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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:24 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 97:

‘You’re only eighteen. What would you know about love?’ Nat raised his voice in anger, ‘Is he the reason why you didn’t return to school in Brisbane?’ Nat asked taking his pipe from his mouth and striking the end of it on his boot to rid the smoked tobacco.
‘No Pa I was on my way when the stagecoach was held up by a bushranger.’ said Hannah.
‘What! How – when, how come I’ve never heard about this. Were you hurt?’ Nat looked at Hannah, shocked to think his girl was a victim of a stagecoach hold-up.
‘Are you okay, dear?’ Her mother asked, concerned. She’d carried the cups and pot of tea onto the veranda when Hannah mentioned the hold-up.
‘Yes I was fortunate enough to have Mr Shirley, The District Inspector of Education, a passenger with me. He took good care of me, and Ma has taken good care of me since I’ve been staying with her after the hold-up.’ Hannah explained.
‘Have the police caught whoever it was?’ Nat asked, his voice much lower.
‘Not yet Pa. His name is Billy Wells.’
‘You might remember his brother tried to rob the National Bank in Cunnamulla about six years ago,’ Ma directed to Nat.
‘Yeah I remember the incident. Fancy a bank being robbed in Cunnamulla. Didn’t the police find him in the tree, ‘Robber Tree’ they named it after his capture.
‘Yes that’s Billy’s brother. The police will eventually catch him,’ Ma replied, with confidence.
‘You’d better stay here at home until he’s caught.’
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jul 01, 2016 11:22 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 98:

‘Pa I’m staying with Ma at her Guest House in Cunnamulla. I have a job as a trainee school teacher at Cunnamulla State School starting Monday morning.’ Hannah smiled with delight at sharing this important information with her parents.
‘Ma you’re kind for looking after our daughter, thank you, I’ll provide for her keep as long as she stays at your home.’
‘When we were held up he took all of my money and Joe’s ring,’ Hannah said.
‘I’ll give you money to keep you going until you receive your first pay.’ Nat stood and walked over to Hannah. He placed his arms around her and kissed her on the forehead, ‘I can’t imagine what you’ve been through. How did you get this job at school?’ He asked, returning to his squatter chair.
‘Mr Shirley, he’s the District Inspector for schools. He was a passenger on the stagecoach with me and hired me to assist Miss Wallace. His wife is going to monitor my work. I’ve always wanted to be a school teacher, Pa and I can’t wait until Monday morning!’
After the shock of explaining what had happened with her life since they last saw her, she didn’t want to raise the death of Bluey Simpson. ‘Mother, Pa, we’d better be heading off so we can get back before dark.’
‘Thank you Ma, for looking after my young girl. Next time I’m in town I’d love to visit.’
‘You and Nat are always welcome at my home at anytime. Thank you for your kind hospitality and a wonderful lunch.’ Ma shook hands with both and escorted Hannah to the sulky.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jul 02, 2016 8:22 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 99:

Chapter 13

Hannah commenced work at Cunnamulla State School early Monday morning. ‘This is a dream come true?’ She thought, when confronted by Miss Wallace at the front door.
‘You’re early. I didn’t expect you until nine o’clock and it’s only eight,’ Miss Wallace growled. Hannah felt Miss Wallace didn’t like her which didn’t really matter because she was going to do her best and succeed. She not only needed to show appreciation to Mr Shirley for offering her this position, but also to her loved ones who couldn’t believe the events leading up to this position.
‘I like to be punctual. The early bird catches the worm.’ She told Miss Wallace, with a smile in her voice.
‘School doesn’t start for another hour so I suppose you could clean the blackboard.’ Miss Wallace told her in a stern voice.
Hannah placed her purse and bonnet on a desk and grabbed a duster to quickly clean the blackboard. Her thoughts of Mr Shirley explaining his principles in child development: wondering at nature, powers of observation, habits of neatness, politeness and cleanliness, more important than imparting of facts. Hannah decided to use Mr Shirley’s principles as her own.
‘I’ll write the lessons of the day on the board. Would you sweep the floor and place the desks in their proper places?’ Miss Wallace faced the blackboard and started writing lessons for the day.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jul 03, 2016 10:56 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 100:

With a spring in her step, Hannah took the broom from the cupboard and busied herself by sweeping the floor in the small classroom as well the small veranda before replacing the broom in the cupboard. She was ready to receive her pupils.
As soon as Miss Wallace completed the daily lessons on the blackboard, the first of the children arrived. ‘Take your seats and be quiet.’ She roared, turned to face the children. Pupils from 5-12 years dotted the classroom and ‘Children, this is Miss Young. She will be assisting me with your lessons from now on,’ Miss Wallace told her students.
‘Good morning, Miss Young.’ Each pupil chorused and smiled at Hannah.
‘Thank you.’ Hannah felt a warm feeling flow through her body. She would do her best to help each one.
Miss Wallace continued her lessons until morning break. ‘Children, go outside and play and be back in your seats in thirty minutes.’ They rushed from the classroom leaving, Hannah and Miss Wallace alone. ‘Would you like a cup-of-tea Miss Young?’ Miss Wallace said in a much calmer and inviting voice.
‘Yes please,’ Hannah replied, ‘and please call me Hannah.’ She was pleased with the morning lessons.
‘You’re still to address me as Miss Wallace, because of my status – you understand.’
‘Of course I’d have it no other way Miss Wallace.’
The remainder of the day went smoothly for both Hannah and Miss Wallace. Hannah’s excitement flowed through to her pupils when she bid them farewell at the end of the day, ‘Is there anything else you want done before I leave, Miss Wallace?’ She asked.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jul 04, 2016 10:29 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 101:

