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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:12 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 33:

‘No.’ Gloria screamed when Nat told her of the passing of her husband. Nat hugged his mother, her tears melted onto his shirt. Gloria’s sobs grew louder, her body shook. Nat rubbed his hands over his mother’s back trying to erase the pain she experienced.
‘Mum, we’ll take care of you.’ Nat uttered through nervous quivering lips. Still hugged his mother.
After George’s body removed by the undertaker, Gloria sat at the kitchen table silent. Her hands squeezed Nat’s hands. Her face pale as blood drained from her face. ‘What will happen now?’ Her voice quivered. ‘My George. Gone.’ She cried.
‘We’ll take good care of you Mum. I promised Dad I would.’ Nat whispered into her ear. Gloria continued crying.
A knock sounded on the front door. ‘I’ll find out who is here.’ Hannah said, left the kitchen to attend to whoever was at the front door. Hannah opened the door, Melinda stood before her. Hannah rushed to her friend, wrapped her arms around her shoulders, cried on Melinda’s shoulders. ‘Thank you for being here. Grandfather is gone.’ Hannah sobbed.
‘Hannah. What do you mean your grandfather is gone? Has he gone somewhere?’ Melinda’s words seeped through Hannah for her to explain what happened.
‘Grandfather died.’ Hannah’s words reached Melinda who hugged her friend.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jun 25, 2022 10:58 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 34:

‘I’m so sorry for your loss.’ Melinda continued holding her friend. Both sobbed.
‘Come inside.’ Hannah held Melinda’s hand, they walked to the kitchen where everyone except the children sat around the kitchen table.
Martha rose, walked to Melinda wrapped her arms around her, ‘Thank you for being here’. Martha whispered. Sobs erupted from her mouth.
Hannah made a cuppa for Melinda. Once everyone settled Melinda spoke, ‘I’m so sorry to hear about Mr Young. What can I do?’ Melinda finished.
‘Not much at this stage. After everything settles down, we will talk about what to do. We are still in shock. Joe and I only left the room for a couple of minutes. When we returned. Dad gone. Still seated in his chair where he was before we left.’ Nat said continuing to hug his mother. His eyes red and bloodshot.
‘I’ll leave you to your moment of grief. I cannot imagine what you are going through. I’ll come back later this afternoon.’ Melinda rose to walk from the kitchen. Hannah followed. Melinda hugged her friend goodbye. ‘We’ll talk later.’ Melinda left. Hannah returned to the kitchen.
True to her word Melinda returned later in the afternoon with bowls of cooked food for the family. Hannah greeted her at the front door. A tall man helped carry the food inside to place the bowls on the table. ‘This should keep you going for a couple of days until you work out what to do.’ Melinda said. ‘You all remember Ryan, my son. Andre is at school. Todd is away on business. I need to leave to pick Andre up from school. Would you please excuse us?’ Melinda and Ryan left.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jun 26, 2022 10:33 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 35:

Hannah placed the bowls of food into a food safe. ‘This is kind of Melinda to bring us food. When you’re hungry; we’ll eat.’ Odour of food spread throughout the kitchen. ‘Food is always a good pick-me-up. Daisy bought food under these conditions.’
‘I think I might have a lie down.’ Gloria said. Rose from the table walked to her bedroom. Emotion took over her body. She fell asleep hugging George’s pillow.
Near darkness Hannah prepared food left by Melinda for the family. She made a tray for her grandmother to take to her bedroom. Knocking on her grandmother’s bedroom door she heard her grandmother’s words softly spoken, ‘come in’. Hannah opened the door walked to her grandmother’s side of the bed, placed the tray of food on a side table next to the bed. ‘Here Grandmother. I prepared something for you to eat, and a cuppa. To make you better.’ Hannah said.
Gloria lifted her head from George’s pillow. ‘Thank you, Hannah. I’ll try to eat.’
On her return to the kitchen everyone ate the food Melinda bought. ‘What happens next Pa?’ Hannah asked sat beside Joe.
‘Your grandmother can’t live here by herself. Hopefully, she’ll agree to live in Cunnamulla with us.’ Nat said in between eating his food.
After eating their meal, washed dishes Nat asked to speak with Joe in his father’s office. They entered the office. Nat stood erect. His face sallow. ‘Joe. I still see him seated at his desk.’ Nat placed his hands to his face, sobbed. Joe wrapped his arms around Nat’s body holding on while Nat sobbed.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:54 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 36:

‘I’m sorry Joe. I miss him. He always agreed with me on every decision I made since he handed over ‘Kahmoo Station’. Mother should come and live with us. How can I return to Cunnamulla thinking she will be okay living here alone?’ Nat whispered.
Joe held his father-in-law tight. ‘I’m certain you’ll think of something. You always do.’
Joe released his hold on Nat who moved behind the desk. Sat in his father’s chair. ‘I wonder if Dad left a Will?’ Nat asked. ‘No good looking for the bloody thing now.’ Nat rose walked to his son-in-law wrapped his arms around Joe’s shoulders, ‘What’ll we do?’ Nat spluttered.
Two men hugged each other for comfort. ‘We’ll work something out to suit everyone. We’ll take our time to grieve your father.’ Joe continued to hug Nat.
After consoling each other they returned to the kitchen. Family members sat in silence. ‘I’ll put the children to bed.’ Hannah rose from her seat. ‘Come on children time for bed. Say goodnight to everyone.’ Each child kissed their parents and grand-parents goodnight. Hannah ushered the children to their bedroom, tucked them in, kissed them goodnight. Returned to the kitchen sat beside her husband, held his hand.
‘Are you okay Pa?’ She asked her father. Hannah had never witnessed her family in this state before. She understood how close her father and grandfather were before his passing. She wanted to wave a magic wand to rid her father of grief he felt. Her father nodded to show he was okay; to be left alone. ‘Joe, can we go to bed now?’ She asked her husband. Joe rose took Hannah by the hand walked to their bedroom.


