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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:17 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 47: Thank you Carol. :clap

Chapter 6
Returning to Brisbane, Nat and Martha stayed at Joseph and Margaret’s home. They joined other interested voters at parties to help spread-the-word. Nat enjoyed his role as Campaign Manager for Joseph. Plans for travel from Brisbane to Cairns, Townsville, across to Mount Isa, visiting all towns along the journey to keep the ball rolling for Joseph to become Premier of Queensland. Four weeks of constant campaigning before the election.
‘How’re we going with the forecasts?’ Joseph asked Nat travelling from Brisbane to Cairns in their special carriage.
‘From the places we already visited, people you have spoken with, feedback from voters. I’d say you’re doing better than fair.’ Nat explained. Each town they stopped Nat introduced Joseph to crowds of people gathered either at Refreshments Rooms, on the street, as next Premier of Queensland.
Rockhampton their special carriage removed from the train to be joined onto another train bound for Longreach. When the train stopped at each station Nat did his usual introduction to patrons at Refreshment Room; crowds gathered nearby. Joseph spoke of his intentions to serve citizens of Queensland, improve their lifestyle, more important – to create jobs.
When the train stopped at Barcaldine, memory returned for Joseph when he stood under ‘Tree of Knowledge’. His memory returned to the time Australian Labour Party formed. Most important memory when his selection to become first Member of Parliament for Queensland. So many years ago, Joseph pondered. His rise through the ranks of Australian Labour Party to the position of Premier of Queensland. His dream almost true.
His mind drifted to a time; his dream, nothing but a dream. Shearing at ‘Tilbaroo Station’ out in all weather, shearing sheep on a tarpaulin spread on the ground. Midday sun beating down on each shearer. From this moment his mind focused to work toward helping his fellow shearers plus other workers in the industry.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jul 16, 2022 11:15 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 48:

After settling into a hotel Nat and Martha joined Joseph and Margaret for a drink in the lounge of the hotel.
‘This place. Barcaldine Hotel. Memories of Joe Gibson and I return to our true identities.’ Joseph shared with the others.
‘I didn’t realise this was the hotel.’ Nat said. Sipped his beer.
‘Yes. We sat at this very table. Joe recently released from St Helena Island Prison for something I did. I’ll never forget what Joe did for me.’ Joseph sipped his beer. His thoughts returned to this period when Joe Gibson exchanged identities with him after ‘The Great Shearers Strike of 1891’.
‘Are you okay Joseph?’ Margaret concerned about her husband’s melancholy mood.
‘I don’t think I can ever repay Joe Gibson enough for taking my place after ‘The Great Shearers Strike of 1891’. Joseph answered Margaret’s question.
‘You’ve never told me this story before. What happened?’ Margaret asked.
‘I instigated ‘The Great Shearers Strike of 1891’. Four months we joined forces to strike for better working conditions plus improve wages. Police arrived at the camp to arrest me. Joe Gibson held a ticket to shear which I did not have. Pastoralists wouldn’t allow striking shearers to shear their sheep.’ Joseph’s emotions rose. Used his handkerchief to wipe his nose, wipe his face.
‘You’re not making sense Joseph.’ Margaret’s voice rose.
‘Joe Gibson changed places with me. I escaped punishment. Joe took my place. Served three years on St Helena Island for what I did. Should have been me instead of Joe.’ Joseph sobbed. Margaret placed her arm around her husband.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jul 17, 2022 10:22 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 49:

‘Don’t worry my love. Much water has flowed under the bridge of life since then.’ She remarked.
‘Doesn’t matter. I should have been man enough to be honest. Here I am trying to become Premier of Queensland. Some Premier I’ll make.’ Joseph admitted to his wife and friends.
‘This happened many years ago Joseph. Joe forgave you. He told me many times he wanted you and Hannah to be together. Reason he swapped places with you.’ Nat answered.
‘Hannah. Joe’s wife.’ Margaret gasped in surprise.
‘Yes. Hannah and I were engaged to be married at the time.’ Joseph shared.
‘What happened - you never married Hannah?’ Margaret asked surprised.
‘After Joe took my place, arrested by the police, I returned to Ma’s Guest House to speak with Hannah. Ma threw me out. Hannah returned the engagement ring. Didn’t want me anywhere near her and Ma.’ Joseph explained.
‘What did you do?’ Margaret asked in disbelief.
‘I walked to Nardoo Station, worked as a shearer using Joe Gibson’s name instead of my own.’ Joseph explained. A huge rock settled in his stomach.
‘You’re a coward.’ Margaret’s voice filled with venom. Joseph dropped his head in shame.
‘How can I stand in front of anyone particularly citizens of Queensland asking them to vote for me to become Premier of Queensland?’ Joseph said in a clear voice.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jul 18, 2022 10:38 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 50:

‘Enough is enough Joseph. Okay your conscious is shattered because of a deed you did more than a decade ago. What are you going to do about this now? Think Joseph. Let bygones be bygones. Joe has forgiven you over and over. Married Hannah. Happiest time for them. Move on. Enough of this. Get your act together. We’ve come too far to worry about your conscious playing tricks on you now.’ Nat clearly stated finishing his drink.
‘Wow Nat. I am pleased you are on my side. Hate to be your enemy.’ Joseph answered.
‘I agree with Nat. Joseph wake up to yourself. This event happened many years ago. You’ve changed since then.’ Martha intercepted.
‘I’ll excuse myself.’ Joseph stood to leave.
‘Where are you going?’ Asked Margaret concern for her husband.
‘I want to sit under ‘Tree of Knowledge’ to figure out what I’m going to do. Excuse me.’ Joseph left the hotel, walked across the road, sat beneath ‘Tree of Knowledge’ to contemplate his future. Thoughts rushed through his mind. Are you good enough to become Premier of Queensland rested in his thoughts?
Joseph sat beneath ‘Tree of Knowledge’ for a couple of hours pondering his thoughts. Voices from history entered his mind telling him ‘not to give up’. Unable to recognize these voices, he thought madness may have overtaken his thinking until all thirteen men who went to serve their prison term at St Helena Prison stood before him.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jul 19, 2022 10:48 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 51:

‘Joe. What are you doing here?’ Joseph asked Joe Gibson who stood before him.
‘Do you think by giving in at this time to become Premier of Queensland is a good idea. Did we waste our time being imprisoned at St Helena Island?’ Joe Gibson said in a clear voice.
‘I’m sorry Joe for not having the courage to ‘give myself up to the police’ before you were taken away in Cunnamulla.’ Joseph explained. He could not believe how these thirteen men appeared in front of him. Joe talking.
‘I forgave you Joseph. How many times can I forgive you? I choose to take your place so you and Hannah would be married. Instead, I married her to make me the happiest man on earth.’ Joe Gibson explained.
‘We support you Joseph. All thirteen of us. Go forth: spread-the-word, become Premier of Queensland. Let sleeping dogs lie.’ Joe Gibson with his other prisoners vanished.
Joseph stood. Walked to the hotel sat beside his wife and friends.
‘What happened Joseph. Looks like you’ve seen a ghost.’ Nat remarked.
‘I had an apparition. Thirteen ghosts. All prisoners, including Joe Gibson appeared before me to tell me to continue my fight to become next Premier of Queensland.’ Joseph explained.
‘If you say so Joseph.’ Nat frowned in disbelief. ‘Whatever happened you’re a different person from when you were here compared to what you are now. Welcome back my friend.’ Nat slapped Joseph on the shoulder.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jul 21, 2022 12:00 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 52:

‘‘Tree of Knowledge’ has power. I didn’t realise how much power.’ Joseph admitted. ‘What about another round before we re-commence our campaign.’ Joseph stated. He rose to purchase a round of drinks for his wife and friends.
‘I have no clue what just happened to Joseph. Whatever happened has made him certain he now wants to become Premier of Queensland’. Nat said before Joseph returned with drinks for everyone.
Joseph worked harder than he had ever worked before in his life to spread-the-word of his campaign to become next Premier of Queensland. After speaking at Barcaldine, travelled onto Longreach addressed citizens in hotels, Refreshment Rooms, on street corners. More he spoke, more he enthused crowds with his drive to become next Premier of Queensland.
Returning via Rockhampton his Special Carriage joined the train returning to Brisbane. Each railway station they stopped to refill water to the engine, Joseph addressed crowds explained his campaign to improve working conditions, wages to workers in Queensland.
Arriving in Brisbane newspaper headlines showed The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA in front of opposition with polling of citizens. Voting began late in February 1908. Joseph close to the finish line. Determined to fight on until voting day. Apparition still in his mind of thirteen members who served imprisonment at St Helena Island drove him to the winning post.
‘You’re almost at the finish line Joseph.’ Nat said after they settled in at Joseph’s home. All were exhausted from campaigning.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jul 21, 2022 10:40 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 53:

‘Why do you think we’re having this election Nat?’ Joseph asked his friend and Campaign Manager.
‘I haven’t a clue. You never told me.’ Nat answered.
‘Last election only nine months ago. Premier William Kidston who commanded a majority on the floor of the Assembly resigned following an attempt to convince Governor of Queensland to appoint sympathetic members to Queensland Legislative Council.’ Joseph read from the newspaper.
‘I have no answer to those allegations. How does this affect your campaign?’ Nat asked.
‘Shouldn’t worry too much because so far I’ve run a clean campaign to be next Premier of Queensland’. Joseph added. A smile creased his face.
‘We will continue as usual then.’ Nat added.
‘Yes. We will. Come on Nat we need to address members of The Gentleman Club. Should be fun.’ Joseph gathered his coat, ‘We’re off Margaret, Martha. Hope to be home by dinner. If not, eat without us. We have strong campaigning to do.’ Joseph threw the words over his shoulder when he and Nat left the house.
Joseph’s driver dropped them off at The Gentleman Club in Queen Street, City. ‘We should be finished around midnight.’ Joseph told his driver.
The Gentleman Club’s members from all walks of life. Some owned businesses, others worked in offices, whilst some travelled from afar to attend this distinguished club. Meetings held each month.
Joseph and Nat entered the club handed their coats to an attendant. They entered a ballroom glowing brightly. Cigar smoke filled the air. They were handed a glass of rum with a cigar, ushered to a group of gentlemen seated across the room.
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