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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby mzawf » Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:51 pm

Hi Pat
Wishing you and your family A Very Merry Christmas from all of us here at :mz
Thanks for sharing The Proposition, The Drover, Your work on writing and publishing, the writers club in Brooloo
A big Hello to Jackson :thunbsup :read :scratch :thunbsup :xmas :party :cake
Have a great vacation and thanks for sharing with My Zone along with friends and look forward to reading more :duke

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:53 am

Thank you mzawf for your kind words and encouragement. I'm back from the Christmas Tour and look forward to bringing you more of the stories I write and publish. It is my pleasure to bring them to you daily. Here is the next page.

'The Proposition' (A Bundy Quicksilver Mystery) - Page 23:

‘Are you close to finding out what happened?’ She continued.
‘Not yet – but now Bundy is working with me fulltime I’m certain we’ll find an answer.’ Kate said.
‘Have you still got it Bundy?’ One patron asked.
‘I surely hope so. I feel great and my mind is fresh.’
‘What can we do to help?’ Another patron asked.
‘You can keep your ear to the ground and let us know if you hear anything. That would help.’ Bundy concluded.
‘Here’s my card.’ Kate handed a business card to each of the people seated around the table. ‘If you hear anything – I mean anything, don’t hesitate to phone my mobile or contact Bundy. We’re looking for a needle in a haystack. Any help would be appreciated.’ She concluded and smiled.
They left their friends and walked to the front gate. Kate stopped and looked directly into Bundy’s eyes. He didn’t know what to do. Was she coming onto him, she’s given enough signals all night, Bundy thought – no she’s a work pal, that’s all. She’s young enough to be his daughter.
‘Thank you for a wonderful night, Bundy. I thoroughly loved each moment. I see now why the Commissioner wanted to have you back. We will find what happened to Peter Clayton. I know it.’ She gazed into Bundy eyes. He saw self determination and knew they would find an answer to the puzzle. ‘Goodnight – I’ll see you bright and early Monday morning at the office.’ She left.
On his journey home the words Kate spoke floated through his mind. We will find out what happened to Peter Clayton. I know it. Bundy noticed a new spark of enthusiasm in Kate’s voice. She was now determined to work with him.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Dec 28, 2012 11:45 pm

Thanks Dub: Here is the page for today:

'The Proposition' (A Bundy Quicksilver Mystery) - Page 24:

‘Do you think your friends who we spoke to Saturday night would know or find out anything?’ Kate asked Bundy at their desks on Monday morning.
‘You never know, they get about and people talk. In our day, and I hate to keep going back to the good ole days of detective work; we visited racetracks and knew who was who in the zoo. People get to know and trust you and most people are honest and want to see justice prevail. If they find out anything, they’ll get back to us. I’m certain.’ Bundy concluded.
‘I can’t thank you enough for the other night. I wish you’d share the winnings with me. I feel guilty taking the money.’
‘Don’t worry – I’m pleased you won. Fancy backing a horse to collect twelve hundred dollars, I know it was an omen bet.’ Bundy asked, thinking how lucky Kate was to bet on a one hundred to one winner and collect. Good luck to her. Only hope the luck keeps flowing.
‘Our luck is with us Bundy; I can feel it in my bones. We’re going to find Peter Clayton. I know it. Come on, what do we do next?’ Her confidence grew.
‘For a start I want to visit the child’s parents and speak to them. I know it’s been eight years, but there may be something to go on with, perhaps something they’ve heard or seen. I don’t know. Can you arrange it please?’
‘Yes, I’ve kept in contact with Peter’s mother. I phone her weekly and have done so since I started this investigation. I’ll phone her to make a time we can visit. She is a wonderful and warm person.’
Kate pulled her mobile phone from the pocket of her trousers, flipped open the lid and speed dialled a number and placed the phone to her ear. ‘Is that you Mrs Clayton? Kate Emerson here,’ Kate spoke into her phone and afterwards closed the lid. ‘Mrs Clayton will see us tomorrow morning; she loves me visiting her to keep her

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:22 pm

'The Proposition' (A Bundy Quicksilver Mystery) - Page 35:

Chapter 5

Mrs Clayton was as Kate described her, warm, loving and dedicated wife and mother. ‘How are you Kate?’ She smiled, met them at the front door walked toward Kate swung her arms around her shoulders and kissed her on the cheek, ‘who have you here – a man.’ She exclaimed.
‘This is Bundy Quicksilver; he’s helping me with Peter’s disappearance.’
She extended her right hand to take Bundy’s extended hand and said, ‘any friend of Kate’s is a friend of mine. Welcome to my humble home. Do come in, I’ll place another plate at the table.’
Bundy warmed to this woman immediately, her shiny hazel eyes bright against the sun. She was warm and loving human being. First impressions always paid off, he knew she was honest and sincere. He felt comfortable and relaxed. Each room almost spotless, when a house was clean and tidy he liked it. He could tell the personality of a person when he saw where they lived.
‘Kate you know where to go – through to the dining room; I’ll set another setting for Mr Quicksilver.’
‘Call me Bundy – all my friends do, even Kate.’ Bundy answered with a smile in his voice.
‘Okay Bundy - that’s a strange name?’ She replied.
‘My parents named me after Bundaberg Rum because if you drink too much, it’s like Quicksilver. The name stuck.’ He explained.
‘Is it short for something other than Bundy?’ She asked.
‘No – it’s Bundy, same as the rum. I think my father must have drunk it on the night I was born.’
‘It’s a lovely name.’ Mrs Clayton walked into the dining room where Kate and Bundy were seated. ‘Bundy,

