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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jan 10, 2023 12:20 pm

'Build An Empire' - Page 48:
This is the reason I raise beef cattle Joe. Larger market than sheep. Tried mixing both, one time. Convinced myself far better breeding cattle.’
‘Tell me more about your idea to purchase ‘Durham Downs’?’
‘The property runs forty-three miles along Cooper Creek. Originally established in 1870. Associated tributaries include Toorathie, Wammanooka, Warreena, Parkamlnna and Windula Creeks. An area of 3440 square miles.’
‘How do you find these properties?’ Joe asked his friend.
‘Keep your ear to the ground. Property originally owned by Messrs McGregor and Co. Sold 205 bullocks and cows in 1875 for average price of eleven pounds each. When I heard this happened, my ears pricked. In 1883 ‘Durham Downs’ put up for sale, following a couple of years of drought. Duncan McGregor formed a partnership with D and R Mailler. An argument between these partners escalated into a fierce court battle over stock numbers.’ Sidney sipped his tea.
‘What happened.’
‘Duncan McGregor formed a new company purchased the property in 1884 for 78,582 pounds. Now I want to purchase the property to add to my Empire.’
Joe couldn’t imagine how his friend Sidney’s mind worked. Recalling his own life, never in his wildest dreams would he have contemplated a similar pathway to Sidney. His dream to be financially secure for his family utmost in his mind. His present dream to build service stations to service motor vehicles in south-west Queensland.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:53 am

Build An Empire' - Page 49:

‘Your story fascinates me, Sidney. Your mind must never rest.’
‘Over the years since I purchased my first property my mind never stops. My dream is to drought proof my properties to breed cattle.’
‘I understand your meaning. Only thing I want are service stations to service motor vehicles.’
‘Keep believing in your dream Joe. Will happen eventually. Do you want more to eat?’ Sidney commenced to clear the dishes.
‘No. Thank you, Sidney.’ I’ll help.’
Both men tidied the camp site. Prepared their swags. Later lying in their swag Joe asked, ‘Sidney, you spoke before about ‘hard work never killed anyone’. I like this saying. I don’t care how hard I need to work to complete my dream.’
‘Joe. Whatever happens after our trip I hope to impart on you a purpose to stive towards to reach your dream.’
‘I think you’ve done this already. I completely understand my purpose. All I need to do now is to focus on the journey. I imagine your journey wasn’t easy.’
‘After I left droving, I realised my skill in livestock trading. Made money whenever I could. Major mission to provide services such as transport goods. New towns sprung up in New South Wales. Cobar, Kapunda, Burra, and Broken Hill. Opened butcher shops in each town.’
‘You take opportunity when it arises’.
‘Yes. After I sold each butcher shop my brothers and I worked on the same property. This became a turning point in my life. We eventually purchased our own properties. At this time, my grandfather passed away left me four hundred pound. I turned twenty-one years old.’

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:06 am

'Build An Empire' - page 50:
‘You were lucky.’
‘Luck had nothing to do with what happened. Being at the right place at the right time and took action to keep my dream. Luck played a huge part when I acquired one-fourteenth share in Broken Hill Proprietary mine for ten bullocks worth around four pounds each. Sold my share for 150 pounds less fifty pounds commission. Satisfied with the profit. Think it’s time to sleep.’
Before dawn broke across the horizon Joe built a fire, cooked breakfast. Sidney rose from his swag. ‘Something smells great Joe. You rise with the chooks.’ Sidney rubbed sleep from his eyes.
‘Breakfast ready when you are Sidney.’ Joe handed Sidney a plate covered in food.
After eating a mouthful Sidney said, ‘Tastes great my friend. Might have to take you on as cook and bottle washer.’ Sidney-laughed.
‘Have too much work to do my friend. What happens today?’ Joe asked whilst cleaning dishes, rolling his swag, placed in the back of the vehicle. Prepared vehicle for journey.
‘Have a look at ‘Durham Downs Station’.
‘Have you any idea number of properties you own?’ Joe asked in astonishment.
‘Lets’ see. This is 1909. I own or part own thirty-eight thousand square miles of country ranging from Carlton Hill Station in Western Australia to Victoria River Downs in Northern Territory and Macumba Station in South Australia plus properties in the channel country of Queensland like Annadale and Bulloo Downs.’ Sidney explained.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:22 am

Build An Empire' - Page 51:

‘How do you manage these properties?’
‘Employ great loyal managers. You met Jack O’Shea on ‘Bulloo Downs’. Jack is as honest as the day is long. These are the people I employ. Loyalty is key to success.’ Sidney finished clearing the camp. ‘We better head off. Huge day today.’
‘I hope to become successful like you.’
‘Don’t worry. Stick to your dream. Started at thirteen years old. Crossed more dry gullies than you care to imagine. I’m now in my fifties. Work until I drop. Love doing what I do.’
Joe sat behind the steering wheel to drive. ‘Which direction do we head to Sidney?’ Joe asked.
‘Drive along the stock route toward Innamincka. About eight-six miles north east of the town. Hopefully will be there after lunch.’ Sidney explained.
‘Does the owner know you’re coming?’ Asked Joe.
‘I sent a telegram telling him we’d be at ‘Durham Downs’ either today or early tomorrow. I want to have a good look at the country before we arrive. My research has been on history rather than lay of the land. In my mind I imagine country same as other properties in the area. My major purpose to build a drought proof pathway through my properties to drive beef to market.’ Sidney explained in a serious voice.
‘Never been west from here. You’ll need to explain your reasons along the way. Follow the stock route, you say.’ Joe drove on confidently.
They drove along the stock route for a couple of hours discussing various changes in the countryside. Joe drove whilst Sidney’s eyes scanned various directions. Joe thought if he could enter Sidney’s mind his imagination wouldn’t be able to follow extremes of pathways.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jan 14, 2023 9:23 am

