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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jun 17, 2023 7:19 am

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 58"

Since arriving in the town he’d reduced his drinking, concentrating on his job. It’d been a couple of months, since he really had a belly full of grog. The last time was when he was on that pub-crawl in the city before his transfer.
Time marched onwards Bundy finally securing a room in the police barracks and left his hotel accommodation. Trevor departed on his transfer. Bundy returned to a normal way of life at long last.
After awhile Bundy started to settle down, recognising that he had a job to do in a small town as a law enforcement officer. It was difficult to change. He needed to focus on his future as a law enforcement officer rather than his past life as a metal trade person. He was finding it difficult in coming to terms with what he had to do to enforce the law, as compared to when he was growing up.
He’d never been in trouble with the law. He was kicked up the pants a couple of times when he was with a group of young people out late at night and not having any fair excuse for being there. It was a change he needed to address immediately.
There wasn’t much to do in the small town. He soon learnt that it was difficult for him to make friends as a law enforcement officer. He wanted to make friends but people were always cautious about what they said and how they made conversation whenever he was around them.
At times, Bundy and another officer visited the local poolroom to play snooker or billiards. After awhile this event became boring. Bundy soon lost interest. Next door to the poolroom was a hotel. This was much more interesting because not only could he have a beer but play darts with the other...

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jun 18, 2023 1:31 pm

Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 59:

....patrons at the hotel. It was back to the good old lifestyle Bundy liked.
In the beginning, Bundy only stayed at the hotel for a couple of hours, returning to the barracks to have a sleep before starting his shift for work. Unfortunately, these couple of hours became longer, as Bundy found drinking longer at the hotel, sometimes barely making it to work on time.
On his days off work, he started drinking at the hotel soon after it opened its doors in the morning, drinking alcohol all day until the hotel close of business that evening. At times when he had four days off duty in a row, he’d be at the hotel most of that time. Bundy was returning to his old lifestyle of drinking and working.
He became lost in his direction of life. It didn’t matter how hard he tried to change his ways, it was always back to the hotel where he found his passion for drinking alcohol. His life was about to take a twist, changing his life forever.
It became the luckiest day of his life when Bundy met Ada. Up until this time Bundy hadn’t shown very much interest in the opposite sex. His only interest was drinking alcohol.
Ada worked nearby to the police station. Was it a twist of fate they met? Up until this time Ada had nothing to do with police, only getting her driver’s licence. Her interests were horses and horse sports, which Bundy didn’t have any interest. So what was the chemistry, which pulled these two people together to last thirty-two years?
They both mixed like the formula of water – two parts of hydrogen with one part of oxygen. It was that simple. From their first date, which wasn’t....

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jun 19, 2023 4:10 pm

Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 60:

...long after they’d first met, they were glued together forever.
Bundy felt comfortable being with Ada. He trusted her more than he’d trusted any other person before in his life. It didn’t take long before Bundy was introduced to her parents, George, her father and Mildred her mother. He fitted in with Ada’s family easily; he couldn’t believe how good life was for him. At last, he could see for the first time in his life, he had direction. Which direction, he wasn’t too certain.
Ada and Bundy’s relationship blossomed into LOVE. He knew for the very first time in his life, he had finally met the person with whom he wanted to spend the rest of his life. He was beside himself, trying to work out how this wonderful event in his life happened. It didn’t matter, it happened.
George and Mildred were wonderful people to Bundy, accepting him into their family with ease. They could see both he and their daughter were meant for one another. Alas, no one knew about Bundy’s drinking, but they were soon to find out.
George drank alcohol, particularly rum, which Bundy hadn’t drunk before. His choice was always beer. Mildred didn’t drink much, only to have small rum with George occasionally. Ada didn’t drink alcohol at all.
Bundy invited George to the hotel to ‘get to know him over a few drinks’. George was a man’s man with very little to say but when he did say something he meant what he said. After drinking at the hotel for a couple of hours, Bundy felt intoxicated. George didn’t appear to become ...

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jun 20, 2023 4:45 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 61:

...intoxicated compared to the number of drinks they were having.
George can put them away. He’s been drinking the same as me and it’s not affecting him. I thought that I could put them away but he’d beat me hands down. He must have hollow legs to drink that much without affecting him.
Bundy didn’t remember much after that moment, only a small thing about mentioning to George he was in love with his daughter, and was going to marry her one-day.
George awakened Bundy the following morning where he was asleep on the lounge in Ada’s home. George wanted to know if Bundy wanted a cup of tea. Bundy said in a quiet and embarrassed voice, ‘Yes, thank you.’
‘Do you want me to bring it into you or do you want to come out to the kitchen to have it?’
‘I’ll come out.’ He felt like he’d been through a mincing machine having slept in his clothes he’d worn from the night before. His mind disorientated not understanding how in heaven’s name that he got to be at Ada’s home.
At that moment, Ada appeared at the doorway. Bundy was just about to stand up from lying on the lounge when she said to him, ‘Well, weren’t you a sight for sore eyes last night, I hope you suffer all day.’ She said as she walked out of the room. If looks were daggers, Bundy would have been instantly struck down where he stood.
All Bundy could muster was, ‘I’m sorry.’ His head thumped as if there were a dozen drums inside of it all banging at the one time. Ada was dressed in...

