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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jul 10, 2014 11:28 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 5:

His mind raced in anticipation of the proposition. Pressed number 13 on the lift, the doors opened to the floor and he stepped out. An officer greeted him, ‘Mr Quicksilver, please follow me.’ He followed.
‘How are you my friend,’ the Commissioner greeted him warmly.
‘Wonderful – thank you Commissioner, I’m a little concerned why you wanted me to visit you at your office.’
‘You don’t look a day older since I last saw you. You must be keeping fit and healthy.’ The Commissioner commented.
‘Thank you – life has treated me well.’ He didn’t want to say too much before he knew why he was there.
‘Bundy, I won’t beat around the bush. Sit down and we’ll talk.’ He’d known the Commissioner for over forty years and trusted what he was about to tell him. Actually when the Commissioner was a constable stationed near where Bundy lived at the time, he was the officer who signed his induction papers to join the force, as it was known then.
Each time Bundy received a transfer or promotion it was the Commissioner who was the first person on the telephone to congratulate him. Reeling back to the present Bundy said, ‘you have a proposition for me?’
‘Yes, with today’s technology and expertise I’m afraid to say your breed of detective is almost extinct. I want to resurrect it. I don’t know how yet, but with your help I’m certain we can do it. I’d like you to come and work in the service again. What do you think?’
‘I thank you Commissioner for thinking of me but it’s been over twenty years since I worked as a detective.’
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jul 13, 2014 12:25 am

'The Proposition' - Page 6:

‘It wouldn’t matter if it was a hundred years. You’d still have the hunger and I know about your instinct. Those things never die.’
‘Yes, that’s true. The ping still goes off in the back of my head when something is not working the way it should. As for the hunger, I don’t suppose it would take much to revive it. I loved working as a detective. I accept your offer.’
‘In that case, I want you to meet Detective Superintendent Kathleen Emerson. She’ll be the person you’ll work with. Come out Kate,’ the Commissioner called in a loud voice to be heard in the next office. A side door opened – a female, smartly dressed in a brown tailored suit, aged in her late thirties, walked erect into the office. ‘Bundy, this is Kathleen Emerson. You will be working together.’
He stood and shook her hand and looked directly into her eyes. Something wasn’t right. People’s eyes always told a story. ‘I’m pleased to meet you,’ she sat on a chair opposite him. Her smell of perfume reminded him of a similar one his wife Ada once wore. She didn’t acknowledge Bundy’s presence and sat in silence.
‘Bundy, you’ll work with Detective Superintendent Emerson and she’ll bring you up-to-date with her latest investigation.’ Each shook hands with the Commissioner and left.
They boarded the lift to the third floor. Silence between them. Bundy followed Detective Superintendent Emerson into an office. Small compared to the Commissioner’s. Two desks, one in a corner, two steel filing cabinets and a computer monitor on each desk. No windows.
‘Take the desk over there in the corner.’ She stated in a command voice.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jul 13, 2014 10:11 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 7:

Bundy walked behind the desk and sat on the chair facing the monitor, blank screen, his mind not certain how he should approach the conversation to break the ice. Instincts told him it was going to be tough.
‘Do you know why the Commissioner wanted me to work with you?’ He asked in a soft and inviting tone.
‘Something about you, and your way of being a detective, he told me. Look – let’s get something straight before we start. I don’t know why he chose you, I’ve read your record and yes I admit you were a good detective, in your day, but I emphasise, the word - were. I’ll do what the Commissioner wants, to please him because he’s the boss and I’m not going against his wishes.’ Her voice raised and fell as she spoke. Her expression told Bundy she wasn’t excited working with him.
‘Hey, don’t get your tits in a tangle – I didn’t know what he wanted. All I did was thank him for sending me two medals. He was the one who wanted to see me - okay.’ Bundy calmed once he expressed what he wanted to say at their initial meeting.
‘My tits - as you referred to them, and don’t you ever refer to my body parts like that again if you don’t mind, these are mine and I’m the only one who can refer to them that way. And they’re not in a tangle if you must know.’
‘Alright, I’m sorry; I guess you are in your late thirties. I have a daughter who is thirty-nine.’
‘It’s none of your business how old I am.’ She exploded. If looks could kill Bundy would have been dead on the spot. Her eyes blasted a message of non-compliance.
‘I didn’t mean anything bad - but I wonder how you rose to the rank of Detective Superintendent at your age? I was only a Sergeant First Class at a similar age.’
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:28 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 8:

‘I’m old enough to be your father – ah..sorry about that, I didn’t mean to refer to your father. Anyway – I’m old enough.’
‘Do you know how to use the computer – did they have computers in your day?’ She asked sullenly.
‘Yes, but not fancy ones like these. Ours were large – very large. They’re different now. I suppose after twenty years I’d expect many things have changed.’
‘I agree.’ She answered, their eyes met for the first time.
At least she was dropping her tone; he noticed the ice melted.
‘How about we go to the canteen and have a coffee?’ He asked, ‘do they still have a canteen? I need a heart starter before we go any further.’
They left the office.

