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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:47 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 76:

‘He had bright blue eyes, Sergeant,’ Hannah interrupted. She’d never forget his eyes, blue as a clear sky.
‘Is there anything else you can tell me?’ Sergeant Gray continued.
‘Two pistols, one in each hand. He swung down from his horse in one clean movement. Said his name was Billy Wells, thought it a bit strange for a bushranger to provide his name. Said something about police murdering his brother, but it didn’t make sense.’ John continued.
‘He stole my necklace and a ring given to me by my boyfriend’ Hannah broke in.
‘Can you describe the ring and necklace?’ Sergeant Gray continued.
‘Yes – the ring has the initials JR on the face of the ring. Joe Ryan, my boyfriend gave me the ring,’ Hannah explained.
‘Joe Ryan – the shearer?’ Sergeant Gray asked in a non belief voice.
‘Yes, Joe is a shearer. Do you know him?’
‘I know Joe personally. He’s been a guest in our accommodation a couple of times after a night on the grog,’ Sergeant Gray admitted.
‘Sergeant, I can inform you Joe and I are together and assure you he will not be carrying on like he has in his past if I have anything to do with it!’ Hannah explained sternly.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jun 05, 2016 10:17 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 77:

‘Now, John was it? Have you anything else to add?’ Sergeant Gray directed his question to John.
‘No I only hope you arrest this bushranger because he not only stole the cash box but he’s taken all my money.’ John replied.
‘We’ll do our best. Is there anything else either of you want to add?’ Sergeant Gray asked.
‘No I can’t tell you anything more.’ John admitted.
‘I’d love to get my ring back,’ Hannah concluded.
‘Where are you each staying if I need to contact you?’ Sergeant Gray asked.
Both gave their addresses where they could be contacted, bid farewell to Sergeant Gray and left the depot.
‘Hannah, if you have an opportunity over the next couple of days, please contact me. I want to ask you something which could help you,’ said John.
‘Okay, I’ll rest and see you in a couple of days. I’ll be at Ma’s Guest House if you want to call in to speak with me,’ Hannah replied.
‘I might do that. I’ll settle in first and see the bank about money. Hope they have some left,’
They said their farewells. John went to the hotel whilst Hannah walked to Ma’s Guest House where she knocked on the front door, ‘Comin – hold your horses!’ Ma shouted. She opened the door, ‘Hannah - you only left this morning. What happened, my dear?’
Hannah threw her arms around Ma and cried, ‘We were robbed by a bushranger,’
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jun 06, 2016 10:54 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 78:

‘Come inside and tell Ma all what happened. I’ll make a cuppa.’ Ma took Hannah by the arm, led her into the kitchen and sat her at the table. Hannah smelt freshly baked bread, ‘Here sit, love and I’ll make you a cuppa.’
Hannah told her story to Ma step by step until she came to the part when the bushranger stole Joe’s ring. ‘What’ll I do?’ she cried.
‘Don’t worry sweetheart, Joe will understand.’ Ma told Hannah. ‘Now you have this cuppa and I’ll make you a lovely piece of freshly baked bread with strawberry jam.’ Ma prepared the meal seething with anger and furious this could happen to Hannah. Billy Wells – I know him alright. His brother Joseph attempted to rob the National Bank and shot a fellow who tried to stop him. He climbed up the tree down the road and the police caught him. They named the tree ‘Robber Tree’. They hung him. She remembered the day clearly, because an event like a bank being robbed in Cunnamulla didn’t happen every day.
Hannah finished her cuppa and piece of bread. ‘Thanks Ma, I feel much better. Do you mind if I have a lay down in Joe’s bedroom for awhile?’
‘You go ahead my dear, you know where to go. Pity I couldn’t get a message to Joe. I don’t know where he’s shearing. Go ahead and have a rest; I’ll check on you later. You stay as long as you want,’ Ma said wondering how she could get a message to Joe.
Hannah soon fell asleep in Joe’s bed; dreaming of seeing the bushranger hold his pistols in her direction. She didn’t know whether he was going to shoot them or not, and was lucky to be alive. Thank goodness Mr Shirley was there beside her.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:25 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 79:

