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Truth Fact or Fiction

There's a world of difference between truth and facts, facts can obscure the truth.(Maya Angelou)
It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense. (Mark Twain)
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Postby Becky » Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:55 pm

Hot potatoes!
A while back now I had some border line spuds and they were starting to sprout!
Had them with a little gravy and nosh.
I then put them potato skins in some mud in the garden, then wow, hey presto a couple of months l8r they grew into potato plants. Result 2 kg of free potatoes.
yummy! :lol:
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Click tab....

Postby Mary » Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:39 pm

See it to believe it!
What's its purpose ergh! :roll:
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British invent Vaporising Electric Force Field

Postby Becky » Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:04 pm

British invent vaporising Electric Force Field

Scientists at the MOD have invented an electric 'force field' designed to protect armoured vehicles against anti-tank grenades.
The 'electrical armour' is designed to vaporise copper projectiles released from grenades on impact before they are able to penetrate a tank's inner hull, the Daily Telegraph reports.
The idea is to make tanks less vulnerable to anti-tank launchers, such the R PG-7, which is commonly and cheaply available in the world's trouble spots.
When armaments like R PG-7 grenades hit a tank, a "shaped-charge" warhead blasts a jet of hot copper into a target at around
1,000 mph - capable of slicing through a foot of conventional solid steel Armour.
The new electric armour is based on a highly charged capacitor connected to two separate metal plates on the tank's exterior.
The outer armor-plating is earthed while the insulated inner plate is live.
When the crew of a tank feel they are under danger, they switch on current to the inner plate, using the tank's internal power supply.
If the tank is unfortunate enough to be hit by a grenade, the jet of copper produced will penetrate both the outer plate and the insulation of the inner plate completing a circuit, which results in the discharge of the capacitor and the vaporisation of most of the copper.
The Telegraph reports that despite the high charge generated by the system, the "electrical load on the battery is no more than that caused by starting the engine on a cold morning".
It sounds bizarre, but the paper reports that in a recent demonstration an armoured personnel carrier protected by the system withstood repeated attacks by rocket grenades that would normally have destroyed it many times over.
Scientists hope to develop the armour further and fit it in Britain's next generation of tanks and armoured personnel carrier. The Pentagon is also reportedly showing a keen interest in work on the technology.

Original source: (Daily Telegraph John Leydon )
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Ruby ???

Postby dub » Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:23 pm

I have a dilemma Ruby Murrey or Ruby Murray?
Any suggestions as to which is the correct spelling... 8-)
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Re: Ruby ???

Postby gonzo » Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:34 am

Neither it's Ruby Murry m8
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Re: Ruby ???

Postby steveizy » Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:45 pm

Ruby Murry as in curry...
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Re: British invent Vaporising Electric Force Field

Postby steveizy » Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:05 pm

Discharging a charged capacitor will in itself release a lot of energy, thus adding to that of the missile. That sounds like a bigger bang to me ;)

Methinks that this is a British invention doomed to failure :roll:
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