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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri May 11, 2012 10:00 pm

dub, that's wonderful news and thank you for your feedback about my story. Yes, if it wasn't for the persistance of my wife I wouldn't be here to share this story with you. Keep up the great writing you are doing: Here is todays paragraph.

Story so far is going to plan. Bones have been discovered in a forest near where the missing boy went missing. Bundy and Kate are presently at the scene.

For me to write this scene in a way I want the reader to devour the words I write, I need to go to the forest at the back of my home and sit to visualise the scene in my mind.

I know this is all make believe but if I'm going to do the scene justice I need to smell the bush, hear the animals, re-create the scene in an place where this could have happened.

So for the next couple of days I won't be reporting on how the story is coming along for at this stage I won't know myself. I promise you will be the first to know when I know.

On a brighter note, Jackson telephoned me this morning to tell me he is going great and everything is back to normal. He's enjoying school and playing football (rugby league) tonight.

Thank you to all of those readers who followed my journey with Jackson. It's great when we have a wonderful outcome.

More tomorrow or the next day after I have the scene right for the next chapter.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun May 13, 2012 10:49 pm

I want to try something very risky. Along the way you've been reading my thoughts and ideas of this latest book 'The Proposition'. When I was writing chapter nine on Saturday I thought - what would be the risk if I posted each day the whole book commencing at page 1? Share the story so far with my readers.

Before I do this you must understand this is a risk I am taking for I've never taken a risk like this before. The book is in its first draft and there will be many mistakes. As I've said - I dare not do this but I'm prepared to share what I've written so far with all of you. Remember, don't be too harsh on me if you notice a spelling mistake, or grammar or the flow of the book.

It is normal after the first draft is completed to read; re-read and re-read before I ever go ahead and publish it. So you can see the risk I'm taking. So here we go:

The Proposition

Chapter 1

Nine years ago Bundy lost his wife Ada to cancer. At the time he never thought his life would go on. He was mistaken. It was a twist of fate on the day he visited his local post office and spoke to the post mistress, Lynette.
‘You have a parcel you’re to sign for.’ She pushed a sheet of paper toward him on the counter, ‘sign here,’ pointed to a spot underneath Bundy’s name. Bundy signed and was handed the parcel.
On the rear side of the parcel were the words - The Commissioner of Police. His eye brows lifted in wonderment not knowing what was in the parcel. It’d been more than twenty years since he retired from the Police Service. Tearing the paper away, he discovered a blue coloured metal case with the words POLICE SERVICE MEDAL clearly embroidered on the front.
‘What’ve you go there’, asked the nosey post mistress looking over Bundy’s shoulder to see he was holding something special.
‘After twenty years, the Commissioner decided to send me a medal.’ Bundy felt stunned and excited all at the one time.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby dub » Mon May 14, 2012 3:29 pm

Hello Pat,
A recent occurence has put the 'spoke in the works, as they say...
A thug or some thugs, set fire to our telecommunications cabinet a couple of blocks away. This resulted in a large area of tv internet and telephone services becoming unavailable, which has caused no end of problems. According to Virgin Media it should be sorted in a few days time. Until that moment it's the internet cafe and I Phone for me in an attempt to keep things ticking over :-D
I like the idea of of you of posting The Proposition and look forward to reading the story as it unfolds.
Great to hear Jackson has settled back at home and is doing well :thunbsup
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon May 14, 2012 9:54 pm

dub, that's no good mate. Sorry to hear about what happened. Yes, Jackson telephoned early last Friday and he's doing well. I'm pleased you like the pages of the new book. Here is page 2:

'The Proposition' - Page 2:

‘Can I have a look?’ The nosey post mistress commented. She wanted to see what was in the case so she could gossip about it to the locals. This would be good fodder to spread in the small hamlet. It may be big news, who knows, she thought.
‘I suppose being the post mistress you could do me the honour of presenting it on behalf of the Commissioner. Would you do me this honour?’ Bundy asked in a soft and genuine tone.
‘It’d be my pleasure.’ She replied - poked her chest out, a broad smile spread across her face. Bundy handed her the case. She opened the lid, a large medal with the words DILIGENT AND ETHICAL SERVICE fastened with coloured stripped two tone blue ribbon and a bar with the figure 20 pinned across the centre of the ribbon, held her attention.
‘Do I take them out and pin them on you?’ She asked in a concerned voice which was totally different to how she’d spoken previously. A look of seriousness covered her face.
‘I suppose you should. What’s the other medal?’ Bundy asked when he saw there were two in the case.
‘It’s a smaller version of the larger one. There’s two; I suppose you wear them somewhere to show you served twenty years in the police service. I feel privileged for letting me do this. I feel proud and honoured.’ She said as she unclipped both medals from inside of the case. She proudly fastened them to Bundy’s shirt, ‘do I salute or stand at attention?’ She said nervously.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue May 15, 2012 10:33 pm

dub, the story this week is: 'And Then There Were Three.' This should get the juices flowing. Now for page three of 'The Proposition'. Hope you enjoy.

‘No, I don’t think it’s necessary to go that far – I’m overwhelmed to get them. I never believed I’d ever hear from the police again. It’s truly great to be remembered.’ A tear welled in Bundy’s eyes, memories flooded back of the twenty years he served for his community as a law enforcement officer.
After he returned home, he decided to write a letter to the Commissioner to express his appreciation and feelings on receiving the medals. Words flooded from his mind to flow onto paper in appreciation to receive these medals. Actually words were difficult to find, in a correct way. He wrote what was in his heart.

‘Is that you Bundy?’ The voice didn’t sound familiar when Bundy answered the telephone.
‘Bundy Quicksilver here - who’s speaking?’ He answered the caller, only thinking it may have been another of those pest calls from India.
‘You can’t tell after twenty years, it’s the Commissioner.’
‘Oh for goodness sake – how are you Commissioner?’ Bundy felt relieved he now knew the caller and felt warm inside to know it was the Commissioner telephoning him direct to his home, ‘thank you for sending me those medals – I thought I’d been forgotten.’ He muttered through the mouth piece.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed May 16, 2012 8:59 pm

‘No – we never forget one of our best workers. How have you been since you left the service?’ The Commissioner asked in an official tone.
‘Great - thank you. I was so overwhelmed when I received the medals I wanted to write to you personally to say how appreciated I felt when I received them.’
‘You are the only one who replied.’
‘I’m sorry to hear no one else felt the same as I did.’
‘As I remember – you always wore your heart on your sleeve. Was it difficult when you left the job?’
‘For the first couple of years; each time I heard a crime committed on the radio or saw the same on television, I wanted to be back in the service chasing the bad guys but unfortunately with a pacemaker I understood I couldn’t in case I was injured.’
‘Bundy, the reason I phoned, is - I’d like you to come and have a chat sometime in the near future, here in my office. I have a proposition you may be interested in.’
‘I’d be honoured Sir.’
‘Enough of that, you’ve known me long enough to call me Commissioner.’
‘What is it - you want to see me about?’
‘It’s something which prompted me to think about after I received your letter. I think you will like what I have to say. Get back to me; I’ll give you my direct number. Ring me anytime.’

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu May 17, 2012 9:15 pm

Today I'm over the moon, it's because of this: IMPORTANT MESSAGE: This morning I had my first review on a book with five stars: Review by: Pineapple Sam on May 16, 2012 : star star star star star
I read your sample and found similarities and could not stop reading so I purchased your book. I am glad I did. Even though I knew back of my mind most of the process mentioned in the book, I felt this was a great book to quickly refresh my memory. I am retired and have my last teenager graduating soon and found the book very helpful to smooth out the bumps in our relationship. I recommend this book as a valuable resource to all parents with teenagers. Thank you. Link:
Closing The Gap, an Ebook by Pat Ritter
Parenting teenagers at times can be difficult and is an unknown journey for parents of teenage children. This book came about when one of the co-authors identified how he could improve communication between parents and their teenager after the teenager had 'ran away from home'. This book is unique....

I've never had a five star review and I can tell you it's a terrific feeling.

For the next couple of days I will be attending a writer's conference - WriteFest in Bundaberg.

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