Joe asked with a grin. ‘Have you another?’
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:04 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 112:

‘Help yourself I can’t tell you the ingredient otherwise it wouldn’t be a secret – would it!’ Constable Fitzgerald replied, handing Joe and Billy another scone each.
When they’d finished their scones and tea, Joe covered the fire with sand to extinguish any live coals and covered the final ashes with water from the billy. ‘Let’s hit the road, it’s not far to Cunnamulla.’ Constable Fitzgerald said.
One hour later Fitzgerald stopped the buggy at the rear of the Cunnamulla Police Station. ‘Who have we here?’ Sergeant Gray asked, walking from the rear veranda of the Police Station to where the buggy stopped.
‘Billy Wells Sarge Joe here caught him last night at the hotel,’ Constable Fitzgerald told Sergeant Gray.
‘How about Joe being the hero for a change instead of a villain!’ Sergeant Gray laughed. ‘Congratulations Joe, good job.’
‘Honestly Sarge I didn’t know who he was before I punched him. Only saw the necklace and ring I gave to my girlfriend Hannah Young.’ Joe explained.
‘Speaking of your girlfriend, I’ve spoken with her. She’s staying at Ma’s Guest House if you want to know,’ Sergeant Gray informed Joe.
Joe sprang from the buggy seat. ‘I’d better get around there, Constable Fitzgerald. Can I come back to get the horse and saddle later?’
‘Go ahead; I’ll look after your horse and saddle.’
‘See ya Billy.’ Joe ran from the Police Station all the way to Ma’s Guest House.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jul 26, 2016 10:56 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 113:

Instead of knocking on the front door he opened it and walked through the house to the kitchen. Hannah’s face broke into a smile when Joe entered. ‘Where did you come from?’ she screamed as she jumped from her seat, threw her arms around Joe’s neck and kissed him on the lips. Tears welled in her eyes.
‘Good to see you too, Joe,’ Ma cried. ‘When you’re finished Hannah, I want to say hello.’
Joe released Hannah and moved to Ma swung his arms around her neck and kissed her on the cheek, ‘How are you Ma, I’ve missed both my girls.’
‘What’re you doing here?’ Hannah asked delighted to know he’d come to town.
Joe put his hand into his pocket to retrieve the necklace and ring which he handed to Hannah, ‘It’s a long story.’
Hannah smiled, ‘Where did you get this?’ She screamed, took the necklace and ring and immediately placed it around her neck. ‘I’ll never let anyone take this away from me again.’ She kissed Joe on the mouth. ‘Tell me where you found this?’
‘Last night I was drinking at the Eulo Queen when this stranger came into the bar. I introduced myself to him and started to introduce my friend when I saw the necklace and ring I gave you. I went off my head, knocked him to the ground and would’ve almost killed him if Constable Fitzgerald hadn’t stopped me,’ Joe explained.
‘Was it Billy Wells, the fella who held up the stagecoach?’ Hannah wanted to know.
‘Yeah Constable Fitzgerald and I bought him in this morning. He’s locked up at the police station,’
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jul 27, 2016 11:29 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 114:

‘I have some better news. Grandfather and Nana are coming out for Christmas and we’re been invited. Isn’t it great news?’ Hannah shared.
‘What about your Pa. Did he agree I attend?’ Joe asked.
‘Yes, mother sent me a letter to say so.’
‘Sounds like your mother talked him into it.’
‘We’re going, you Ma and me.’ Hannah finished.

Early Christmas morning Joe hired a sulky and hitched his horse to it. He dressed in his Sunday best and even polished his boots, feeling nervous going to Christmas Dinner with Hannah and Ma, particularly not knowing how he was going to cope with Mr Young. ‘Are you both ready?’ He called to Hannah and Ma.
‘Be a minute, just wrapping the last of the Christmas presents,’ Hannah called back. She wanted this Christmas to be the best in her life with the man she loved, her adopted Ma and her parents and grandparents. Nothing could be better.
‘What have you got there, Ma?’ Joe asked, after loading the last of the presents onto the back of the sulky.
‘Never you mind, it’s a surprise. You’ll have to wait and see,’ Ma replied as she climbed on the seat and sat next to Hannah.
Joe climbed into the seat next to Hannah, took the reins and clicked, ‘Giddy up’ to his horse. They were on their way to his future in-laws. His thoughts were crazy to believe Mr Young would allow him to marry his precious daughter and to have Hannah’s grandparents on the property at the same time of their visit. Joe’s stomach churned. He needed to stay calm throughout their visit, play everything by ear, show respect and utmost courtesy toward his elders.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jul 28, 2016 8:17 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 115:

Sighting the sign leading to the property Joe said, ‘not far now.’ Their journey uneventful up to this point. Sun shone brightly with a cool breeze.
‘I’m excited to see Mother and Pa as well as Nana and Grandfather. You’ll love them both when you meet them,’ Hannah said.
‘I hope so,’ Joe muttered, flicking the reins to get the horse to jog a little quicker.
‘There they are!’ Hannah waved. ‘We’re here!’ She called, as a smile spread across her face.
Joe pulled on the reins to stop near the pathway leading to the homestead. Nat and Martha hurried to their visitors. ‘Welcome, Ma, Hannah and Joe to our home. Nice to meet you at last Joe,’ Martha said and helped Ma step down from the sulky whilst Hannah jumped down to wrap her arms around her Pa’s neck and kiss him on the cheek.
‘How are you Pa? Merry Christmas!’ She ran to Nana and her Grandfather ran throwing her arms around them wishing them a Merry Christmas.
‘Let your horse go in the paddock beside the house, Joe, I’ll give you a hand.’ Nat said.
‘Thank you Mr Young; been awhile since I last saw you when I was here shearing earlier in the year.’ Joe put his hand out to shake Mr Young’s hand. ‘Merry Christmas.’
‘Call me Nat. This is my father, he is Mr Young.’ Nat signalled his father to come forward. ‘This here is Hannah’s friend – Joe Ryan.’ Nat said by way of introducing Joe. They shook hands.
‘Pleased to meet you young fellar. Nat tells me you’re quite a shearer.’ Mr Young pronounced.
Joe felt humble to think his future father-in-law would praise his craft of shearing to his own father, ‘I try hard Mr Young.’
‘Try hard, Pop! He was ‘gun’ shearer here this season.’ Nat slapped Joe on the back.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jul 29, 2016 10:53 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 116:

Chapter 15

‘Don’t worry about the mister, call me George. By gee that’s an honour particularly if Nat says so you must be good at your craft.’ George answered.
‘I try hard. Mr Young…ah, I mean, George, Nat watched over me but he almost sacked me on the spot for cutting the belly of one of his sheep.’ Joe said.
‘You were looking at Hannah instead of concentrating on your job,’ Nat explained. ‘Come on let’s get out of this heat and have a beer – you drink beer, don’t you Joe?’ Nat said sarcastically. The three men walked to the homestead veranda, ‘Take a seat. I’ll get some beers.’ Nat walked inside.
‘So you and Hannah are friends. I see a sparkle in my granddaughter’s eye and it looks more than friends,’ George commented.
‘I love her and want to marry her but I’m only a shearer when it’s all said and done. I could never marry above my station in life. I’m hoping to one day.’ Joe told George.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jul 30, 2016 10:19 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 117:

‘Don’t worry about being a shearer. If we didn’t have shearers the wool couldn’t be taken from the sheep. This country is built on the sheep’s back.’ George explained.
‘Get your laughing gear around this,’ Nat said handing a cold tumbler of beer each to Joe and his father. ‘Where have you been shearing since you left here Joe?’
‘Almost every property around the district, mainly around Eulo. Now I own a horse I can travel further out maybe as far as Dyvenor Downs.’ Joe explained.
‘A fine animal. How did you come by the horse?’ Nat wanted to know.
‘You heard about the stagecoach robbery?’ Joe said.
‘Yes Hannah was on the stagecoach returning to school. Billy Wells held it up and stole her money, necklace and ring. She told us.’ Nat replied.
Joe went on to tell his story.
‘You’re a bloody hero.’ George said with a smile in his voice.
‘Not quite a hero because I didn’t know who he was at the time only saw the ring and necklace around his neck and thought something terrible happened to Hannah. I saw red!’ Joe explained.
‘How’s this got to do with getting your horse?’ Nat asked, while taking a sip of his beer.
‘Constable Fitzgerald deputised me to help him escort Billy Wells from Eulo to Cunnamulla Police Station the next day. His horse tied on the back of the buggy and he wouldn’t need the horse where he was going so I bought the horse for five quid. Billy signed horse and saddle over to me.’ Joe answered.
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