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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Apr 16, 2022 10:55 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 105:

Lynne arrived walked over to Allan, placed her arms around his neck, kissed him on the lips. ‘Good morning ‘The Bush Detective’. Ready for today.’ She questioned before sitting beside her husband-to-be.
Allan rose to retrieve Lynne’s breakfast from the warming oven. Placing the plate of food in front of her. ‘Eat up.’ Allan finished returned to his seat to finish his breakfast.
‘At what time does McIntyre appear at the court?’ Alex asked after he finished his breakfast.
‘Ten o’clock this morning. Why?’ Asked Allan.
‘I want to be in the court to support you.’ Alex said.
‘I’ll also support you my darling.’ Lynne looked into Allan’s eyes - tears. She leaned over. Kissed him on the lips.
Chapter 14
Joseph McIntyre appeared in Court, Cunnamulla at ten o’clock. Pleaded ‘guilty’ to each charge. Convicted and fined on each charge. Ordered to pay two-hundred-pound restitution to Nathan Young.
‘I’m pleased this investigation is over.’ Allan told Lynne and Alex outside the courthouse. ‘Thank you both for your support. Much appreciated.’ Allan wrapped his arms around Lynne, kissed her. ‘Meet you both for dinner tonight.’
Allan returned to Cunnamulla Police Station. Sergeant Gray wanted to speak with him.
Allan stood at Sergeant Gray’s office door. Sergeant Gray sat behind his desk. ‘Come in Allan. Sit.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Apr 17, 2022 10:29 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 106:
Close the door.’ Allan followed Sergeant Gray’s instructions. ‘I’m uncertain if this is good or bad news.’ Sergeant Gray confessed.
‘Better give me the bad news first.’ Allan replied uncertain where this conversation was headed.
‘You’re to pack your things, be on the train tomorrow morning to work at Charleville.’ Sergeant Gray spoke in a clear concise voice.
For the first time in his life Allan lost for words. Closing his mouth after sifting through words spoken by Sergeant Gray. ‘I don’t understand. McIntyre pleaded ‘guilty’ to the charges; processed by the courts. Why have I been thrown to the wolves?’ Allan shouted. His voice rose in protest.
‘I received a telegram from Inspector Austin, Charleville Police District this morning instructing you work at Charleville. I’m sorry Allan.’ Sergeant Gray admonished.
Allan rose. A blank look on his face. ‘I’ll clear my office.’ Allan left Sergeant Gray’s office, walked to his own office collected his things before leaving Cunnamulla Police Station for the final time.
After dinner Lynne and Allan sat on the swing both silent to ponder their future together or apart.
‘I’ll move to Charleville with you.’ Lynne spat the words. Tears filled her eyes.
‘No. Don’t do anything rash. Someone, we won’t mention names, has stuck a dagger into my back. I’ll live with the consequences. Haven’t you a wedding to plan?’ Allan hugged Lynne tight.
‘Won’t be the same without you here. I love you ‘The Bush Detective’’. Lynne expressed in a loving tone.
‘You named me ‘The Bush Detective’ for a reason. An endearment between us. I’ll always use this title you bestowed upon me.’ Allan hugged Lynne tighter, kissed her on the lips.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Apr 18, 2022 10:43 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 107:

‘Can you stay with me tonight?’ Lynne swooned.
‘Only if we stay here where we spent our first night together.’ Lynne nestled into Allan’s neck, placed smooth kisses on his neck. Allan swooned.
Early next morning Allan rose to prepare his departure to Charleville. A sunken stone lay deep in his stomach. Without proper evidence of who was responsibility for his sudden departure to Charleville. Allan had his thoughts on who was responsible, wouldn’t point the finger at this person in case his assumptions were incorrect. Like a true Queensland Police Officer; he’d take his punishment, work at Charleville. Sadness showed on Lynne’s face. Eyes bloodshot from crying.
‘I’ll write each day.’ Allan told Lynne before he boarded the train for Charleville.
‘I love you.’ Lynne kissed Allan on the lips before stepping away from the train when the conductor yelled ‘all aboard’. She waved to Allan until the train disappeared.
Pulling into Charleville Railway Station; sun falling beneath the earth’s surface Allan gathered his luggage walked across the road to Railway Hotel, nearest accommodation. ‘Good evening. You must be Detective Allan Honor, ‘The Bush Detective’’? A male standing behind the reception desk said to Allan.
‘Are you expecting me?’ Allan asked.
‘I’m Bill Wallace. My wife Margaret and I own this establishment. Inspector Austin told us to look after you. We booked you in on the top floor.’ Bill shook hands with Allan.
‘Pleased to meet you Bill. Thank you for looking after me. You say Inspector Austin arranged for my accommodation?’ Allan asked after releasing Bill’s hand.
‘Spoke to Gordon earlier today. Told him we’ll look after you. Settle into your room first. Join Margaret and myself for dinner in the dining room when you’re ready. This is our pleasure to have you stay at our hotel.’ Bill answered.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:42 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 108:

