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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jul 29, 2022 2:09 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 60:

Every member raised their hand in agreeing to the vote.
‘Passed. Member for Ipswich. You will form a committee to formulate the building of Queensland Railway Workshop. Beginning immediately.’ The Speaker of the House acknowledged. ‘Is there any other business?’ Silence fell over the members. ‘I call a close to Parliament. Thank you, gentlemen.’
Joseph left the chambers. A huge smile across his face, acknowledging his good fortune with passing through Parliament his first request. People of Ipswich would be pleased with an increase in employment plus workshop. His next venture to become involved personally with building such a huge project.
Member for Ipswich sat at a table by himself. Joseph approached him, ‘Member for Ipswich. I do not think we have officially met. I’m Joseph Ryan, Premier.’ Joseph placed his hand out for the member to shake in welcome. Member for Ipswich stood, shook Joseph’s hand with a firm grip.
‘A pleasure Mr Premier. Thomas O’Sullivan. Would you please join me for refreshments?’ Thomas added.
Joseph joined his member for Ipswich partaking in refreshments. ‘You were in attendance when I made a speech at Ipswich Railway Refreshment Room on my campaign?’ Joseph asked while waiting for service.
‘Most impressed by your speech Mr Premier. Now you have successfully completed your promise to build a Railway Workshop at Ipswich. I am delighted and cannot wait to form a committee. Fire in my belly roars so much my tonsils burn.’ Thomas admitted.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jul 29, 2022 10:38 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 61:

‘Will you be the chairman of this Committee?’ Joseph asked.
‘Yes. This is a dream come true. I want to build this workshop to service all of Queensland Railway Department. A huge task. I can do this project Mr Premier.’ Thomas emphasised.
‘Would you mind keeping me up-to-date with the progress of this project Thomas. This is also a dream of mine to network all Queensland Railway Department from Ipswich throughout the State. In my mind’s eye I see Queensland Railway Department largest employer in Queensland with work important to Ipswich Railway Workshop. Large boilers built, carriages, each piece of Railway Department built by Queensland Railway Department.’ Joseph’s enthusiasm overflowed to Thomas. Their meals arrived. ‘Perhaps we could meet regularly for refreshments to discuss such matters.’ Joseph finished.
‘I agree Mr Premier. Perhaps each month.’ Member for Ipswich said before beginning to eat his meal.
‘Yes. Monthly meeting would be appropriate. I will not interfere in any of your planning or progress. As long as I understand your commitment and progress with this project.’ Joseph added before he ate his lunch.
Thomas did not waste time in selecting his committee. Himself, chairman, General Manager, Ipswich Railway Workshop, Treasurer; four chosen enthusiastic workers to complete their committee. They commenced immediately. Before first month, plans sketched of proposed building to be built. Existing Railway Workshop built in 1864 close to first railway station in Queensland being Ipswich.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jul 30, 2022 10:55 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 62:

This workshop since beginning assembled locomotives and rolling stock. With expansion needed because of overcrowding in the present workshop expedient need to build a more suitable workshop for future development of Queensland Railway Department. This building would continue their role of manufacturing boilers for steam locomotives whilst the new building contained Boilermakers; Blacksmiths; Carriage Builders with trade assistants.
Boilermakers made and repaired the boilers for steam locomotives. Hard tough noisy work. Blacksmiths made and repaired the iron and steel goods needed for the railway workshops. Made bolts, rivets, and stays in locomotive construction. Carriage builders specialised in constructing and repairs all types of timber passenger carriages.
Joseph never let the grass grow under his feet. His meeting with James Thallon, Commissioner for Queensland Railway Department soon bared fruit when Joseph outlined his plan to Thallon in expanding Queensland Railway Department throughout Queensland. Joseph’s vision to extend Queensland Rail to all towns throughout Queensland.
‘I have a couple of plans myself Mr Premier. If I may be so bold.’
‘I’m interested Mr Thallon.’
‘Call me James rather than Mr Thallon. Between the two of us I think we can make Queensland Railway Department best in the nation.’ James replied in an enthusiastic voice.
‘Then by all means call me Joseph. If we are going to work together with this plan, we should be on first name basis.’ Joseph answered.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jul 31, 2022 10:53 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 63:

