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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat May 19, 2012 11:40 pm

I'm back after attending WriteFest at Bundaberg. You know I've attended everyone since it's conception and each year I meet and learn so much from other authors and presenters.

And each year from these learnings I imagine in my small mind, I improve. This WriteFest was important for me because there was a session of 'Show Me The Money' presented by Lisa Blainey-Lewin.

Lisa spoke about your writing being a BRAND. Did you know authors with a brand earn up to $70M per year. Wouldn't this be wonderful. Not a pipe dream - it can happen. Anyway these authors operate their writing like a business.

She asked her audience, 'be honest with yourself - what inspires you to write?'

Stories and writing. Target your brand, she stated. Words like consistency; professional image; hawking your wares - instead of you; desperation smells; don't give up your day job; networking; research; business plan; google yourself; entering everything - short stories; plot a pathway; create goals; find a support group; relationships; job and lifestyle.

Be always professional about your writing and yourself. For example, if you are sloppy in appearance, your writing could be sloppy. Ask for positive feedback.

IMPORTANT: Sell products from social media: facebook; linkedIn; Twitter; Website; Blog and any other channel of information like this one.

LinkedIn Profile - Snapshot to references and referrals.

Strategies: Attend writing festivals; advertise in newspapers a month before release of book; take control.

There was much more but I think you've got the message. During the next few months I've set a goal to complete a BUSINESS PLAN for my writing; promoting and selling.

Hope this has been a help to assist you along your pathway to success.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun May 20, 2012 10:39 pm

We're back on track with Bundy Quicksilver and 'The Proposition': here is page 5.

‘Yeah – okay,’ Bundy recorded the telephone number. ‘Thank you Commissioner, I’ll get back to you.’
They said their farewells. Bundy’s mind exploded in anticipation after considering the conversation with the Commissioner. Why did the Commissioner want to speak to him?

Nothing had changed over twenty or so years since Bundy retired under medical conditions from the police service. Having a pacemaker implanted caused him to retire because of the high risk in being injured. Facing the front entrance of headquarters bought back memories of being told, ‘you’re to go home and stay there and we’ll be in touch.’ It was another twelve months before he was medically discharged.
Before entering the main foyer of the building his mind flashed to a year, it was his second night on patrol in the criminal investigation branch when he was a trainee detective, when he saw a male person lying in the gutter. This male was drunk. Instead of police headquarters being at the corner, the Railway Hotel had been there. He remembered leaning down to take hold of the person.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon May 21, 2012 10:40 pm

Instead of posting another page of 'The Proposition', for today I wanted to share with you my exciting news. I have another five star review on another book, this time 'The Drover': here is the review: 5.0 out of 5 stars An interesting, informative and nostalgic read, May 19, 2012
Diana M. Hockley "lacock2" (Australia) - See all my reviews
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This review is from: The Drover (Kindle Edition)
There are many books written about a bygone era and The Drover is one such. Pat Ritter's novel tells the true story of Harry Williams, a drover who hit the road at 13 and followed the life until it eventually faded due to the arrival of road transport for shifting stock.

Harry Williams was a magnificent man who saw his share of tragedy in losing his newborn son and who took on his deceased sister's twelve children without much assistance from his brother-in-law. Altogether Harry and his wife, Rose, raised fifteen children during their life on the road.

I thoroughly enjoyed this account and hope many people read this chronicle of stamina, honesty and a work ethic which would send many of today's youth into shell-shock just thinking about it. The hardy people of our history need to be written about before their deeds are long forgotten. The muster of the long paddock is enacted once a year in northern Australia and it is about to begin right now. It is heartening to see the tradition maintained and writer's such as Pat Ritter are doing their bit.
Pat Ritter Books then click.... PRB

Hope you enjoy.
The Drover, an Ebook by Pat Ritter
Harry Williams from the age of ten years wanted to become a drover, like his father and grandfather before him. This is his life story of leaving school at ten years old, operating his first droving plant at thirteen years and fully operational at twenty-one years old. Droving is now a craft past ...

