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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jun 07, 2015 10:47 pm

'Click Go The Shears':

Joe clicked Joker to a quicker pace surprised Mitchell grass plains grew as pasture rich in protein for stock to fatten. A slight breeze brushed his face, heat from the sun beat on his back, he pulled his hat firmer down on his head.
Thoughts rushed through his mind of Hannah seated beside him. Her womanly scent filtered into his nostrils. In his mind's eye she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever met and couldn't understand why Joe Ryan did what he did.
Both ladies remained quiet until Hannah said, 'Joe, Mr Cummings was bandaged from head to toe. I couldn't stay,' she sobbed holding her hand to her mouth.
Joe let go of one rein and placed his arm around her shoulder, 'don't worry, he's in the right place to have treatment. Hope he survives. Did you find out how the fire started?'
'The doctor told us Mr Cummings got up during the night to go to the toilet and accidentally knocked over the lantern, he knocked his head and only remembered Alex saving him.' Hannah shared.
'Poor Mr Cummings,' Ma whispered.
They continued along the stony road until Joe noticed a broken sign, 'Kahmoo Station'. 'There it is,' and pointed to the sign. He'd released his arm from Hannah once she settled.
'I'll need to tell Pa about fixing the sign. This might be your first job when he hires you,' she said in surprise.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jun 08, 2015 9:37 pm

'Click Go The Shears':

'When he hires me!' Joe expressed in an inviting tone of disbelief.
'Yes, when he hires you. I'll tell him to hire you, he'll do as I ask. I'm his favourite daughter.'
'You're his only daughter.' Ma smiled.
'How can you tell him to hire me. You don't know who I am.' Joe replied in an alarmed voice.
'Don't worry, and what do you mean, I don't know you. Joe Gibson, you are one of the most honourable men I've ever had the fortune to meet. What you did to take the place of that other Joe,' she couldn't say his last name, 'is the bravest and most courageous act I witnessed in my twenty-six years.' Hannah smiled. 'There's Pa and mother.'
Joe stopped the sulky in front of the homestead, Hannah waved and shouted, 'Pa - mother.' Joe quickly stepped down and came around to Ma's side to help both ladies safely on the ground.
'Hannah, Ma, so wonderful to see you both again. Who is your friend?' Pa said when he wrapped his arms around Ma and Hannah and kissed them each on the cheek.
'Pa, this is Joe Gibson, he's been so kind to bring us here.' Ma said. 'Martha, how are you, so nice to see you again.' She hugged her.
'Joe Gibson,' Nat said and put his hand out to shake Joe's hand. Joe took Nat's hand to complete the ritual bush greeting. 'What you did is most commendable. Join us in a cuppa.'
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:56 pm

'Click Go The Shears':

Once settled on the veranda Martha said, 'I'll put the kettle on. Hannah would you help me please?' Hannah rose and walked with her mother to the kitchen. 'What's going on with you and that fellar you bought with you?' She asked once they were away out of earshot of the others.
'What'd you mean?' Hannah asked not knowing what her mother meant.
'When he helped you down from the sulky. You couldn't keep your eyes off one another.' Martha smiled.
'Mother, he's a lovely person, and to do what he's done to take the place of another human being, go to prison for something he didn't do and return, yes, I have feelings for him and admiration. Also the utmost respect of what he did. It's only this morning when I officially met him again after four years, but honestly mother, his voice. I've never been able to get his voice from my head since I spoke with him at the police station outside the cell door. I'm comfortable in his presence.' Hannah smiled.
'Be careful. Understand what happened to the other Joe.' Her mother advised.
'There is no comparison, this Joe is warm and what he's done to help both Ma and me is remarkable. I think I like him mother.' Hannah collected morning tea and returned to the veranda.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:32 pm

'Click Go The Shears':

'Ma told us about her home burning down.' Nat said surprised. 'Terrible, Alex from the hotel helped to save them and went back into the house to save Mr Cummings.'
'What was that!' Martha asked when she placed the tea-pot on the table. She almost fainted hearing her husband's words.
'He's not well. We went to the hospital before we came here.' Ma said.
Hannah placed the tray containing food on a table next to Joe. 'Here Joe, mother made these earlier this morning. You must be famished.' She handed Joe two scones on a plate. He took the plate and gazed into her eyes and nodded his head.
'Tell me about your home burning down. Hannah, you never mentioned anything.' Martha exploded, shocked to hear of the fire and the destruction of Ma's home and business.
'You never give me a chance to mother, asking questions about Joe. Mr Cummings knocked over the lantern when he got out of bed, bumped his head and suffered burns to almost all of his body. Terrible. We visited him at the hospital before we came here. Ma's home is destroyed.' Hannah told her folks.
'Ma. You're welcome to stay here with Martha and I as long as you want.' Nat said swallowing a piece of scone and sipping his tea.
'Thank you Nat and Martha, I accept your invitation. Honestly, I don't know what I'll do now my home and business is ruined.' Ma expressed in a solemn voice, tears filled her eyes. 'I'm too old to rebuild.'
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:18 pm