Ma kept a close eye on Hannah sleeping, seeing her turn several times. She knew the stress this would have had on Hannah, being held up by a bushranger. Must have been terrifying; and the most valuable treasure she possessed, Joe’s ring, stolen. She felt sad and glad at the same time thinking how lucky they all were to still be alive to tell their story. The Police would catch this bushranger, she was certain.
After ensuring Hannah had settled, Ma left her home, which she seldom did. She walked to the Railway Hotel to speak with the barman, Alex, to see if he could get a message to Joe wherever he was shearing. She walked into the public bar where Alex served, ‘Alex, can I have a quiet word with you?’ Ma asked softly.
‘Sure Ma – what’re you doing here? This is the first time I’ve seen you in the public bar. You know women ain’t allowed in the public bar but you are an exception,’ Alex told her. He walked from behind the bar and escorted Ma to the hotel lounge where they each sat opposite one another.
‘Alex, I need you to get a message to Joe. I don’t know which shearing shed he’s working.’ Ma explained.
‘I can do that,’ Alex replied. ‘This about the stagecoach robbery?’
‘Yes, Hannah was one of the passengers who were robbed. A ring Joe gave her was stolen by the bushranger, Billy Wells. You remember his brother Joseph attempted to rob the bank some time back and was hung?’
‘Yeah I heard about the stagecoach hold-up from one of our customers. Mr Shirley, he’s staying at the hotel and was a passenger with Hannah. He told me all about what happened,’
‘Can you get a message to Joe to tell him Hannah is staying with me and Billy Wells stole the ring he gave to Hannah with her money? Can you do that?’ Ma asked.
‘Sure can Ma, I’ll get onto it right away,’ Alex replied, ‘You leave it with me. The bush telegraph would’ve probably got to him by now in any case.’
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jun 08, 2016 11:02 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 80:

Chapter 11

Constable Andersen with an aboriginal tracker, stagecoach driver and two troopers gathered their horses and rode north along the track the stagecoach had travelled. Nearing the spot where the stagecoach was held up earlier the driver yelled, ‘Here it is, right here! This is where he stopped us.’
The aboriginal tracker dismounted and gave the reins of his horse to Constable Andersen to hold. He scanned the ground. ‘Been here boss – horse shod, went this way.’ He pointed towards mulga scrub.
‘We’ll take it from here. You return to town and leave the horse in the police paddock at the back of the station. Thanks for your help,’ Constable Andersen said to the driver.
‘I want to come with you – might need a hand.’
Constable Andersen raised his voice. ‘We’ll be right, there are enough of us. You return to town and tell Sergeant Gray we’ll follow the tracks and report to him later when we find something.’
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jun 09, 2016 10:33 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 81:

‘I’ll let Sergeant Gray know.’ The stagecoach driver reined his horse and rode toward Cunnamulla.
‘Look like gone to river Boss,’ the tracker pointed his bent index finger toward the Warrego River.
‘How far to the river?’ Constable Andersen asked.
‘About half-a-mile, that way.’ The tracker glanced at the Constable and pointed due west.
‘You track where he’s gone we’ll follow,’ Constable Andersen commanded. The tracker re-mounted his horse, looked to the ground for tracks and rode toward mulga scrub. Constable Andersen and the other troopers followed a safe distance behind.
The tracker rode through thick mulga scrub until he reached the bank of the Warrego River. ‘He cross here Boss – tracks going into water.’ He looked across to the opposite bank and saw hoof prints leading from the water’s edge up a bank to higher ground. He dismounted from his horse. Constable Andersen and others stopped their mounts behind him.
‘What’re you looking for?’ Constable Andersen asked the tracker.
‘Think he stayed here awhile.’ He explained, letting the reins of his horse drop onto the ground and walking to a fallen hollow box tree. He placed his arm into the hollow trunk and pulled out a wooden box with the words, ‘National Bank – Cunnamulla’ printed on top of the box. The lock was smashed.
‘It’s the stolen cash box?’ Constable Andersen asked as he took the box from the tracker, ‘where to from here?’ he inquired.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:24 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 82:

‘This way Boss – across the river, over there!’ He pointed to the opposite side of the river. They remounted, Constable Andersen tied the cash box onto his saddle and all four rode their horses into the brown liquid river. They swam their horses about sixty yards across and climbed up the opposite bank.
‘Where to?’ Constable Andersen asked the tracker who searched the ground for tracks.
‘Don’t know Boss – tracks hard to find in gibber country. Let me go ahead to see what I find.’
‘You go ahead. We’ll put the billy on and have a break to work out what to do next,’ Constable Andersen replied. The tracker rode west, searching the ground as he rode into gibber country. This part of the country covered with small stones referred to as gibbers and difficult to find tracks.
After an hour he returned to the camp where Constable Andersen waited with the other troopers, ‘What’d you find?’ Andersen called to the tracker.
‘Lost his tracks Boss. Heading west, too hard to follow on gibbers, getting dark, too hard to see,’ the tracker replied and dismounted.
‘Here have a cuppa – billy’s still hot and after you’re finished we’ll head back to Cunnamulla and start again in the morning.’ Constable Andersen handed a mug of black tea to the tracker who swallowed it.
‘He gone to Moriarty Range - never see him again,’ the tracker said after draining his mug.
‘How far is Moriarty Range from here?’ Constable Andersen asked.
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