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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Sep 06, 2022 10:18 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 99:

Chapter 11

‘Mum. I’m ready to go to scouts.’ Andre shouted.
‘Give me a minute.’ Melinda, Andre’s mother cried out.
Andre dressed in his scout uniform looked splendid. Melinda proud of her son since he joined Scout movement recently formed in Australia. To her knowledge Robert Baden-Powell founded Scouting movement 1st August 1907 in United Kingdom spreading to Australia in 1908. Her son Andre joined recent movement in Australia.
Melinda farewelled Andre who walked to his Scout Den five blocks from where they lived in Spring Hill, Brisbane. This became Andre’s second meeting; first meeting to join Spring Hill Scout Group, receive his uniform; meet other youths his age. Andre listened to a story: History of Scouting spoken by his Scout Leader.
Robert Baden-Powell founded Scout movement while working on his ideas for many years to encourage boys from five years to adulthood learn bush skills, leadership qualities, discipline to make them better men in society. In his youth Robert Baden-Powell ventured into local bushland near his home; tracked; camped; built a fire; developed powers of observation.
Completing school, he won a scholarship to enter British Army, sent to India where he trained soldiers in bushcraft, survival tactics. Wrote a book titled ‘Aids to Scouting’. After fighting in ‘Boer War’ in South Africa his leadership qualities returned him to England a hero. With twenty youths, a couple of leaders, first scout camp attended by Robert Baden-Powell taught these boys and leaders what he meant by scouting. This initial scout camp, a huge success.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Sep 07, 2022 10:44 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 100:

Andre enjoyed his moments being a scout. His fellow scouts joined him tying knots with rope. Always on his mind ambition to excel to the top in scouting. Second evening with scouts to undertake first scout badge - polish his shoes. Taking his shoes off he applied black shoe polish to the outside of his shoes. After the polish dried rubbed the polish to a bright sheen.
When he presented his polished shoes to his Scout Leader, ‘Did you remove the shoe-laces before applying polish to your shoes?’ Andre admitted he did not. His feat to gain his first Scout Badge failed. In a couple of weeks, he could try again to pass the test of ‘cleaning his shoes’. This time Andre made his mind up to do better and succeed by removing the shoelaces from his shoes before applying polish.
Scouting became a huge part of his life. Thinking how he would one day become a Scout Leader. Andre studied:
‘Scouts Promise’.
Australia (Scouts 10-14) - Promise
On my honour, I promise
That I will do my best
To do my duty to my God, and
To the Queen of Australia,
To help other people, and
To live by the Scout Law.
After his initial failure Andre wanted more than ever to succeed at his second test. Tying knots. This skill, important to scouting because when time came for Andre to attend a Scout Camp with his fellow Scouts making shelter is essential in the life of a Scout. When constructing shelter; saplings cut from trees fastened together by rope tied to each sapling. Shelter erected stable and secure.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Sep 08, 2022 10:52 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 101:

Arriving home from his second week his mother asked, ‘How was your second Scout meeting Andre?’
‘I failed my first attempt at ‘polishing my shoes’. I did not remove the shoelaces before applying the polish.’ Andre explained to his mother. ‘I’m practicing tying knots with this rope to hold saplings in place for shelter.’
‘Before you were born, we lived in a tent tied together with rope, saplings used for poles covered by a tarpaulin.’ His mother shared with Andre.
‘When, where. I want you to tell me everything.’ Andre cried with glee.
‘When Ryan was your age Dad built the railway line from Charleville to Cunnamulla. Our accommodation tents which we put up and pulled down each time we moved along the track. Exciting times.’ Melinda shared with her son.
‘I wish I were there to live in a tent.’ Andre said excited.
‘Tough life living in a tent until we were used to lifestyle. I doubt whether I would ever return to the type of life we lived. Lucky, we enjoyed good friends.’ Melinda’s mind drifted off to the time she met Hannah and Joe. How they wanted Ryan to help them find water on Nat Young’s properties. Great friends, she mused. ‘Did you realise your brother Ryan saved western Queensland from drought?’ Melinda finished.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Sep 09, 2022 11:01 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 102:

‘What did he do?’ Andre most intrigued about his brother’s efforts.
‘Ryan has a gift for finding underground water. At each place we camped along the railway track Ryan walked with his divining stick held in each hand waiting for the stick to bend to the ground. After he found the spot to dig, your father dug a hole ten to twenty feet deep. Water seeped from the ground to the surface. Ryan possessed this gift of finding underground water.’ Melinda’s pride of Ryan shone through her body.
‘No one ever told me this story before. What happened when it rained?’ Andre inquired.
‘We dug a channel around the outside of the tent to stop the water coming in under the tent. Did not rain much. We lived through ‘The Greatest Drought’ known in Australia at the time.’ Melinda explained.
‘Do you miss those times Mum?’ Andre asked his mother.
Thinking about the past, a smile came to her lips when she met Daisy, Keith, Desi, and Little Daisy. Her thoughts of eating goanna at Christmas Dinner when they visited ‘Tilbaroo Station’ to celebrate Christmas with their friends. ‘I miss my friends more than the time we lived in a tent. We ate goanna for Christmas Dinner.’ Melinda expressed.
‘Yuk! I’m pleased we don’t eat goanna for our Christmas Dinner.’ Andre screwed his face up.
‘Those were the days Andre. Everyone pitched in with their share of food. Enjoyed themselves.’ Melinda excused herself to continue her housework.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Sep 11, 2022 12:39 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 103:

Between his second week and next time he attended a Scout Meeting, Andre practiced tying knots with a small rope. From the book ‘Aids to Scouting’ Andre studied how to tie knots, untie, re-tie until his knots perfect.
His first Scout Camp held at Scout’s Crossing Petrie ten miles from where he lived. Scout Leaders arranged transport for each Scout Group. Planning for the camp took up most of the time at the meetings.
When Andre arrived home after his Scout meeting, he could not wait to share this news with his mother plus excitement in attending his first Scout Camp. Andre found a piece of calico used for ground cover, placed a small rubber mattress on the ground cover, made a swag from sheets, pillow plus blankets, rolled his swag tight fastened by two leather straps. His clothes folded neat in a port. Everything prepared for his first scout camp.
Day arrived to attend his first scout camp. Dressed in his scout uniform he carried his swag and port to his Scout Den. Ten other scouts plus Leader climbed onto a wagon to be taken to Scouts Crossing Petrie for their camp. ‘This is exciting.’ Andre told his fellow scout who sat beside him who smiled relating to Andre he also excited about this camp.
Rough roads led to the camp site arrived on dusk. Scouts from across Brisbane joined in at the camp site. Each scout group included Spring Hill Scout Group had an allocated area to erect their tent. Pulling up at the site Andre noticed many of the scouts had erected their tents, some continued to put their final touches. Andre could not believe the site of so many scouts in one place at one time.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Sep 11, 2022 10:45 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 104:

Leader of his group stopped the wagon near the allocated spot for their tent to be erected. Scout Leader called out to his scouts, ‘Leave your things on the wagon. Go collect enough samplings to erect the tent. Andre, you find wood for a fire. Build the fire in front of where the tent is to be erected.’ Leader commanded to each scout. Sun began to sink below the horizon.
Andre ran to nearby bushland collected small branches. With sufficient wood gathered he carried to the site in his arms dropping the wood in front where the tent would be erected. Other scouts from his group returned with poles they had cut from trees for saplings. Andre wanted to help tie each sapling together to form the tent; told to keep building the fire to cook their meal.
Darkness descended on the camp enough light for remaining scouts to finish building their accommodation. Same time Andre completed his task to build the fire to cook their food, other scouts completed their task of constructing their accommodation large enough to house ten scouts plus their leader.
‘Great job everyone. Collect your cooking utensils. Food for everyone. Put the billy on Andre.’ Leader commanded.
Andre collected a large billycan carried it to the water’s edge, leaned over stretched his body to fill the billycan. A small creek flowed beside where the scouts built their camp. Andre returned to the fire placed the billycan on the edge of the fire for heating to make tea.
Scouts placed their small frypans over the flames to cook their meal. Andre joined his fellow scouts. A smile came to his cheeks to show Andre’s happiness.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Sep 12, 2022 10:52 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 105:

Darkness filled the air. After eating their meal each scout walked to the water’s edge to clean their cooking utensils with water. Rubbed sand from the base of the creek on their utensils. Sand removed fat from each frying pan.
Retiring to their beds each scout exhausted fell asleep to the sound of bush creatures including crickets. Daybreak entered next day. Andre rose early, made his bed, dressed, walked to nearby bush to gather wood for fire. Returned to build a fire before Leader rose.
‘Good work Andre for thinking of building a fire for your fellow scouts.’ His Leader told Andre. Leader bought food to the campfire by this time all scouts were dressed, ready for their day of adventure.
After breakfast when all dishes were washed and cleaned, Scout Leader addressed his troops. ‘This morning we’re attending a lecture delivered by our Chief Scout Leader on ‘Australia Scouts Law’. Andre ready to listen and learn.
All scouts gathered in a circle sat in their groups. Chief Scout Leader addressed all scouts:
‘Fellow scouts. My pleasure to address each of you about our ‘Australia Scouts Law’.
Australia Scouts - Law
(11 and over - includes Venturers, Rovers and Scouters)
A Scout is trustworthy
A Scout is loyal
A Scout is helpful
A Scout is friendly
A Scout is cheerful
A Scout is considerate
A Scout is thrifty
A Scout is courteous
A Scout is respectful
A Scout cares for the environment.

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