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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:27 pm

'Build An Empire' - Page 83:
‘I’ll put the kettle on. Tell me everything about my boy Desi’. Daisy released Cynthia walked to the kitchen stoked the stove, placed the kettle on for a cuppa.
‘Nothing further to report. Waiting for Doctor Pike to examine Desi after his leg settles down plus his back.’ She sobbed. Daisy hugged her allowed Cynthia to cry out her anger with what occurred. She didn’t know what to do without Daisy being by her side. Without Desi’s family she was lost. They sat silent. Cynthia reached into her purse extracted money, handed to Daisy who looked shocked by receiving such a large amount.

Chapter 9

‘What’s this for?’ Daisy asked in astonishment, raising her eyebrows.
‘Owners, trainers, jockeys donated their prizemoney to Desi.’ Cynthia hands shook when handing the money to Daisy. ‘I want you to have this for board and lodging for Desi and me. I have no idea how long we will be here.’
‘I don’t want your money, Cynthia. You’re family. Long as you do your own washing, help with cleaning up, cook, more important look after my son.’ Daisy explained returned money to Cynthia.
Cynthia didn’t fully understand her mother-in-law who showed kindness. ‘I’ll help with everything you say.’ Cynthia explained returned money to her purse.
‘I have something you can help me with.’ Daisy stated.
‘I’ll do anything.’
‘When do you think Desi will be home?’
‘Doctor Pike didn’t say. He’s waiting for swelling to go down’.
‘I want Desi home so I can heal him.’
‘How’re you going to heal him?’ Cynthia questioned.
‘Bluebush. My ancestors used this plant for thousands of years to heal others. Bluebush grows on the outskirts of town. Come with me. We’ll pick plants.’
Cynthia accompanied Daisy to outskirts of Cunnamulla. A small bush coloured blue grew wild. Daisy carried her basket, pulled each bluebush from the ground, placed them into her basket until filled to the brim. They returned home. On their journey home Daisy selected two large gibber stones handed them to Cynthia.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:45 am

Build An Empire' - Page 84:
page for today...

‘Would you carry these stones please?’ Daisy handed the stones to Cynthia.
‘How do you know if this will work?’ Cynthia asked, a frown covered her face.
‘Don’t worry, when Keith hurt his back when we lived on Paroo River, I used this bush to heal his wound. This’ll work. You’ll see. Our ancestors have been using this medicine for thousands of years.’
They arrived home Daisy prepared a pot, filled with water, placed it on the stove to boil. When water boiled; she broke leaves from each plant placed them into the boiling water.
‘Daisy, can you explain what you are doing?’ Cynthia questioned.
‘Boiling water will extract oil from the leaves. Oil rises to the top. I’ll scoop the oil, place the oil into a bottle.’. Daisy scooped oil from the top with a spoon poured the oil into a bottle. She continued to pour oil into bottles until they filled.
‘Place these in the cupboard please Cynthia.’ Daisy handed each bottle to Cynthia who stored them.
‘Where are the two large gibber stones?’ Daisy asked Cynthia who retrieved them from the bottom of the basket. Handed them to Daisy. Placing one gibber stone on the table, Daisy used the other gibber stone to crush the remaining Saltbush plant roots between each stone. A powder formed. ‘Scoop up the powder, place it into a bowl please Cynthia.’ Daisy instructed.
Cynthia scooped grey coloured powder using a spoon, filled a bowl. Daisy poured liquid from a bottle which contained oil Cynthia filled from boiling the plant. Daisy mixed oil with powder to form a paste. She continued until bowl filled with paste.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Feb 23, 2023 10:17 am

