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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jul 08, 2022 10:55 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 40:

‘You’ve come a long way since you worked at ‘Kahmoo Station’.’
‘Long time ago. We have been friends almost twenty years Nat. Much water has flowed under the bridge of life. You were a genius to purchase those properties in Cunnamulla many years ago.’ Joseph said.
‘Didn’t complete my final plan. The Founding Fathers have selected Canberra/Yass to become Capital of Australia ‘Treasure House of Nations’. Nat sipped his tea.
‘Yes. I read the report published by Doctor David Headon.’ Joseph explained. ‘Never mind. You are still wealthiest landowner in south-western Queensland. Let bygones be bygones.’
‘I should. I will. Allow sleeping dogs lay. How can I help you with your campaign to become Premier of Queensland?’
‘When are you returning to Cunnamulla?’
‘In a couple of days. I need to sell mother’s home before we leave.’
‘I’ll buy it. How much are you selling your mother’s house for?’
‘Whatever the asking price is. We’ll need to talk with a person who sells houses.’
‘Can you handle the sale. I will leave you to attend to the person who sells houses. I will pay her the asking price. I want to ask you a favour?’ Joseph added.
‘Anything. After offering to purchase Mother’s home I’ll do anything?’ Nat replied with a smile.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jul 09, 2022 10:56 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 41:

‘I want to return with you to Cunnamulla. Be there to lay your father to rest. I will need your help with my campaign to become Premier. By starting my campaign at Cunnamulla, I can work from west to east. What do you think?’
‘Done.’ Each finished their refreshments left the room agreed to meet at Roma Street Railway Station on Friday to board the train to Cunnamulla. Nat arranged the sale of his mother’s home to Joseph.
Family gathered at Roma Street Railway Station they met Joseph and Margaret.
‘Wonderful to catch up again Margaret.’ Hannah threw her arms around her friend’s neck, hugged her.
‘Been too long. I am travelling with Joseph to help his campaign to become next Premier of Queensland. So proud of Joseph. He deserves to become Premier. I want to hear everything you’ve done since we last spoke.’ Margaret said.
‘You’re all travelling with us in a Special Car. I arranged this service so we can be together.’ Joseph interrupted. They boarded a Special Car spacious with all mod-cons. Sleeping compartments; Lounge Room; Sitting area.
‘All aboard.’ The conductor called. Everyone boarded the train. Joseph and his friends and family boarded a Special Car especially attached to the train for his service.
‘Everyone settled.’ Joseph asked after they sat in their seats.
‘Yes, Joseph. We didn’t expect to be returning to Cunnamulla in such glorious accommodation.’ Nat said.
‘Nat. We deserve to travel in comfort if I’m to become next Premier of Queensland. Don’t you think?’ Joseph answered Nat when the train passed through western suburbs of Brisbane.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jul 10, 2022 11:23 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 42:

‘What are you going to do for the workers?’ Another patron called out.
‘Nathan Young is Mayor of Cunnamulla. More than twenty-years ago I worked for Nathan on his property ‘Kahmoo Station’ as a shearer. At the time I learned a valuable lesson in life about shearers. They were not paid enough for what they did, working conditions horrible. Different at ‘Kahmoo Station’. I prided myself in being elected to Queensland Parliament to change shearer’s plight for better wages and working conditions.’ Joseph expressed gladly.
‘You’ve done a great job. You changed the minds of Pastoralists. Shearers receive better wages. Working conditions have improved over the past decade.’ A stranger called out. ‘You’ve got my vote. What’re you going to do for Ipswich?’
‘When I’m elected as your Premier: I promise to increase the workforce in this area by building a new Ipswich Railway Workshop to increase productivity; at the same time improve better work conditions.’ Roar from the patrons showed their acceptance to Joseph’s promise. Patrons rose from their chairs, applauded Joseph to a standing ovation.
Above the roar of the patrons ‘all aboard’ heard from the conductor. On their return to the train many patrons shook hands with Joseph, slapped him on the back giving their approval to make him Premier of Queensland at the up and coming State election.
After settled in their Special Carriage Joseph said to Nat, ‘why didn’t you give me heads up you were going to introduce me to the people?’ Joseph asked.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:06 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 43:

‘You wouldn’t have done anything if I asked you before. Went well. Don’t you think?’ Nat answered with a grin.
‘You’ve started something with visiting these Refreshments Rooms. When we stop at Roma. I want you to introduce me again as you did at Ipswich, plus each place we stop on our journey to Cunnamulla.’ Joseph asked Nat who nodded in agreement.
Patrons at Roma Refreshment Room acknowledged The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, Minister For Police, MLA listened to his speech to become next Premier of Queensland. Each patron applauded Joseph shouting they would vote for him in the coming election.
Arriving at Charleville Railway Station Margaret decided to visit her parents at Railway Hotel for a week whilst Joseph continued his journey to Cunnamulla to campaign on the election trail.
‘What are your plans once we arrive at Cunnamulla?’ Joseph asked Nat.
‘After unloading Dad, we’ll arrange for him to be stored at the hospital Morgue. Tomorrow I want to take him to ‘Kahmoo Station’ for burial. Once completed the ceremony at ‘Kahmoo Station’ return to Cunnamulla to continue with your campaign. What do you think?’ Nat asked. Joseph nodded in agreement.
Joe arranged to dig the grave for George to be buried beside his parents at ‘Kahmoo Station’. Remainder of the family gathered to say their final farewell to their father, grandfather, and great grandfather. Martha prepared food for the gathering after the funeral service.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jul 13, 2022 12:38 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 44:

