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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:45 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 72:

‘You’re most welcome Mayor Reardon. This is James Thallon, Commissioner for Queensland Railway Department.’ Shook hands. ‘My pleasure to introduce you to The Honourable Joseph Ryan, MLA, Premier of Queensland.’ Mayor Reardon looked at Joseph.
‘Welcome to our fine town Mr Premier.’ Harold shook hands with Joseph. ‘Haven’t we met before?’ Harold stated startled at being reunited with Joseph Ryan.
‘Many years ago. Mr Mayor.’ Joseph remembered Harold Reardon immediately. Memory flashed to a time when he took on the identity of Joe Gibson. When shearing on ‘Nardoo Station’ north of Cunnamulla he first met Harold Reardon who worked as a roustabout. His uncle Jack Reardon he worked with as a shearer at ‘Tilbaroo Station’. When he met Harold, Joseph went under the name of Joe Gibson. Apart from a couple of other trusted people Harold was the only other person who had knowledge Joseph changed identity with Joe Gibson. ‘Perhaps we could have a chat together later.’ Joseph finished. Harold nodded.
After booking into Blackall Hotel Harold said to Joseph, ‘We could chat now in the private bar. Would you gentlemen excuse us please.’ Harold left the room followed by Joseph.
Sitting in the private bar of the hotel Harold commenced their conversation. ‘I remember you when you used the name Joe Gibson. Last meeting at Barcaldine Railway Station when those thirteen leaders of ‘Great Shearer’s Strike of 1891’ who went to prison arrived home. If my memory serves me correctly. You told me about changing identity with Joe Gibson. I called you a coward. I don’t care if you are the Premier. You’re still a coward.’ Harold went to rise from the chair. Joseph placed his hand out to stop Harold.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Aug 12, 2022 10:58 pm

Thank you Carol. Here are the pages you missed.

'Build A Nation' - Pages 73/74:

‘Yes Harold. You’re right. I am a coward. I deceived you for three years. I’m sorry. I live with this deceit daily. Joe Gibson and I changed back to our own identity after you left me. Only a couple of trusted friends know we changed places. You are one of those trusted friends Harold.’ Joseph admitted.
‘You are not my friend Mr Premier. How did you become Premier of Queensland with your background?’ Harold sneered.
‘Hard work. I remained in Barcaldine. Worked my butt off to become a member of first Labour Party for Queensland. Voted to Parliament. Worked my way through to become Premier of Queensland. I fight for everyone in Queensland to improve work conditions and wages.’ Joseph replied sternly.
‘Do your two companions know about your previous life?’ Harold asked.
‘No. I like to keep it that way. Please Harold let bygones be bygones. Let’s start afresh please?’ Joseph placed his hand out to shake Harold’s hand. They shook. ‘Thank, you Harold.’
‘I suppose you’re right. Why bring up old war wounds when not necessary. I’ll never forgive you for what you did. Sooner you leave Blackall the better. Hopefully, our paths will never cross again.’ Harold stood. Left the bar.
Afterward when Joseph returned to his room his companions were ready to speak with him.
‘So, you and the Mayor of Blackall know each other?’ Jimmy asked when Joseph returned to his room.
‘Many years ago. Long story. We worked together in shearing sheds.’ Joseph admitted.
‘You each caught up on ole times?’ James asked.
‘Yes. We did.’ Joseph didn’t want to add to their conversation.
After a week of celebration in officially opening Blackall Railway Station, attending Blackall Show, time to leave Blackall to continue their journey to Cloncurry. On the morning of their departure most of Blackall’s population arrived to farewell these three distinguished gentlemen. No one had ever sighted a motor vehicle in their town before.
Harold approached Joseph, placed his hand out to shake, ‘Mr Premier. This has been a pleasure to have you and your friends visit out town. Speaking on behalf of Blackall citizens we wish you and your companions a safe journey to Cloncurry onto Brisbane.’ Harold stepped closer to Joseph whispered in his ear. ‘Too much water has flowed under the bridge of life to remember what happened years ago. Your secret is safe with me. Enjoy your life Mr Premier.’ Joseph released the handshake.
‘Thank you, Mr Mayor for your hospitality.’ Joseph joined his companions in the motor vehicle. Jimmy tapped his chauffeur on the shoulder to commence their journey.
‘Town of Blackall impressed me. Artisan water pumped from beneath the surface, to water this parched country. Most impressive.’ Jimmy muttered to his companions, sat back in his seat, relaxed.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Aug 13, 2022 11:12 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 75:

‘Artisan water has saved many country towns throughout Queensland. I remember when I officially opened Cunnamulla Railway Station. Artisan water had been discovered by a young fellow named Ryan Carlson who at eleven years old saved the west.’ Joseph intercepted.
‘We’ll stay the night at Barcaldine.’ Chauffeur called from the driver’s seat.
‘Yes.’ Jimmy replied.
‘Joseph. Can I ask you a question?’ Jimmy asked Joseph.
‘What question would you like to ask me Jimmy?’ Joseph answered Jimmy’s query.
‘I couldn’t help but witness a coolness between yourself and Mayor of Blackall.’
‘We go back a long way Jimmy. Travelled together for three years. I’ll share a story with you all if you want to listen?’ Joseph asked. All nodded.
‘Please go on.’ Jimmy replied.
‘Harold and I stopped at the same hotel in Blackall we stayed in. Standing at the public bar next to us was legendary Jackie Howe.’ Joseph told his friends.
‘You’re kidding. The Great Jackie Howe?’ Questioned Jimmy.
‘Who is Jackie Howe?’ James asked from the front passenger seat.
‘Only the greatest shearer of all time. He broke Australian record for shearing 321 sheep in seven hours and forty minutes on Alice Downs Station.’ Chauffeur answered with pride.
‘Yes. Correct. Harold and I were there to witness such a feat.’ Joseph answered.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Aug 14, 2022 10:51 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 76:

‘You have earned your stipes to become Premier of Queensland.’ Jimmy answered.
‘Wait until we reach birthplace of Australian Labour Party at Barcaldine. Now, there is a story.’ Joseph added.
‘Can’t wait.’ Jimmy intercepted.
After a couple of hours being thrown around by ruts in the roadway they arrived at Barcaldine. Joseph remembered his time spent in Barcaldine when Harold left him after he told Harold he was not Joe Gibson. Stunned by these memories a voice broke into his thoughts.
‘Can you drop us off at the hotel?’ Jimmy asked his chauffeur who parked the vehicle in front of Barcaldine Hotel. They left the motor vehicle, gathered their luggage, walked to the pavement of the hotel.
‘Would you give me a moment?’ Joseph said to his companions. Walked across the roadway to a seat beneath a huge gum tree. His friends followed.
‘What is significant with this tree?’ James asked.
‘In 1891 shearers from Barcaldine and surrounding area gathered under this tree to form ‘Australian Labour Party’. This tree signifies strength, dedication, hardships of members of Australia Labour Party to fight for better working conditions and wages for their members.’ Joseph explained.
All three men stood silent beneath this ‘Tree of Knowledge’ embraced in their own thoughts. Joseph thought of each battle members confronted with pastoralists in their fight to improve working conditions and wages. Joseph bowed his head in recognition to these members.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Aug 16, 2022 11:10 pm

'Build A Nation' - Pages 77-78:

His memory returned on the day thirteen brave men returned from St Helena Island Prison after serving three years imprisonment for leading ‘The Great Shearers Strike of 1891’. His friend Joe Gibson one of those thirteen brave men. Memory of exchanging names to their true identities. Joseph raised his head. May have been magic exploded from the ‘Tree of Knowledge’ to again discover his fighting spirit to never give up on his fight for better working conditions and wagers for his fellow workers. Joseph pondered. Excitement filled each vein in his body.
‘This is a solemn moment.’ Jimmy expressed to his fellow companions.
They left the ‘Tree of Knowledge’ to return to the hotel.
Over dinner in the evening James told his companions. ‘I’m not a member of the Australia Labour Party. After witnessing what happened while standing under the ‘Tree of Knowledge’ I will join the party.’ James admitted.
‘You will be a welcome member.’ Joseph added.
‘I’ll nominate you myself.’ Jimmy said. Patted his friend James on the shoulder. ‘I’m proud to be a member of Australia Labour Party to help build a nation’.
Chapter 9