'Click Go The Shears':

'What are you going to do Hannah? Where are you going to live?' Nat asked.
'Alex kindly provided me a room at his hotel for as long as I want. Back to school Monday morning.'
'They wouldn't mind if you have time off. I'm certain Mr Shirley would understand allowed the circumstances of what happened.' Nat added.
'No thanks Pa. I want to get back on the horse as soon as possible. Ma have you decided what you're going to do with your block of land?' Hannah asked Ma, thinking it a little presumptuous to ask considering the recent fire.
'Hannah dear, if you want the block. It's yours. A gift from me to you.' Ma smiled.
'I can't accept your kind offer. I'll buy the block from you,' she replied.
'No, a gift. I insist. Since we've lived together over the years not only you are my niece, you are my best friend and companion. What are you going to do with the land? There is a stable at the back of the block for your horse.' Ma inquired.
'I want to build a cottage, a small cottage. A reminder of what you had.' She rose from her seat and put her arms around Ma's shoulders, 'thank you Ma.'. Tears came to both their eyes.
'It's no worries my dear sweet Hannah, I love you like a daughter I never had,' both held one another and sobbed with joy.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jun 12, 2015 10:11 pm

'Click Go The Shears':

'What are you going to do Joe?' Nat asked.
'He wants a job, Pa. I told him you'd hire him.' Hannah interrupted.
'Wait a moment Hannah, you never told me about building a cottage. Yes, Nat, I would love a job here or on any of your properties. Before I do I want to help Hannah build her cottage. If that would be alright with you.' Joe explained.
'Joe, you've got a job here anytime you want. Help Hannah build her cottage and we'll find something for you to do after the cottage is built.' Nat answered finished his tea, took his pipe from the top pocket of his shirt, stuffed it with tobacco and struck a match on his trousers to light his pipe. He took a deep draw and sat back in his chair, a satisfied look on his face.
'He could fix the sign at the front gate,' Hannah suggested.
'Don't worry about the sign, it's been like that since I care to remember. Don't need fixen Hannah, everyone knows where we live. You build your cottage and we'll take good care of Ma. Welcome home Ma, this is now your home and you treat it as your own.' Nat said inhaling smoke from his pipe.
'I suppose Hannah if we want to get back before dark, we'd better be moving along. Been great to meet you Martha and Nat,' Joe stood and shook Nat's hand.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:07 pm

'Click Go The Shears':

'You look after my daughter Joe, and thanks for helping her build her cottage. We'll come to town as soon as its finished,' Nat let go of Joe's hand and slapped him on his shoulder.
They said their farewells with hugs and good-byes, Joe helped Hannah up onto the seat of the sulky, sat beside her and took the reins. After clicking Joker they were off waving good-bye almost until they reached the sign at the front gate. I'll leave fixen of the sign to Nat, he owns the place and I wouldn't interfere with anything. A smile spread across his face. If this was heaven he thought, he was enjoying each moment being seated next to Hannah.
'Joe, do you mind if I leaned against your shoulder. I'm tied, with all that has happened, I want to sleep.' Hannah moved closer to Joe who placed his arm around her shoulders, she snuggled in close and soon fell asleep.
Been less than a day, but I think I'm in love, Joe thought peering down to this beautiful woman lying asleep in his arms. Life couldn't be better.
Stopping the sulky at the rear door of the hotel Joe didn't want to wake Hannah and would've rather carry her inside to her bed rather than disturb her sleep. She woke and stretched her arms almost knocking Joe from his seat. 'Sorry, Joe. I'm so sorry. Are you alright?' She leaned across and kissed him on the cheek.
Joe sat upright. Startled with warmth of Hannah's kiss still felt warm on his cheek. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect her to kiss him. He'd never had anything to do with the opposite sex in his life and wasn't certain what to do next. 'I'll help you down,' he stuttered.
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