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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jun 12, 2022 10:52 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 26:

Ryan explained his decade. Leaving Cunnamulla to live at Spring Hill in Brisbane, fine schools; played sport. Attended University studied Engineering. Worked for Queensland Railway Department in Brisbane. Whilst at University played Rugby Union.
‘Earlier this year chosen to play for Australia Rugby League team.’ Ryan finished at the same time their meals arrived. ‘Eat.’ Ryan beckoned for this friend to commence their meal.
Desi completed his meal before Ryan. Sat back to enjoy watching Ryan eat into a huge steak. ‘This reminds me of our first Christmas together at ‘Tilbaroo Station’. Do you remember my mother cooking a goanna?’ Desi asked.
Ryan stopped eating. A huge smile covered his face. ‘Yes. I remember the time we caught the goanna on the way to ‘Tilbaroo Station’. Tasted like chicken. We lived a wonderful childhood. I missed you after we left Cunnamulla.’ Ryan finished his meal. Beckoned to the waiter to order coffee for himself. Water for Desi.
‘Whatever happened to Billy Campbell?’ Ryan asked.
‘Both Billy and Joe Gibson went to fight in Boer War. Joe returned as Captain Joe Gibson. Billy as Lieutenant Billy Campbell.’
‘I can’t believe you went from handling those draft horses digging bore-drains to riding racehorses.’ Ryan amused by how Desi rose to fame.


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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:22 pm

Thank you Carol. Here is the page for today:
'Build A Nation' - Page 27:

‘Always loved horses. Luck had a large part to become a jockey. I rode at Coongoola Picnic Races earlier this year. Mr A E Mayo attended at the time. I rode the program. He asked me to become his apprentice jockey. I agreed.’ Desi explained. Their refreshments arrived.
‘Rugby League is a similar story for me. I enjoyed playing Rugby Union. The game is for gentlemen whilst Rugby League is for tougher men. I enjoy playing Rugby League more than I did Rugby Union.’ Ryan stated sipped his coffee.
‘Hope you’re around first Tuesday in November this year. I’m riding Lord Nolan in the Melbourne Cup at Flemington.’ Desi told Ryan in an excited voice.
‘Be there to cheer you on if I can. You understand if I’m chosen to play for Australia on Great Britain Tour later this year, I won’t be able to make the trip. Best of luck riding in the Melbourne Cup.’ Ryan spoke with enthusiasm.
‘I didn’t think of you playing overseas.’ Desi remarked finished his water.
‘Thoroughbred racing is becoming popular?’ Ryan changed the subject.
‘Yes, particularly in Melbourne. If I had remained at Coongoola I never would’ve experienced riding in races which I now do. Mr A E Mayo has been my saviour. Love the sport as you love Rugby League.’
‘Do you think thoroughbred racing will last the distance?’ Ryan queried.
‘Bloody oath mate. Thoroughbred racing has been going in Australia since The Barb won first Melbourne Cup. Will continue forever. What about Rugby League. Is the game going to continue?’ Asked Desi.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jun 19, 2022 10:37 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 28:

‘School children play Rugby League now. This game will spread and grow. Will be played one hundred years from now. My ambition to help support Rugby League as you support Thoroughbred Racing. Desi, we were born to build a nation of Thoroughbred Racing and Rugby League. Who knows, we may both be famous one day.’ Ryan’s excitement overflowed onto Desi who smiled to show his bright white teeth.
‘I better be going back to the stables. Off early in the morning returning to Melbourne. Sad to say goodbye.’ Desi shook Ryan’s hand wrapped his other arm around Ryan’s shoulders. Ryan released his hold. Tears welled in behind his eyes. He did miss his aboriginal friend.

Before daybreak next morning Desi prepared Lord Nolan for the trip to Melbourne. They boarded the train from Sydney. Desi remained in the wagon with Lord Nolan whilst Mr A E Mayo travelled in a carriage. Made a couple of checks on horse and Desi during the trip. Each arrived safely at Melbourne. Desi unloaded Lord Nolan walked him to their stables settled him into his stable. Desi retired to his quarters.

Ryan returned to his hotel after farewelling his friend Desi. Next day the Rugby League Team journeyed by train from Sydney to Brisbane to prepare for their next Test against New Zealand in a fortnight played at Brisbane Exhibition Grounds.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jun 20, 2022 10:58 pm

Thank you Carol for your 'thanks': Here is the page for today:

'Build A Nation' - Page 29:
Sad news arrived at Australian Rugby League team passing of New Zealand’s leading player, Albert Baskerville who caught a chill on his journey from Sydney to Brisbane. He entered hospital in Brisbane, suffered from pneumonia died Wednesday evening, May 20th. Aged 25 years. He had scored a try when Australia played New Zealand in Sydney. New Zealand weakened by the loss of their major player plus other players who escorted the body back to New Zealand faced a tough fight to win third and deciding Test against Australia.
Same players for Australia remained plus included Bill Heidke from Bundaberg to strengthen the team. New Zealand won second game played in Brisbane score 24-12. Third Test would determine who were the better team Australia or New Zealand. New Zealand won 11-10 to make them the winners.
When Ryan predicted their opinions if Rugby League became GREATEST GAME OF ALL; Desi predicted Thoroughbred Racing became SPORT OF KINGS. How close would their predictions become in the future to help Australia Build A Nation.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jun 21, 2022 11:01 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 30:

Chapter 4

‘We should do this more often.’ Joe said to Hannah seated across from her at their kitchen table at ‘Tilbaroo Station’.
‘I agree. You are busy working for my father. How often do we have a family holiday together on our own property?’ Hannah asked sipped her tea. Little Hannah, Sue and Molly played outside.
‘Been busy building our shearing shed, keeping the place going plus your father’s properties. Now the decision has been made to make Canberra Australia’s Capital, your father should relax to enjoy life. How long has it been since we enjoyed ourselves with our own little family?’ Joe asked munched on a fresh cooked scone.
‘We have five weeks before school starts. I would love to visit Brisbane to catch up with our friends, Todd, Melinda, Ryan plus Andre. Been years since we’ve seen them. Ryan must be twenty-one by now.’ Hannah added.
‘What about we leave next week.’ Joe finished. ‘We’ll be here for the remainder of this week. Off to Brisbane to visit our friends; also, catch up with your grandparents. Give them a chance to meet their great grandchildren. Family vacation. We’d better invite your parents. Peter Greig will look after the properties until we return.’ Joe rose to attend work on the property.
Seven days later Joe, Hannah plus family boarded train from Cunnamulla to Brisbane. Stopping at Coongoola Daisy met the train to hand Hannah a food basket. ‘Desi decided to go with Mr A.E Mayo, a horse trainer from Melbourne to ride as his apprentice jockey.’ Daisy told Hannah.
‘Great news Daisy. You will miss him. Desi deserves an opportunity to make jockeying his profession. He rides as if he was born to the saddle.’ Hannah remarked.
Saying farewell to their aboriginal friends they continued their journey to Roma Street Brisbane. ‘Been a lifetime since we’ve visited Brisbane.’ Hannah said to her father when they left the train. Hannah’s grandparents greeted them on the platform.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jun 22, 2022 10:41 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 31:

Wrapping her arms around her mother-in-law, Martha kissed Gloria on the cheek. ‘Wonderful to catch up with you again Gloria.’ Martha’s eyes filled with tears of joy.
‘Been too long my dear.’ Gloria cried through her own tears.
George led the procession to a waiting horse and buggy. They loaded luggage, climbed up upon the seats. ‘My great grand-children. You sit next to me.’ Gloria held close her three great-grand-daughters to her side whilst George navigated the buggy to their home in Spring Hill.
‘I’ll put the kettle on.’ Gloria left the group to prepare morning tea for her family.
‘Let me help you grandmother.’ Hannah said walked with her grandmother into the kitchen.
Once everyone settled into the kitchen, tea and biscuits set on the table. ‘Okay, everyone. Dig in.’ Gloria admonished. ‘You children run off outside to play whilst we adults talk. Children should be seen and not heard around adults.’ Gloria rushed the children outside giving them small treats to eat.
Family chatter followed between adults describing time since they last visited. After morning tea George asked Nat and Joe to join him. They settled into George’s office. George said, ‘Nat and Joe. Great you took time to visit. Been a long time. I wanted to speak with you both about an important issue I have.’ George finished.
‘Is there something wrong?’ Nat asked his father. Concern covered his face.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jun 23, 2022 11:01 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 32:

‘Yes. Your timing could not have been better. My heart is not right. I am tied most of the time. Cannot walk too far as you would have noticed since you arrived. I want you to promise me something Nat.’ George spoke direct to his son.
‘Anything Dad. I’ll do anything you want.’ Nat’s concern over his father’s condition worried him.
‘If something happens to me, please promise me; you’ll take good care of your mother.’ George’s voice broke with emotion. His hands trembled.
Nat moved next to his father, placed his arm around his father’s shoulders. ‘Everything will be taken care of Dad. You rest. Do not worry about anything. We’re here now.’ Nat assured his father.
Nat beckoned Joe to follow him outside. Once outside Nat said to Joe, ‘What do you think Joe?’ Asked Nat in a solemn voice.
‘Your father must be ill. He looked a little pale. Not himself. I have not seen him for many years. How old is your father Nat?’ Joe asked.
Nat thought for a moment, ‘He’d be well into his seventies. We’re only supposed to live until seventy – three score and ten years.’ Nat finished. Worried for his father’s health. Whatever happens he would keep his promise to his father to look after his mother if anything happened to his father. They returned to his father’s office.
George sat in his chair where they left him. His eyes stared into nothingness. ‘Dad. Are you okay?’ Nat asked. Walked to his father’s side. His father did not answer. His eyes still, glassy, not blinking. Nat touched his father’s wrist in search for a pulse. Nothing. Placed his hands over his father’s eyes, closed them. His father died after he and Joe left the office. Sorrow seeped into Nat’s soul. ‘He’s gone.’ Nat whispered to Joe. ‘His last words will forever be fixed in my mind.’ Tears filled Nat’s eyes.
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