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue May 22, 2012 10:44 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 6:

When he took hold of the arm of the person lying in the gutter, his revolver, a 38 Smith & Wesson fell from the shoulder holster inside of his coat and landed on the ground beside this person. He quickly retrieved the revolver and replaced it. It was a close call.
His mind returned to the present confused why the Commissioner wanted to speak with him. He only sent a letter of appreciation to thank him for the medals.
‘Can I help you sir?’ A uniformed officer asked when Bundy finally arrived at the reception desk.
Bundy blinked out of the past and said, ‘sorry, my mind was in another place, I’m Bundy Quicksilver. I have an appointment with the Commissioner.’
The officer dialled a number and placed the receiver to his ear and spoke into it. After speaking he returned to Bundy and said, ‘Mr Quicksilver, the Commissioner is waiting. Turn right through the doors; take the lift to the thirteenth floor. A member of his staff will show you in.’
‘Thank you.’ Bundy walked to the lifts. It was a long time ago since his last visit. At the time the building was new; an atrium formed in the centre was the latest design of the day. He always imagined after seeing it for the first time someone, someday would jump from one of the thirteen floors and land on the bottom floor. To his knowledge no one had done such a thing.
His mind raced in anticipation of ‘why’ the Commissioner would want to see him. His thoughts excited when he boarded the lift and pressed number 13.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed May 23, 2012 10:26 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 7:

The doors opened to the floor and he stepped out. Another officer greeted him, ‘Mr Quicksilver, please follow me.’ Bundy followed the officer.
‘How are you my friend,’ the Commissioner held his hand out and shook it warmly.
‘Wonderful – thank you Commissioner, I’m a little concerned why you wanted me to visit you at your office.’
‘You don’t look a day older since I last saw you. You must be keeping fit and well.’ The Commissioner commented.
‘Thank you – life has treated me well.’ He didn’t want to say too much before he knew why he was there.
‘Bundy – I have a proposition for you. Sit down and we’ll talk.’ He’d known the Commissioner for many years and trusted what he had to tell him. Actually when the Commissioner was a constable stationed near where Bundy lived, he was the officer who signed his induction papers to join the force, as it was known then.
Each time Bundy received a transfer or promotion it was the Commissioner who was the first person on the telephone to congratulate him. Reeling back to the present Bundy said, ‘you have a proposition for me. Did I hear you correct?’

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri May 25, 2012 12:00 am

'The Proposition' - Page 8:

‘Yes, with today’s technology and expertise I’m afraid to say your breed of detective is almost gone. I want to resurrect it in someway. I don’t know how yet but with your help I’m certain we can do it.’
‘I thank you Commissioner for thinking of me but it’s been over twenty years since I worked as a detective.’
‘It wouldn’t matter if it was a hundred years. You’d still have the hunger and I know about your instinct. Those things never vary.’
‘Yes, that’s true. The ping still goes off in the back of my head when something is not working the way it should. As for the hunger, I don’t suppose it would take much to revive it again. I loved working as a detective. I’d be honoured to take you up on your offer.’
‘I want you to meet Detective Superintendent Kathleen Emerson. She’ll be the person you’ll work with.’
A side door opened – a female, smartly dressed in a brown tailored suit, aged in her mid thirties, walked erect into the office. ‘Bundy, this is Kathleen Emerson. She will be working with you.’
‘I’m pleased to meet you,’ he stood and shook her hand and looked directly into her eyes. Something wasn’t right. People’s eyes always told a story. She sat in a chair beside him. Her smell of perfume fragrance almost caused him to faint for she wore a similar perfume his wife Ada once wore.

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby steveizy » Fri May 25, 2012 7:05 pm

Pat, thank you for posting the full story (yes I know - warts and all!) page by page.

I found the previous snippets a bit tiresome as they didn't really get my imagination going. Now I'm fully up to speed on the story, enjoying it, and eagerly awaiting the next page. I've formed mental images of the characters so far, like you do, and potential scenarios that might or might not happen...

Quite a brave step for an author to do this and an interesting experiment in publishing. For a draft copy, I've not noticed anything wrong so far and more importantly, your book passed my "First page test" with flying colours. Now I'm captivated!

Great work :thunbsup

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