‘Three things I’ve been working on. One: Improvements in carriage design of Sydney mail. We cannot have people south of the border criticise design of our carriages.’ James told The Premier.
Joseph thought about his companion’s remark. ‘You are right. My mind only wanted our State to be involved. I understand your concern. Good work.’ Joseph admitted. ‘What is your second request?’
‘Importation of a Renard Road Train for early road haulage.’ James mentioned in surprise.
‘Road haulage!’ Joseph answered. Alarmed by the request.
‘Yes. From my studies I discovered road haulage will overtake rail haulage if we do not plan, ahead. Motor vehicles are eventually coming to Queensland. When they do arrive, we need to be prepared.’
‘You have a vision of these things happening?’
‘Yes. I want Queensland Railway Department to become leader of industry in Australia.’ James enthusiasm began to have an affect on Joseph. His mind filled with thoughts he never imagined possible. Being the Premier, he needed to keep abreast with ideas from such men as James Thallon to implement these ideas to keep ahead of the crowd.
‘What may I ask is your third request?’ Joseph asked. Worry inched on his forehead.
‘Importation of McKeen Rail Cars, the first internal combustion rail passenger vehicles in Australia.’ Joseph could not believe what he was hearing. Build internal combustion rail passenger vehicles.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Aug 01, 2022 10:53 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 64:

‘You do have an impressive mind Commissioner.’
‘Mr Premier. You did say you wanted Queensland Railway Department to expand their business.’
‘Yes. I did James. These ideas will take a little time to sink into my mind. Can you tell me your background? When did you become Commissioner for Queensland Railway Department?’ Joseph asked to allow a little time to digest James information.
‘Born in Scotland 21st November 1847; youngest of seven children. My father died shortly after my birth. Raised by my mother. Left school aged 14 years. Family relocated to Edinburgh. My plans to become an apprentice architect fell through; found myself entering a clerkship at Edinburgh Railway.’
‘When did you come to Australia?’
‘1881 I moved to Australia. Worked as Traffic Manager with Southern and Western Railway started 1882. I didn’t last long in this position because Arthur Herbert, then Commissioner for Railways and I couldn’t see eye to eye on many things.’ James related his story to Joseph.
‘What happened?’
‘Safety concerns. Arthur Herbert insisted on running non-timetabled and construction trains without a train staff.’
‘Hate to show my ignorance. May I ask what a ‘train staff’ is?’ Joseph requested. His knowledge of Queensland Railway Department only riding on a passenger train.
‘Train staff is a token which ensured only one train should be on a track section at a time. Safety measure I introduced to Commissioner Herbert who didn’t want to use my suggestion.’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Aug 02, 2022 11:40 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 65:

‘Please go on.’
‘3 October 1884 in a cutting between Oxley and Darra in Brisbane, a fatal head-on collision between a passenger and materials train. The material train had been running without a train staff.’ James bowed his head. ‘A couple of months at the request of your government I returned as Traffic Manager. This is when I introduced strict regulations use of train staff and ticket to ensure safe train separation.’
‘You have experienced an exciting life James.’
‘In 1890 I became General Traffic Manager. Within a year promoted to Deputy Commissioner until 1899 appointed Military Director of Railway Transport in Queensland. Bestowed the honorary title of Lieutenant-Colonel’. James face flushed with embarrassment.
‘You have earned your stripes James.’ Joseph expressed in a grateful voice.
‘5th November 1902 I became Commissioner of Railways.’ James finished his memoirs.
‘I’m impressed and honoured to have such an outstanding Commissioner of Railways in charge of our department. Thank you for your honesty and integrity.’
‘Would you want my assistance with the committee working on Ipswich Railway Workshop?’
‘I would indeed. You have much to offer. Thomas O’Sullivan, Member for Ipswich is Chairman of this committee. I’ll be meeting with him this month to discuss development plans of the workshop. I invite you to attend our meeting to meet with Thomas who is most ambitious to commence the project. I think you two would have many plans for Queensland Railway Department.’

