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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:56 pm

I can inform you I wrote more of chapter seven yesterday. Before starting to write I read the manuscript from the beginning (which I don't normally do). Because I had a few days break from the manuscript I thought it prudent to read what I'd written. So far, I'm happy with the story.

Chapter seven tells us how Kate doesn't agree with Quincy's 'secret weapon' whilst Bundy and the Commissioner thinks it's a great idea. Kate is told (not instructed) by the Commissioner to stick with Bundy and Quincy and she may be surprised at what she's about to learn. She disagrees however needs to do as her 'Boss' has told her to do.

Kate is against Quincy's idea and wants to keep far enough away from it as possible. She can't see the forrest for the trees. Bundy tries to explain the importance of the 'secret weapon'; however, Kate wants nothing to do with it.

You'll need to wait until tomorrow to find out the direction Kate decides to take. Or does she come up with a better idea?

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:32 pm

After Kate and Bundy spoke with the Commissioner about the investigation and use of the 'secret weapon' designed by Quincy, he instructs Kate to continue to work with Bundy and Quincy. She doesn't want too but the Commissioner insists. She might learn something - he informs her.

When Bundy and Kate reach their office Kate blasts Bundy about working with the two of them and wants out. Unfortunately she'd been instructed by the Commissioner to continue with the investigation.

Bundy suggests Kate take a break from the investigation to re-charge her batteries. He owns a unit at Caloundra on the Sunshine Coast and offered her the unit (at no cost) for as long as she wants to live in it to have a break. He even suggests he will keep her informed of Quincy and his work.

Kate thinks about Bundy's offer and suggests they take a drive to Caloundra to have a look at the unit. It overlooks Kings Beach and is a place Bundy always visits when he wants to 'get away from the madening crowd'.

Wait until tomorrow to see what Kate thinks of the unit.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:20 pm

My mind has been screaming with ideas of where to go with this story next. Bundy noticed Kate extremely upset by being told by the Commissioner to continue on with the investigation and to take notice of Quincy's 'secret weapon'.

Bundy came up with an idea Kate needed to get away for a couple of weeks and have a break from the investigation. He owned a holiday unit at Caloundra and offered the unit to Kate for a holiday for as long as she needed it. She is a little sceptical about the offer and suggests they first visit the unit.

Mrs Elloitt, who is Bundy's neighbour next door to his unit is also the caretaker whilst he doesn't use it. She met them when they arrived. Bundy introduced Kate to Mrs Elloitt who makes her feel welcome. They actually get on like a house on fire.

Kate decided to take the unit and wants to pay Bundy for rent. He tells her it's a holiday unit and to have a good time. The unit overlooks Kings Beach at Caloundra where every half hour huge container ships travel through the channel on the way to the port of Brisbane.

Before Bundy leaves Kate at the unit he hands her a book entitled 'The 5 Rules Of Thought' written by Mary T Bowne and asked her to read it. Is he doing the right thing by handing her this particular book to read. Wait until tomorrow to find the answer.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:27 pm

I've got to tell you this book has taken over my life. Last night my dreams were about where it was going and the twists and turns it will take on this journey. You may consider I may be off to the funny farm but I hope not.

Kate accepts Bundy's offer to have a couple of weeks rest at his Caloundra holiday unit. She moves into the unit and meets her next door neighbour Mrs Elliott. Over a couple of days they became firm friends and this is where Kate asked Mrs Elliott about her knowledge of Bundy and his life.

Mrs Elliott speaks her mind as she always has and tells Kate all about her knowledge of Bundy. Kate is surprised to hear Bundy is a gentleman and has treated her very well from the time they've known each other. He is her guardian angel - she tells Kate.

Kate mentioned about the book 'The 5 Rules of Thought' and wants to know why Bundy wants her to read it. Mrs Elliott wonders about the request but firmly says to Kate, 'if he thinks you should read it - then read it.'.

Kate begins to read the book under sufferance. Wait until tomorrow to find out her thoughts.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby dub » Wed Apr 04, 2012 8:25 pm

That's dreams ! you're the actor and not the director :scratch
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

EDGAR ALLAN POE, A Dream Within a Dream.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:52 pm

Thank you Dub for your kind words. Believe me - this book is so close to the story I want to write, I dream about the next part. It's never happened to me before. Anyway, here is the next stage:

Kate finds her holiday at Caloundra is relaxing only trouble is she is having difficultly reading and understanding the book Bundy gave her. She is determined to read it from cover to cover even if she doesn't understand the contents. She may even read it a second time to see if anything jumps from the page.

In the meantime Mrs Elliott and Kate become firm friends over morning cups of coffee and sharing her knowledge of Bundy. Mrs Elliott shares with Kate how she treats Bundy like a son and looks forward to his visits. He treats her with dignity.

Ever since he purchased the unit they have been firm friends. Kate wants to know more about Bundy's life. He's a mystery person to her and especially his mate Quincy Simpson who she doesn't really like. She thinks he has a hold over Bundy and still wants to be out there chasing the bad guy.

Wait until tomorrow when I catch up on my writing and hopefully complete chapter 7 to know what happens next.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:42 pm

Today I'm off to the writer's group after three weeks of absence. Here is the story I've prepared for today. Hope you enjoy reading it.

The Anthill

One of the funniest stories I’d ever heard was told by my uncle at my sister’s wedding. Uncle Vivian presented his talk at the wedding reception. He spoke on behalf of the family.

To the embarrassment of my sister, and those who knew her most of her life, related to the story Uncle Vivian unfolded. It began when she was a small child, aged around five or six years old.

My sister always had a built-in personality, one which if she was angry, exploded like a volcano spitting volumes of lava onto anyone nearby. Her temper placed her in more trouble at any one time and; behold the person who was in the firing line.

On this occasion she visited our grandparents who lived on a cattle and sheep property in far western Queensland. We children rode in the back of the old Land Rover utility. Our job was to tell our grandfather if we sighted a kangaroo by hitting the roof of the cabin of the vehicle. Once we sighted one, our grandfather stopped the vehicle and shot the kangaroo. The kangaroo was thrown into the rear utility section with us kids.

At the time my uncle shared this story, his voice carried me back to when he described. Among the bush were hundreds and hundreds of mounds standing like sentinels. They were made from earth standing almost a similar height to a child six years old.
After shooting the kangaroo my grandfather stopped the vehicle, dragged the dead kangaroo from the rear of the Land Rover and skinned it.

My uncle described how my sister needed to go to the toilet. My grandfather told her to go behind one of these sentinels so she wouldn’t be embarrassed.

Everyone at the reception was waiting for my uncle’s response to share with them ‘what happened next’. His sudden burst of-laughter with the words, ‘you should have seen her, she raced back to the vehicle with her pants down around her ankles, screaming she’d been attacked’.

My sister went behind an ‘anthill’. In her haste to finish what she was doing was attacked by meat ants from the colony of ants at the ‘anthill’.

Obviously she was embarrassed when this story was told at her wedding reception but she couldn’t believe our uncle would share the story with her wedding guests.

Back to Bundy & Kate tomorrow. :thanks

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