Allan settled into his accommodation, spacious. Changed clothes; washed his face and hands, walked to the dining room. On sighting Bill walked to the table. Bill stood. ‘Allan, this is my wife Margaret.’ Allan shook Margaret’s hand.
‘Pleased to make your acquaintance Margaret. Thank you both for your hospitality.’ Allan sat beside Bill opposite Margaret.
‘Some good things about you and what you did in Cunnamulla. Charleville needs you. We’re happy you’re here. Town starting to return to ole time western days. Need law and order restored.’ Margaret stated clearly.
These comments took Allan by surprise. His thoughts on being sent to Charleville for punishment over his previous investigation. ‘I’m happy to be of your service Bill and Margaret. I’ll do my best.’ Allan finished.
They spoke whilst enjoying their meal. Allan confused over timing of his transfer. On one hand he assumed being punished for charging McIntyre with ‘unlawful use of sheep’ plus ‘stealing’ the wool whilst now with this recent information from Bill and Margaret Wallace everything appeared different. He may not be punished only bought to Charleville to fight crime. A smile reached the crests of his eyes.
‘I’m uncertain how I came to be transferred to Charleville.’ Allan questioned.
‘My fault. I’m afraid. I wrote a letter to my daughter who is married to Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA, Minister for Police requesting your services.’ Margaret intervened.
‘You’re Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA, Minister for Police’s mother-in-law?’ Allan questioned. Shocked by this revelation.
‘Yes. Margaret and Joseph wed here last year.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Apr 26, 2022 10:25 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 109:

Celebrated their wedding reception in this hotel. We only finished building a couple of weeks before. Good work you did in Cunnamulla. Wanted you here to clear up Charleville. Did I do something wrong?’ Margaret asked.
‘No. You did the right thing. No one told me why I was transferred to Charleville.’ A blank look covered Allan’s face. Confusion raced through his mind.
‘I’m certain I did the right thing. Joseph never took too much time in transferring you here. We want you to be comfortable in our hotel during your stay.’ Margaret finished.
‘I’m certain I will be comfortable. Thank you so much for your hospitality Tom and Margaret. I better be off to bed. Fresh start tomorrow. Goodnight. Again, thank you for your hospitality.’ Allan left the dinning room to return to his accommodation.
Before he retired to bed Allan wrote his first letter to Lynne:

To my dearest Lynne,

You wouldn’t believe what just happened. I arrived safely in Charleville. Inspector Austin already booked my accommodation at Railway Hotel, Charleville. Lovely accommodation. After I settled in. I dined with Bill and Margaret Wallace, proprietors of the hotel. Wonderful people.
During our meal they told me how pleased to have me here in Charleville to ‘clean up the town’. At this point I must admit being a little confused by their comment. Since being told by Sergeant Gray of this move my mind suspicious of ‘why’. I must never assume anything only rely on facts.
Wait for this information: Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA, Minister for Police is Margaret and Bill’s son-in-law. Margaret gathered news of my work in Cunnamulla wrote to her daughter to arrange my transfer to Charleville. What do you reckon about that news? Unbelieve. All this time I thought of being punished for the charge against McIntyre. I should never assume only makes an ass out of u and me.
Fact is now I’m tired and need sleep to be alert for tomorrow.
Goodnight my sweetness.

Your ‘The Bush Detective’.
PS I love you.

