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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Dec 31, 2015 9:58 pm

'His Life Worth Living' - Page 26:

Chapter 4
After two and a half week voyage we disembarked at Malacca near Johore to arrive at Mersing. When Japan entered the war and began their invasion of Malaya they reached Johore by January 1942 almost twelve months after our arrival.
Despite the seriousness of the situation, a new 25 pounder field gun, replaced an old First World War era 18-pounds. Shortly afterward we were attacked for the first time by Japanese aircraft.
My job a singnalman, to make certain wires connected for communication. One time while in a bomb shelter communication went dead. The wires along the line must have been hit by a bomb and broke. 'Can I have your revolver? I asked the Lieutenant.' He unbuckled the revolved. I strapped the revolved on and left the bunker. The line hard to find because of the heavy torrential rain.
Crawling on my hands and knees along the length of wire I found a break and in the dark joined both wires together. Shells blasted around me. One time I honestly thought I was a goner. I lay flat on my tummy. After the bombing stopped I started back to the bunker. The rain continued to pour down heavily. Wet through to the skin I continued on through the blast of shells.
On my way back to the bunker a cave came into view and thought at the time a good idea to shelter until the rain stopped. I entered the darkness and the torchlight I carried dull. Inside the cave the glow from the torch showed a pair of eyes. I couldn't identify either a Japanese soldier or a mountain lion – we'd seen a few mountain lions since we arrived. Anyway I returned to the bunker.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jan 01, 2016 9:16 pm

'His Life Worth Living' - Page 27:

Fighting went on for the next fortnight. We were losing the battle. Men killed and the people of Singapore slaughtered. A massacre. The regiment ceased fire at 10.30pm on 14th February and the next day surrendered.
Our surrender didn't come lightly. In the distance loud noises similar to sound of tanks approaching over a hill. We lay our rifles on the ground and looked in the direction of the noise. Soldiers riding tyreless bicycles covered the hill. I honestly thought we could've continued to fight but in the Army, orders are orders and we were ordered to surrender.
For the next three and a half years I became a Prisoner-of-War under the Japanese. In this time I recorded a diary of what happened. Here are the notes I wrote and recorded.


This is an account of life as a Prisoner Of War at Singapore under Japan. I was three weeks in G. Troop – the worst time being at Mandai Rd where we were firing on Johore Bahru. We were subjected to a terrific barrage by their arty which cut everyone’s Comm. I was fortunate to be able to be in F.Trp and keep Comm up enabling the troop to keep firing when the rest of all the Arty, England and A.I.F. had been quietened. Only a miracle would happen in the barrage for we had not one casualty. We eventually returned and had a number of occupants, the hottest being in Rochalie Drive where things were very hot. We went to the perimeter. If we were fully aware at the time we may have had a different tale to tell. This is the only one I have now.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jan 02, 2016 8:01 pm

'His Life Worth Living' - Page 28:

SUN FEB. 15: 1900 hrs – ordered to move on pretext we were advancing 2 miles. Entered perimeter with guns and all gear. Seen men cry with disappointment. I drunk half bottle of wine and went to sleep.

MON FEB 16: Tojr did not wake me up with sword. Very few around in fact. Lived on best while we could. Jap had not moved our D.H.A. Men in good mood. Went back to my troop. Great to see mates again. Later in day G. troop disbanded. Japs seem decent chaps. Packed ready to move. We drank rest of wine and spirits this night.

TUES FEB 17: Had to move to Changi this day. Moved at 1500 hrs after much stops and starts. Expected to be subjected to all sorts of indignities and atrocities but we were treated with respect (especially A.I.F.) where we were in contact with them otherwise were ignored. We were well loaded and it was a long way 16 mls. Most of the men made it. Saw many dead on way. Truckloads of dead being taken in to be buried. Can quite understand why Governor ask for peace. Could not cope with wounded soldiers without civilian dead. Instance of Jap courtesy – Cap. Brown wanted water, Jap officer told off M.C.Q. to get water and gave him tin of milk. Very tired at end of march.

WED FEB 18: 1 YEAR IN MALAYA: Had breakfast of coconuts and Malay gave us 3 packets of biscuits. Some were crying to see us go by. Made up troop again and were housed in huts. Food rationed to men and we fed ourselves. Cooks made tea. Don’t know what will happen when tucker gives out. Eating ours very carefully. Only two dead in our troop. Had sing song at night.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jan 03, 2016 9:53 pm

'His Life Worth Living' - Page 29:

THURS FEB 19: Arms still here in large heaps. R.H.Q. with usual stupidity place picket on 15’ gun. It’s blown up anyhow and no good to anyone. Things getting in order now. First parade this morning. Help to carry rations to Bty from A.A.S.C. Only half mile. Some talk of having to carry them from Singapore. Played bridge in evening. Went for stroll before going to bed. Jerry and Ken good mates. We are restricted to two meals a day now. I can scrounge the rest for time being. One cup of tea each day. Better than we expected.

FRI FEB 20: On to Jap time now but have altered times and meals to suit same. General attitude of men seems very disgusted with B. Gov. but “Frd Apa” things could be worse. All very thankful that so few casualties in Regime. Bit short of water today. Jerry and I missed water cart yesterday and it has not come around today. Be careful in future. Went hunting in evening. Found 2 pawpaws and 3 coconuts – felt quite satisfied. Found good drinking water. That problem solved.

