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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:16 pm

Kate can't believe where Bundy lives and after a cup-of-coffee they leave to visit Mrs Clayton. Before arriving at her home they re-visit the crime scene where Kate points out important things to Bundy.

Bundy's instincts goes into overdrive. How would a twelve year old child go missing from a small township where everyone looked out for each other and no one saw anything or anyone. It was a mystery. Bundy wanted to get to the bottom of how the lad went missing if it took to his dying day. He now understood why Detective Superintendent Emerson worked tirelessly on the case for the past eight years.

One important point Bundy discovered was the automatic ticket machine didn't have a record of a sale for a ticket from this railway station to two stations up the line on the day the lad went missing. Why!

Had the lad not caught the train or if he did - had he not purchased a ticket? These questions had to be answered. Evidence from the computer at the Transport Department showed a regular ticket being purchased every second day from this railway station to two stops up the line. This was regular for the lad to travel by train to visit his grandmother. Not on this particular day he went missing.

Wait until tomorrow to find out what happens next.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:05 am

I had a good day yesterday with writing the story. I've almost completed chapter 4 and at this rate am ahead. This story is unfolding better than I ever expected. The flow continues to create the story as a storyteller exercise which I want to pursue.

Tell it as it is - enjoy what I'm doing and therefore the readers should enjoy it also.

Yesterday Bundy and Kate drove to Mrs Clayton's home but before going to the home Bundy wanted to retrace the steps Peter Clayton took on that faithful day he disappeared. Kate shows him the direction he would've walked from his home to the overhead railway bridge.

Bundy asked Kate to step out the distance which is does. He doesn't let on it's only an exercise of trust between the two to show him she's working with him and not against him. She queries his reason for wanting her to take the steps and he discloses to her because he wanted her to do it.

She reminds him - SHE is the BOSS!

Wait until tomorrow and I'll share with you where this story goes.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:00 pm

Over the past couple of days I've been a little slack with writing. It's not I haven't wanted to - it's because I had other engagements to keep me away from writing. Now I'm back.

Half way through chapter 5 when Bundy warms to Mrs Clayton. They speak openly about their lost loves and ways they each dealt with their loss. Kate in the meantime sits and ponders how this is going to help to find 'Peter'. Mrs Clayton reassures Kate her son still lives but has no idea where he is. She continues to feel his presents.

Bundy continues to follow his instincts about the investigation and many thoughts are repeated over and over in his mind. Like the time he investigated the old man who for forty years continued to sexual interfere with children aged around Peter's age and younger. After Bundy arrested this person many mothers telephoned to thank him, the man interfered with them when they were a tender age.

His mind is set to find 'Peter'. How, at this stage he doesn't know.

Wait until tomorrow to find out his and Kate's strategy.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:42 pm

Yesterday my friend Al Place from England suggested I join Indie Writers Unite. I did so. Indie writers are authors similar to myself. They love to write and now with ebook self-publishing can sell their books across the world.

If you want to join - go to facebook page 'Indie Writers Unite' to become a member.

Back to 'The Proposition'. Alright I'm guilty of author's laziness. Yes, me of all people have a day or perhaps two days off. It's not a sin but I can't have too many more days off because I'll get behind in my schedule.

Yesterday I got so hooked up in promoting my books time ran out to add another couple of paragraphs to chapter 5. Don't worry it's coming together well. You see I'm writing this book, not with a plan, but whatever comes out of my mind at the time. It's exciting to express my thoughts in conversation with different characters in the story. It's as if I'm there myself in the story which is scary.

Today I'm off to Pomona Writers Group to read my story I wrote on 'Esmeralda'. It's a corker and can't wait to read it to the members.

So tomorrow I promise to get back on track to 'The Proposition' if it kills me.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:03 pm

You will be pleased to know I'm back on-track with 'The Proposition'. Half way through chapter five and going well as could be at this stage.

Mary (Mrs Clayton) mother of missing lad Peter, shares with Bundy and Kate her thoughts on the final day she saw her son leave home and walk to the overhead railway bridge to the railway station to board a train to take him to his grandmother's home two stops further north up the line.

She describes the day as the same as any other day when he left home to walk through the paddock, which is now a huge shopping centre, her last sight of him was when he walked onto the footpath toward the overhead railway bridge.

He was never sighted again and that was eight years ago. In the meantime she knows in her mother's heart he continues to live but has no idea where. Her husband of twenty-five years suffered a heart attack worrying about the whereabouts of his son and died two years previous.

Now you are up-to-date with the latest, you need to wait until tomorrow to find out the next step Bundy and Kate take in their endeavours to find the lad who is now twenty years old.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:55 pm

Bundy wants to introduce Kate to his old friend Quincy Simpson, the forensic scientist who helped Bundy solve many investigations in his day as a detective. Kate is a little stand-offish about this meeting because she claims the police service has many forensic scientists who do a great job.

In the end she succumbs to Bundy's wishes and he takes Kate to visit his old friend who is retired and lives on a property in the hills. Quincy is pleased to see Bundy once again and thoroughly pleased to meet Kate. He can't wipe the smile from his face.

They sit on the front verandah and look out across the undulating hills surrounding Quincy's property. His wife prepares afternoon tea and seves to her guests. By this time Quincy and Bundy are reminising about their days as investigators sharing their past experiences, laughing at a bygone era with Kate.

Kate tries to be a part of their conversation but it's the old boys club verses the new student. How did she ever become a Detective Superintendent - she ponders.

You'll need to wait until tomorrow to find out what Bundy and Quincy talk about.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:50 pm

I have a confession to make. Over the past couple of days I haven't been able to continue writing chapter 5. I know it's no excuse but unforseen circumstances have evolved and I promise to finish chapter five tomorrow.

Last week my daughter told me life at times becomes unbalanced and hopefully my life will return to an equillibrium in the near future. I love writing this book and storyline and I know it will be a great book for readers.

Sorry about the lapse but as I promised I'll be back to it tomorrow.

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