Allan rose before daylight to prepare his first day of work in Charleville. After breakfast he readied to walk to Charleville Police Station at the opposite end of town from his accommodation. Two horses approached him. ‘Are you Detective Alan Honor?’ The mounted police officer shouted haltered his horse next to Allan.
‘Yes. Who are you?’ Allan asked.
‘Constable Ferguson from Charleville Police. I’ve been instructed to bring you a horse.’ The rider replied holding the reins of another horse. ‘Here you are.’ Constable Ferguson handed Allan the reins to the other horse. ‘Follow me. I’ll take you to the police station.’ Allan mounted the horse, followed Constable Ferguson to Charleville Police Station.
Riding to the rear section at the police station Allan dismounted. ‘I’ll take your horse. Inspector Austin wants to speak with you.’ Constable Ferguson held Allan’s horse’s reins.
‘Thank you, Constable Ferguson. Thoughtful of you to save me a walk. Hope to catch up with you later.’ Allan entered the police station by the rear entrance.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Apr 27, 2022 10:54 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 110:

Sighting a sign showing Inspector’s Office he headed toward the open door. Knocked on the door.
An elderly man in police uniform sat behind a huge desk, looked up at the sound of the knock, ‘Enter’. This man spoke in a loud voice.
‘Good morning Sir. Detective Allan Honor reporting for duty.’ Allan stood erect.
The male officer rose from his seat, walked around his desk to stand in front of Allan. Placed his hand out to shake, ‘Welcome Detective Allan Honor. A pleasure to have you at Charleville.’ They shook hands.
Inspector Austin returned to his seat behind his huge desk. Allan sat to face him. They conversed for a couple of minutes. Inspector Austin explained Allan’s duties plus congratulated him on the good work Allan performed during his time in Cunnamulla.
‘Report to Senior Sergeant Whitney who will show you to your office. I can’t wait for results.’ Allan stood, excused himself from Inspector Austin’s office to find his way to Senior Sergeant Whitney’s office. After introductions Allan shown his office at the rear of the police station. A small office in comparison to his office in Cunnamulla.
After settling into his new office Allan visited Senior Sergeant Whitney. ‘Excuse me Senior Sergeant. Have you any work for me?’ Allan asked.
‘None at this stage. We’ll call on you when we have something to investigate.’ Senior Sergeant Whitney expressed in a disinterested tone.
‘What do I do in the meantime?’ Allan’s frustration rose with the question.
‘Wait. Something will happen.’ Senior Sergeant Whitney ignored Allan’s presence. ‘We’ll contact you when we need your services.’ Allan returned to his office.
Allan hated wasting time twiddling his thumbs. He needed work, to satisfy his needs. He decided to locate Constable Ferguson to speak with him. Walking to the common room he located Constable Ferguson seated behind a desk.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Apr 28, 2022 11:00 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 111:

‘Good morning again Constable Ferguson. May I have a word with you?’ Allan asked moved closer to Constable Ferguson’s desk. Constable Ferguson stopped what he was doing. Looked at Allan.
‘Yes. Detective Honor. How can I help you?’ He stuttered.
Allan grabbed a chair sat faced Constable Ferguson. ‘I’m bored. Have you any work for me to do?’ Allan inquired.
A blank look spread across Constable Ferguson’s face. ‘Work. You ask?’
‘Yes. I’m bored. Need something to do.’ Allan explained.
‘I have an idea. What about I show you around Charleville, explain the town, point out troublemakers.’ Constable Ferguson explained.
‘Let’s go.’ Allan rose joined Constable Ferguson. ‘Do we tell Senior Sergeant Whitney where we’re going?’ Allan asked before leaving the common room.
‘Not necessary. He doesn’t worry where we’re at, as long as we don’t annoy him.’ Constable Ferguson explained. They walked to the stables, retrieved their horses, rode from the police station. Constable Ferguson pointed out important buildings along his guided tour of Charleville. They rode beside the Warrego River which twisted its way through the centre of town. After a couple of hours; returned to the police station.
Whilst unsaddling their horses to be placed in the police paddock behind the police station Allan thanked Constable Ferguson for his help. Allan now had a clearer idea of Charleville.
‘This is your horse to use whilst you’re stationed here.’ Constable Ferguson stated before placing feed into a feeder for the horses.
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