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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:16 pm

'His Life Worth Living' - Page 33:

THURS MARCH 6: Feel quite well this morning. Bit giddy when I get on feet. Memo – Had one lesson on book-keeping on Monday. Have missed rest. Bit of a head ache most of day. Could not eat. Meals mostly rice with no salt. Very tasteless. Ernie came up in evening when I felt much better. Felt pretty heady through night.

Chapter 5

FRI MARCH 7: Had very restless night. Mostly hunger I think. Very good breakfast and felt much better afterwards. Had two small cubes of fresh meat, very delicious. Large number of warships in last night – could see them. Many more on horizon. Two transports, probably food left. 2/26 and has been loading for last week. Some talk of us moving. Rumours that Eng. having own way on continent with R. against G. Talking to R. Cross fellow of the ghastliness of scenes in Singa. Many men now dying from gangrene. Moved back to hut in evening, still very weak, but able to get about again. Good to be back in hut with mates again. Still off my tucker and very thin. Must make effort to eat as much as possible. Having full course of malaria treatment with no duties of course.

SAT MARCH 8: Much better this morning. Still off food. Still rice. Rested on back most of day. Still talk of moving. Rumours that Germany has unconditionally surrendered with Italy. Later in evening went on Padang with Jerry, Squiggles and Lionel.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jan 08, 2016 9:57 pm

'His Life Worth Living' - Page 34:

SUN MARCH 9: All Arty to be shifted out of area by 2pm. Eng. moving in. I moved over on my own. Had to make two trips. Moved to where 10 A.G.H. are. They have not moved out yet so we built bit of shelter with groundsheet in case of rain. With Jerry and Ernie. Felt weak after carrying my gear but better in evening. English are putting barbed wire around whole of area. All very hungry. Had 2 biscuits each and tin of bully for 4. No rice thank heaven. Rested in shelter most of afternoon. Many patients in 10 A.G.H. Some looked very ill. Must be very thankful that there were so few casualties in our unit. Good view of part of Straits of Johore from hospital. Saw one cruiser go out. Japs purported to be loading a lot of metal on to merchants for Japan. Rumour seems definite that there is peace in Europe.
MON MARCH 10: Had lazy morning reading. Still out in open and looks as if we will be for another day. Slept in afternoon and walked around buildings after tea. We are supposed to be enclosed by barbwire but have not seen any yet, only on road.
TUES MARCH 11: Rice absolutely tasteless for breakfast. Had very little. Sound of G.F. after which there were a number of planes about. Men go on coconut hunt and brought back large number. A.G.H. nearly cleared out now. Looks like we will be in tomorrow. Met couple of acquaintances from Div Sigs and they recounted experiences on west coast and at Muir. Claude had pear for his shade over eye. Told how heads were having conference and bomber cleaned them all up with one bomb. Chris told how he had to bayonet an Indian to stop him running amok. When leaving they had to run over dead A.I.F. who fought a division although but a battalion. Japs lost 50 to 1 but numbers told. At crossing of Riv M. had to walk over drowned bodies of mates. Men from Dunkirk says worse than ever they experienced.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:48 pm

'His Life Worth Living' - Page 35:

WED MARCH 12: Still in open which is just as well from all accounts. Give time to wash and clean hospital of all disease and dysentery which was very bad there. X moving on top floor. Many planes overhead doing exercises. Played bridge in evening and listened to all rumours. Think we will be moving in tomorrow.
THURS MARCH 13: Moved in floor of building this morning. Jerry and Lionel each side. Plenty of air. Room frightfully overcrowded. Dysentery very bad in camp and every precaution will have to be taken. Saw man dirty his trousers twice this morning. Will make mess bag as soon as possible. Rained just after we moved in. Very fortunate. Everyone busy making bed. Some very comical.
FRI MARCH 14: Finished making bed and very comfortable too. Feel fairly fit again except for hunger. Told M.G. I was fit for duty. Did some book-keeping in evening and played bridge. Had 3 good meals today with not much rice this day.
SAT MARCH 15: Finished lesson on book-keeping before breakfast. Carrying wood fatigue in morning and did some washing later. Very hard without soap. Book-keeping class in evening. Played the usual evening bridge with Eric, Ken, Lionel. Big concert over M.T. lines. Crowd seem to be enjoying it. “Organised Noise” must cease after dark according to Japs. Suppose they mean concerts.
SUN MARCH 16: Month today since being P.O.W. Went to communion. Felt very sick half way through and had to sit down. Memory service for dead and missing comrades. Jerry had saved breakfast (rice) for me but could not eat much. No duties today. Felt better later in morning. Rest of mates very busy barbwire. We are wiring ourselves in and must be finished by 19th. No Jap guards on of course but they have wind of wireless set and threaten to search barracks any time. Ken has put in for butcher. May be able to scrounge a bit of meat or eggs. Big memorial service in evening. I was not present. Read names of dead and missing and played last post. 40 dead in Arty in Malaya 6 in our regime. Remarkably few considering. Very heavy rain all day and looks like plenty more. Stayed indoors on bed all day.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:45 pm

