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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:50 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 123:

‘Can’t wait for this to happen.’ Desi whispered.
Mr A E Mayo explained his program for Lord Nolan. Each time he explained a portion of the program Desi nodded his head to acknowledge his answer. Desi thought how tough this program would be to achieve within six weeks. His confidence in Mr A E Mayo as a Thoroughbred Horse Trainer was second to none.
‘I have a different program for you Desi.’ Cynthia shared.
‘What have you in store for me?’
Cynthia explained her idea of Desi strengthening his riding muscles by running, swimming, exercises. Mrs Mayo described his diet and food intake she would prepare. At the end of this conversation Desi thought he’d been cooked fried and roasted for a Sunday Dinner. Agreed to everything they suggested.
‘What about my riding engagements?’ Desi asked.
‘Cynthia will take control of them. Look on Cynthia as your partner in this operation.’ Mr A E Mayo suggested. Desi nodded.
‘We’d better start this program Cynthia.’ Desi looked at her for comment.
Cynthia rose from her chair. ‘Come. We need to talk.’ Desi followed Cynthia like a puppy to the front veranda where they sat opposite each other with a small table dividing them. Cynthia placed a notebook and pencil on the table. Began to write notes.
‘How many rides in races do you have this week?’ She asked ready to write the answer.
Desi thought for a moment before answering. ‘Ten. Six for your father. Four for other trainers.’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Oct 08, 2022 11:59 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 124:

Cynthia wrote Desi’s answer.
‘I’ll be with you each time you ride. Accompany you to and from the races.’
‘You my bodyguard.’ Desi sneered.
‘No. I want to record each ride. Study your ride, horse, field and so forth’. Cynthia answered with candour.
Mrs Mayo joined them on the veranda handed Desi two sweaters, two pair of trousers, a heavy shirt. ‘Cynthia asked me to make these clothes for you to wear when you exercise. Hope they fit. If they don’t, tell me. I make changes.’ She left the two to continue their plans.
‘Thank you, Mrs Mayo.’ Desi accepted the clothes. ‘When do I wear these?’
‘Each time we exercise.’ Cynthia expressed in an authoritative voice. Desi made no remark. ‘What is your weight?’ Cynthia asked poised to enter Desi’s answer to her notes.
‘I ride around six stone.’
‘You’ll need to increase your weight with riding ‘Joker’ in the Melbourne Cup. At least six pounds.’
‘Okay. Don’t know how. My weight hasn’t changed since I’ve been here with your father.’
‘I’ll ask Mother to feed you more food. With the exercise program I have designed you’ll need to build more strength, increase lung capacity. Today, we going to the city to buy you clothes.’ Cynthia stood walked to her bedroom. ‘I’ll meet you out front in five minutes.’
Desi readied himself for their shopping trip to the city. Met Cynthia five minutes later.
‘Something I need to share with you before we leave. I haven’t the money to waste on clothes.’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Oct 10, 2022 12:48 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 125:

‘Don’t worry. Daddy is paying.’
They left their home hailed a driver to take them to the city. This venture all new to Desi who never ventured away from the stables only to race in Sydney. This new adventure raised Desi’s self confidence in a way someone, such as this beautiful Cynthia cared to take her time in attending to his needs.
They arrived in the city Cynthia paid the driver. Visiting gent stores. They left with two suits, shirts, ties, socks, shoes to Cynthia’s satisfaction. ‘After each time we attend a race meeting your suits will need dry cleaning. Mother will attend to these duties. Your shirts will need cleaning. I will attend to these duties.’ Cynthia explained. Desi nodded in agreement. His mind puzzled with this present attention. ‘We’ll have lunch before we return home. Daddy gave me enough money.’
Eating in a restaurant made Desi uncomfortable. Only time he ate at a restaurant when he dined with his friend Ryan in Sydney. Didn’t matter because Cynthia ordered their food. Instead of Desi eating a steak sandwich Cynthia ordered a large T bone steak with vegetables.
When the food arrived at their table Desi said, ‘I don’t eat this type of food for lunch or dinner. Too much.’
‘Eat up. You’ll need your strength with the exercise program I have in store for you.’
They ate their meals. Chattered about expectations.
‘Six weeks will be time for you to increase your weight, strengthen your muscles. By the time I’m finished with you the Melbourne Cup will be in our hands.’ Cynthia admonished with confidence. Desi had never been cared for in this manner.
They arrived home. Cynthia handed her father small change.
‘Did you purchase everything?’ Mr A E Mayo asked.
‘Yes Daddy. We’re ready to begin.’
‘Desi. You’re in for the time of your life’. Mr A E Mayo stated.
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: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:35 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 126:

