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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:04 pm

Thanks Dub - you are keeping up with the story, that's great. You'll find it turns out right in the end. If you have a read of Bundy's first book: Link Pat Ritter Books then click.... PRB You'll discover how good he really is. Anyway, here is the next section:

Bundy is relieved Quincy's tests prove the DNA from the decomposed body found in the foresty is not their missing person Peter Clayton.

Kate couldn't believe if Quincy had made the correct test and wanted to take the sample to her own forensic scientists. She was determined to set on record the DNA was Peter Clayton.

In the meantime Bundy continued with his investigation of finding Peter Clayton dead or alive and would strick to Quincy's 'secret weapon'.

Wait until tomorrow to find out how Kate's tests went.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Apr 17, 2012 10:28 pm

Kate is determined to know the decomposed body is Peter Clayton. She's almost certain and argues with Bundy. He enlightens her of the news the body was only there five years and Peter had been missing for eight years.

Kate produced her mobile telephone and shows Bundy a video of the scene she'd recorded when viewing the body and asked him how he could tell the different.

She threw a challenge to him. Bundy was amazed to view the mobile telephone screen and saw exactly what was recorded. He's still having problems keeping up with technology.

You'll need to wait until tomorrow to find out Bundy's findings.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:48 pm

Bundy views the crime scene on Kate's mobile telephone and is amazed how clear and distinct the vision is. He shares with her a case he investigated many years before when a deceased was found after five years. This scene was similar.

Kate couldn't believe Bundy and needed to have the DNA tests performed by her own forensic scientists to be positive it was not Peter Clayton.

Bundy said, 'go right ahead. In the meantime I'll get back to finding him.' Kate obtained samples and had them examined by her forensic team.

You'll need to wait until tomorrow to find out the results.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:38 pm

I've got some good news and some bad news. Unfortunately a family emergency has arisen and I will not be posting daily the continued story of Bundy & Kate.

Until then hopefully you shouldn't go into withdrawal so I'll entertain you today with the story I'm presenting at the writers group this morning.


Charley Drake recorded a song entitled ‘my boomerang won’t come back’ when I was aged twelve years old. This tune repeated over and over in my mind. I can share with you the exact place I first heard this song. It was when I was walking along Graceville Avenue, Graceville an outer western Brisbane suburb.

It’s a catchy tune describes the plight of a young aboriginal, the chief’s son, trying to learn to throw his boomerang and it wouldn’t come back. He threw the thing all over the place, practised until he was black in the face but his boomerang didn’t come back. The family witch doctor was bought in to teach him how to throw the boomerang.

Doing what the witch doctor told him to do; he drew back the boomerang, steady, and threw it into the air hitting the flying doctor plane. ‘I think I hit the flying doctor’ were the last words of the song and he asked the witch doctor, ‘do you know first-aid’.

At the time I thought the song was very catchy and funny. A search of the internet produced a u-tune of the song and after listening to it again after more than a half-a-century I still think the song and lyrics remain funny and catchy.

A boomerang is made from wood. Modern boomerangs are made for sport and often have carbon fibre-reinforced plastics, not like the original ones made by ancient aboriginal peoples.

They were mainly used as hunting weapons. The name boomerang referred to returning throwing stick. The oldest Australian boomerang is ten thousand years old, so they’ve been around for a long time.

There is a question I want to ask before I complete this story: ‘What do you call a boomerang that won’t come back?’ Answer: ‘A stick.’
Word count: 303

Hopefully it will not be long before I continue the story. Thank you for your continued support and I'll be back soon. Until then happy days.

.... PRB

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby Nevis » Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:04 am

Hi sorry to hear of your emergency I hope its not of a serious nature and resolves itself quickly to everybody's satisfaction.

I remember that song about the boomerang not coming back as a child in the U.k
I'll search Charley Drake on You Tube had take a trip down memory lane.
The PC brigade would have a field day in these present times over the lyric 'practised until he was black in the face '
Thanks for the story I enjoyed it :clap
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:54 pm

Thank you Dub for your kind words of encouragement. Yes, the song does bring back memories. The emergency is still going on but I thought to let my readers know what it is. My twelve year old grandson, who I love with all of my heart fell off the rails of life and needed a strong hand to put him back on. This is what I have posted.

I'm back. Let me share with you the family emergency I'm having. My grandson is twelve years old and unfortunately like many twelve year old children he fell off the rails of life and landed with a thud.

He is staying with me for the duration. Being a grandparent of a twelve year old has it's moments. He's a wonderful lad and all he needs is a guiding hand to get him back on track. More like a backhand at times. I firmly believe in discipline and self-discipline.

Unfortunately it gives me little time to do what I love to do and that is to write, particularly my latest novel 'The Proposition'.

Anyway, the world isn't going to stop and my role as a grandparent comes first.

What's so funny (not ha ha) is in 1988 I co-wrote and published a book to help parents with their teenage children. It has sold thousands of copies across the globe. 'Closing The Gap'

Although it's been over twenty-four years since the book was published, the information it concerns is still relevant to today's teenager, or should I use the correct term 'tweenager'.

Hopefully by the time he returns to his parents he will have moved back onto the right track of life and continue his life without many problems.

More tomorrow.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:33 pm

One thing I've found is they are inquisitive creatures. My grandson, since he's been here has read all of my books from beginning to end and talks to me about my previous life as a police officer.

He attends each writer's group with me each Tuesday and participates in the story writing as well as read his stories to the members (fifteen). Plus the members talk with him and share their own stories.

It's a long time since I've been twelve years old and to live, breathe, converse, and do other things with a twelve year old certainly takes me back to my own life at that age.

Daily he has learnt to become disciplined. As soon as he gets out of bed he makes it, goes and has a shower, dresses for the day, has breakfast and cleans the house by vacuuming and sweeping. Each Tuesday and Friday is change the linen day and Friday is clean up the house day.

It's then school work for the morning. Learning how to again do algebra spooked me at first, but after a couple of exercises it all came back.

However, with both of us working together we are succeeding.

More tomorrow. He asked me yesterday if he can have the weekend off and the answer was NO! He hates me using that word.

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