'His Life Worth Living' - Page 36:
MON MARCH 17: Kitchen fatigue today. Mostly rice pots after each meal. Still very hungry and think I will be while on rice. Nearly finished book called Good Companions. Very good book.
TUES MARCH 18: St Patrick’s day and still raining. Went to sea to get salt water to cook rice in. Very short of salt. Had swim and enjoyed walk but had enough when I got back. About 4 miles. More book-keeping in evening.
WED MARCH 19: Went for more salt water today and got some wire netting to fix my bed. Got netting from one of many full boxes fronting beach. Had swim and feed of coconuts. Lessons in evening and after tea we did some frying. We saved our rice from tea and opened last tin of bully beef and batter. I scrounged some batter from kitchen and we all had a good feed of fried rice and batter with bully beef. Yarned for an hour in bed about various sides of radio.
THURS MARCH 20: Very heavy rain this morning and very constant. Jerry touch of diarrhoea. Dysentery getting very bad and some talk of Typhus. Lessons in evening. Still raining very heavily. Jerry not well. A.I.F. concert a huge success. Will try and go tomorrow night.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:24 pm

'His Life Worth Living' - Page 37:

FRI MARCH 21: Gun fire and explosions during night. Many naval ships leaving harbour. Jerry bit better this morning. New bed a huge success. Went to A.I.F. Concert Party and thoroughly enjoyed it. Among those acting was Val Mack. Every item was well received. Going to make it a weekly feature.

SAT MARCH 22: Wood carrying fatigue for A.I.F. In evening lessons. Men of troop cooked flapjacks all evening and was enough for 2 each. Enjoyed by all. Before going to bed opened tin of stew and mixed it with rice and divided it by five men. Went to bed feeling satisfied. An unusual feeling.

SUN MARCH 23: Rations very short today. Plenty of rice but very little else. Notice read out that 3 men shot in Singapore. All men outside area will be shot. 48 men outside area without officer were rounded up and herded into tennis court. Were kept in for 48 hours without food or water in heavy rain. Most of our battery are in Singapore or Jap fatigues. Don’t know how they are getting on. I am on a party standing by. Digging latrines in morning and lessons in evening. Boys still frying left over rice. Japs seem to have forgotten our meat ration altogether. Church Parade at four pm.

MON MARCH 24: Had to get out of bed at five to help dig more latrines. The patient digger is in demand and we can only use at night time. On cleaning fatigue today. The Little Man has dysentery. Seems to be very hard everywhere and patients from hospital say the hospital is full and they are opening two more wards. Went for rations down to English camp 2 mls away. Big parade down there. “Practising” for Tojo on Friday’s march past. Saw 2 tommies buried while there. Rations did not arrive and had to come home for lunch. Got back at 3pm and was as hungry as ever I have been in my life. Big parade of R.A.A. Callaghan spoke at length and praised all gunners for work in campaign.

TUES MARCH 25: Did book-keeping most of day. Another Aussie died. Aircraft carrier in harbour sinking. More latrine sinking during night. After tea played bridge and at 10pm went to M.T. for boron. Were given cup of tea when we came back. First cup of sweet tea since we came here. Did we enjoy it?

WED MARCH 26: Talk of transports leaving harbour fully loaded and six hrs later coming back as if they had been in battle. Wounded carried from them. Most of men still in Singapore and no word from them. Hygiene fatigue today and more boring of new holes.

THURS MARCH 27: Another big parade for Tojo today. Got up early and while there were boring latrines. (we had last shift) I went to coconut grove to see if any were on the ground. None. Were lined up for Tojo along road and were heartily sick by the time it was finished. More book-keeping in evening. Went to A.I.F. concert after tea and was very good show.

FRI MARCH 28: Wood carrying fatigue from A.A.S.C. today. Each man allowed lb ½ of wood each day so with 20 men it did not take long. Book-keeping in evening and after tea went to a lecture on Social Reconstruction. We have decided to kick the old cooks out and give some new blood a go. Starting tomorrow Ken is going to be one.

