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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon May 07, 2012 10:36 pm

I can't wait to get back to the story of Bundy Quicksilver. Presently I'm reading a book I downloaded from Amazon about a private detective agency and what they get up to. It has got me intrigued. I can't put it down.

This is the hope I have with my readers when I write a book. I have a sign above my head which reads, 'How Can I Make The Reader Devour The Words I Write?' It drives me on to achieve what I always wanted and that is to write for readers who enjoy
my books. Pat Ritter Books then click.... PRB
When I cast my mind back to the beginning and read what I wrote at the time (twenty-five years ago) to how I write at the present, I am astonished at the difference. I enjoy what I write now. Not that I didn't enjoy it then but it was more of a task rather than something I've always wanted to do and enjoy.

From reading about other author's experiences of their writing career, as with anything we accomplish, it takes time and hard work. Eventually the door is open and we walk through the door to open another door and another and another until hopefully we are satisfied. I'll never be satisfied and continue until they put me into a wooden box.

More tomorrow.

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue May 08, 2012 11:11 pm

Here we go. My grandson has left with his mother and I'm back on-track with my life as an author. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed my grandson being here with me. I only hope he learnt a few things about life with it's ups and downs.

In the meantime I've been busily reading different stories about investigations. Where I have a problem with reading these stories is - in my time as a detective I actually investigated most of the crimes they write about.

My task in 'The Proposition' is to bring to life Detective Bundy Quicksilver out of retirement and help him along his path to solve the mystery of a missing twelve year old lad who disappeared eight years before, not only using the old methods of investigations skills but introducing newer methods such as DNA.

Since reading these other books, the manner in which the authors captured my attention, I hope to do a similar thing with my readers with intrigue, clues, and hopefully a happy ending.

More tomorrow.

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby dub » Tue May 08, 2012 11:18 pm

Hi Pat,
I enjoyed your story, You are as young as you feel:
I have a day off work on Thursday and intend to write my story then.
Seeing your 435 word story helped me and gave me a visual representation of the task ahead.
I have been thinking about my story now on and off for a few days, and I am going to go for it and write what comes to mind, as you suggested.
I'm considering a cardboard box or one made from Paper Mache
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed May 09, 2012 10:58 pm

dub, I'm pleased you liked the story. It went over well at writers group. Your ideas sound good and I can't wait to read it. This week is 'Doctors & Nurses' so that'll fill your imagination. Now for today's entry:

I have some good news. My daughter sent me a message last night to thank me on taking care of Jackson and teaching him how to change his attitude. She said it was good to have her wonderful boy back without the attitude.

He presented confident and his attitude was well received by the principal at his school for re-entry. Something must have gone right. Hopefully from now on he has seen the error of his ways and will get on with his life. Hopefully it will be the turning point in his life. I certainly hope so for my sake - I'm getting too old for this stuff.

This takes me back to when I introduced a similar programme when I was in the police. Obviously nothing much has changed since the 80's. Only then, we didn't have all of the present technology to deal with, computers, internet, facebook, mobile phone, etc. I'm not saying it's bad - but it needs to be controlled and if the child is not mature enough (as is my grandson) they shouldn't use the equipment until they are sensible enough to be responsible for their actions.

Actions have consequences and a message I pushed into my grandson's head constantly was - think before you do anything; and if the little voice in your head tells you not to do it, then don't do what you were about to do.

I'm pleased to see Jackson has taken responsibility for his actions and has moved back onto the right track. Now I've got to get back on-track with my writing Detective Bundy Quicksilver.

More tomorrow.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby dub » Thu May 10, 2012 5:20 pm

Hi Pat,
My story ! (Which, I must say, without the tips, advice, and encouragement you have given me, it wouldn't have been possible) :thanks
I am lucky to have a proof reader, Mrs V who drilled my piece down to 500 words :applause
You Are As Young as You Feel
I am as young as I feel?
In my mind I feel as young as I did yesterday, although I feel I have more ambition now, and a greater desire to achieve.
When I was in my early twenties, I remember living each week for the weekend to come around.

And then, when the weekend arrived, I would dress up to the nines in the latest fashionable garb and go out on the town with the lads and visit discos, where we would stand around drinking and posing, and watch the girls dance around their handbags, all the while hoping to catch the eye of some fashion queen.
In those heady days I have no memory of living for the future, but living only for that day, and, of course, the weekend. Surprisingly, I recall many memories of my youth.
I have been blessed with youthful boyish looks (so I’ve been told) and although nice to have, I watch them fade. Looking in the mirror my hair is greying and I am aware that my waistline has expanded somewhat as well.
I remember once upon a time, if somebody enquired after my age, their retort would be “Oh you don’t look that old” and they would trim 10 years off my actual age (I believed it to be true).

Then one day in my early forties when I was out walking our dogs, a gentleman passing by came a little too close, and suddenly, to my complete surprise, Rosie, our lovely old dog, nipped this guy’s leg. (more of a gruff)
After much embarrassment and many apologies from me, the man graciously let the matter go, much to my relief.

Later that week when I was reading the local rag (newspaper), I came across an article referring to an incident of a pedestrian being attacked by a dangerous dog. Reading on I was stunned to read that the location of this incidence corresponded to where Rosie’s bit the passer by. The article gave a description of the owner, me! The odd thing was, that when the injured party described us in the paper he said “It was an old man and his dogs”.
(Obviously it’s the way I was dressed). :joker

Back to the present day. A couple of weeks ago, there was a fracas outside our house, and myself and Mrs V. went out to investigate, where we saw a young couple having a heated argument (16- 17 year olds).
This young guy was being a tad aggressive to his gal. So I intervened verbally at this point and then this chat progressed into a slanging match. “*~#ll you mate! I got a knife!” he snarled.
At that point the girlfriend piped up and said “What are you bothering these old people for? Let’s go”.