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:32 pm

'The Proposition' (A Bundy Quicksilver Mystery) - Page 36:

can I impose upon you to sit at the head of the table. Men should sit at the head of the table.’ She instructed.
Bundy moved and repositioned to the head of the table with Mrs Clayton on his right. She’d prepared cold meat with salad.
‘What do you drink, Bundy?’ Mrs Clayton asked.
‘Hot chocolate,’ Kate interrupted, ‘he’s a hot chocolate man.’ She grinned and sneered at Bundy.
‘Mrs Clayton, I see you’ve made a pot of tea. Tea would be fine, thank you. Hot chocolate is a little joke between Kate and me.’ He answered glaring at Kate.
‘I think instead of calling me Mrs Clayton – why don’t you call me Mary. I’d much prefer you did.’ She said and looked at Bundy.
‘My pleasure – Mary it is.’
Whilst they ate, conversation continued more from Kate to explain why Bundy was included into the investigation. Kate explained how the Commissioner contacted Bundy and requested him to help her.
‘It’s been eight years since he disappeared. Peter turned twenty-one in April just gone. He’s on my mind most of the time; I know you are doing a fine job Kate, with Bundy on board, we might find out if Peter is dead or alive.’ Mary said.
‘This is an awkward question to ask. Do you feel Peter is still alive? I know mothers often have a particular feeling about their children.’ Bundy asked.
‘You know Bundy, I dream of Peter most nights, how he’s coping. I know he’s alive. I wouldn’t dream about him otherwise.’ She finished, slowly selecting her words.
‘Can you describe these dreams?’ Bundy asked in a sincere and concerned voice.
‘Sometimes they’re a little hazy; like I see him standing near a large shed, built from sheets of iron. He looks happy; glad and is taller. I see it’s him because he’s

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jan 10, 2013 10:35 pm

'The Proposition' (A Bundy Quicksilver Mystery) - Page 37:

shovelling dirt, or perhaps it might be something else. I’m not certain.’ She stopped, placed her knife and fork beside her plate and took a tissue from inside her bra to wipe her eyes.
‘I’m sorry Mary, soon after my wife Ada passed away; she appeared in my dreams nightly. At first I couldn’t tell whether or not she was still alive or I only saw her in my dreams.’
‘I have similar dreams of my Les. He passed away two years ago, I miss him terribly but I know in my heart he’s at peace.’ Mary consoled.
‘Although it’s been nine years since I lost my love, Ada, she continues to appear in my dreams. It’s taken a long time to realise she’s gone to somewhere other than being with me. How I knew she’d gone was, one day about six months after she passed away, I was sitting on the front veranda at home and my left hand pointed toward her grave at the front of the house. I felt a twinge on the point of my left index finger. One second it was there and the next it was gone. After that moment I felt peace within myself.’ Bundy shared.
‘I haven’t felt the twinge or anything, but I know Les is still in the house. I speak with him and he answers. At times, I don’t know if I’m going crazy, in reality I know he’s not coming back, so I’ve got to get on with life the best I know how. It’s a different feeling about Peter. I truly believe he is going to walk through the front door one day. When, I don’t know – it will happen.’
‘I sincerely hope you’re right, Mary. I surely do.’ Bundy finished.
They finished lunch and Bundy requested he do the washing up, ‘you can stay if you want. Les never washed up in all the time we were married.’ Mary stated and smiled at him.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:27 pm

'The Proposition' (A Bundy Quicksilver Mystery) - Page 38:

Bundy collected the finished plates, carried them to the sink in the kitchen. He’d long ago served his apprenticeship in the family home to always have the washing-up finished shortly after a meal and wipe over the sink, bench tops and stove.
‘What about we move to the front veranda and you can tell me more about yourself Bundy.’ Mary asked. All three adjourned to the front veranda and sat on chairs facing the front yard.
‘Can I ask you a question Mary, about the day Peter disappeared?’ Bundy asked.
‘Yes – sure, go ahead. I still see him leave and walk to the railway line to board the train. I can’t believe it’s been eight years.’ Mary shared.
‘Did you see him walk from the house that particular day?’ Bundy asked.
‘I stood here on the front veranda, waved and said good-bye as I normally did, and saw him walk across the road. There were all paddocks where the shopping centre is now. When he was safely across to the railway station, I walked inside.’
‘Did you see him walk up the steps and across the line to the railway station?’ Bundy continued.
‘No – only to the footpath before the bridge,’ her voice lowered and tears filled her eyes. She wiped them with a tissue she’d had in her hand.
‘Are you okay – I didn’t mean to bring this up again? I’m certain the police would have asked you a similar question.’ Bundy continued.
‘As a matter of fact they didn’t. At first I wasn’t believed when I told them Peter was missing and told it wasn’t unusual for a young lad his age to go missing. They had plenty of run-away children.’ Mary explained.

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