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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:52 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 81:

‘Hi there Kate, I knew you wouldn’t take long to phone, how’re you feeling?’
‘Who’s Kate?’ a male voice echoed.
‘Who’s this?’ Bundy replied.
‘Colin Hunt – you remember me Bundy. We were in the police together.’ The voice answered.
Bundy remembered the name well, Colin Hunt, what would he want? How did he find him? Colin was a detective when Bundy worked in the force. Colin’s reputation always went before him and trouble wasn’t far behind. He always wanted to be in the limelight like a beacon shining brightly so everyone would take notice of him. Not everyone did.
‘Colin – it’s been years. How can I help you?’ Bundy stuttered, thoughts running through his mind of ‘why’ Colin would phone him at this time of night.
‘What no – how do you do or how’re you going? How did you find me? I know we weren’t the best of mates but I always respected you and the work you did.’
‘Sorry mate – it’s been a long couple of days. How are you going? And yes, how did you find me?’ Bundy stated.
‘Great – it wasn’t hard with technology being the way it is today. I goggled your name and used white pages and presto, there you were on the Sunshine Coast in the Mary Valley. In fact I’m not in the force, or the service, they call it today. I’m a parole officer with Corrective Services. I saw your ugly dial on television today where they found the skeleton in the bush. I’ve got some information which might help you or whoever you’re working with.’
Bundy felt a shudder go through his bones. Colin had never changed, he remembered bumping into him in a hallway in Police Headquarters one day and he told him a similar story. He always had a story to tell.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Sep 30, 2014 9:49 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 82:

‘Why phone me about it – there are active police out there. What about the Homicide Squad.’ Bundy told his caller.
‘I tried to mate – no one will listen to me. It’s the reason I phoned you.’ He began to plead with Bundy to take notice of what he wanted to tell him.
‘I’m not working on the investigation. You’re not calling wolf again, are you?’
‘No – this is important. Just listen – this afternoon, I was approached by an in-mate at the prison and asked if they told me something important, would they receive an early release. It was information about the skeleton found in the forestry. Of course I said I’d think about it. A prisoner, who’s due to be released in a couple of days, told this in-mate he’d grabbed a young girl, killed her and left her in a shallow grave in a forestry.’
‘Are you serious? Aren’t it strange how this skeleton has been discovered only today and this in-mate came forth with this information? What do you want me to do?’ Bundy requested.
‘You’ve got to help me mate, this fellow is being released in a couple of days and once he’s out – he’s gone.’ Colin pleaded.
‘How reliable is this information?’ Bundy wanted to know.
‘Pretty reliable – I’ve checked it out and he’s been in prison for the past couple of years for child molestation. It could be him?’ His voice sounded sincere and truthful.
‘Alright, give me your contact details and I’ll get back to you tomorrow.’ He gave Bundy the details he asked and hung up the phone.
His mind raced at a thousand miles an hour, and decided to telephone Kate and relate the information to her.
‘Sorry Kate for phoning you this late – Bundy here.’ He said into the mouth piece.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:31 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 83:

‘Sorry Kate for phoning you this late – Bundy here.’ He said into the mouth piece.
‘Ah – Bundy, what’d you doing ringing me at this time of night. I was fast asleep. What’d you want?’ Wiping the sleep from her eyes and trying to wake.
‘I’ve got to talk with you.’
‘Alright, I’m awake – talk.’
‘A fellow I used to work with in the force years ago rang me about information which could help find the killer of the skeleton.’ Bundy explained.
‘What! You’ve woken me at this time of night to tell me about information. Wait a minute; I’ve got to go for a pee before I wet myself. Hang on?’
‘Yeah – go and do your lady thing. I’ll wait.’ Bundy imagined Kate putting the telephone down; rushing off to the toilet. He heard background noise of the toilet flush and knew she finished what she was doing.
‘I’m back – ah, that feels better. Now what’s this you want to tell me?’ She asked in a much kinder voice.
‘I received a telephone call from a fellow I used to work with in the force. His name is Colin Hunt. He’s a parole officer with Corrective Services and has been told by an in-mate they know the identity of the person who could be the killer of the skeleton found at the forestry.’ Bundy explained hoping Kate understood.
‘Is that so, one of your ole mates, hey, what do you think?’ She was now wide awake and pleased to listen to his story.
‘I know it’s late and you are tied but unless I’d spoken with you about it tonight, I wouldn’t have slept.’
‘That makes two of us. Why couldn’t this wait until the morning?’
‘Because Colin told me this fellow is being released from prison in the next couple of days and if we don’t move on it straight away, he’d be gone as soon as he’s released.’
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Oct 02, 2014 9:42 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 84:

‘Alright then, what have we got – the word of a inmate? Is there any other evidence to tie this fellow to the skeleton?’
‘Not at this stage – he’s a convicted child molester. Is all we have?’
‘So the reason you woke me from my beauty sleep was to tell me virtually nothing.’ She sounded arrogant and upset. Bundy at that moment realised why the Commissioner wanted him to work on this investigation. He was right; the detective of today couldn’t give a damn about follow-up information whether it was in the middle of the night or another time. If they didn’t have DNA evidence or the investigation handed to them on a silver plate, they tossed the information aside. It’s no wonder crime wasn’t being cleared up. His memory returned when he’d get out of his warm bed anytime to follow up on information.
‘Sorry Kate, I’ll see you in the morning.’ He clicked the off button and the telephone went dead.
Bundy couldn’t sleep the remainder of the night. He saw in his mind’s eye the track which should be taken to follow-up this information. First, he would contact Colin in the morning as soon as he arrived at the office. He would take over the investigation. He felt frustrated at Kate’s attitude and non-interest of searching for evidence to support this investigation. No wonder she’d taken eight bloody years to investigate the disappearance of Peter Clayton.
Never before had he arrived at the office so early and to his surprise found Kate sitting behind her computer rattling the keys, ‘you’re early, didn’t you sleep either?’ Kate proclaimed when Bundy entered the office.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:50 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 85:

‘I’m surprised to see you. I thought you were getting your beauty sleep.’ He replied sarcastically.
‘Unfortunately I don’t need it. I’m beautiful as it is, and what you see is what you get. Now let’s get to work. I’ve searched our database about your parole officer and yes, he was quite a detective in his day. Not much to go on. How come he telephoned you?’
‘I asked the same question. He’d been flogged off by the detectives he spoke with and happened to see my ugly dial on the television and recognized me.’ Bundy explained.
‘We’d better contact Larry and get him up-to-speed with this information.’ Kate telephoned Larry.
‘Larry, Kate Emerson here, we have information which could help your investigation. Where are you now?’ She asked in an earnest voice.
‘Here in my office on the tenth floor. Come on up, I’ll put the coffee on.’ Larry remarked.
‘We’re on our way.’ Kate said and shut off the call. ‘Come on Bundy, you can explain everything to Larry. He’s waiting.’
They arrived at Larry’s office, he shook hands with both, ‘have a seat, what will you have?’ He asked.
‘Bundy will have hot chocolate and I’ll have a flat white coffee.’ Kate told Larry.
‘Hot chocolate ah – haven’t you been weaned Bundy.’ Larry commenced making the drinks, ‘will that be with milk.’ His words sounded almost genuine.
‘Milk and no sugar – thanks Larry,’ Bundy explained.
‘Now what is it you want to tell me?’ Larry resumed his seat behind his desk and waited for their reply.
‘You tell him Bundy. It’s better coming from you.’ Kate explained.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Oct 04, 2014 9:23 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 86:

‘A former detective named Colin Hunt, who is now a parole officer with Corrective Services.’ Bundy started, ‘he was in the job with me when I was a detective. He also was a detective.’ Bundy explained feeling a little nervous.
‘Yes – so he contacted you, did he?’ Larry questioned.
‘Yeah, last night he telephoned me at home to say he had information from an in-mate who knew the identity of the person about the skeleton.’ Bundy muttered.
‘What type of information?’ Larry wanted to know.
‘Apparently an inmate, a prisoner, approached him on the condition for an early release in exchange for information about another inmate who murdered and buried a body in the forestry.’
‘It’s not much to go on.’ Larry explained.
‘That’s what I told him.’ Kate intervened.
‘Yeah, I know it’s not much – but you obviously have to check it out to see if it’s true.’ Bundy explained trying to keep his blood pressure and temper under control. What’s wrong with these people, don’t they understand.
‘Alright, give me the particulars of this fellow and I’ll follow it up.’ Larry concluded showing little interest in the information.
Bundy gave Larry Colin Hunt’s details.
‘Okay, I’ll send one of my lads to see him and let you know what comes of it.’ Larry finished the conversation and wanted to get back to real police work.
Kate and Bundy returned to their office.

Chapter 11

After lunch Kate’s telephone buzzed, ‘is Bundy there?’ A male voice inquired when she opened it to speak.
‘Yeah – who’s this?’ Kate asked not recognising the voice.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:00 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 87:

‘Colin Hunt – I want to speak with Bundy Quicksilver.’ The voice echoed loudly through the phone.
Kate handed the telephone to Bundy, ‘for you.’
Bundy placed the receiver to his ear, he still hadn’t got used to listening to the telephone because the receiver was too small, ‘hello – Bundy Quicksilver here.’ Bundy was used to listening from a larger telephone and didn’t know how anyone could speak into a pea size microphone.
‘What the bloody hell is going on Bundy. I’ve just had a young copper here from Homicide wanting to talk with this fellow I told you about. Bundy, he’s wet behind the ears and still wearing diapers. Anyway, this fellow wants to talk with you – personally, not some kid who’s just left the Academy. He said something about you arrested his old man for murder years ago. He won’t talk with anyone else.’
‘Who is he?’ Bundy asked. His mind flashing back in time to record the name of a person he arrested years ago for murder.
‘Denis O’Connell – you remember his old man, Mark O’Connell. He got life for murder back in the seventies.’ Colin advised Bundy.
‘Yeah – the name’s coming back slowly. I remember he murdered an old lady and pleaded guilty. Is this his son?’ Bundy said in astonishment remembering the person, time and murder.
‘Yeah – he telephoned his old man once he heard about the police coming to the prison to question him. His old man mentioned your name and told his son not to talk with anyone except you. He must trust you.’ Colin informed Bundy.
‘This is a mess – isn’t it? I’m not even a copper and I can’t question him. Let me get back to you. I’ll ask Detective Superintendent Emerson what to do.’ Bundy felt inadequate to feel once he had the power to question a suspect and now this power was taken away.
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