Chapter 14

Before dawn, following morning Desi awoke to a knock on his bedroom door. ‘I’m coming.’ He shouted climbed from his bed to gather his trousers. Creeping around in the dark Desi pulled his trousers on, walked to open the door before another knock sounded. Cynthia stood before him dressed in exercise attire.
‘What time is it?’ Desi asked wiped sleep from his eyes.
‘Three-thirty. Come on we need to start before the sun comes up.’ Cynthia walked past Desi, switched on the bedroom light. Stood with her arms folder. ‘Dress in the clothes Mother gave you yesterday. We’re going for a run.’ She left Desi’s bedroom to wait outside while he dressed in clothes she wanted.
Desi met Cynthia on the front veranda. ‘Don’t worry about shoes. We’re running barefoot. Harden up your soles. Shouldn’t worry you being aboriginal.’ Cynthia swept down the front stairs jogged along the garden pathway toward the road. After discarding his boots and socks to leave on the front steps Desi followed.
The duo ran for a couple of blocks. Cynthia at an even pace. Desi’s chest tightened, his breathing heavy. Desi rode trackwork daily. Riding a horse totally different to running. His mind filled with dread to think he needed this punishment to win a Melbourne Cup.
Daylight rose above the horizon Cynthia kept same pace until she stopped. ‘We’ve gone far enough this morning. Back home.’ She commenced her same pace to return home. Desi’s chest almost exploded, his lungs about to burst. Not thinking about giving up he followed this Angel of Death until they arrived home.
‘Mother has breakfast ready. Have a shower, dress in your normal riding attire. Meet me in the kitchen.’ She instructed.
Desi showered, dressed in his daily riding gear walked to the kitchen. Sat beside Cynthia. ‘Good morning Mr A E Mayo, Mrs Mayo.’ Desi cheerfully said.
‘Is this a good morning?’ Mr A E Mayo asked between eating breakfast. ‘Cynthia tells me you have a long way to go before you’re fit enough to ride Lord Nolan in this year’s Melbourne Cup.’
‘She’s right. A tough taskmaster.’ Desi ate his breakfast.
‘After breakfast I’ll help you tend to Joker. Daddy has a couple of horses he wants exercised. I want to watch you to record your work.’ Cynthia stated between eating.
Breakfast completed Desi thanked Mrs Mayo for a delicious meal. Walked with Cynthia to Joker’s stall, placed a halter on Joker’s head, led him from the stall. With two people cleaning the stall took half the time as when Desi performed the task alone.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Oct 11, 2022 10:46 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 127:

‘Can I ask you a question?’ Desi asked Cynthia whilst they were shovelling manure and urine from the bedding.
‘Yes. Go ahead. I’ve nothing to hide.’
‘Why are you doing this?’
‘Because Daddy has complete confidence in you. He contacted me to return home to help you win this year’s Melbourne Cup.’
‘I can’t understand how you handled Joker so easily.’
‘I broke in Lord Nolan when he was a yearling. Lord Nolan has been my horse since.’
They worked until finished their task. Cynthia saddled Lord Nolan in an exercise saddle led him to track.
‘Okay Desi I’ll leg you up. Daddy wants you to exercise him at an even pace for a lap. Let him breeze home final couple of furlongs.’ Cynthia legged Desi up onto Lord Nolan’s back. Desi took control carried out exact orders delivered by Cynthia.
Lord Nolan felt great after his spell away from the stables. At one time in the exercise Desi wanted to allow him to go faster. His mind telling him to keep to the instruction given to him by Cynthia. Whatever she wanted Desi would do exactly as she asked.
Returning to the stables Cynthia unsaddled Lord Nolan, replaced the bridle with a halter, walked him to the wash bay, hosed him down. ‘Daddy has a couple more horses for you to exercise. I’ll take care of Joker. Don’t worry I’ll take good care of him.’ Cynthia said.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Oct 14, 2022 10:38 pm

