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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Dec 04, 2022 10:15 pm

Thank you Carol. Here are the pages:

'Build An Empire' - Pages 17-20:

‘In 1903 I was part owner of 38,000 square miles of country ranging from Carlton Hill Station in Western Australia to Victoria River Downs in Northern Territory. Also, Macumba Station in South Australia, properties in the channel country such as Annandale and Bulloo Downs.’ This information rolled off Sidney’s tongue.
‘Close your mouth Nat.’ Greg said. ‘Flies are bad here.’
‘Mind puzzles with the number of properties you own and manage. How do you do it?’ Nat asked.
‘Employ good managers.’ Sidney finished. Sidney hated speaking of his wealth. Since purchasing his first property his purpose in life to work hard, purchase properties through a network of rivers to feed his stock, particularly in drought. If rain occurred on a property north, water flowed down through his properties to help feed stock on all his properties. His vision always surpassed any other land owner.
Sidney explained how he worked on all his properties, through each season, watching for changes to weather patterns. His interest grew while working on his northern most properties travelling through each to witness water course its way to his southern properties.
‘Tilbaroo Station’ is important to own to include into my plan to beat the drought.’
‘Understood Sidney.’ Joe expressed with gratitude toward a man who he placed on a pedestal.
‘Do we have a deal?’ Sidney said placing his right hand to shake. Joe shook Sidney’s hand.
‘Yes. We have a deal.’ Joe smiled.
‘Greg. Will you deal with the details of the sale?’ Sidney asked his Stock and Station Agent.
‘Most certainly Sidney. Soon as we return to Cunnamulla.’. Greg answered.
‘Then gentlemen, we’ll return to Cunnamulla to complete our deal.’ All four boarded the motor vehicle for their return to Cunnamulla.
On their return Sidney asked Joe, ‘Joe, I want to purchase this contraption from you.’
‘You better ask Nat. This contraption belongs to him.’ Joe replied.
‘What will I do without my motor vehicle?’ Nat asked from the rear seat.
‘Make a deal with you Nat. I purchase this contraption on the condition I order thirty more like this one to give to my managers on each property.’
‘Thirty motor vehicles. Like this one.’ Joe gasped.
‘Yes Joe. Once ‘Tilbaroo Station’ sold you told me about your idea to build a garage to service these contraptions. Is this so?’ Sidney asked.
‘Yes. This is my future. I believe these contraptions will circle the globe as Henry Ford predicted.’ Joe explained with a smile.
‘In this case I will purchase this contraption from Nat. I’m certain he will want you to order another for him plus thirty for me. We agree.’ Sidney looked at Joe for approval.
Joe nodded his head in agreeance.
‘Greg. Would you transfer money from my account to Joe’s bank account to purchase these vehicles?’ Sidney finished.
‘Carry out the transaction when I complete the document for ‘Tilbaroo Station’.’ Greg replied.
‘Please include payment for this vehicle to Nat’s account.’ Sidney completed his wishes.
When they entered Cunnamulla crossing Warrego River via rickety bridge Joe said to Sidney. ‘I better teach you how to drive this contraption if you’re taking over the ownership.’
Sidney replied, ‘Yes. Agree Joe.’
Joe stopped the vehicle after crossing Warrego River. Opened the driver’s door, stepped out walked around to passenger’s side opened the door for Sidney to take his place behind the wheel. When Sidney sat behind the steering wheel, Joe in the passenger’s seat Joe explained the method to drive the vehicle.
Sidney took to driving the vehicle like a duck to water. He drove round the streets of Cunnamulla almost striking a horse scattered by the noise, finally park in front of Greg’s office.
‘Delighted with this motor vehicle Joe. Thank you, Nat for selling the vehicle to me’. Sidney didn’t want to leave the vehicle, comfortably seated behind the steering wheel. His eyes looked through the windscreen. Thoughts flooded his mind on how easy his task will be in future to move between his properties driving this contraption.
Once business completed Joe said to Sidney. ‘Delighted with our deal Sidney. Would you do me the honour to dine with my family tonight to explain how I sold ‘Tilbaroo Station’ plus now have a contract to construct thirty-one Model T Fords.’
‘I’d be delighted to attend your home, Joe. Support you. First, where do you live? At what time will I attend dinner?’ Sidney asked.
Joe pointed toward his home. ‘Third house passed the hotel. Arrive early, say around five o’clock.’ Joe finished.
Exactly five o’clock Sidney arrived at Joe’s home dressed neatly. Joe and Hannah sat on their swing when Sidney arrived. ‘He’s here Hannah.’ Joe rose from the swing to greet his guest.
Joe introduced Sidney to Hannah, understanding why her husband sold her property to this man. Overwhelmed by his presence Hannah invited Sidney into their home, introduced him as if royalty to her mother and grandmother.
‘Dinner will be served shortly. Joe, would you please make refreshments for our guest?’ Hannah instructed, went about her business to finish dinner.
After everyone sat around the kitchen table Hannah served dinner. A roast leg of lamb.
‘Is this leg of lamb bred by you Joe?’ Sidney asked striking his fork into the meat slicing a piece with his knife.
‘Yes. Bred and raised on ‘Kahmoo Station’. Joe explained tasting the delicious flavour of the meat mixed with mint sauce.
‘Delicious. Congratulations to the cook for presenting a delicious flavour and taste.’ Sidney finished his meal.
‘Pleasure Sidney. May I ask you an important question?’ Hannah asked. This question burned a hole in her mind since she first met Sidney.
‘Yes. You may ask me anything.’ Sidney replied.
‘Why did you want to purchase ‘Tilbaroo Station’?’ Her eyes filled with tears. Hannah took a handkerchief from her sleeve to wipe her eyes.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Dec 07, 2022 9:32 am