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jun 22, 2023 1:32 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 62:

...her pyjamas. She looked beautiful, I don’t deserve all this or Ada, he thought.
He walked from the lounge room to the kitchen. George prepared Bundy a cup of tea and a slice of toast, ‘Here, come and sit down next to me. She won’t do anything. Don’t take any notice of her. She’s never had a boyfriend before and you’re the first. She’ll get over it.’ George remarked taking a sip from his mug of tea as he spoke.
Bundy noticed Ada hadn’t chastised her father as she had done to him. He later learned Ada had more love and respect for her father than he could ever believe was possible to have for anyone.
That morning after having a cup of tea with a slice of toast, Bundy felt like shit. He suffered a hangover from the alcohol he’d drunk the night before. All he wanted to do was return to the barracks, shower, and dress and have a sleep.
‘Come outside in the sun for awhile and we’ll have a talk.’ George said to Bundy. He followed George outside where they sat side by side near the shed. Each talked to one another, and shared their thoughts about what happened in their lives and what Bundy had done prior to joining the Police Force. It was a fascinating conversation.
Afterwards Bundy agreed to help George repair his truck, which was in need of repair, and this would give them some quality time together to ‘get to know one another.’ Bundy thought it was a good idea and agreed. Firstly though he wanted to clean himself up and return later.
Ada was still angry at Bundy that afternoon when he returned to her home. He told Ada about helping her father with repairs to his truck to ‘get to...

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jun 23, 2023 2:00 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 63:

....know one another’. She agreed. It seemed to be their first disagreement they’d had. Bundy didn’t want anything to go wrong, this relationship was more important to him than was anything else in the world.
Bundy and George agreed to start repairs on his truck the following Friday afternoon working throughout the night. It would be a huge job, to repair the truck, because it hadn’t been totally overhauled since George bought it from when it was new. It may take a few weeks to carry out all of the repairs they both agreed.
Bundy arrived the following Friday afternoon to start work on the truck. Up until this time Bundy had never drank rum. Before they started work on the truck George said, ‘We’d better have a bit of a heart starter.’ He poured a nip of rum into a glass handing it to Bundy. George filled another glass with water. Holding one glass containing rum, George swiftly swallowed the contents of the glass followed quickly by swallowing the water. ‘That’s how it’s done; now you do it.’ He said.
Bundy placed the glass to his lips and smelt the contents. It was a smell, which was strange for him to identify. He was in two minds whether to go ahead and taste this newfound liquor. Ah, what the heck, I’ll try it. It can’t do me much harm, Bundy thought pouring the rich black liquid down his throat causing a burning sensation as it hit the bottom of his stomach. Quickly, he followed up with the glass of water, which was handed to him by George. His reaction to drinking rum was one of not having experienced the drink previously in his life...

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jun 24, 2023 1:21 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 64:

...‘Here have another one Bundy. One won’t be enough.’ George said and handed him rum in a glass with another glass filled with water.
‘What about the truck George? We’ve got to start on it before it gets too dark.’ Bundy said hoping George would remember their agreement to repair his truck.
‘Don’t worry about the truck for now. I’ve bought us a bottle of rum and we’re going to drink the full bottle before the nights over.’ George showed Bundy the bottle of rum to see there was plenty rum left in the bottle. They settled at the kitchen table taking turns of pouring the rum into their glasses while filling another glass with water. Ada was working. She didn’t know what they were doing.
George and Bundy had one more nip of rum each left in the bottle when they were about to pour their last drinks. Suddenly Ada burst into the kitchen and screamed at Bundy, ‘why didn’t you pick me up after work? I’ve been waiting there for the last hour.’ She swung her handbag around with its long straps physically and threw it in the direction of Bundy just missing his head.
‘Get out of here and don’t throw things at Bundy like that. We’re having a drink. You don’t want to marry this woman Bundy she’s off her head.’ George said to Ada, Ada stormed out of the kitchen to her bedroom leaving Bundy and her father to finish the contents of the bottle of rum.
Bundy felt he was in the middle of the ocean and the deep blue sea, not knowing how to swim with the sharks circling around him about to have him for their dinner. He was caught between his love...

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