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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Nov 13, 2022 2:52 pm

'Build An Empire' - Page 4:

Continue our talk after lunch. I want to discuss with you. Most interesting.’ Nat drank his beer as did Joe both men walked into the kitchen.
‘Take a seat you two. Lunch will be served in a moment.’ Hannah smiled. She loved the way her husband and father were mates.
Other members of the family joined the two men for lunch. Small chatter among others at the table. Nat and Joe excused themselves afterwards leaving the cleaning to the women. They returned to the front veranda with a tumbler each filled with beer.
‘Wonder what those two are cooking up?’ Hannah asked her mother.
‘Who would know.’ Martha,laughed.
Sitting together on the swing sipping their beers, Nat asked, ‘I’ve been thinking about your question selling ‘Tilbaroo Station’. Wonder why Sidney Kidman want your property?’
‘According to Greg Deveney, Stock and Station Agent, Sidney Kidman purchased Diamantina Lakes Station last year paid twenty-five thousand pounds for the station and stock.’ Joe told his father-in-law.
‘From whispers I’ve heard around the traps Sidney Kidman wants to purchase properties wherever he can. Smart operator. Owns more properties than anyone else.’ Nat sipped his beer.
‘Do you want to be with me when I speak with him next month?’
Nat thought for a moment. ‘If you don’t mind. Like to listen to this proposition. In the end the sale will depend on money you want for the property.’
‘It will be a pleasure to have you at our discussions. Value your business brain.’ Both men finished their drinks. Walked inside to speak with their wives.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Nov 16, 2022 4:08 pm

'Build An Empire' - Pages 5-6: Thank you dub & Carol for your thanks. Much appreciated my friends.

‘What have you two been up to?’ Hannah asked.
‘Joe has something to discuss with you Hannah. Martha come with me. We’ll leave these two alone.’ Martha and Nat retired to their bedroom.
‘This sounds ominous.’ Hannah expressed.
‘Sidney Kidman has offered to buy ‘Tilbaroo Station’.
Hannah looked direct into Joe’s eyes. She couldn’t speak. Regaining her thoughts her words uttered, ‘‘Tilbaroo Station’. Pa and mother gifted us the property. No! Joe I never want to sell the property. You built me our home. We enjoy good memories. Remember our honeymoon.’ Hannah cried stood walked to their bedroom.
Joe sat silent. Never during their marriage has Hannah been so strong willed about anything accept selling ‘Tilbaroo Station’. Let her cool off. Speak to her about the sale later.

Hannah cried herself to sleep. Thoughts of why Joe wanted to sell their property. Memories filled her mind of their honeymoon camped beside the old homestead destroyed by fire where the previous owner perished in the fire. Finding a bore on the eastern boundary. A smile came to her face remembering how Joe became excited about finding a bore. She remembered his words ‘water is gold Hannah’. Finally, she went into a deep sleep dreaming of her beloved ‘Tilbaroo Station’. When she awoke from her dream, she needed to speak with Joe.
Joe sat alone on the front swing staring at nothing. Hannah sat beside me. ‘Sorry Joe.’ She stammered.
Joe leaned across kissed her on the lips. ‘I’m sorry for upsetting you.’ His answer short.
‘Joe, ‘Tilbaroo Station’ means the world to me. Love the property. Do we need to sell?’ Her voice quivered.
‘No. I spoke with your father about the sale. He wants to accompany me when I speak to Sidney Kidman.’
Hannah sat silent. ‘You discussed this sale with my father before you spoke with me?’ Her question darted from her mouth. His face frowned.
‘Nat is a smart business man. Knowledge of dealing with Sidney Kidman alone likened to a dingo chasing a lamb to slaughter. Wanted his advice before I spoke with you.’
‘What did Pa say?’
‘He told me he’d like to listen to the proposition. In the end it will be my decision to sell ‘Tilbaroo Station’.
‘What about my decision? Don’t I have a say in this sale?’
‘Yes. Hannah we’ve owned the property from the moment we married. Since this time, I haven’t had sufficient time to build a shearing shed. We don’t have stock on the property only your father’s sheep.’
‘Have you decided what you will do with the money from the sale?’
‘Yes. Look across the street. Vacant land. Want to purchase this land, build a garage to service motor vehicles. Your father is my first customer after we collect his new motor vehicle from the rail tomorrow.’