Build An Empire' - Page 85:
‘Place this beside the bottles.’ Daisy commanded. Cynthia followed Daisy’s instructions.
‘I’m puzzled.’ Cynthia questioned.
‘Desi suffered a broken back. His leg shattered. When he arrives home, I’ll rub oil onto his leg; make a poultice to heal his broken back. Bluebush has healing contents we don’t understand.’ Daisy explained.
‘I will help.’ Cynthia burst with excitement. Thoughts of her husband healing through using Daisy’s methods gave her self-confidence in Desi’s return to good health. She hugged Daisy. ‘Thank you, Daisy. I have complete faith in your treatment.’
‘We’ll fix Desi together’. Her reply made Cynthia burst into tears with joy.
‘I can’t wait to tell Desi tomorrow when I visit him.’
Keith arrived home. Cynthia’s news of helping Desi with Aboriginal medicine excited him.
‘I remember when I fell from a tree on the banks of Paroo River. Never thought I’d walk again. Daisy made a concoction. Fixed me.’ Keith admitted.
‘I have full confidence in her medicine and ability. Can’t wait to tell Desi.’ Cynthia cried.
Cynthia visited Desi next morning, her mind overflowing with enthusiasm couldn’t wait for Doctor Pike to leave so she could tell Desi about his mother’s treatment.
‘Yesterday.’ Cynthia said with an excited voice. ‘I went with your mother to pick Bluebush. At home, she boiled leaves from the Bluebush to extract oil. Afterwards crunched roots from the Bluebush to make an ointment.’

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Feb 24, 2023 3:37 pm

'Build An Empire' - Page 86:
Desi didn’t reply. He understood what his mother did because he witnessed her making this concoction when his father fell from a tree when they lived on Paroo River. At the time he didn’t understand what his mother did to heal his father’s injury. Whatever she did healed his wounds which were serious.
‘I bet she can’t wait for me to come home so she can work her magic on my broken body.’ Desi exclaimed.
‘I’m going to help her.’
‘I remember. Must have been about fifteen years old. My father fell from a tree climbing to rob a bee hive. Broke his back and leg. Mum fixed him by rubbing oil on his leg, she made. Fixed his back with ointment she made. I remember Dad couldn’t do anything for himself. I understand completely how he felt at the time.’ Desi dropped his head in shame.
‘Don’t you give up on me now Desi Whiteman.’ Cynthia said in a firm stern voice. ‘Keep thinking positive. You will return to your ole self again. I have confidence in your mother’s treatment now I heard how she fixed your father.’
‘I’ll keep positive. You will not let me do otherwise. Doctor Pike should have an idea when I can be discharged from the hospital.’
Four months passed when Desi heard news from Doctor Pike his discharge from the hospital. Still couldn’t walk. Bones in his leg healed sufficient to remove plaster. X-rays showed bones knitted together. Now to strengthen muscles around bones to heal leg. Desi’s broken back, fifth and sixth vertebrae remained a concern. Desi’s cheerful outlook proved healing process worked.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:52 am

Build An Empire' - Page 87:

Cynthia’s pregnancy developed. ’I’m huge Desi’. Cynthia stated on the morning she and Daisy walked with Desi using crutches to Joe’s motor vehicle. Joe kind enough to drive them from the hospital to Daisy’s home, helped Desi upstairs.
When everyone settled, Daisy thanked Joe for his help. ‘Anytime. Just yell out’. Joe left.
‘Okay Desi, lay on the floor on your belly.’ His mother instructed. ‘Take off your shirt’. Desi removed his shirt, lay belly down on the floor. His mother prepared her ointment and oil. She rubbed ointment on his back around the area broken.
‘It burns.’ Desi yelled.
‘Good. Supposed to burn. Will repair damage.’ His mother continued to rub ointment until area covered. ‘Cynthia, please hand me bottle of oil.’ Cynthia handed Daisy bottle of oil. Daisy removed top. Poured oil from bottle into her hand. Rubbed his leg from top to his foot with oil. ‘That’s all for now.’ Desi rose from the floor replaced his shirt. Steadied himself using crutches.
For the following month Daisy performed same procedure on Desi twice daily.
‘Cynthia, you must rest. Only have three months before baby is born.’ Daisy told her daughter-in-law.
‘I’ll rest when I know Desi will be okay. Don’t understand what you did Daisy. Desi improves day by day. Movement in his leg is fine. Rolling over from side to side shows his back is improving. Whatever is contained in Bluebush is fixing his back.’ Cynthia explained with glee.
‘My peoples have been using this ointment and oil for thousands of years. Haven’t a clue how it works. It worked on Keith and now on Desi. He should do exercises to strengthen his back.’