Four decades ago I was the same age as these kids and four decades on…

I am as young as I feel
What is that saying? ‘Age is all in the mind’.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri May 11, 2012 4:46 am


Let me congratulate you on writing a wonderful, honest and sincere story. It was a delight to read. It was written from the heart and refreshing to know how your feelings came out as you described the various steps. Great job. Now for this week's story: Doctors & Nurses: Here is mine -

Doctors & nurses:

I want to share with you a story from my personal experiences about doctors and nurses. You see, if I didn’t have a doctor examine me at a particular time in my life, I wouldn’t be here to tell you the tale.

My life was running along quite well, when suddenly my chest filled with fluid and I felt light headed. After awhile I regained my posture and thought no more about what had happened only ten minutes before.

Later in the afternoon after this experience I decided to visit a doctor to see if everything was still working the way it should have been. At the time I considered I didn’t need a doctor and it was only at the persistence of my wife, I made the visit.

In his surgery I didn’t know what to tell him when he asked ‘what my problem was’. I lifted my shirt and he placed his stethoscope on my chest around the region of my heart. His face changed to concern at the same time moving his stethoscope further around the chest region.

‘What’s wrong?’ I said in an alarmed voice.

‘I can’t hear your heart beat.’ He answered.

I’d been told many times I didn’t have a heart but when a doctor tells you, it is time to listen and forget about those remarks made by others.

‘You’re to go directly to hospital – to the emergency department.’ Were his final words before I was whisked out of his surgery and driven to the hospital by my wife?

At the hospital nurses took over, plugging me into a machine. Another doctor stuck a needle into the back of my hand and extracted blood like a vampire. I had no idea what was going on. My mind was a mess from all of the excitement of doctors and nurses fussing over me.

Eventually after three days of being prodded, poked and constantly stabbed by needles I was told my heart almost stopped and I needed an operation to have a pacemaker implantation.

Another doctor, this time a specialist, Cardiologist, performed the operation and thank goodness everything was a success.

Without this operation I would have passed away in my sleep that night if my wife didn’t persist on me seeing a doctor. That was twenty-two years ago and to think if I hadn’t of visited the doctor when I did, I wouldn’t be here to share with you my story. God bless all doctors and nurses for their dedication to their calling.
Word count: 425.

Look forward to reading your story. Again a job well done!

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby dub » Fri May 11, 2012 4:52 pm

patritter wrote:Dub,

Let me congratulate you on writing a wonderful, honest and sincere story. It was a delight to read. It was written from the heart and refreshing to know how your feelings came out as you described the various steps. Great job. Now for this week's story: Doctors & Nurses: Here is mine -

Doctors & nurses:

I want to share with you a story from my personal experiences about doctors and nurses. You see, if I didn’t have a doctor examine me at a particular time in my life, I wouldn’t be here to tell you the tale.

My life was running along quite well, when suddenly my chest filled with fluid and I felt light headed. After awhile I regained my posture and thought no more about what had happened only ten minutes before.

Later in the afternoon after this experience I decided to visit a doctor to see if everything was still working the way it should have been. At the time I considered I didn’t need a doctor and it was only at the persistence of my wife, I made the visit.

In his surgery I didn’t know what to tell him when he asked ‘what my problem was’. I lifted my shirt and he placed his stethoscope on my chest around the region of my heart. His face changed to concern at the same time moving his stethoscope further around the chest region.

‘What’s wrong?’ I said in an alarmed voice.

‘I can’t hear your heart beat.’ He answered.

I’d been told many times I didn’t have a heart but when a doctor tells you, it is time to listen and forget about those remarks made by others.

‘You’re to go directly to hospital – to the emergency department.’ Were his final words before I was whisked out of his surgery and driven to the hospital by my wife?

At the hospital nurses took over, plugging me into a machine. Another doctor stuck a needle into the back of my hand and extracted blood like a vampire. I had no idea what was going on. My mind was a mess from all of the excitement of doctors and nurses fussing over me.

Eventually after three days of being prodded, poked and constantly stabbed by needles I was told my heart almost stopped and I needed an operation to have a pacemaker implantation.

Another doctor, this time a specialist, Cardiologist, performed the operation and thank goodness everything was a success.

Without this operation I would have passed away in my sleep that night if my wife didn’t persist on me seeing a doctor. That was twenty-two years ago and to think if I hadn’t of visited the doctor when I did, I wouldn’t be here to share with you my story. God bless all doctors and nurses for their dedication to their calling.
Word count: 425.

Look forward to reading your story. Again a job well done!

Hi Pat'
Thanks for your words of encouragement re my short story :thanks
I enjoyed your story about your experience at the hospital although it was scary to think what the outcome could have been, had you not acted on your wife's strong words to seek medical advice.
Mrs V has the same trait in that if I am ill she will always insist that I visit the Doctor.The other side of the coin is if Mrs V becomes poorly, she becomes the patient from Hell :devil-smile and won't take her medicine and generally has to be harangued to get her down to surgery.
I think it's other example of the Venus & Mars theory. :scratch
:thunbsup 'God bless all doctors and nurses for their dedication to their calling.' :notworthy :applause
My goal now is to complete my next short story before you next meet at the writers group.
I have a lose idea on how I wish to proceed, your advice worked for my first attempt.
Hopefully the words will flow on my second go, I have set this Sunday aside as the day of reckoning :-D
Happy Days !
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