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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:57 pm

Yesterday I asked if you were enjoying reading the story. I received nil replies. Okay then I'll explain how my mind works when writing a book.

Take this book for example. At the moment I'm focused on writing this book. It's became part of my dreams at night. I'm actually dreaming the scenes of the book. It may sound strange however I can't stop my dreams. It's as if the scenes have formed a life of their own. I meet people in my dreams who are in the book. I talk with them and figure out what is going to happen next.

When I'm awake thoughts are raging through my mind of the next scene to write. It's as if the book has taken over my life. I can visualise how the book is going to grow from receiving those two medals to the journey they take me on with adventure and intrigue.

Many years ago I studied 'Positive Thinking' by reading and studying the author Napolean Hill and particularly a book he'd written 'Think And Grow Rich'. In the book he spoke about forming his own team of experts who sat around a table and discussed ideas with him. In his imagination he honestly thought these meetings were actually happening. He needed to stop because this team was taking over his life.

Thinking back to this time, I suppose I'm experiencing a similar situation in that I'm so excited to write this book - it's actually taking over my life. I'm going to do what Napolean Hill did, I going to relax and write the story as it unfolds from my mind. I've never experienced these things before when I written a book.

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby Nevis » Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:08 pm

We look forward to your posts Pat. sometimes, life takes over and people only have time to read. Doesn't mean to say you are not being read. Because you certainly are :thanks :mz

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:31 pm

Thank you Nevis for your kind thoughts and appreciation. I looked forward to posting more history about my writing career. :punch

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:39 pm

This morning when I logged onto this site I was surprised to read a message about my writing and more surprised to see the results. Thank you all for spreading the word about my writing and your support. It gives me a warm feeling inside to know people like yourselves are spreading-the-word about my writing. I appreciate all of your efforts.

Now back to my latest novel - Detective Bundy Quicksilver. Yesterday writing the novel Bundy visited The Commissioner at his office. You see when The Commissioner was a constable and Bundy went to the police station to enlist, The Commissioner was the constable who helped him join the police. He'd followed Bundy's journey throughout his career and offered him this opportunity to work within the police again.

The Commissioner introduced Detective Superintendent Kathleen Emerson who would work with Bundy. At this stage Bundy has little idea of what work he needs to do and his future lies in the hands of Detective Superintendent Kathleen Emerson. It's a bit like Dennis Waterman playing the old retired detective in the television series 'New Tricks' on the ABC.

Wait until tomorrow to see where Bundy's life is about to change.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:16 pm

Detective Superintendent Emerson takes Bundy to her office on the 3rd floor of headquarters. It's a small dingy office with no windows; two desks, no telephones, and a computer on each desk.

Bundy is a little shaken by this experience and attempts to find out from Detective Superintendent Emerson his role. She's not forthcoming with the idea. You could say they didn't get off on the best of footings.

It wasn't an argument but close enough to it but with Bundy's smooth patience and desire to 'get back on the horse' he shows the officer respect. Actually he feels for her because after finding out she is as old as his daughter Nicole and already reached the rank of Superintendent, she either must have worked and studied hard or got there some other way.

Bundy remembers his day as a junior detective - the Superintendents in those times were old enough with a copuple of years to retire. He has his work cut out to know what The Commissioner has for him to do and how what it has to do with working with Detective Superintendent Kathleen Emerson.

The reason I came up with these names and scenes were through a dream I had a couple of nights ago. The scenes were so real I actually thought I was playing them out in reality. However, it was only a dream. I must be focused on writing this book more than anything else to actually dream about it.

Wait until tomorrow and I share with you my thoughts which hopefully happen next.

Pat Ritter Books then click.... PRB

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:38 pm

Bundy's instinct tells him there are no telephones on the desks and asked Detective Superintendent Emerson the reason. Her reply, she only uses mobile phones and ipads.

These applications are foreign to Bundy who doesn't own a mobile phone nor an ipad. He has no idea what's gone wrong since he retired. He'll need to get up to speed with the latest technology. Everything has changed - technology has grown and far out-stretched Bundy's imagination.

He's still not told why he'd been given this assignment or even knows why The Commissioner wants him to work with Detective Superintendent Kathleen Emerson. There's got to be a reason - his mind reflects through the time he was in the force to recognize the name Emerson.

Yes - he had it, Cliff Emerson was his boss years ago. She looks a little like him in features, similar shape nose. He studied her from his desk. His thoughts gave way to a vision of sitting across from Cliff Emerson one morning to discuss what he should do with his career.

Cliff Emerson was a leader, a great investigator from the old school, who never gave up on any investigation. He'd served in the Stock Investigation Squad as well as the Criminal Investigation Branch. How should he approach the subject?

Wait until tomorrow to find out what happens. Is Bundy intruding and does he get a rap across the knuckles.
Last edited by dub on Tue Jan 24, 2023 5:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby Nevis » Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:52 am

You are very welcome Pat :thunbsup Some of our members log on just to read your page :clap
I, for one, am always curious as to what will happen next :mz
And just to let you know. The Pat Ritter Books forum has had 1,704 hits since it began :applause :applause :celebrate

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