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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Apr 16, 2024 1:06 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 150:
‘Dinner’s almost ready.’ Victoria called from the kitchen.
‘Alright – I’ll have a quick chat with Bundy. Kate, do you want to talk with Victoria?’ Quincy asked in a voice to ‘leave the men alone’ tone.
Bundy filled Quincy in with the latest development of Ralph meeting Mary and subsequently having a roll in the hay on top of the stables at the Exhibition Grounds in 1990 resulting in the pregnancy of Peter.
Quincy raised his eyebrows with surprise, ‘you and Kate have done a great job. Now it’s my turn to see if Ralph is the father and if so, I’ll let you know before Saturday. Can Victoria and I come to the races with you and Kate Saturday night?’ Quincy asked.
‘Of course, you can. You remember where it is. What say I order a table at the restaurant and we’ll make a night of it? From here we’ll let Mary know about this latest discovery; she might come along also.’ Bundy explained. They were called inside for their dinner.
After a delicious meal Bundy and Kate bid farewell to Quincy and Victoria and headed toward Bundy’s home. It was late in the night when they arrived. It had been a long day. She was excited and thrilled about the outcome but couldn’t say anything at this point before the DNA test was completed by Quincy. She stayed the night at Bundy’s home.
Early next morning Kate woke to find a steaming hot cup of coffee and a piece of toast on the side table beside her bed. She smiled and opened the curtains in the bedroom to see the miniature horses, listen to the morning call of the kookaburra. She heard noises coming from the kitchen and imagined it was Bundy making breakfast. She looked at her watch to see it was seven o’clock.
‘Thank you, Bundy.’ With the door closed she called loud enough he could hear...

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Apr 17, 2024 3:05 pm

The Proposition' - Page 151:
Bundy knocked and opened the door to her bedroom, Kate remained in bed, ‘that’s okay. I know how you like your coffee and toast in bed of a morning.’ He said leaning against the door frame.
‘You’ll spoil me doing this. I could get used to it.’ She said while biting a piece of toast.
‘It’s my way of saying thank you for being a great partner in this investigation.’ He shared with her.
‘Why thank me. Until you came along, I never had a clue how to find Peter. We make a great team – don’t we?’ Kate sipped her coffee feeling the aroma enter her nasal passages seeping through to her brain. She needed her early morning coffee.
‘We’ve still got a lot of work to be done. When you finish your coffee and toast, we’ll need to visit Mary and let her know what we’ve done.’ Bundy explained.
‘Okay Master – can I have a little lay in first, please? Don’t you think I deserve it?’ Kate pleaded; she rolled over to cover her face with the bed covering.
Bundy retrieved her plate and used cup, ‘yeah, I suppose you’re entitled to a little lie in. Let me know when you’ve had sufficient beauty sleep. I’ll try to keep quiet while I do my housework.’ He closed the door and returned to the kitchen.
Kate slept for another hour. When she awoke, she rubbed her eyes and wondered where she was. It was strange to awake in a strange bed, then she remembered her early morning coffee and toast. She sprung from bed and quickly dressed. She opened the door and called to Bundy. She couldn’t see him.
‘Out here – on the veranda, have you had sufficient beauty sleep?’ He called back to her.
‘It was great, just to lay in bed without worrying about anything. What about another cup of coffee and a piece of toast – wait a minute I’ll make it and come out and sit with you.’ She called out. Kate filled the electric kettle with water from the tap over the kitchen sink; opened the refrigerator, removed a piece of bread from the packet and placed it into the electric toaster beside the electric jug...


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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Apr 19, 2024 8:44 am

'The Proposition' - Page 152:
Sound of the telephoned alerted Bundy, ‘would you answer the phone – it could be Quincy.’ Bundy shouted from the front veranda.
Kate walked into the office, picked the telephone from its cradle, pressed the call button, and spoke, ‘hello, how can I help you?’ She muttered.
‘Is that you Kate – Quincy here. You’re at Bundy’s place again. Isn’t it time you moved in fulltime? Where is he, still in bed?’ Quincy queried.
‘No – he’s sitting on the front veranda – wait a minute I give him the phone so you can speak with him.’ Kate told Quincy. She walked to the veranda, handed the telephone to Bundy, and said, ‘it’s Quincy.’ She returned to the kitchen to finish making her coffee and toast.
‘How are you my friend?’ Bundy spoke into the receiver.
‘She stayed there another night, hey – what’s going on there Bundy?’ Quincy’s voice echoed through the receiver in an inviting tone.
‘Nothing – what have you got? You’re an early riser as usual.’ He replied.
‘You know I rise before the sun. I’ve got some news you should be interested to hear.’ Quincy’s voice echoed.
‘Wait – I’ll put you on speaker-phone so Kate can hear your news.’ Bundy pressed a button and said, ‘go ahead Quincy.’
‘I did the test this morning and Ralph is Peter’s biological father, DNA proved it.’ Quincy shared with his two friends...