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Feb 28, 2023 10:30 am

Build An Empire'
‘What exercises.’
‘Desi. Lay on your back on the floor.’ Daisy instructed his son who followed her orders. Place both arms along your side. Lift left leg.’ Desi followed his mother’s instructions. ‘Lower left leg. Raise right leg.’
‘How long do I need to do this?’ Desi screamed in pain. Perspiration formed on his forehead.
‘As many times, as you can until you can lift both legs at right-angles to your body.’
Desi continued the exercises until he couldn’t perform any more. ‘I’ve done enough for today.’
Cynthia wiped a cloth across Desi’s forehead. ‘I’m so proud of you Desi.’. Kissed him on the lips.
Twice daily Desi performed his mother’s exercises after she rubbed lotion on his back, oil on his leg. Strength began to build in Desi’s body. His use of crutches became less and less. Desi began to walk, slowly at first.
On the day Cynthia needed to visit her doctor for a check-up Desi accompanied her to the hospital. Doctor Pike astonished by Desi walking without crutches. Cynthia clear to have baby within a couple of days. Doctor Pike suggested she be admitted to hospital in case something wasn’t right. Desi agreed. He would never forgive himself if anything happened to Cynthia or the baby.
Desi returned home alone.
‘Cynthia is staying in hospital until she has the baby’. Desi told his parents.
Daisy continued applying lotion and oil to Desi who continued his exercises. On his visit to the hospital Cynthia waited for his visit. They kissed on his arrival.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Feb 28, 2023 10:33 pm

'Build An Empire' - 93:

‘How is you back?’ Cynthia asked.
‘Improving. Felt better walking here today. Day by day I’m improving thanks to you and Mum.’ Desi admitted. ‘More important, how’re are you and bub going?’
‘Like you, day by day improving. I’m pleased Doctor Pike recommended I remain in hospital until bub is born.’ Cynthia shared.
‘Did Doctor Pike know when the baby will be born?’ Desi asked.
‘Shortly. Labour pains are increasing. Like this one.’ Cynthia screamed in pain touching her stomach.
‘Nurse.’ Desi shouted. A nurse ran into the room, looked at Cynthia, ‘I’ll summons Doctor Pike.’ She left the ward.
Doctor Pike entered shortly afterwards. ‘You’re about to have your baby young lady. Desi would you wait in the waiting room. I’ll let you know when Cynthia has the baby.’
Desi kissed Cynthia on the lips, ‘I love you.’ He left the ward to wait in the waiting room.
Desi couldn’t sit. His mind worried if everything would be right with Cynthia and the baby. He walked up and down the corridor. Hours went by. Desi’s mind filled with dread of worst things happening. He needed to settle his nerves. ‘Breathe slowly’, Cynthia’s words entered his head. Another hour went by. Desi sat waiting for news.
Doctor Pike appeared. ‘Desi, you have a baby girl.’ Desi shook Doctor Pike’s hand almost removing the doctor’s hand from his wrist. ‘Mother and baby are doing well. You may visit them.’ Desi rushed off to Cynthia’s ward.
Cynthia sat upright in her bed leaning against the back board cradling a bundle in her arms. ‘Come and say hello to your daughter Desi.’ Cynthia smiled. Desi moved closer. Tears welled in his eyes. A smiled covered his face.
Desi never witnessed anything so beautiful in his life. Birth of his daughter. ‘Have you chosen a name for her?’ Desi asked Cynthia.