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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jul 06, 2022 12:19 am

Thank you Carol and dub.

'Build A Nation' - Page 37:

‘After a good night sleep everything should become easier to handle.’ Joe told his wife after they retired to bed.
Joe rose early as was his usual custom. Entered the kitchen, odour of freshly cooked food found his nostrils. Following this distinct odour; he found Gloria cooking at the stove.
‘Take a seat Joe. Breakfast will be ready in a jiffy,’ Gloria stated cheerfully.
‘I better go and have a morning wash before I sit down to breakfast.’ Joe excused himself to wash sleep from his face. Returned to the kitchen to find a plate filled with bacon and eggs at his place. ‘Thank you, Gloria.’ Joe did not want to continue with his thoughts of how Gloria recovered from recent passing of her husband.
‘Life goes on Joe. George would not want me to lay in bed all day long. I need to keep active.’ Gloria joined Joe at the table. ‘We’ll eat before the others rise.’ She began to eat her food.
After breakfast Joe washed dishes used by Gloria and himself. Hannah and the children arrived in the kitchen followed by Nat and Martha.
‘Don’t be shocked you lot. Take a seat. Joe and I have been cooking.’ Gloria admitted. She served each a delicious breakfast. ‘Nat. After you finish breakfast, I need to speak with you and Martha in George’s office. I have something important to speak with you both about.’ Gloria left the kitchen.
After breakfast Nat and Gloria entered George’s office to find Gloria seated in a chair behind the desk. ‘Please sit.’ Gloria beckoned both to sit. ‘I want to ask you both an important question. I found George’s will.’ She handed sheets of paper to Nat to read. ‘In his last will and testimony George, upon his death wanted to be buried at ‘Kahmoo Station’ beside his parents. I agree’. Gloria finished.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jul 06, 2022 10:46 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 38:

‘What about you Mother?’ Nat asked handing the will to Martha.
‘I have an important question to ask each of you. I want to sell this house and live in Cunnamulla.’ Gloria stated.
Nat moved to his mother, wrapped his arms around her shoulders, ‘You’re welcome anytime. You will live with us. Joe will build a unit for you. We’ll look after you.’ Nat cried with glee.
‘What do you think Martha?’ Gloria interjected.
‘Whatever Nat said. You are always welcome in our home.’ She moved to her mother-in-law wrapped her arms around her shoulders. Relief flowed from each other.
When told the news Joe agreed to build a unit for Gloria joined onto the house with a veranda and porch. Everything would be fine. Hannah needed to speak with her friend Melinda to share this news. She excused herself, walked to Melinda’s home a couple of blocks away.
Melinda met Hannah at the front door handed her the empty dishes she had carried from her grandparent’s home. Melinda took the dishes from Hannah beckoned her inside. ‘I’ll put the kettle on. Take a seat. How’re you feeling?’ Melinda finished.
They shared each thought which they always did since first meeting one another all those years before. Melinda shared with her friend Ryan’s story, now twenty-one years old, graduated as an Engineer from Queensland University. Whilst at university Ryan played Rugby Union. In the next couple of months Ryan decided to play the latest game Rugby League whilst Andre joined Boy Scouts which commenced in Queensland a couple of months before.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jul 07, 2022 10:39 pm

Thank you Carol. Here is the page for today:

Build A Nation' - Page 39:

Chapter 5

‘Before we leave for Cunnamulla, I want to visit my friend Joseph Ryan.’ Nat proclaimed. Martha agreed with a nod of her head.
‘I want to sell my house before we leave.’ Gloria intercepted.
‘When I speak with Joseph. I’ll mention sale of your house to him. I am certain he will have someone lined up to buy your home. We should arrange to leave in the next couple of days. Still need to make suitable arrangements through Funeral Director for Dad’s body to be transported by train to Cunnamulla with us.’ Nat explained.
‘A great idea Nat. We will travel together as a family. Our final journey together.’ Gloria finished.
Nat left the house walked to a waiting horse and sulky instructed the driver to take him to Parliament House in the city. On the way to Parliament House Nat’s mind drifted off course. His thoughts making the final trip to Cunnamulla with his father. Joy of his mother’s decision to join them in Cunnamulla excited him to a point of being overcome with thoughts of caring for his mother for the remainder of her life.
Stopping in front of Parliament House Nat stepped down from the sulky thanked the driver for his services after paying him the fee for transportation. Nat entered Parliament House in the front entrance. Noise erupted from within the chamber. Shouts Nat could not make out. One voice he recognized reached his ears. ‘I want to become next Premier of Queensland.’ Nat recognized this voice: Joseph Ryan.
Doors to the chamber swung open. Members of Parliament left in a hurry. Nat stood aside waiting for his friend to appear. Last member to leave the chamber The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, Minister For Police, MLA. Nat stood to greet his long-time friend. ‘Hello Joseph.’ Nat said with his hand held out to shake his friend’s hand.
‘Nat. So good to have you here. Come, we’ll go to the refreshment room.’ Joseph instructed his friend. They walked to the refreshment room guided to a table by the attendant. After sitting across from one another Joseph said, ‘Sorry to hear about your father Nat.’ Nat nodded. ‘What will you have?’ Joseph finished.
‘Cup of tea would be fine, thank you Joseph.’ Nat replied.
Joseph waved to an attendant ordered two cups of tea with sandwiches for their table.
‘I heard when I stood outside the chambers you have nominated to become Premier of Queensland.’ Nat asked Joseph.
‘Threw my hat into the ring this morning. Parliament is in recess until after the election. What do you think? Will I make a good Premier for this State of ours?’ Joseph asked.
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