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Apr 19, 2024 8:45 am

'The Proposition' - Page 153:
‘You beauty – that’s the best news I heard in a long time. Quincy, thanks mate for everything you’ve done in this investigation. We really appreciate it.’ Bundy said sincerely.
‘Same goes for me Quincy.’ Kate joyfully told him. Her smile told Bundy how pleased she was when she received the news from Quincy.
‘We’ll let Mary know Peter is alive and see you and Victoria at the paceway Saturday night – thanks again mate. You’re a bloody beauty.’ Bundy’s voice had a smile in it. His heart paced a little faster.
‘Okay – see you both Saturday night.’ Quincy hung up.
‘Now we know Ralph is Peter’s father and he is in safe hands; we’ll need to tell Mary. Do you want to make the call? I think it’d be better it came from you.’ Bundy explained.
Kate dialled Mary’s telephone number and waited for an answer, ‘hello, Mary Clayton, can I help you?’ A soft voice replied.
‘Mary – it’s Kate Emerson. Can Bundy and I come and see you this morning. We have some news you may be pleased with.’ Kate answered.
‘Kate – that would be wonderful; what about you stay for lunch; see you around midday.’ Mary answered.
‘See you at midday Mary – thank you.’ Kate pressed the off button, ‘she’ll make lunch.’ Kate’s smile told the story of how excited she felt.
Close to midday Kate and Bundy parked their vehicle in front of Mary’s house. She greeted them at her front steps, ‘Kate and Bundy – how wonderful to see you again. Kate, you said you had some news I’d be pleased with. Is it about Peter?’ She said. Kate hugged Mary as she usually did on her visits...


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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Apr 21, 2024 4:36 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 154:
Each sat on a lounge chair. Kate wanted to burst the news immediately, however, being professional as she was, decided it was better to allow Bundy to explain.
‘Did you find Peter?’ Mary asked in an excited voice, her hands clasped together hoping it was good news about her son.
‘Mary, you remember our previous visit, at your mother’s home, you shared with us the story of going to Brisbane Exhibition in 1990 and meeting a harness racing driver named Ralph?’ Bundy explained.
‘Yes – did you find him?’ She asked.
‘As a matter-of-fact we did. We think Peter has been with Ralph for these past eight years.’ Bundy explained.
‘Did you see Peter – is he alive?’ She wanted to know.
‘No – we didn’t actually see Peter, physically, but according to Ralph after he viewed the computer printout of the family tree, immediately identified Peter from his photograph.’
‘Where is he now?’ She wanted to know.
‘Ralph told us he was with his girlfriend at Allora helping her family. When he left here eight years ago, he went to Brisbane Exhibition to find Ralph, who took him to his property at Warwick and both have been there since.’
‘Warwick – girlfriend – Allora.’ Mary’s eyes filled with glee; her heart pounded; she started to cry. Kate placed her arm around Mary’s shoulders.
‘Mary – there is something else we want to tell you.’ Bundy said, ‘Ralph provided a sample of his DNA which has resulted in Ralph being Peter’s biological father. We haven’t told Ralph yet because he wanted us to wait until after Saturday night.’
‘Why after Saturday night?’ Mary stopped crying; looked at Bundy. ‘Ralph, as you realise is involved in harness racing. A horse named ‘High Class Investigator’ is racing in the Queensland Championship at Albion Park this Saturday night. He asked if we would kindly wait until the finish of the race before we let him know about the DNA results. Peter, your son, is driving the horse in the race.’ Bundy tried to explain this information slowly because he knew it was important for Mary to understand...