SAT FEB 21: Was talking to men who tried to escape. Did not leave the island. Japs everywhere. Treated with consideration and told to walk back here. They looked very weary. Went with Lionel looking for something to eat in evening. Got more green pawpaws and coconuts. Found some yams. Very good cooked. Japs through lines in night.

SUN FEB 22: Had to count days back to find out what day it was. No Padre here. Ours went through beginning of war. Am satisfied S.A. are only men to do any good during times of stress. Heard that 18,000 killed in Singapore last Sunday. Still pulling dead from ruins. Had bad attack of dysentery. Making me very weak. Spent most of day on back. Conditions still very bad in Singapore. All A.I.F. here at Changi together now. Hospital in Singapore evacuated. English having very bad time. Concert staged in evening on Padang. Successful. Was not there.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:14 pm

'His Life Worth Living' - Page 30:

MON FEB 23: Just read good passage in book. “For your comfort, my son, let me tell you that I have laid hold upon a truth powerful enough to sustain me until I die. I know that in spite of all the painful circumstances I have met, my course is upward. I know that the universe is on my side. It will not let me down. I have been detained at times – but eventually – I go on through.” Men today are very cheerful and speculating on probability of marching to docks. Wishful thinking. Water for drinking restricted to one bottle each day for two men. Our party not short – we have 8 gal drum and boil it each day. Boys found some old crusts of bread and are cooking it today. Wish I was well enough to go scrounging. Our party consists of Jerry, Lionel, Ken, Ernie and myself. Annexe Alec, Johnno and Len. As good mates as any one could wish for in times like these. Still very bad with dysentery, but forced myself to go on scrounge. Had good luck. Got bag of cassavas (yam). Alec bag of pawpaws. Ken made some rissoles from the crusts of bread and tin of bully. Most delicious we have ever tasted. Seen M.O. and seemingly quite concerned. Have to take medicine every 4 hrs. Went to see Capt. Gill about my sick pay. He was occupied so did not intrude. Number of Chinese shot. We have to supply burial parties.

TUES FEB 24: More burial parties wanted. 150 Chinese shot by M.G. on beach. We have to bury them. Party to go to Singapore to help clean up. Med. from R.A.P. doing me good. Feel very weak. Had but 3 biscuits for breakfast. News has leaked out of a Nowata Shell having hit the Cathay where the H.G.H. was. Entered the roof of the theatre and killed 24 instantly and 150 injured. Many died since. This was on day of Capit. Our boundary areas defined and picket place on our part of boundary. Lionel cooked cassavas with tin of bully and was enjoyed by all. Had big dose castor oil from R.A.P. Hope it cures my complaint.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jan 05, 2016 10:22 pm

'His Life Worth Living' - Page 31:

WED FEB 25: Had bad night but feel much better this morning. A tiny breakfast. Boys had horrible task yesterday. They buried 99 Chinese shot by Japs. Bodies were 24 hrs old. Surmise they were pro-British for it seemed they had been dragged from their bed some were naked. Exempt from big parade ordered by Tojo for this evening. Evidently a triumph and victory march for Tojo Generals. Big indignity for us. Await comment from boys when they return. Squiggles still very sick. Relapse from malaria. Tojo lost over 9,000 with malaria. Parade over. Men indifferent. No loss of dignity. Went on the Padang after tea. Air cooler up there. Feel very much better but very weak. Impromptu concert. Items by pris would not have disgraced any board.

THURS FEB 26: Did duty as picket on railway line all day. Found good cassavas. Near 15’ gun all day, the English made very good job of destroying. Jerry had veg cooked when we got home and enjoyed them. All very hungry. Big rice ration now. About lb each day. Heartily sick of rice the way our cooks do it up. Wish the wife had hand in cooking.

FRI FEB 27: More rice for breakfast. Horribly cooked – something will have to be done about it. Feel pretty well now. Bit weak. Big discovery of fish. Enough to give all in Reg. small portion. Got them in pool with wire netting. Have to see what I can do on my own. Tojo reported to be leaving admin to Civil, leaving for other fields. Went looking around in evening. Met few Japs near water front. Found our boundary anyhow. Fish for tea was wonderful. All enjoyed it. Full for first time since we have been P.O.W. Fish supposed to be taken from Tamil Sacred Pool. Sacred fish taste good anyhow.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:37 am

His Life Worth Living' - Page 32:

SAT FEB 28: Feel really well again. More Chow food. Played bridge nearly all day. Found the various spices to make curry. Pears getting ripe. Went for stroll around barracks after tea.

SUN FEB 29: Went to communion service. About 100 present very impressive although vestments crude. Ken sick with a cold. Regimental Church Parade. Boys found sweet potatoes today. Still plenty of rice. Will have bellies like poisoned pups before long. More burial parties about 30 Chinese. Rained all afternoon. Went for a stroll on Padang.

MON MARCH 3: No more scavenging. May be shot for looting, gave a couple of bags of potatoes to kitchen. Took rest down in bush. Have to cook them in secret. Felt very cold in morning. Think I’m in for relapse. Dinner time temperature very high. Go to sick bay and bed.

TUES MARCH 4: Feel much better this morning. Temp normal. Quiet here in sick bay. Quiet day. M.O. says I can go out tomorrow. Jerry came up in evening. Had knotty problem to solve. He fixed it. Yesterday, Parade for Navy.

WED MARCH 5: Out in my dates, will have to alter all previous dates and add a day on. Am writing this Thurs. Had very bad night Tues. In morning more shivering then high temp. Very bad relapse. Started Quinine course. Should have been on it before. Normal again in evening but bad headache and very weak. Jerry, Ern and Alec came up through day.
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