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:42 pm

Build A Nation' - Pages 66-71:

‘I’ll be pleased to work with Thomas. Thank you, Mr Premier on taking your time to speak with me. You are a good listener.’ James finished. Stood, shook hands farewelled Joseph.
Within a month Joseph met with Thomas. James joined them to discuss planning of building Ipswich Railway Workshop plus ideas to further enhance growth with Queensland Railway Department.
‘You have many good ideas Thomas.’ James admitted.
‘Perhaps you would like to be on this committee.’ Thomas asked James.
‘I’d be delighted to become a member of this committee. What do you think Mr Premier?’ James asked Joseph.
‘I have no objections. By having these distinguished members on this committee. I think Queensland Railway Department are in good hands. I’ll need to report your findings to Parliament.’ Joseph added.
‘As chairman for this committee may I suggest Mr Premier?’ Thomas asked.
‘What is your suggestion?’ Joseph asked.
‘Instead of planning Ipswich Railway Workshop expansion, could we extend terms of reference to include ideas mentioned by James about planning for future of Queensland Railway Department. James after all is The Commissioner for Queensland Railway Department. Most important to investigate his thoughts and ordeals.’ Thomas questioned.
‘By all means. When you have prepared a plan for the future; I would be happy to present your ideas to Parliament.’ Joseph admonished.
Meeting concluded. Agreed to met in another month with documentation to present to parliament.
Within a month this committee worked tirelessly to present their plan for Queensland Railway Department future including ideas of building a new Ipswich Railway Workshop at Ipswich near present building to manufacture steam locomotives; carriages; wagons with all other rolling stock. Estimated manpower would be close to three thousand employees.
Costing for the building of Ipswich Railway Workshop far excided estimates almost caused abandonment of the project before commencement. Joseph fought his parliament members to extend enough finances to cover the costs of the project. Member for Ipswich Thomas O’Sullivan spoke highly of the work his committee introduced.
After much argument between members of Parliament everyone agreed to support the project. Joseph stood to applaud his fellow members stating: ‘Gentlemen. You have made the right decision to proceed with this project. You all should be proud of yourselves in making this decision. This moment will go down in this nations history as a cornerstone to build a nation. Thank you.’ Joseph sat.
Every member stood as one to applaud their Premier’s praise for the future to build a nation.