‘This has been a beautiful service for your father.’ Joseph told Nat while they enjoyed the wake.
‘Yes. I think Dad would have liked to be remembered in this way. Mother is holding up well as can be expected. I thought she might lose her nerve when the coffin being lowered into the grave. She’s holding up well.’ Nat answered Joseph.
After farewelling their guests all returned to Cunnamulla.
‘Where are you staying Joseph?’ Nat asked.
‘I’ve booked into Railway Hotel. Your friend Alex invited me to stay there after the funeral. I will head off now. Meet you in the morning to commence our campaign to make me next Premier of Queensland.’ Joseph and Nat shook hands. Joseph farewelled his friends walked to Railway Hotel.
Joseph walked into the public bar, Alex stood behind the counter, ‘what’ll you have The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, Minister For Police, MLA?’ Alex called.
‘A cold one Alex.’ Joseph answered. Alex served Joseph a cold beer.
‘Gentlemen. I want to introduce you to The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, Minister For Police, MLA who will become our next Premier of Queensland.’ Everyone raised their glasses, cheered. ‘Back in 1890 I barred The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, Minister For Police, MLA from this hotel.’ Alex told his patrons.
‘What did he do to be barred?’ One patron called out.
‘Joseph was a shearer at the time. After working all week Joseph and his mates drank here at this hotel. They would drink and fight. The hotel was brand new after I built it. I was new as a publican. I barred The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, Minister For Police, MLA which has not been done by any other publican in Queensland. I now ask you to vote for this distinguished gentleman to be our next Premier of Queensland.’ Alex finished. Shook Joseph’s hand.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jul 13, 2022 11:13 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 45:

Everyone in the bar shouted, ‘Joseph For Premier’.
‘Have I a right of reply?’ Joseph called to the crowd.
‘Go ahead.’ Called another patron.
‘Yes, in my younger days I worked as a shearer. Yes, each Friday night my fellow shearers and I drank much alcohol in this hotel. Yes, I did overstay my welcome. Didn’t I Sergeant Gray?’ Sergeant Gray raised his glass in acknowledgement. ‘Alex, I’m sorry for causing those problems so many years ago. Over the years I’ve mellowed.’ Joseph answered drinking his glass of beer.
‘I remember locking you up a few times The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, Minister For Police, MLA.’ Sergeant Gray called out above the noise of the crowd.
‘Yes. I spent some time in our local watch-house. I agree.’
‘I want to share with you some stories of Joseph Ryan before he became a Politian.’ Alex called to the crowd. ‘Joseph Ryan instigated ‘The Great Shearer’s Strike of 1891’. Four months he gathered his striking shearer mates in a fight which changed the face of shearing. This man went onto to continue his fight for better working conditions plus wages for shearers in this State of Queensland.’ Alex proudly spoke these words to his fellow patrons.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jul 14, 2022 11:48 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 46:

‘Raise your glasses gentlemen to our next Premier of Queensland, The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, Minister For Police, MLA.’ Sergeant Gray shouted at the top of his voice. Each patron in the bar of Railway Hotel stood as one, raised their glasses to toast their next Premier of Queensland.
Joseph met Nat following morning after he enjoyed breakfast with Alex. ‘We indeed enjoyed ourselves last night.’ Alex shared with Nat. ‘Bar full of ringers, shearers from around Cunnamulla. Thought at the time to introduce The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, Minister For Police, MLA as next Premier of Queensland. Went off like a bull in a china shop. Everyone enjoyed themselves.’
‘What have you planned for today Joseph?’ Nat asked.
‘Go with you to spread-the-word about my campaign. Where is our first stop?’ Joseph asked.
‘As Mayor of Cunnamulla I thought you would speak at our Council Meeting to share with our members what your intentions are for local council when you are Premier of Queensland.’ Nat expressed.
‘A great idea Nat. Off we go.’ Joseph left the hotel with Nat walked to Cunnamulla Shire Council Chambers.
Joseph’s appearance before the council members placed him in a position of royalty. Each member eager to listen to The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, Minister For Police, MLA share his thoughts with them at the meeting. After Nat introduced Joseph to his fellow members Joseph addressed the meeting congratulating each member on service to their community.
Loud applause finished the meeting with Joseph promising to improve communication between State Government and Local Government. Smiles appeared on each member’s faces.
After a week of constant addresses to citizens of Cunnamulla Joseph boarded the train for his return to Brisbane to continue his campaign. Before leaving Nat said to Joseph, ‘I’m coming with you to Brisbane. When I became Mayor of Cunnamulla you travelled here to help me with my campaign which I won. I’m returning the favour by helping you with your campaign.’ Nat pleaded.
‘I remember. I married your campaign Manager, Margaret. If my memory serves me correct. Happiest day of my life. Accompany me on my campaign trail. Be a pleasure to have you along Nat.’ Joseph shook Nat’s hand.

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