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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Sep 13, 2022 11:12 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 106:

Andre sat silent listened to each word Chief Scout Leader spoke in explaining each law to all scouts. At the end of his explanation of Australia Scouts – Law he thanked each scout for their patience and dedication to scout movement. Dismissed them for other activities.
Andre’s Scout Leader told his scouts to change into their swimming shorts for a swim in the creek. A rope swing hung from a branch of a nearby tree. Each scout in their turn swung on this rope to land in the water.
Around dusk all scouts returned to their accommodation changed into their scout uniform in preparation for cooking their evening meal. Andre rushed to nearby bush to gather wood for the fire. After eating their meal each washed their dishes by the creek using sand to clean their cooking utensils. They were exhausted after their swim and listening to Chief Scout Leader explanation of Australia Scouts – Law. Each scout retired to their beds.
After lunch on the final day of the camp Chief Scout Leader summoned all scouts with their Leaders to assemble at the campsite. All tents dismantled, stored onto wagons. Each Scout Group sat cross legged on the ground before Chief Scout Leader addressed them: ‘Fellow scouts. I thank you all for participating in this camp. Much has been achieved. I have the pleasure to present scout badges to those scouts who went beyond their ability to perform tasks they were given.’ Chief Scout Leader called on various scouts from groups to stand, present themselves to him.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Sep 15, 2022 1:28 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 107:

‘Scout Andre Carlson. I present you with two Scout badges. One for ‘lighting a fire’, second ‘attending a Scout Camp’.’ Chief Scout Leader handed Andre two badges. Andre saluted Chief Scout Leader with Scout salute returned to his place. Andre could not wipe the smile from his face. He placed both badges in his pocket for safekeeping plus on his return home to show his mother who would sew a badge on each shoulder of his scout shirt.
Arriving home late in the afternoon Andre excited by receiving two scout badges could not wait until he showed his mother. His father would not return home from work for another week.
‘Mum. I’m home.’ Andre shouted opening the front door of his home.
Melinda shouted, ‘In here Andre. In the kitchen.’ Andre wrapped his arms around his mother’s shoulders when they met in the kitchen. ‘Did you have a good time?’ Melinda asked whilst preparing their dinner.
‘Greatest time Mum.’ Andre withdrew both badges from his pocket. ‘Look what I received from Chief Leader Scout. Two badges. One for ‘lighting a fire’ other ‘attending a Scout Camp’. Would you sew them on each of my scout shirt sleeves, please?’ Andre still excited from his endeavours.
‘Yes.’ Melinda stopped her dinner preparation. Wrapped her arms around her son’s shoulder, ‘I’m so proud of you. Can’t wait to tell your father and Ryan about what you achieved.’ Melinda praised her son on his good work.
At next Scout Meeting Andre redid the task of ‘cleaning his shoes’ which he passed with flying colours. His life as a scout grew weekly when attending his scout group. Over the years Andre hoped his venture in scouting would take him through Scouts onto Rovers finally completing his journey Ventures to become a Scout Leader to teach other youths Australia Scouts Law to help Build A Nation in Australian Scouting.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:46 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 108:

Chapter 12

Seven years after Australia became a Nation with ‘The Constitution’ being drawn by Founding Fathers. Time to meet again to decide Commonwealth Coat Of Arms plus Official Australian Flag. Two members from Founding Fathers met at same hotel in Melbourne they wrote ‘The Constitution’ to discuss these important issues.
‘Pleased to meet up with you again Sir Samuel.’ Sir Edmund Barton stated when they shook hands. Both men involved in preparing ‘The Constitution’. Sir Edmund Barton became Australia’s first Prime Minister. Sir Samuel Griffiths, Attorney General.
‘Welcome Sir Edmund. You did a fine job as our first Prime Minister’. Sir Samuel addressed his Leader of High Court of Australia. Both gentlemen sat at a table. ‘May we dispense with our titles. Use our names instead.’ Samuel asked.
‘For this occasion. Since we both have a title. Yes. I agree.’ Edmund confirmed. Displayed in front of both gentlemen drawings various versions of ‘Coat of Arms’ for Australia. A blue coloured flag covered a nearby table.
‘We’re here to decide on a ‘Coat of Arms’ for Australia.’ Edmund said.
‘Before we do. I’d like to make a request.’ Samuel intercepted.
‘What is it?’
‘We’ve been working together for almost two decades. Making important decisions for Australia and Commonwealth. This might sound a small item to you. Important for me to understand.’
‘Samuel. I have no idea what you are talking about?’ Edmund replied in astonishment.
‘For instance, Edmund. From the first time we met to work together on such important assignments, almost twenty years ago, you’ve never spoken about your early childhood, what school you attended, why you became a Politian. This information is important for me to understand. I class you my friend.’
‘I’m sorry Samuel. Never in my wildest dreams why you would want to know about my life. Dull compared to your life.’
‘You did become our first Prime Minister Edmund. An important point in your life.’
‘Born in Glebe, New South Wales on 18th January 1849. One of nine children. Do you want the names of my parents?’ Edmund asked. Samuel shook his head. ‘Attended Fort Street School for a couple of years before attending Sydney Grammar.’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Sep 17, 2022 12:58 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 109:

‘Go on.’ Coaxed Samuel interested in Edmund’s story.
‘Went to University of Sydney, graduated with Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1868. Obtained my Master of Arts Degree two years later. Following year became a barrister; set up my own legal practice. Most successful may I say looking back on my time. Learned art of debating through Sydney Mechanics Institute. What else do you need to know about me?’
‘I’ve met your wife Jeanie when we were here last time to write ‘The Constitution’. When did you marry Jeanie?’
‘1877. Same year I entered New South Wales colonial politics. We have six children. Wasn’t until couple of years later I won the seat to enter Parliament.’
‘Interesting story Edmund. Do you remember my friend Martha Young who you crossed swords with during our trip to Melbourne?’ Edmund closed his eyes to think of the occasion.
‘Yes. If my memory serves me correctly. Mrs Young wanted us to include into ‘The Constitution’ a vote for Indigenous Peoples.’ Anger still rose in Edmund’s throat thinking back to this time. ‘We didn’t give these Peoples voting rights. I read they can now marry legally under Commonwealth Law. Should be enough to satisfy Martha Young. She tried to encourage my wife off any hanky panky below the waistline. Fooled her because we have six children.’ Edmund spat his words with venom of a yellow belly black snake.
‘You were in and out of Parliament.’

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:02 am

Thank you dub, Carol for your thanks. Here is the page for today:

'Build A Nation' - Page 110:

‘Yes. After I won the seat for University Assembly in 1879, I switched to Wellington seat in 1880, then in 1882 to East Sydney.’ Edmund disclosed. He’d never shared this information with anyone else before.
‘When did we first meet?’ Samuel asked attempted to recall in his mind first time he met Edmund.
‘Might have been at Australasian Federal Convention in Sydney in March 1891. You remember Henry Parkes gave his speech at Tenterfield in 1889. Henry called for a strong federal parliament.’ Edmund recalled.
‘No, I believe to be a later date, Edmund. This was when you became a ‘Founding Father’ of the Nation. Good memory. You took over the federal movement in 1891 after Henry Parkes lost the election.’ Samuel recalled. ‘If I remember correctly, I didn’t meet you until 1898 when Queensland voted the first time, approving the bill.’
‘Thinking back to this time Samuel. You are correct. We met at this hotel to finalise ‘The Constitution’ before I led a delegation to London the following year for the Bill to be passed through UK parliament.’ Edmund thought for a moment. ‘Queen Victoria gave Royal Assent to the Act to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia.’ Edmund admitted with glee. Smiled.
‘I remember this time because Lord Hopetoun arrived in Australia to become Governor-General of Australia. You were lucky New South Wales Premier, William Lyne was a strong opponent of federation, thereby you were chosen to become our first Prime Minister Edmund.’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:01 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 111:

‘A proud moment for Australia when Lord Hopetoun proclaimed the Commonwealth of Australia as a federation of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, Tasmania, and Western Australia and swore in my ministry at Centennial Park, Sydney. Yes. How could I not forget a choir of ten thousand sang ‘Advanced Australia Fair’. Indeed, a memorable moment in time.’ Edmund smiled. Joy filled his heart. ‘You would remember the celebrations on 9th May 1901 when Duke of York opened Commonwealth Parliament in Exhibition Building, Melbourne.’
‘Why did you introduce White Australian Policy when you became Prime Minister?’
‘To restrict immigration. Gave the vote to British subjects resident in Australia, excluded Aboriginal and Torres Strait people, African and Asian immigrants.’ Edmund answered with authority.
‘Martha Young continues to be a burr under your saddle.’ Samuel sneered.
‘Being Prime Minister I led the way for Australians to become Australians. That’s enough about me. Why don’t we hear from you Samuel?’
‘Not as exciting as your life Edmund. Born in Wales. Moved to Colony of Queensland aged eight. Attended University of Sydney. Called to the bar 1867. Elected to Queensland Legislative Assembly 1872.’
‘You did become Premier of Queensland?’
‘Yes. Five years first time. Three years later. In 1887 you may remember I led an Australian delegation to 1887 Colonial Conference. I took a keen interest in external affairs, giving financial and administrative support to Territory of Papua. Established Queensland Maritime Defence Force.’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Sep 20, 2022 12:46 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 112:

‘If my memory serves me correctly. You intervened in government decisions after 1891 shearer’s strike?’
‘Yes. I was a bit of a radical in those times. I hated when those thirteen men were sent to prison for rioting. Eureka Rebels found innocent whilst our Queenslanders found guilty of committing similar crimes. I thought our striking shearers should have received a similar reprieve of justice.’ Samuel dropped his head.
‘This must have been a turning point in your life. You wrote Queensland Criminal Code. First in Australia. With Andrew Inglis Clark you wrote the draft of ‘Constitution’.
‘My finest hour.’ Samuel smiled.
‘Enough about us.’ Edmund questioned. ‘We’re here to perform the task ‘Coat of Arms of Australia’. What do you know about ‘Coat of Arms of Australia?’
‘The Coat of Arms of Australia officially called ‘Commonwealth Coat of Arms’ is the formal symbol for Commonwealth of Australia’. Samuel admitted. Showed Edmund a drawing of Coat of Arms. ‘Kangaroo and emu our native animals; shield showing Australia’s six states, seven-pointed Commonwealth Star surmounting the crest also represents States and territories. Floral emblems appear below the shield.’ Samuel pointed to each section.
‘Where did you find this information Samuel? I’m impressed’.
‘When first asked to meet with you about this assignment, I researched to find in 1905 Bowman Flag showed a rose, shamrock and thistle supported by a kangaroo and emu. Shield in centre, seven-pointed star on a wreath as the crest. Both animals used their feet to support shield on a bed of grass with a scroll containing the motto ‘Advance Australia’’. Samuel pointed to each section.
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