Build An Empire' - Page 52:
‘There is Cooper Creek. We’ll boil the billy. You rest while I do the task. I’ve been sitting on my arse too long without doing anything.’ Sidney expressed who sprung from the vehicle when Joe stopped on the bank.
‘This is beautiful country.’ Joe expressed, lifting his arms to stretch wide arches.
‘Certainly, is Joe. We’ve been driving on ‘Durham Downs’ for the past hour. Grazing and water for stock.’
‘Sidney, please explain what I am supposed to be looking at?’
‘Water flows into Cooper Creek from north Queensland. Might take a couple of months to reach this point. Water flows through the property to provide enough for stock. Two important ingredients to keep stock alive: water and feed.’
‘Everything looks green to me.’
‘Yes, at this time of the year. You remember the Great Australian Drought. Almost lost my entire empire because of the drought. Never happen again.’ Sidney’s words pierced Joe’s ears. ‘Let’s have a cuppa.’
‘I remember this time well. We cut mulga from daylight until dark to feed sheep.’ Joe remembered cutting branches of mulga with an axe. Blistered formed on top of blisters. If Ryan Carlson didn’t find water on Nat’s properties, his mind scrambled to decide the eventual outcome. Joe understood Sidney’s flight to drought proof his properties.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jan 15, 2023 1:04 pm

Build An Empire' - Page 53:
Hannah prepared morning tea for them. ‘Where are the children, your parents and grandmother?’ Joe asked sipping his tea.
‘Children are with Mother, Grandmother and Pa. They decided to take them to ‘Kahmoo Station’ for the school holidays. Pa says time to teach them about running the property.’ Hannah replied. ‘Tell me about your trip.’
‘Joe was an immense help, Hannah. We inspected ‘Bulloo Downs Station’. Tried to introduce Joe to Prairie Oysters.’ Sidney laughed.
‘You ate Prairie Oysters Joe?’ Hannah asked alarmed at the thought her husband would partake in eating ‘Bulls Balls’.
‘After the cook told me what they were Hannah. I didn’t eat them. Sidney did.’ Pointed his finger at Sidney.
‘Delicious’. Sidney expressed with a smile.
‘You both enjoyed your time together?’ Hannah asked.
‘Anytime Joe wants to take a break from his work. I’m extremely happy to travel with him. Vehicle went excellent. You’ll need to purchase one for yourself Joe?’ Sidney finished his cuppa.
‘Maybe in a couple of years when motor vehicles improve.’ Hannah butted into their conversation.
‘Hannah, I ordered another four new vehicles. These motor vehicles are the future of Australia for travel.’ Sidney expressed in a stern voice.
‘Hannah, I realise we’ve only arrived home. Sidney has a good point. This is our business from now on. Building, servicing, motor vehicles. Start off with one garage at Cunnamulla. Who knows how GIBSON SERVICE STATIONS will be in every country town in western Queensland starting with Cunnamulla?’ Joe expressed in a positive voice.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jan 17, 2023 11:31 am

Build An Empire' - Page 54:
‘GIBSON SERVICE STATIONS’. Hannah expressed with alarm.
‘Yes. I decided to register our business as GIBSON SERVICE STATIONS. I want same number stations as Sidney has properties.’ Joe announced positively.
‘Sorry Joe. You’ve been with Sidney too long. We’ll talk about this later when we’re alone.’
‘Time for me to go.’ Sidney shook hands with Joe, kissed Hannah on her cheek. ‘I’ll book into the hotel. Wait for my vehicle to be serviced.’ Sidney left.
‘Hannah. I need to service Sidney’s vehicle. I’ll be at the garage.’ Joe stomped from the house walked across the road to GIBSON SERVICE STATION CUNNAULLA. His mind fixed on building his business from this garage. His two workers met him at the front counter. All shook hands in welcome.
‘Great to have you back Boss.’ Clive spoke first.
Joe looked around the newly constructed garage. ‘You both have been working flat out. I have a proposition for each of you.’ Joe asked sitting behind his desk.
Both men showed interest in what Joe about to tell them. ‘I want you both to work for me fulltime. We have orders for thirty-five motor vehicles to assemble. What do you think?’
Clive nodded, ‘You bet. I love working in town. Live with the missus and kids. Better than on a property. I’m in Joe.’ His mate agreed by nodding his head.
‘I’ll speak with Nat. Inform him of my decision to employ you both fulltime. We’ll be busy building these motor vehicles. Instead of constructing one at a time, I want to invent an assembly line. Put your thinking caps on. Produce something to make this business work efficiently.’
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