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:58 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 155:
‘Would you explain it again and this time, take it slower so I understand what you’re saying.’ Mary asked in a sincere voice.
Bundy started from the beginning to explain the information she gave them about a harness racing driver named Ralph who is her son’s biological father. He went on to explain how Ralph wanted to focus on the race on Saturday night and not interfere with Peter or upset him in any way because at this stage everything was looking good for the horse to win the race.
‘So, I need to wait until Saturday night to find out if Peter is still alive. Is that what you are saying?’ She replied.
‘In a nutshell – yes. It would be better if you did. I understand how you must feel, your emotions bussing around like a blowfly in a pickle bottle, but if you could wait until after the race Saturday night, we’d appreciate your patience.’ Bundy explained.
‘Are you going to the races Saturday night?’
‘Yes, would you like to come with us?’ Bundy asked in an inviting voice.
‘Oh – yes, please. Can I bring mom too?’ Her excitement rose because she’d never been to a race meeting other than seeing harness racing at the Brisbane Exhibition.
‘We will pick you both up here at say, five o’clock on Saturday afternoon, I’ll book a table, some of our friends will be there and afterwards when the race is over we’ll take you to the birdcage, to see Peter and Ralph.’ Bundy said sincerely.
‘It’s been eight years – a couple of more days won’t hurt, I suppose.’ Mary was now calm and relaxed.
Saturday night couldn’t arrive quickly enough. Bundy and Kate arrived at Mary’s home, Mary and her mother elegantly dressed, both wearing a smile. After boarding the vehicle Kate headed to the paceway in Brisbane.
This night was one of the most important race nights for harness racing on the annual calendar. Queensland Championships was the pinnacle harness race apart from the Inter Dominion which was held occasionally in Queensland. Carpark was filled; lights surrounding Albion Park Paceway illuminated the paceway to make it stand out like a beacon in the night sky.
After escorting his guests to the restaurant, Bundy noticed Quincy and Victoria waiting. After greeted them, he introduced both to their guests.
‘I’m pleased to meet you Quincy.’ Mary said thrusting her hand out to take his hand in a gesture of welcome. ‘How can I ever thank you for what you’ve done to find my son?’
‘It wasn’t all my doing. Kate and Bundy did all the hard work. I only filled in the gaps.’ Quincy humbly replied.
They were escorted to a table close to the front window in view of the track and activities. After being seated Kate felt settled for the first time in an exceptionally long time. Her thoughts returned to the night Bundy and her dined and witnessed ‘High Class Investigator’ win his maiden race at Albion Park. How would she forget the joy of winning twelve hundred dollars?
She leaned across to whisper in Bundy’s ear. ‘When is the race?’ Bundy opened a racebook and noticed it was race number five on the programme...

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Apr 24, 2024 2:45 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 156:
‘It’s two more races to go. We should have enough time for our meal before it’s on. Are you having a bet?’ He whispered back to her.
‘I don’t think so – it’s stretching my luck a bit too far.’
After a hearty meal, the next race on the programme was Queensland Championships. All through the meal everyone shared their thoughts and anxieties of knowing Peter Clayton would at last be found. Mary was excited and kept looking toward the parade ring to see if she could see her son.
‘Mary, Peter is driving ‘High Class Investigator’ in the next race. The horse is carrying number two saddle cloth.’ Bundy beckoned to Mary by showing her his racebook.
‘His name is not Peter Clayton – it’s Peter Peacock.’ She looked at the page and astonishment covered her face.
‘Obviously, he used your maiden name instead of his name.’ Bundy explained. ‘They’re coming out onto the parade ring – look, number two white with purple spots and purple sleeves.’ Bundy pointed.
Mary gazed at the horses and immediately saw her son she hadn’t seen for more than eight years. Tears filled her eyes, she wiped them with a tissue, leaned over to her mother and said, ‘look Mom – it’s Peter – we’ve found him.’ She gave her mother a hug.
Each horse and driver were announced to the crowd as they left the parade ring to enter the racetrack. When the announcer spoke the words ‘High Class Investigator’ driven by up and coming Peter Peacock, Mary stood and clapped and told her friends, ‘that’s my son driving that horse’ and promptly sat down.
Each horse made their way to the starting barrier on the opposite side of the track. Bundy, this time had bought his binoculars, placed them to his face, focused on number two horse and driver. In his mind he saw the horse looked fit, actions smooth, whilst the driver calm and focused. Immediately he understood why Ralph had asked to wait until the finish of the race before telling him about the DNA test result...

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