Thank you Carol. Here are the next pages of 'Build A Nation' - Pages 128-129:

‘Stable hands can look after those horses. I need to take you through the program I have set for you. Follow me.’ Desi followed Cynthia to the house. Seated on the front veranda Cynthia produced a book, opened it, wrote details of day’s events.
‘Do you understand what you are doing?’ Desi asked.
‘Before Lord Cardigan won the Melbourne Cup five years ago, I followed Daddy everywhere to watch his actions. Since his win Daddy wanted me to follow his program for Lord Nolan to the tee.’ Cynthia explained showed Desi her program.
‘You must’ve been all of ten years old?’ Desi asked.
‘No! Thirteen. If you must know. I turned eighteen years old a couple of months ago.’ Cynthia continued writing in her notebook.
‘What is the program you have designed for me. After this morning. I need to know?’
‘Desi, you may be able to ride a horse. To ride two miles, concentrate on other horses, riders, you need to become super fit physically as well as mentally. Running is best exercise to increase lung capacity, strengthen your legs, concentration of the mind. How did you pull up this morning after our short exercise?’ Cynthia asked.
‘A little thick in the chest. My head was about to burst open.’
‘Thought as much. You’ll feel better within a week. We need to have you swim. When we exercise the horses at the beach, I’ll exercise the horses whilst you swim beside them. You can swim, can’t you?’
‘Yes, like a fish.’
‘You’ll be wearing those heavy clothes Mother made for you. Makes you stronger, build up your lung capacity.’ Cynthia finished writing notes. ‘Mother has lunch ready.’ Cynthis and Desi walked to the kitchen for lunch.
Desi retired to bed shortly after his dinner, set the alarm on his clock for three fifteen in the morning. He would be waiting for Cynthia on the front steps instead of her awakening him. Sound of the alarm awoke Desi. His dreams of Cynthia throwing instructions at him almost caused a nightmare.
Exactly three thirty he stood ready on the front steps awaiting his Torture Queen Cynthia to arrive. ‘You beat me this morning. Good to see.’ Cynthia led the pair on their exercise run. This time Desi understood how important to build strength in his legs, increase wind capacity in his lungs. When they returned from their run Cynthia said, ‘Are you feeling better than yesterday?’ Desi nodded.
After breakfast they tended to Joker. Desi exercised Joker same as day before breezing home an even twelve. Mr A E Mayo gave Desi a couple of his horses to exercise. Cynthia helped Desi with his chores. They enjoyed lunch with her parents.
‘After lunch. Would you sit with me on the veranda Desi? I have important questions to ask you.’
After lunch they moved to the veranda Cynthia asked a variety of questions pertaining to tactics in a race; his thoughts focused on winning the Melbourne Cup.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Oct 15, 2022 11:06 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 130:

‘A little under six weeks to the Melbourne Cup. Can you win this race?’ Cynthia questioned.
Desi never hesitated with the answer, ‘Yes I can win this year’s Melbourne Cup riding Lord Nolan.’ Cynthia smiled returned to writing notes in her book.
‘Weights for the race will be published in a couple of weeks. I estimate Lord Nolan will receive around six stone ten pounds. Presently you weigh six stone.’
‘Food your mother is feeding me. Ten pounds will not be difficult to add.’
‘With exercise, increased diet, mental alertness, you will be ready.’
‘With you as my Torture Queen. How could I not be ready?’
Same program continued daily. Each day Desi’s condition improved so much he quickened his pace in running to have Cynthia labour behind him on return run home. With daily food increase, his weight climbed four pounds to six stone four pounds.
Riding in different races at various racetracks surrounding Melbourne Desi soon alerted his mind to various tactics used by other jockeys. His quick thinking often gave him an advantage.
At the completion of each race Cynthia sat with Desi on the front veranda reviewing race rides; tactics; mental stimulation exercises such as: I can do it! Desi’s self-confidence rose each time he shared these experiences with Cynthia. His mind focused on winning 1908 Melbourne Cup riding Lord Nolan for his master Mr A E Mayo.
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