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Nov 22, 2022 3:19 pm

'Build An Empire' - Pages 7,8,9:

Hannah sat silent. ‘Looks like you’ve made your mind up. Doesn’t matter what I want.’ Words exploded from her mouth.
‘Everything matters Hannah. Can you honestly see me working for your father in ten years?’
Hannah thought for a moment. ‘This garage idea. Is this what you want?’ Her question stern.
‘Yes. With motor vehicles taking over from horse and buggy, our future assured. Think of our children. Want to start from the ground up. We will have garages throughout south-west Queensland.’ Joe replied with a smile.
‘Have you researched your idea of motor vehicles?’
‘Have Hannah. You a teacher should understand more than anyone.’
‘Tell me what you’ve researched.’ Her voice solemn.
‘Horse verses motor cars. In 1788 when first fleet arrived in Australia, only seven horses aboard. 1901 Australia became a federation. Number of horses in Australia grew from seven to almost one horse for every two people.’
‘You have done your homework.’
‘Australia is a horse dominated society.’
‘Yes. I’m aware of those statistics. School teacher.’ Hannah spoke with authority. ‘What will people do without their horses?’
‘Horseless carriages have begun in Europe already reaching the shores of Australia. Your father is keeping up with the times by purchasing a brand-new Henry Ford’s Model T which arrives tomorrow on the train.’ Joe spoke with confidence.
‘Joe. I don’t understand why you want to suddenly sell our property to go on this wild goose chase. You haven’t convinced me.’
‘Give you a history lesson Hannah. Karl Benz granted a patent for his first car engine in Germany. Within a decade the first motor vehicle arrived on Australian shores in 1897. Biggest complaint. They frightened the horses.’
‘Yes, I’m aware of these facts Joe. You’ll need to convince me more before I change my mind.’ Hannah added. She didn’t let on to Joe. He almost convinced her with his latest information.
‘In 1896 Mr Herbert Thomson with his cousin, Mr Edward Holmes built ‘Thomson Motor Phaeton’, a steamer. Steam boilers explode. This method overcome by Walter Hancock in 1830 by using a tubular boiler.’ Joe’s concentration showed on his face. Hannah visioned wheels of thought turning in Joe’s mind.
‘Where did you obtain this information?’ Hannah asked with a frown.
‘Read most of this information from your books in our library.’
‘Thinking back to when I noticed you reading my books. Wondered why you read so much.’
‘Like yourself, I needed to understand where I was going to search for information as possible. Couldn’t speak to anyone about motor vehicles.’ Joe explained.
‘In 1899 Hannah, first Australia-built petrol car by Tarrant Company owned by Colonel Harley Tarrant and Howard Lewis. They built a two-cylinder engine and electric ignition.’ Joe sat silent exhausted by explaining his homework on the motor vehicle. His mind filled with ideas to commence his garage. ‘This is the cherry on top of the cake. Henry Ford pledged his motor vehicles Model T Ford will belt earth. It is the cheapest and most reliable car with high ground clearance to go through any bumpy terrain.’ Joe finished his explanation.
‘Okay. You win Joe. Convinced.’ Hannah wrapped her arms around his neck. Kissed him on the lips.
‘Thank you, Hannah. Will not let you down.’

Next day Nat and Joe went to Cunnamulla Goods Shed to take delivery of Nat’s new motor vehicle.
‘Good-day Keith.’ Nat shook hands with his friend.
‘Nat, Joe. Your delivery is ready. Have you a wagon?’ Keith’s position in-charge of good shed at Cunnamulla Railway Station.
‘No. I expected to be driving the delivery home.’ Nat explained.
‘You won’t be driving these crates.’ Keith showed his two friends wooden crates ready for delivery.
‘I don’t understand.’ Joe gasped. ‘Is the motor vehicle inside these crates?’
‘You’ll need to put it together Joe. A man with your ability will work it out.’ Keith handed Nat a sheet of paper to sign taking delivery of the crates.
‘We’d better find a wagon to take these crates home. Idea of starting a garage will be sooner than later.’ Joe mumbled to himself. ‘We’ll be right back Keith.’ Joe and Nat left to find a wagon to transport their cargo.


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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Nov 29, 2022 12:52 pm

'Build An Empire' -
‘Okay. You win Joe. Convinced.’ Hannah wrapped her arms around his neck. Kissed him on the lips.
‘Thank you, Hannah. Will not let you down.’