SAT MARCH 29: Fresh meat for breakfast. Only a small quantity but what a difference in the stew. Works out about 6 tablespoons per man. I was lucky in it being my turn to back up. Digging latrines again today so now we are digging night and day. Lot of gunfire all yesterday and today. Seem to think it is on Tojo practising. Chinese said to be fighting guerrilla warfare near Selangor.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:08 pm

'His Life Worth Living' - Page 38:

SUN MARCH 30: Very tired this morning. Had more latrine boring through night and holes were very deep making heavy work. Not much good on empty stomach. Several men caught by Japs buying goods outside area. Were whipped and sent home again. Six men reported to have been shot have arrived back rpt men (judging by myself) getting very weak. Still fairly cheerful of course although quite a few whingers. Rice and watery milk not a very good diet to work and live on but if things taken steadily will last quite a while. Rumours of better things to come. Church Parade in evening and quite a good sermon this day being Palm Sunday. Not feeling very well this evening.

MON MARCH 31: Have the dogs disease again and it is making me weaker.

TUES APRIL 1: Still have diarrhoea bad but easier in evening. Hope it does not develop into dysentery. That is the worst thing that could possibly happen.

WED APRIL 2: Not much of a beginning of spring for most of us. Feel much better today though. M.O. says complaint purely dietary. Too bad considering I eat nothing but rice three times each day with a little very watery milk or more watery bully beef stew. Feel better still in evening and took a walk along the road and heard a musical lecture. Heard some very good records. Think I will be right tomorrow. Jap paper came into camp today. Just the usual propaganda we used to hear over the wireless each day.

THURS APRIL 3: Back to fatigues again today. On sanitary fatigue but did not do too much. Big parade for L. Col. Cullaghan for 27th Brig only. Parade on Barrack Square. Saw men falling over with weakness who a month ago would have fought to the death. Just could not do it on rice. The march past afterwards even proved too much for Lt. Col, for he all but collapsed and had to be seated half way through. Brig. Black Jack took salute. Men looked unutterably weary of it all. Book-keeping in evening again. Trying to bring on PT again. Don’t know how long it will last. Later. No PT today. Eric Bretnald experimenting with tea leaves instead of tobacco pronounced it jolly good. Suppose there will be a back up on tea leaves. More rain at meal time.

FRI APRIL 4: Good Friday under slightly different circumstances from last year. Work for Tojo as usual. Meat for breakfast and I noticed Caths. did not refuse their 6 spoons of stew. Church Service in evening. Found I was on list for Singapore tomorrow. May see something of interest. Can’t be any hungrier but may mean lot of hard work.

SAT APRIL 5: Not going to Singapore now. Rest are going this morning. I am pleased also for it means a walk of at least 16 mls and in their present state there will be a lot of casualties. They have 24hrs to do it. Another parade today of Callaghan 22nd this time. Some very cheering rumours around this evening as there should be when 3000 Aussies go in as a working party. It means the Japs wish to clean up loot in hurry.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:40 pm

'His Life Worth Living' - Page 39:

SUN APRIL 6: (EASTER SUN) Went to Holy Communion this early morn. It has been a glorious day all day. All the week it has been wet and stormy but this day has been almost perfect. If we were not so hungry we would appreciate it even more. More Church in evening and a very good sermon. Went for stroll with Jerry after tea.

Chapter 6

MON APRIL 7: Wet day. More fatigues not hard. Good rumours in evening of Manilla in American hands and we having beaten off the Japs in New Guinea. A very good concert after tea by A.I.F.

TUES APRIL 8: Water fatigue all day. Went for stroll in evening. Went to A.I.F. Concert again and enjoyed it just as much.

WED APRIL 9: Had to go out and chop some rubber trees this morning for fire wood. This is very scarce and owing to no one being allowed out without Jap P.O.W. flag we were getting very short. Could not chop for long periods and was glad when we finished. Very heavy storm in evening. Heaviest since we have been here. Some talk of free issue of various things. It appears the Japs have allowed the A.I.F. to bring stuff from contractors. We have raised $20000 but $48000 is wanted. Hope they get it. Have just read book “Rebecca” and enjoyed it. Went for a stroll in a corner of area to see “Paddy’s” market. Tinned food stuff was sold there including cheese, milk, jam, fish etc for $2 a tin. Cigarettes normally 5c a pkt were 75cent. The tinned stuff had been five and six dollars but had fallen owing to shortage of cash. These men go out at night to an Indian dump some miles away. They will be shot if they are caught so are justified in charging such big prices. I had 10/- in Canteen Orders sent by Lt George but these were not acceptable. They will be, I bet, when the cash runs out.
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