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The Titanic

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The Titanic

Postby steveizy » Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:10 pm

Fourteen years before the Titanic sailed on an April day in 1912 on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York, a novel was published called Futility about an unsinkable and glamourous Atlantic liner, the largest in the world. Like the Titanic, the fictional vessel was triple-screw and could make 24-25 knots; at 800 feet it was a little shorter than the Titanic, but at 70,000 tons its displacement was 4000 tons greater. Like the Titanic's, its passenger list was the crème de la crème, and of course there weren't enough lifeboats. On a cold April night, the fictional "unsinkable" vessel strikes an iceberg and glides to the bottom of the Atlantic.

The name of this liner, in the story by Morgan Robertson - The Titan.

(From Facts and Trivia Isaac Asimov 1979).
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Re: The Titanic

Postby brillo » Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:03 pm

Thanks for your post... 8-)
Spooky though ! :roll:
Is it just a case of coincidence ?
Or somthing more deep and sinister.
I wonder how many years it took, from conception to the design stage and then construction.
It could of been an insurance scam by a powerful institution of the time.
It all sounds a bit fishy to me lol :lol:
Kind regards.
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Postby brillo » Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:21 pm

I liked this article so thought I'd share it...

Turkmenistan to drop calendar of former ruler

ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan — Turkmenistan's president has abolished the calendar introduced by his late predecessor, who named months after himself and his parents as part of an elaborate personality cult, the state media reported Thursday.

Saparmurat Niyazov, who ruled the country for 21 years after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, preferred to be called Turkmenbashi, or Father of All Turkmen. In 2002, he named months after himself, his parents and his book, "Rukhnama," or "Book of the Soul," which combines epic history, moral teachings and state policy. He made the book obligatory for students and government officials and named Saturday the Rukhnama Day.

Other months and days were named after symbols of Turkmenistan's independence and prominent figures in Turkmen history.
President Gurbanguli Berdymukhamedov said at a government session Wednesday that he was abolishing Niyazov's calendar and returning to the Gregorian calendar widely used throughout the world.

"Names of months and days have to comply with international standards," Berdymukhamedov said at a government session, the state-run Neutralny Turkmenistan newspaper reported.

The Parliament speaker, Akdzha Nurberdyeva, said in comments televised Thursday that the proposal to return to the Gregorian calendar had been "supported by thousands of letters from workers."
During his rule, Niyazov tapped the country's vast energy wealth for outlandish projects - a theme park based on Turkmen folk art and fairy tales; a giant, man-made lake in the Kara Kum desert; and a vast cypress forest aimed at changing the desert climate.
Niyazov died in 2006, but his golden statues and busts are still scattered across the country and his portrait is on every bank note and coin.
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Growth Hormone

Postby brillo » Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:54 pm

If it is widely suggested that obesity is endemic in western society....... :o
Is it then fair to presume that by putting such stuff as growth hormones in our animal feed,
we are then subsequently consuming meat heaving with growth hormone residues?
If this is so, the side effect of this will bigger, fatter and more rounded, plumper, human beings.
It stands to reason
What say you? :ugeek:
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