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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jul 22, 2022 10:48 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 54:

Some of these gentlemen known to Joseph whilst Nat a stranger amongst enemy or foe.
‘Good evening Joseph. Pleased you could make it here tonight. Who is this gentleman with you?’ One of the seated gentlemen asked puffing on his cigar.
‘Gentlemen. I introduce my friend Nathan Young. Mayor of Cunnamulla. Also, Campaign Manager to help me become next Premier of Queensland.’ Joseph replied in a loud voice.
Men seated nearby acknowledged Nat’s presence with a nod and puff on their cigar.
‘What’s a person in your position helping our friend Joseph to win the next election?’ Asked a gentleman seated opposite Nat.
‘When I needed help to win my own election of Mayor in Cunnamulla Joseph stood by my side as a Member of Parliament. I’m returning the favour by being his Campaign Manager.’ Nat explained, puffed on a cigar, sipped his rum.
‘Where’s Cunnamulla?’ Another gentleman asked.
‘South-western Queensland. In the outback.’ Joseph answered.
‘Apart from helping your friend ‘The Mayor’ to win his election; why else were you at Cunnamulla?’ Asked the same gentleman. Joseph had never met this person before. He needed to throw caution to the wind, hope this person was not a spy for the opposition.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jul 24, 2022 10:45 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 55:

‘Nat and I go back many years. He is the wealthiest grazier in south-western Queensland. I once worked for him as a shearer in the ole days before I joined Parliament.’ Joseph explained.
‘This is why you always take shearer’s side in any debate?’ The gentleman continued his debate with Joseph.
‘Yes. If you persist on this line of questioning; I am only too willing to answer your questions honestly and direct Sir. I am afraid we have never had the pleasure of meeting before. May I have your name?’ Joseph asked this gentleman.
‘I’m not giving you my name. I will tell you why I am here. Our past Premier William Kidston attempted to convince the Governor to appoint sympathetic members to Queensland Legislative Council. Governor refused. I would’ve made a great member of Legislative Council.’ The gentleman answered with confidence.
‘Before I left home this evening, I read an article printed in the newspaper about this very incident. Do you understand why you were rejected by the Governor?’ Joseph asked.
‘We wanted to make a different.’ The gentleman spoke confidently.
‘Is there anything I can do to help your cause?’ Joseph asked.
‘I doubt whether you would be interested in our needs.’ The gentleman answered.
‘This is not the place nor the time to air grievances. Perhaps we may meet tomorrow to learn of your needs.’ Joseph answered.
‘Perhaps. I can always speak to you at Parliament House.’ The gentleman answered.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jul 24, 2022 10:47 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 56:

‘Parliament will not be sitting until after the election. If this matter is urgent; I will speak to you before the election if you want.’ Joseph explained.
‘Past is the past. Did not happen. Best of luck with the election. Hope you are elected Premier of Queensland.’ The gentleman rose, left the gathering.
Joseph’s concern showed on his face after the gentleman left the group. To become Premier of Queensland he needed to help each of his constituents with whatever issues they may face. ‘Does anyone know this person’s name?’ Asked Joseph to his group.
‘Probably a plant to throw you off before the election.’ One gentleman stated.
After returning home from The Gentleman Club Joseph asked Nat if he wanted a nightcap before retiring for the night. Nat agreed. They sat across from one another on the veranda sipping brandy.
‘What do you make of the fellow who asked many questions tonight?’ Joseph asked his friend.
‘Like the others said. Someone wanting to make an argument out of nothing. I wouldn’t worry about what he said.’ Nat swallowed his brandy. ‘Catch up with you tomorrow Joseph. More campaigning to do. Two days until the election. Goodnight my friend.’ Nat retired to bed.
Two days flew by without incident Joseph campaigning until final hour before voting began. Celebrations at Joseph and Margaret’s home on election night where crowds gathered to witness Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA elected ‘Premier of Queensland’. Joseph celebrated his rise to ‘Premier of Queensland’ by personally thanking his wife, Margaret, his friends, Nat, and Martha Young for this tireless work; more than anything he paid tribute to his voters who elected him Premier of Queensland. A new beginning to build a nation.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jul 25, 2022 11:56 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 57:

Chapter 7
The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, Premier elect attended Government House to be sworn-in as Premier of Queensland. At his side stood his wife, Margaret, her parents, William, and Margaret Smith. Joseph would have loved to have his own parents present to witness this auspicious celebration, unable to do so because he had not heard nor seen his parents since he left their home to go shearing many years before.
After the swearing-in ceremony everyone returned to Premier Ryan’s home to celebrate. A huge gathering included many of his Parliament colleagues. First speech The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire Premier of Queensland made at this celebration to extend his appreciation to everyone concerned for their faith in him to become their leader.
Parliament sat in a fortnight. A new cabinet selected by The Premier to govern Queensland. Joseph’s rise from a shearer in outback Queensland to highest position in Queensland Government spread like wildfire throughout the State. His popularity reached heights never experienced by previous Premiers.
First duty as Premier to show his leadership to his fellow Parliament members. When called upon to deliver his first speech, Joseph stood erect, a kaleidoscope of memories flashed through his mind beginning with his first leaving his home at twelve years old. Commenced his life-time ambitions to become a shearer, first working as a tarboy then roustabout onto to become a shearer.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jul 26, 2022 11:07 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 58:

Memory flashed through time; shearing sheep at ‘Kahmoo Station’ when he met Hannah Young, eighteen years of age. His first true love. After leaving ‘Kahmoo Station’ witnessed his friend Bluey Simpson dying of a mulga snake bit to his neck. Shearing at ‘Tilbaroo Station’ first meeting his friend Joe Gibson.
These memories flashed fast recalled capture of Billy Wells who robbed a stagecoach near Coongoola, stole his ring, he had given to Hannah Young. Memory took him in making a proclamation to himself to help his fellow workers for better work conditions plus wages. After becoming a member of ‘Queensland Shearers Union’ his memory took him to ‘The Great Shearers Strike of 1891’ when he with other shearers stopped work for four months.
His friend Joe Gibson swapped places with him when the police arrived at the strike camp on the final day to arrest him. From this time, he took on the identity of Joe Gibson whilst his friend accepted his role as Joseph Ryan, Leader of ‘The Great Shearers Strike of 1891’. Joe Gibson arrested by police as Joseph Ryan gaoled for three years imprisoned on St Helena Island with other strike leaders.
‘Premier Ryan. We’re waiting for your speech.’ Joseph head a voice. Awakened from his trance.
‘Sorry, Mr Speaker. My mind took on a journey of its own to reflect on where I began my journey to where I am now.’ Joseph explained to his colleagues.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jul 27, 2022 10:26 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 59:

‘We’d like to hear your story Mr Premier.’ One colleague asked.
Joseph related his story to his fellow members of Parliament remembering each part of his life to this time. On concluding his speech each member in Parliament stood as one applauded their new Premier. Many shouted. ‘Good on you Premier. You deserve your position.’
‘Thank you everyone. Been quite a journey when I think about everything.’ Joseph admonished.
‘Is there any business you wish to discuss Mr Premier?’ Speaker of the House asked.
‘Matter-of-fact there is one important issue I want to ask my Honourable Members of Parliament.’ Joseph stated.
‘Go ahead.’ Speaker of the House proclaimed.
‘Before I became your Premier, I visited towns throughout Queensland asking questions of what needed to be done. One important issue raised at Ipswich. Building of a Queensland Railway Workshop to construct everything to do with Queensland Railway Department.’ Joseph explained.
Member for Ipswich stood. ‘Mr Premier. I agree. I heard you speak at Ipswich Railway Station Refreshment Room.’ He shouted.
A loud applause rose from other members who agreed.
‘For all those in favour of building a Queensland Railway Workshop at Ipswich please raise you hand.’ The Speaker addressed his members of Parliament.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jul 29, 2022 2:09 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 60:

Every member raised their hand in agreeing to the vote.
‘Passed. Member for Ipswich. You will form a committee to formulate the building of Queensland Railway Workshop. Beginning immediately.’ The Speaker of the House acknowledged. ‘Is there any other business?’ Silence fell over the members. ‘I call a close to Parliament. Thank you, gentlemen.’
Joseph left the chambers. A huge smile across his face, acknowledging his good fortune with passing through Parliament his first request. People of Ipswich would be pleased with an increase in employment plus workshop. His next venture to become involved personally with building such a huge project.
Member for Ipswich sat at a table by himself. Joseph approached him, ‘Member for Ipswich. I do not think we have officially met. I’m Joseph Ryan, Premier.’ Joseph placed his hand out for the member to shake in welcome. Member for Ipswich stood, shook Joseph’s hand with a firm grip.
‘A pleasure Mr Premier. Thomas O’Sullivan. Would you please join me for refreshments?’ Thomas added.
Joseph joined his member for Ipswich partaking in refreshments. ‘You were in attendance when I made a speech at Ipswich Railway Refreshment Room on my campaign?’ Joseph asked while waiting for service.
‘Most impressed by your speech Mr Premier. Now you have successfully completed your promise to build a Railway Workshop at Ipswich. I am delighted and cannot wait to form a committee. Fire in my belly roars so much my tonsils burn.’ Thomas admitted.
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