Next day Nat and Joe went to Cunnamulla Goods Shed to take delivery of Nat’s new motor vehicle.
‘Good-day Keith.’ Nat shook hands with his friend.
‘Nat, Joe. Your delivery is ready. Have you a wagon?’ Keith’s position in-charge of good shed at Cunnamulla Railway Station.
‘No. I expected to be driving the delivery home.’ Nat explained.
‘You won’t be driving these crates.’ Keith showed his two friends wooden crates ready for delivery.
‘I don’t understand.’ Joe gasped. ‘Is the motor vehicle inside these crates?’
‘You’ll need to put it together Joe. A man with your ability will work it out.’ Keith handed Nat a sheet of paper to sign taking delivery of the crates.
‘We’d better find a wagon to take these crates home. Idea of starting a garage will be sooner than later.’ Joe mumbled to himself. ‘We’ll be right back Keith.’ Joe and Nat left to find a wagon to transport their cargo.
‘Where do you expect to assemble my motor vehicle Joe?’ Nat asked on their return home.
‘Clear out the stables. Assemble the vehicle there. Enough room. Joker will need to stay in the paddock. On second thought I better turn the stables into a temporary garage until I build my own. Hannah gave me the go ahead.’
‘Okay. We’ll clean the stable first. Collect a wagon from the blacksmith, to start assembling my motor vehicle.’ Nat arrived at their home. ‘Better tell the women what we’re doing. Time for a cuppa.’
Over morning smoko Joe explained to Martha, Hannah, and Gloria his task to assemble Nat’s new motor vehicle.
‘You’ve never done this before Joe?’ Hannah expressed in a concerned voice.
‘No. I haven’t Hannah. Don’t forget I assembled overhead shearing equipment in your father’s shearing sheds. At the beginning I never had a clue what I was doing. Everything turned out right in the end.’ Joe explained with confidence. His self-esteem rose thinking when he built the shearing equipment.
‘Agree Joe. You can do anything once you put your mind to it. Look at the delver machine you invented. We use it to dig our boredrains across the paddocks to water the stock. I believe in you Joe.’ Nat expressed with delight. ‘We better clear out the stables for your garage. I’ve been thinking about your proposal to build a garage across the road on the vacant block of land.’ Nat finished sipped his tea.
‘What do you mean Nat? You’ve been thinking.’ Joe queried.
‘What if Martha and I purchased the land. Will be in your and Hannah’s names. You can pay us back after you sell ‘Tilbaroo Station’. Joe lifted from his seat went to where Nat sat, wrapped his arms around his shoulders.
‘We can’t thank you enough Nat and Martha.’ Joe hugged Martha in appreciation of their gesture to purchase the land. Hannah did the same. Tears welled in her eyes.

Joe and Nat cleared the stables making a garage to build Nat’s motor vehicle. With each step to make this project happen Joe’s confidence grew. Thoughts rattled through his mind with development of building his first motor vehicle, building motor vehicles, selling them to citizens of Cunnamulla.
After separating each part from the crates, laying them out in order of assembly Joe and Nat worked as one to steadily join each piece of the puzzle together. Henry Ford sent a manual to assemble the vehicle. Joe followed each step, piece by piece.
Clearing away the crates from the garage, Joe set the chassis on the ground. First to fit each wheel. Directions showed Joe how to do this procedure. Tools also provided by Henry Ford who thought of everything to assemble his motor vehicle. Joe followed instructions from the manual step by step until after three days a new black Model T Ford stood proudly in his makeshift garage.
‘You’ve done an excellent job Joe. I’m proud of you.’ Nat shook hands with his son-in-law in gratitude for his services.
‘Pleased you like it Nat. What about we crank this baby up to find out if our work has been done.’ Joe filled the fuel tank with gasoline provided by Henry Ford, cranked the engine which fired into action. A smooth sound echoed through the garage. ‘Climb in Nat. We’ll take this baby for a spin.’ Nat climbed in beside Joe who took control of the driving.
Success beamed on Joe’s face excited his work completed.
Horses scattered across roadways when Joe guided this new contraption through the streets of Cunnamulla.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Nov 30, 2022 9:09 pm