'Build An Empire' -
Here is the page for today: :book
‘Help you.’ Martha followed Hannah.
Hannah prepared bread and butter custard. Served to all family. Placed a plate in front of Sidney. ‘Hope you enjoy bread and butter custard Sidney.’ Hannah returned to her seat at the table.
‘Bread and butter custard is my favourite Hannah. Thank you.’ Sidney ate his pudding.
After everyone completed their meal Joe said to Sidney, ‘Sidney. Would you join Nat and I on the front veranda for refreshments?’
‘By all means. Thank you, Hannah for a delicious meal and company. With the sale of ‘Tilbaroo Station’ this will provide financial assistance for Joe to commence his garage business. Look forward in the future to collaborate with your husband. He is quite an interesting person.’ Sidney joined Nat and Joe on the front veranda.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Dec 08, 2022 1:18 am

'Build An Empire' - Page 23:
Chapter 3
Over the following week Joe ordered thirty-one T Model Ford motor vehicles from America shipped to Cunnamulla Australia. His estimate time for delivery six months. This gave him sufficient time to build his first garage to assemble motor vehicles. His thoughts focused on his task to build his garage across the street from his home. Nat purchased four blocks of land for Joe to commence his business. Joe re-paid Nat and Martha when money paid for ‘Tilbaroo Station’. His task to employ a couple of workers to help him build his garage. Nat offered the services of two men who helped Joe with extending his shearing sheds plus instal overhead shearing equipment. Joe accepted.
‘How is your building coming along?’ Nat asked Joe at breakfast.
‘Plans cleared through council, thanks to you Nat. Everything in readiness to start this morning on following plans for building.’ Joe answered between eating.
‘Will two men be sufficient to help you?’ Nat asked swallowing a piece of bacon.
‘Nat. I’m grateful for the use of these two men. They are great workers. Because I’ve collaborated with them before, they follow instructions, work hard, think of each step they need to take in building the project. Appreciate what you and Martha have done to help Hannah and I with this project.’ Joe finished his breakfast. ‘I’d better go.’ Joe kissed Hannah bid farewell to his children and family.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Dec 09, 2022 12:04 am

'Build An Empire' - Page 24:

Within next month building took shape with roof structure completed. Joe helped his companion to dig a trench for vehicles to drive over to service the vehicle. This trench deep enough to stand and service the vehicle whilst standing upright underneath the vehicle.
Joe heard a vehicle stop in front of the garage. Climbed from the trench. ‘Hi there Sidney.’ Joe approached Sidney Kidman who parked his vehicle in front of the garage. Both men shook hands.
‘You’ve been busy Joe. Almost completed. Ready for opening.’ Sidney stated looking at the finished work.
‘The challenging work done. Want you to meet my work companions.’ Joe waved both workers toward him. Introduced both men to Sidney Kidman. They returned to work.
‘I’m in the area and thought you may service my motor vehicle. Everything is going great. Needs the engine oil changed I’d say. Travelled from Adelaide to here.’ Sidney shared.
‘Be pleased to service your motor vehicle. First one for the business. Drive it over the trench we finished before you arrived.’ Sidney returned to his motor vehicle followed Joe’s instructions to drive over the trench.
‘Leave this with me for a couple of hours. Have you anywhere to go?’ Joe asked Sidney.
‘Yes. Need to visit Greg first. Can we catch up after you service the vehicle? Have a proposition for you to consider.’ Sidney said.
‘Can’t wait. You go ahead. Conduct your business. Perhaps meet me at home for lunch.’ Sidney nodded. Left Joe’s garage.
Sidney arrived at Joe’s home for lunch. ‘I’m afraid there are only two of us for lunch. Hannah is working, everyone else have gone visiting friends. Scrapped up something for us to eat. Would you like a beer?’ Joe asked.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Dec 10, 2022 12:32 pm