‘Molly’. Cynthia replied without hesitation.
Desi leaned over kissed Cynthia on the lips.
‘I’m so proud of you Cynthia. You also Molly. You’ve made me the happiest man alive.’ Tears welled in his eyes. ‘On my way home, I’ll telegram your parents about their grand-daughter.’
Desi arrived home, shared his news with his parents and Little Daisy. They left to visit Cynthia and Molly.
Walking into Cynthia’s ward Molly dressed in a napkin and singlet lay in her mother’s arms, asleep. Cynthia smiled when Desi led his family to her bed.
‘Meet your grandchild and niece.’ She proudly told her family.
After celebration of Molly’s birthday Desi remained with his family. His family left.
‘I’ll be home later’. Desi informed his parents before they left. ‘With our own family I need to repair my body for riding.’ Desi stated determined to rise again to heights he obtained twelve months before.
‘Does this mean you are returning to being a jockey?’ Cynthia asked.
‘Yes. Only way I know on making money for my family Cynthia. With a baby in the mix, I need to work hard on my fitness. Tomorrow after I visit you and Molly, I want to swim in Warrego River.’ Desi explained.
‘I agree. Can you wait until we leave hospital? I want to be with you. I’m certain your mother would take care of Molly when we’re training.’
‘I’ll ask her tonight. I better be off. You need sleep. I’ll be here tomorrow. Goodnight, my love. I love you so much.’ Desi kissed his wife placed a kiss on his daughter’s cheek. ‘Love you with all my heart Molly.’ Desi left the ward.
Cynthia plus Molly discharged from the hospital five days afterward. Joe waited at the front of the hospital to drive Cynthia, Desi, and Molly home.
‘Congratulations on becoming parents.’ Joe smiled. Both thanked Joe for his congratulations and driving them home. They bid farewell to Joe at Daisy and Keith’s home. All three waiting at their home.
Molly became the perfect child, eating, sleep, pooping in that order.
‘Daisy, can Desi and I speak to you please?’ Cynthia asked after she placed Molly into her crib for a sleep.
‘Yes. What is it? Something wrong?’ Daisy worried.
‘No. We wanted to ask you if you wouldn’t mind looking after Molly while Desi and I began a training program swimming in the river.’ Cynthia blurted out.
‘Me look after my granddaughter .’ She replied in astonishment. ‘Yes. Yes. I’d love to. You both go along. I’ll gladly look after Molly.’ Daisy said in an excited voice. ‘Don’t hurry back on my account.’ A smile spread across her face.
Cynthia and Desi changed their clothing to wear swimming suits. ‘How you are feeling, Desi?’ Cynthia asked before they started their exercises.
‘I think we should only do things slow for a start. I don’t need to wear jumpers or heavy boots until I gain strength.’ Desi explained. Cynthia nodded. They walked from their parent’s home to the river bank. ‘We’ll try to swim across to the other bank first.’ Desi jumped into the murky water, began to swim across to the other side. In earlier times when he first arrived at Cunnamulla with his parents he swam daily, spearing fish.
With effort he reached the opposite back, exhausted, breathing heavy, his chest expanding to catch his breath. ‘I’m out of condition’. He spluttered lay on his back on the opposite bank. Cynthia lay beside him huffing and puffing. Her condition same as her husband’s condition. They each had a long road ahead.
Sun beat down on their bodies. Desi fell asleep. After an hour Cynthia woke him to swim to the other side. They took their time reaching the opposite bank climbing up to their way home.
‘If we do this daily Cynthia, hopefully, we’ll regain our strength to become a jockey again.’ Desi spoke between taking large gulps of breath.
Chapter 10
‘We need to talk Hannah.’ Joe said to his wife after breakfast.
‘When.’ She replied whilst completing her tasks.
‘Before I start work, would be good.’ His answer direct.
‘Okay. Wait until I finish what I’m going. I’ll meet you on the front veranda.’
Joe waited for Hannah to arrive. Thoughts penetrating his mind. A huge smile on his face. His need to convince his wife of what he wanted to do to progress their business most important.
Hannah arrived sat beside her husband.
‘I’m here. Listening.’ Hannah looked at Joe. Wonderment in her mind.
‘I want to open a new business in Charleville.’ His words direct filled with confidence.
‘Is our business doing so well?’ She asked astonished.
‘Yes. I hired more workers to fill orders. Motor vehicles are the future. With production highest since we commenced here in Cunnamulla, I think it’s time to expand.’ His positive mind filled with enthusiasm and zeal. Joe never felt so confident in his life before.
‘Joe. If you think we should advance our business you have my blessing. Now can I ready myself for work?’ Hannah went to rise. Joe wrapped his arms around her shoulders, kissed her on the lips.
‘Thank you. I will make us wealthy beyond your dreams.’ Hannah smiled. :wub

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