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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jan 26, 2023 9:56 am

Here is page for today: 'Build An Empire' -

Page 62:
They shared their ideas. Joe explained making an assembly line. Unpack parts from each crate; assemble a platform along one length of the garage. Assemble chassis of each vehicle along this assembly line. Instead of building one motor vehicle at a time; build from the chassis along the assembly line to the finished motor vehicle at the end of the assembly line.
By end of first day all vehicle parts were assembled along the assembly line.
‘First thing tomorrow we’ll place wheels onto each chassis.’ Joe explained. ‘Go home. Thank you for a productive day.’
Instead of taking three days to assemble one motor vehicle, three workers assembled thirty motor vehicles in thirty days. Sidney Kidman’s order filled. Joe sent a message to Sidney Kidman for his managers to collect their motor vehicles. Nat took possession of his new motor vehicle. Latest orders arrived in crates at Good Shed, Cunnamulla Railway Station for collection.
John Kitchen arrived on the final day of the month to install Neptune Fuel. Joe achieved his goal to establish GIBSON SERVICE STATION CUNNAMULLA.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jan 27, 2023 1:01 pm

'Build An Empire' - Page 63: Chapter 7

Billy Campbell lived in Cunnamulla his entire life. Apart from serving his country during Boer War his work, water drilling on properties throughout Cunnamulla region. Life independent. Best friend Joe Gibson. Billy noticed Joe’s business for assembling motor vehicles expanding rapidly. Billy needed to do more with his life. Decided to do something about gaining interest in something other than water drilling.
Nat Young, Mayor of Cunnamulla sat at his desk in Council Office. He heard a knock on his office door. Looking up he saw his friend Billy Campbell. ‘Come in my friend.’ Nat stood to greet his friend with a usual warm greeting by shaking hands. ‘What is the pleasure of your visit?’ Nat asked beckoning his friend to sit.
‘How’re you going Nat. Good to catch up with you again.’ Billy sat in front of Nat who sat opposite. ‘I want to speak to you about something important.’ Billy drilled bores on all of Nat’s properties.
‘I’ll listening’
‘Joe is doing well with his motor vehicle assembly line.’ Billy stumbled over the words.
‘Yes. Indeed. I’m most proud of how he’s taken the bull by the horns to make his business a success.’ Nat answered with pride.
Billy fell silent.
‘Would you like a cuppa?’ Nat asked.
‘Yes. Thank you Nat. May help with want I want to speak to you about.’
Nat informed his secretary to bring two cups of tea with refreshments.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jan 28, 2023 1:52 pm

Build An Empire' - Page 64:

‘Now my friend. What do you want to speak to me about?’ Nat opened the conversation.
‘I’m at a loose end. Joe is forging ahead with his idea which is working out fine. I’m sick of water drilling. Want something different to do Nat.’ Billy exploded eager to obtain ideas from Mayor Young.
‘There is a project I want to get off the ground if you’re interested.’ Nat informed his friend.
‘Anything. If it doesn’t include water drilling.’
‘How would you like to build Cunnamulla Race Club?’ Nat asked.
Billy allowed Nat’s request to flow through his mind before he answered.
‘Cunnamulla Race Club.’ Billy answered astonished by the request.
‘Yes. I’ve been thinking about this project for a long time. St George have their yearly race meetings, Charleville also. If we built a racecourse on the edge of Cunnamulla, we could have race meetings four times a year. People would come from all parts of the country. What do you think Billy?’ Nat asked.
‘What would I do?’
‘This would be your project. Build it and they will come Billy. You are the right person for this job. Work with me. Do you want to think about this task?’ Nat asked hoping his friend would agree with working with him to create a Race Course for Cunnamulla.
Billy sat stunned. Not positive on how to answer his friend. Took a sip of his tea. Ate a sandwich.
‘How would I build a racecourse?’ He admonished.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jan 29, 2023 1:20 pm

Page for today
: 'Build An Empire' -

‘You remember when Joe built the bore drain delver. Not much different only design to level ground instead of digging a trench. Circumference of the race track is exactly one mile. Build the track first. Council own a parcel of land on the outskirts of Cunnamulla to build on. Want to have a look?’ Nat’s excitement flowed over to Billy.
‘Sure thing Nat.’
They rose, walked to the parked motor vehicle at the front of the building.
‘Hop in my friend. Let’s go for a drive’. Both entered the vehicle. Nat drove to the outskirts of Cunnamulla. Parked near a paddock.
‘This parcel of land has been set aside for Recreation. Would be ideal for a racecourse.’
‘Needs clearing. What did you mean before about remembering Joe built a delver?’ Billy asked. His mind puzzled how a delver machine would clear the land to build a racecourse.
‘Speak to Joe about ideas for clearing this parcel of land. No doubt Joe will have an idea to make a machine same as the delver to make the ground flat and smooth for horses to race upon.’ Nat’s excitement hadn’t flowed over to Billy.
Billy hesitated.
‘This is a huge task.’ Billy answered.
‘Billy. You told me you wanted something to work on. This will suit you. Yes. A huge project. You have two months before first race meeting will be held in Cunnamulla. Better be cracking.’ Nat returned to his motor vehicle. Billy followed.
‘Drop me off at Joe’s. Will I be working for you or council? ’ Billy asked.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jan 30, 2023 9:13 am