Chapter 2

To Bundy’s surprise, the canteen was in the same place when the building was officially opened in 1989. He was one of the selected few who were permitted to attend the opening.
‘Nothing much has changed,’ he told his new partner when they walked into the canteen. ‘What do you have?’ Bundy requested.
‘Flat white thank you - strong.’
Bundy ordered a strong flat white and a hot chocolate. He stopped drinking coffee a couple of years before. At the time he was having lunch at his favourite café when the coffee he ordered, after he drank a mouthful, scorched his throat, causing him to faint. He was taken to the hospital thinking he’d had a heart attack. Since then he only drank hot chocolate.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:13 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 9:

‘Haven’t you been weaned?’ Detective Superintendent Emerson said when Bundy returned to their table with the refreshments.
‘What’d mean.’
‘Hot chocolate – that’s what you drink before you go to bed at night.’
‘There’s a story attached to drinking hot chocolate – I’ll share it with you one day when we get to know one another a little better.’ He answered.
They sat at a table waiting for their drinks to cool. Detective Superintendent Emerson waved to other officers she knew. One officer walked over to their table, ‘hi Kathleen, you didn’t go to the party the other night. Weren’t you well?’ This person asked.
‘I’m sorry; I didn’t feel up to it. I’ve got a lot on my plate right now, perhaps another time.’ The person said goodbye and left.
‘You can’t burn the candle at both ends. It’s what happened with me. I never realised until I retired how many hours I put in for the service and then thrown onto the scrap heap - until now.’ Bundy expressed.
‘If you must know, I don’t burn the candle at both ends. I didn’t want to go to their damn party - they treat me like a leaper – it’s as if I’ve got two heads.’ She expressed.
‘Probably they’re jealous – there’s a lot in the service. Shortly after I joined, a fellow officer told me not to expect many friends whilst I was in the job. When I asked him why; his reply: because the ones in the job were too frightened you would get ahead of them and the ones outside didn’t want to know you because you’re a copper.’
‘If that’s the case, why did you accept this proposition from the Commissioner?’ She asked in a friendly tone.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:48 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 10:

‘I’m intrigued; and at the same time want to get back on the horse. Twenty years is a long time, I don’t think I’ve lost anything. I’m much older and perhaps wiser, let’s hope so. I loved my work as a detective; it kept me alive in tough times.’ Bundy shared.
They finished their drinks and returned to their dingy small office which wasn’t large enough to swing a cat.
‘How about letting me know why the Commissioner wanted me to work with you?’ Bundy requested.
‘Eight years ago I was a detective working at the Sunshine Coast when a twelve year old boy disappeared. He’s still missing. I’ve been working on the case ever since.’ She admitted to Bundy.
‘How does this concern me?’ Bundy queried.
‘After you sent your letter, the Commissioner asked to see me. I bought him up-to-speed with the investigation. He told me you’d written a letter after you received your medals. He strongly suggested he bring you in to work with me in the hope you can help solve the mystery.’
‘Eight years you’ve been working on this case. Why haven’t you asked for assistance before?’ Bundy wanted to know.
‘I didn’t need to. I don’t need it now. I’ve been handling it okay; but when you’re told by the Commissioner he had another suggestion, you do as you’re told.’
‘Okay – here I am. You’d better get me up-to-speed. Eight years - my wife lost her fight with cancer nine years ago.’ Bundy shared.
‘I’m sorry to hear that. Are you alright to work this case?’ She sounded sincere.
‘You bet your life I am. I’ve been itching to get back into something like this for a long time. I never thought I’d get another opportunity. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Its makes me feel young and alive.’ Bundy smiled.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:48 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 11:

‘Do you know how to switch on the computer?’ She asked.
‘There’s a switch here somewhere, isn’t there. Ah - here it is.’ Bundy switched on the computer to see the monitor flash alive with icons and a buzzing noise.
‘In the beginning I set up a data base to record the investigation. Click onto icon “missing child” and the file will come up. The password is Peter. The name of the child is Peter Clayton. He was twelve years old at the time.’ She expressed in a soft and concerned voice.
Bundy clicked on the icon and opened the file. Pages upon pages of documentation, times, dates, references, and other information glared from the screen. ‘How am I going to get up-to-speed with this?’ He asked.
‘Have you a computer at home?’ She asked.
‘Yes – why?’
‘I can download the file onto a USB and you can read it at your leisure at home. You don’t have to work here everyday. I can call you when I need you.’ Her voice softened.
‘You’re probably right. I can do that. It’ll take me awhile to read all of this and make notes. Is there any evidence of his whereabouts or if he’s alive?’ Bundy wanted to know.
‘Not yet. I’ve interviewed many people, I’m afraid there’s not much to go on. This investigation has been my life for eight years. I’ve lived, drank and eaten it.’ She answered.
‘A new set of eyes could make a difference.’ Bundy finished. His mind immediately flashed to 1975 when an elderly woman was murdered. His boss at the time after reading the running sheet identified a name which turned out to be the killer.
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