‘About time we ventured onto Longreach. Don’t you think?’ Joseph asked his companions.
‘Thank you for asking me to accompany you on this trip. After three days in this town I’ve learned more than sitting in my office in Brisbane. I met with local Station Master. He’s provided me with much information I intend to incorporate on my return. This is wool growing country. Transport of wool by Queensland Railway Department will become my major focus in the future.’ James spoke with confidence.
They bordered their motor vehicle left Barcaldine leaving behind the ‘Tree of Knowledge’ never forgetting the brave men who fought under this tree. Silence filled the motor vehicle on their journey to Longreach. Reaching Longreach, they stayed overnight at the local hotel somewhat exhausted from their journey.
Winton being their next destination left early following morning. Expecting to arrive at Winton near midday they experienced deep wheel ruts plus travelling stock. In this part of the country drovers moved stock from station to station along the stock route which followed dirt tracks. First time a motor vehicle travelled these roads in this harsh country. Headlights on the motor vehicle broke. Chauffeur used his skills to arrive at Winton close on sunset.
28th May 1908 they departed Winton to continue their journey to Cloncurry.
‘We’ve been invited to join owners of ‘Elderslie Station’ for lunch.’ Joseph told his companions. Journeying along the road found the turnoff to ‘Elderslie Station’ joined their owners for lunch. James had never visited a property the size of ‘Elderslie Station’ before. Open spaces as far as the eye could see.
Each enjoyed their lunch after which they boarded their motor vehicle to continue their journey hoping to reach ‘Kynuna Station’ before night fall. Rough going at times crawling along at a slow speed dodging ruts and potholes along the makeshift road. They safely arrived at ‘Kynuna Station’ as the sun set in the west. After spending the night at ‘Kynuna Station’ they bid farewell to their hosts to continue their journey to Cloncurry.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Aug 17, 2022 10:38 pm

Thank you Carol for your 'like'. Here is your page for today:

'Build A Nation' - Page 79:

‘If you’re going to have motor transport in this country, Joseph, you will need better roads. I’m proud how this motor vehicle has travelled thus far. We’re not at Cloncurry yet.’ Jimmy admitted.
They drove onward arriving in Cloncurry to a celebration of gathered crowd who never sighted a motor vehicle in their town before. This event became the first time a motor vehicle journeyed so far north in Queensland.
After a couple of days visiting Cloncurry Jimmy told his friends. ‘I want to visit Mount Elliott copper mine.’ His friends agreed.
They departed Cloncurry on 30th May looking for the copper mine. Late into the afternoon.
‘We’re lost.’ Chauffeur said.
‘Not to worry. We’ll camp here tonight.’ Joseph told his companions. ‘Did you bring a tuckerbox Chauffeur?’ Joseph asked.
‘Yes. Repacked before we left Cloncurry. I do not have any meat.’
‘Leave the meat to me. Have you any string or small rope?’ Joseph asked. Chauffeur retrieved a coil of small rope from the rear compartment of the vehicle. Handed the rope to Joseph. ‘I’ll be back?’ Joseph walked toward a sandy hillside.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:39 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 80:

Chauffeur cut saplings to build their accommodation. Fastening each sapling together to form two A shaped structures, fastened a length of sampling to each end of A frame plus two along each side. Threw a canvas sheeting over this frame. Fastened rope to the canvas tied to pegs in the ground. Area enough for four to sleep.
After building a fire. Chauffeur cooked potatoes and unions in a camp oven together with other ingredients he found in the tuckerbox. Joseph returned carrying two plump rabbits.
‘Will these fit into your camp oven?’ Joseph asked Chauffeur who took each rabbit added them to the pot.
‘When I tell everyone in Parliament our Premier saved us from starving. No one will believe me.’ Jimmy joked. ‘You are amazing. How did you catch these rabbits?’
‘In the sandhills I found a couple of burrows. Tied a length of rope to a stick. Made a loop in the rope at the entrance to the burrow. Waited. First rabbit appeared caught in my snare. Rung its neck. Reset the snare. Waited for the next rabbit to appear. Skinned and gutted first one whilst I waited for the second one to appear.’ Joseph explained.
‘You have done this before?’ James asked.
‘Many times. Harold and I lived off the land on our trip to Barcaldine. I tried to catch a snake. You would’ve love eating snake. Tastes like chicken.’ Joseph laughed. He couldn’t imagine his friends eating snake for their dinner. ‘How is our dinner cooking?’ Joseph asked Chauffeur.

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