Chapter 8

Joseph’s popularity grew overnight, not only with his parliament colleagues, voters as well. Promise of extra three thousand workers soon gathered momentum. Advertisements in newspapers drew many applicants from positions of boilermaker, carriage makers down to labourers. Joseph’s ideals satisfied beyond all expectations.
After a parliament sitting Joseph sat alone at the refreshment room Parliament House. A smile of satisfaction across his face. His Attorney-General, Jimmy Blair approached his table.
‘Mr Premier. May I join you?’ He requested.
‘Yes.’ Joseph stood allowed his guest to sit opposite him. ‘Join me please.’ Joseph resumed his seat.
‘Congratulations on your decision to build Ipswich Railway Workshop’. Jimmy waved to the attendant to serve him refreshments.
‘Thank you very much Jimmy. Tough job. The committee will do a great job. More employment for the area.’ Joseph finished to enjoy his meal.
Refreshments arrived for Jimmy who commenced his meal.
‘Since you have become Premier of Queensland, I must congratulate you on a job well done.’ Jimmy stated in between eating his meal.
Joseph couldn’t reply immediately to this compliment from his Attorney-General. Shock filled his mind. ‘Thank you.’ He stammered.
They continued to consume their meals. Jimmy stopped eating. Looked at his Premier. ‘Mr Premier. I have a huge task to ask you.’
‘What is this huge task?’ Joseph added candidly.
‘I want to drive my motor vehicle from Cloncurry to Brisbane.’ Jimmy explained.
Hearing these words Joseph’s mouth dropped. ‘You own a motor vehicle?’
‘Yes. I purchased a 1905 Panhard, four-cylinder, 25-30 horsepower, a year ago.’ Jimmy answered with pride. Motor vehicles had recently been introduced into Australia.
‘Why would you want to travel this journey. Our roads are not good enough for motor vehicles. We’re still in the horse and dray days. Aren’t we?’
‘Sorry to tell you this Mr Premier. Motor vehicles will replace horses and drays within next couple of years.’ James attempted to win his Premier’s confidence to allow him to journey to Cloncurry return to Brisbane.
‘I’ve followed your career James from the beginning since you arrived in Parliament. I remember the slogan, ‘give Jimmy the vote’. Your reform in Parliament to allow everyone to vote instead of just ratepayers became your saving grace. Brilliant idea. Now you want to drive your motor vehicle from Cloncurry to Brisbane. For what reason may I ask.’ Joseph understood he would allow Jimmy to do this task because he trusted him.
‘There is an urgent need to invest in Cloncurry regional mining, cattle and transport industries. Most important to keep your eye on the ball. Keep ahead of the game. I thought you, yourself would be agreeable to this proposal.’
‘How long will you be away?’
‘I estimate three weeks at the latest.’
‘How many people will be going with you?’
‘Only myself and my chauffeur.’
‘Is there room for two more travellers?’
James thought for a moment. Nodded. ‘Indeed. Who did you have in mind?’
‘If you’re going for three weeks; myself plus James Thallon, Commissioner for Queensland Railway Department.’
‘Why not Mr Premier. I think this is a grand idea.’ Jimmy grinned.
Before Joseph left on this trip he needed to speak with Margaret. A dangerous one, she’d think. Joseph had never driven in a motor vehicle before. Also ask James to accompany them.
‘I’m certain everything would be fine. I’m excited about the trip.’ Joseph ended their conversation. His task now to convince James Thallon to accompany them.
Leaving Parliament House Joseph asked his driver to take him to visit James Thallon which he did. ‘Wait for me.’ Joseph requested.
Entering Commissioner of Queensland Railway Department’s office, James stood from behind his desk. ‘Mr Premier. I never expected you to visit my office. How can I help you?’ James asked.
Without being asked Joseph sat on the opposite side of the desk facing James.
‘I have an urgent request for you James?’ Joseph asked in a nervous voice.
‘What is it?’
‘I’ve spoken with Attorney-General, Jimmy Blair who I’ve given permission to travel from Cloncurry to Brisbane in his motor vehicle. After meeting with yourself recently, thinking about your ideas of importation of McKeen Rail Cars. Would you care to accompany us on this trip?’
James smiled. ‘Yes. I would. Indeed. Thank you for thinking of me. When do we leave?’
‘I need to speak with Jimmy about dates and times. Is there a reason for asking?’
‘Yes. I need to attend official opening of Blackall Railway Station next week. I’m travelling by train. Also attend their local Show.’
‘I’ll send a letter to Jimmy explaining reason for meeting at Blackall. He may want to journey with us. His chauffeur could meet us at Blackall.’ Joseph suggested.
Everything arranged for these three senior gentlemen to travel by train to Blackall for the official opening of new Railway Station which reminded Joseph of his return to Cunnamulla when he officially opened their new Railway Station almost a decade before.
Joseph arranged their travel to Blackall in his own Rail Car same one he used in his campaign travels. Leaving Roma Street Railway Station three gentlemen eager to leave on this historical journey.
‘Everything arranged with your chauffeur Jimmy?’ Joseph asked when the train left Roma Street Railway Station.
‘Yes. We will be met at Blackall. Enjoy our time there. Then off to Cloncurry.’ Jimmy expressed in an excited voice.
‘Thank you for inviting me on this expedition.’ James told his two companions.
‘I wanted you along because this could be a turning point for the future of motor vehicles in Queensland. With your foresight James, there could be more motor vehicles on our roads than there are horse and drays.’ Joseph answered.
‘You’d need to commence a new department Mr Premier. May I suggest Main Roads Department.’ Jimmy beckoned.
‘Perhaps you are right Jimmy. I may have to think about developing a new department for motor vehicles. Main Roads Department is a good name. I like the way you think Jimmy. Always thinking ahead of your time.’ Joseph added.
‘Wait until we reach Cloncurry. From my research of the area, mining, cattle industry booming, plenty of work for expansion in northern Queensland.’ Jimmy added in an excited voice.
Over the next couple days their train stopped at each Railway Station. James taking notes of each visit.
‘I remember my previous visit to these Railway Stations. I spoke at each Refreshment Room about becoming Premier of Queensland’. Joseph told his companions.
‘You must have won over your voters. You became their next Premier of Queensland’. Jimmy replied.
On the third day they arrived at Blackall Railway Station. Leaving their Rail Car, a group of gentlemen approached them on the platform.
‘Welcome to Blackall gentlemen.’ One gentleman said placed his hand out to shake with Jimmy who led the three gentlemen. ‘Mayor Harold Reardon at your service.’ They shook hands.
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