'Build An Empire' - Page 25:
‘Not at this stage. Pleased we are on our own. Have a proposition for you to consider.’ Sidney stated.
After Joe placed a plate of food in front of Sidney, he sat opposite with his meal. ‘What is this proposition?’ Joe asked digging his fork into a slice of mutton.
‘Want you to accompany me on a trip to visit my properties.’ Sidney asked before devouring food from the plate.
Joe’s mouth dropped open in surprise to Sidney’s request.
‘Is there a reason for me to accompany you on this trip? I’m sure you don’t need me as a mechanic.’
‘Don’t think I’m brash when asking this proposal. Have faith in your ability to grow your business, Joe. Potential shines from you, like a beacon. Eager to achieve wonderful things in your life.’ Sidney admonished praise on Joe who never enjoyed praise particularly from a person Sidney Kidman regarded as ‘The Cattle King’ of Australia.
‘Can I ask why?’
‘We’ll be gone for a couple of months. Over this period, we will visit each of my properties, inspect stock, most important I want to share with you my wisdom on success.’ Sidney explained.
Joe couldn’t speak. His mind filled with wonderment. This opportunity only came along once in a lifetime. Without hesitation. ‘When do we leave?’ A huge smile spread across Joe’s face.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Dec 11, 2022 12:58 am

'Build An Empire' - Page 26:
‘Early tomorrow morning.’
‘Meet you at the hotel.’
During the meal in the evening Joe explained to his wife and family he was accompanying Sidney Kidman on an inspection of his properties for a couple of months.
‘Can I come?’ Nat asked.
‘Sorry Nat. Sidney only wanted me to accompany him.’ Joe answered with candour.
‘You never asked my permission?’ Hannah rose from his chair. Walked into their bedroom. Lay on the bed.
Joe followed her. ‘Sorry about not asking for your permission Hannah. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Please allow me to go with Sidney. So much to learn from this man.’ Joe sat beside her on the bed.
Hannah wiped her eyes with a handkerchief. ‘Shouldn’t continue like a pork chop. Enjoy you home with the children. Now working across the road from home. Miss you, Joe.’ She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed him on the lips.
Daybreak next morning Hannah prepared a huge food basket for Joe before he left. Farewelling his family, he walked carrying his luggage to Sidney’s motor vehicle. Sidney waited to stand at the side of the vehicle.
‘Good morning, Joe. Welcome aboard.’ Sidney helped Joe load his swag plus luggage into the rear compartment of the vehicle.
‘Hannah prepared food for our trip.’
‘We’ll be away then.’ Sidney climbed behind the steering wheel, started the vehicle. They left Cunnamulla heading west to visit Sidney’s properties.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Dec 13, 2022 5:30 pm

'Build An Empire' -

Arriving outside the town of Eulo Sidney stopped the vehicle on the bank of Paroo River. ‘What say we put the billy on.’
Joe leaped from the vehicle, gathered sticks to start a fire. Rushed to the creek bank filled the billy with water. Returned to place the billy on the fire. Joe opened the basket Hannah prepared. Gave Sidney a sandwich, took one himself. Billy boiled, Joe placed a handful of tea into the boiling water in the billy. His mind relaxed. If he had two bob for each time, he made tea in a billy he wouldn’t need to work. His mind relaxed.
‘Tell me about your life Joe?’ Sidney asked eating into his sandwich.
‘Not much to tell.’
‘How long have you been married to Hannah?’ Finishing his sandwich asking for another.
‘Same time we took ownership of ‘Tilbaroo Station’. Too long to remember.’
‘Hannah is a wonderful woman. How did you two meet?’ Sidney sipped his tea ate into his sandwich.
‘A long story.’
‘We have time. Time’s our own.’ Harder than extracting teeth for Joe to tell me his story.
‘I thought you needed to inspect your cattle stations.’ Joe humbly asked.
‘This was an excuse for us to travel together. To know each other more closely.’
‘Okay. Start at the beginning. Born and raised in Brisbane. Always wanted to become a shearer. Travelled west to Cunnamulla. Gained employment as a shearer at ‘Tilbaroo Station’.
‘Your first shearing job at ‘Tilbaroo Station’. When?’
‘1890. We shorn sheep on a huge tarpaulin in the middle of the day. Worst place I ever worked. Used hand shears in those times. A person named Clarke inherited ‘Tilbaroo Station’ from his father. Useless as a cockie, worse as a man.’ Joe finished his tea and sandwich. ‘Want another cuppa?’ Joe asked. Sidney nodded handed Joe his pannikin to fill with tea.
‘Go on.’ Sidney’s interests in Joe grew.
‘Met Joseph Ryan.’
‘Is he related to Joseph Ryan, Premier of Queensland?’ Sidney asked in astonishment.
‘Same person. Joseph and I have been mates since those early days.’
‘Interested how you and The Premier of Queensland are mates.’
‘Joseph developed a passion, more than a passion, a dedication to help his fellow shearers to improve working conditions and wagers.’
‘Over the years wages and conditions have improved for the shearers. Should know because of the problems shearers have placed upon me.’
‘This began with the first Shearer’s Conference held in Bourke. Joseph went to the conference came back urged his mates to join a shearers union. I didn’t join.’
‘Why not?’
‘Wanted to be independent. Joseph worked hard to broaden the shearer’s union, especially around this district.’
‘Were you part of 1891 Great Shearer’s Strike?’

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