Build An Empire' - Page 66:

‘I’ll employ you as Chief Engineer with Council. You start immediately. Choose men from council who you want to work with. I’ll deliver the news today on my return.’ Nat farewelled his friend after dropping him off in front of Joe’s garage.
‘How’re you going my friend.’ Joe shook hands with Billy. ‘You’re a welcome sight. Welcome to first GIBSON SERVICE STATION CUNNAMULLA.’ Joe smiled pleased to see his friend again.
‘Congratulations Joe. I knew you could pull this off.’ Billy answered with a smile.
‘Come. I’ll show you around.’ Joe beckoned Billy.
Joe explained how Model T Ford delivered in wooden crates for assembly. Showing Billy each assembly post introduced Billy to his workers. Billy couldn’t believe how far Joe had come since his days collaborating with him at ‘Kahmoo Station’.
‘Joe. I’ve something important to discuss with you.’
‘Come into my office.’
Seated opposite, one another, Billy said, ‘Nat has employed me as Chief Engineer with Shire Council to construct Cunnamulla Racecourse.’
‘Wow! Congratulations Billy. You deserve this job. I have faith in your ability.’ Joe expressed with delight.
‘Thank you, Joe. A little high for my liking. I’ll try my best.’
‘How can I help?’
‘You remember building a delver?’
‘Yes. Years ago.’

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jan 31, 2023 10:35 am

Page for today
'Build An Empire' - Page 67: ‘I need to build a machine same as delver. Instead of digging a drain, I need to flatten ground for a racetrack.’
Joe thought for a moment. Picked up a pencil started sketching on paper. After drawing a contraption, he showed his friend his sketch.
‘What do you think of this idea?’ Joe asked Billy.
Billy’s mind instantly enveloped Joe’s sketch. ‘You’re brilliant Joe. You should be Chief Engineer instead of myself. How am I going to build this contraption?’
‘With the help of the blacksmith we can assembly this here in the workshop. We’re almost completed our last order. I have a week before the next order arrives from America. This’ll be fun Billy. Like the good ole days.’ Joe smiled.
‘Another thought while you have your mind working. How am I going to clear the land?’ Billy asked in astonishment.
‘Talk with Keith Whiteman. His skills as an Indigenous Australian will give you the answer.’
‘I’ll talk to him today. Do you want my help with building this contraption?’ Billy pointed to the sketch.
‘No. You tend to clear the land. Leave building this machine to me.’
Billy thanked his friend. Left the garage visited his friend Keith at Railway Goods Shed.
‘How can I help you, Billy?’ Keith met Billy in the usual country welcome.
‘Nat employed me as Chief Engineer to construct a race course for Cunnamulla.’ Billy couldn’t finish his sentence. Keith interrupted.
‘This is great news. Desi and Cynthia are visiting us next month. They are expecting their first child. I’m going to become a grandfather’. Keith remarked with a smile.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Feb 01, 2023 3:57 pm

''Build An Empire' - Page 68:
‘How can I help?’
‘A parcel of land on the outskirts of Cunnamulla needs clearing. Joe mentioned you by name to clear the land.’
‘Aboriginal way of clearing.’
‘Joe said, ‘his skills as an Indigenous Australian will give you the answer.’’ Billy explained.
‘Leave it with me. Where is this land?’
‘I will show you.’ Keith accompanied Billy to the proposed area to be cleared.
Keith looked across the land. ‘Tonight, a great time to burn the land. Tomorrow I’ll gather men from the camp to help clear the land.’ Keith explained.
‘Thank you so much my friend Keith. I appreciate everything you can do to help me.’ Billy expressed with sincerity.
‘Arrive here after dark tonight. I’ll show you how we burn land as an Aboriginal.’
‘I’ll be here.’
After dark Billy arrived at the parcel of land. About twenty members from south camp circled the area to be cleared. Keith stood next to Billy.
‘We’re about to start.’ Keith admonished.
In an instance a circle of flames spread across the land engulfing trees, bushes, grasses with other vegetation. Flames rose a couple of feet, lifting to tree tops. Men circled the flames holding tree branches to guide the flames across the land. An hour passed. All flames distinguished.

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dub, mzawf, Nevis
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