‘No. See you early in the morning.’ Miss Wallace faced the blackboard to clear away the day’s lessons.
Hannah farewelled Miss Wallace and walked home to Ma’s Guest House.
‘How was your first day of teaching?’ Ma asked excitedly when Hannah walked into the kitchen.
‘Wonderful! Miss Wallace is a good teacher and the students are precious.’ Hannah smiled.
‘You watch Miss Wallace. I’ve known her since she first arrived here in town and she can be trouble at times. She thinks she’s better than anyone else in town because she’s the school teacher.’ Ma warned Hannah.
‘Don’t forget Ma, this is my first day and I love this job. I’m pleased Mr Shirley gave me this opportunity. I’ll be right I think. What about a cuppa and some of the lovely cake you cooked today?’ Hannah asked aroma filled the kitchen.
‘Yes I thought you’d be hungry when you arrived home. I cooked a sponge cake with strawberry jam in the middle. Know you’d like it.’ Ma made Hannah a cuppa and placed a slice of cake on a plate and placed the plate in front of Hannah.
Hannah took a mouthful of cake. ‘You’re too much Ma this is delicious.’ She drank her tea.
By the final day of the week, Hannah fell into a routine knowing her role as assistant teacher. She loved her job and couldn’t wait to arrive at school to greet her pupils.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jul 05, 2016 7:23 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 102:

Somehow through misadventure, like meeting Mr Shirley and the stagecoach hold-up, her life had fallen into place. She had a wonderful home to live, was in love with Joe and loved Ma’s company at night when they sat talking and sharing their life together.
Hannah had the weekend to recover from her first week’s work but a knock on the front door startled her. ‘Mother!’ She screamed throwing her arms around her mother’s neck and kissing her on the cheek. ‘What’re you doing here?’
‘Can’t I visit my daughter? Are you inviting me into your home?’ Martha asked, released Hannah.
‘Yes, Mother. Do come in, Ma, we have a guest.’ Hannah called. She and Martha walked down the hallway to find Ma standing over the kitchen table rolling the dough flat with a wooden rolling pin. Ma wiped her hands on an apron wrapped around her waist.
‘Martha – so wonderful to see you again,’ Ma gave Martha a hug and kissed her on the cheek. ‘Would you like a cuppa? I’m making scones; they’ll be ready in a jiffy.’
‘Yes thank you, Ma,’ Martha replied, ‘Nat will be back soon. He dropped me off on his way to the stock and station agent. I’d rather be here with you two rather than waiting for him. You know what men are like once they start talking. If it’s not about the weather and how much rain, then it’s about wool prices,’ Martha confessed.
‘In the meantime we girls will catch up with the latest gossip.’ Ma smiled as she prepared a cup of tea for both Martha and Hannah. She opened the oven door and placed the tray into the oven to cook. She stoked the fire with another piece of wood. ‘Shouldn’t be too long.’
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jul 06, 2016 10:10 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 103:

‘Hannah, how was your first week at work?’ Martha asked.
‘Oh Mother, I feel blessed to be working there with Miss Wallace and the children. I just love it and can’t wait for Monday to come.’ Hannah said as she sipped her tea. She couldn’t wait for the scones to bake.
‘I have some good news. Nana and Grandfather are coming home for Christmas. I received a letter from Nana and couldn’t wait to tell you. Ma you’re invited.’ Martha said.
‘Is Joe invited Mother?’ Hannah questioned in a stern tone hoping her mother would say ‘Yes’.
‘I don’t know at this time. I thought about Joe. I haven’t met him, but I’m sure he’s a lovely fellow. You know your father’s opinion.’ Martha felt embarrassed to admit she’d mentioned to her husband about inviting Joe. She didn’t have the heart to tell her daughter and Ma the truth her husband didn’t want Joe to set foot on the property ever again. Men can be so stubborn.
‘Mother if Joe can’t attend than I’m not either.’
‘Me neither Martha Joe is like a son to me and if he can’t be there, well thank you for the invitation but I’ll not be there either. These scones should be cooked by now.’ She rose from her chair, opened the oven door, saw the scones a light brown colour, removed the tray from the oven, set the tray on the table and removed them to cool.
‘They smell delicious Ma,’ Martha said, ‘Leave it with me to explain to your father about Joe. I’m certain I’ll persuade him to have all of you home for Christmas Dinner, particularly now his mother and father will be there. I can see your grandfather telling your father about the ‘good ole days’ when times were tough.’ Martha eyed off the scones, aroma snaking into her nostrils.
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