Here is the page for today: 'Build An Empire' - :read Page 14:
‘Yes. We collected the parts from Cunnamulla Railway Goods Shed. Loaded six huge crates onto a wagon.
Assembled the vehicle in a stable at home. Three days to assemble this vehicle.’ Joe stated with pride.
‘Can we travel to ‘Tilbaroo Station’ in this motor vehicle?’ Sidney asked amazed by the smooth ride. Much more comfortable than riding in a horse and buggy.
‘Yes. We can leave when you’re ready.’ Nat expressed.
Each agreed to meet at Stock and Station Agent after morning tea.
Joe explained to Hannah they would be driving to ‘Tilbaroo Station’ in Nat’s new motor vehicle.
‘Do you think this a clever idea Joe. What if something happens. Or the contraption breaks down. How will you come home?’ Hannah’s fears didn’t rattle Joe’s confidence.
‘Hannah, I followed each step in the assembly of this motor vehicle stated by Henry Ford himself. We’ve driven around the streets of Cunnamulla. Scared live-stock and people. Horses scattered everywhere. Sidney is impressed with our mode of transport. His request to use the motor vehicle to travel to ‘Tilbaroo Station’. Joe explained.
‘Okay. Pack food and refreshments for the trip.’ Hannah prepared food. Joe loaded tools, spare wheel, fuel onto the rear compartment before driving to Stock and Station Agent.
After four boarded the vehicle Joe drove with confidence across the rickety bridge heading toward ‘Tilbaroo Station’. Track rough, wheels high enough to miss being bogged. Joe’s confidence grew with each mile. This motor vehicle plus others like this one would be his future. Instead of taking an entire day to reach ‘Tilbaroo Station’ they arrived to have lunch at the home Joe built for Hannah.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Dec 03, 2022 4:03 pm

'Build An Empire' -
Here is the page for today: After building a fire in the stove Joe placed the kettle on top to boil. Made a pot of tea. Set out food Hannah made before leaving. Nat sat at the top of the table joined by others.
‘Impressed with this cabin.’ Sidney remarked.
‘Joe built this home for Hannah.’ Nat proudly admonished eating a sandwich.
‘Is there anything you can’t do Joe?’ Sidney asked sipping his tea.
All four finished their lunch.
‘Would you mind if we had a look around the property Joe?’ Asked Sidney.
‘By all means.’ All four left the house.
‘Do you want to drive, or walk?’ Asked Joe.
‘Interested in this bore.’ Sidney pointed to a pipe in the centre of a dam. Water spirting from the top.
‘Joe built a boredrain from the bore to feed the creek when we had a dry season.’ Nat intercepted. Proud of his son-in-law for making a delver to plough the drain.
Sidney inspected the boredrain leading from the borehead to the creek. ‘How’d you make this drain?’ Sidney asked.
‘Built a delver machine, pulled it behind two horses. Nat has all his properties criss-crossing paddocks with these boredrains to water his stock.’ Joe explained.
‘You’re a genius Joe.’ Sidney exclaimed.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Dec 04, 2022 3:13 pm

Build An Empire' - Page 16:

‘Can I ask a question Sidney?’ Joe asked.
‘By all means. Ask me anything.’ Sidney answered. His confidence in Joe heightened.
‘Why do you want to purchase ‘Tilbaroo Station’?’ Joe inquired.
‘Interesting question Joe. Want to beat the drought.’ Sidney commenced.
Nat interrupted Sidney, ‘We haven’t experienced a drought for a number of years.’
‘Yes, you’re right Nat. Own a number of cattle stations throughout Queensland, Northern Territory and New South Wales.’ Sidney explained. ‘In 1896 purchased my first property ‘Annandale Station’ in Queensland.’ He disliked speaking about his wealth.
‘Why ‘Tilbaroo Station’?’ Nat asked. How he wished to be like Sidney Kidman possessing courage and conviction of what he wanted to achieve his wishes.
Sidney understood Nat’s question. His challenging work, together with a unique business mind, much good luck he answered, ‘The great drought in 1901 was a disaster. Moved stock from drought-stricken areas to other areas and sold in markets when prices were highest.’ Sidney thought back to those times, almost sent him broke.
‘I completely understand how you feel. We were lucky here. Own nine sheep properties in this area. A youth name Ryan Carlson, eleven years old, became my saviour. Ryan divined for water on my properties. Found underground water. Drilled bores. Joe made a delver to make drains. This saved us from the greatest drought this country has ever experienced.’ Nat explained, wiped his brow from perspiration built during his answer to Sidney.

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