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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Apr 10, 2022 10:52 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 99:

‘No. I only wanted the wool.’ McIntyre replied.
‘Have you sold the wool?’ Allan asked.
‘Yes. To the local stock and station agent in Cunnamulla.’ McIntyre replied.
‘How much money did you receive for the wool?’ Allan asked.
‘Two hundred pounds. This was enough to pay my rates to keep my property. I’m sorry. Didn’t want to lose my property.’ McIntyre’s confession gave Allan an idea of how he dealt with this complaint. His knowledge of law surprised himself at times. Questions rattled through his mind to seek an affective conclusion to this investigation.
‘Mr McIntyre. I’m arresting you for ‘unlawful use of two hundred head of sheep belonging to ‘Kahmoo Station’. Also, stealing wool valued at two hundred pounds property of ‘Kahmoo Station’. You’ll need to accompany us to Cunnamulla Police Station where you will be charged with these offences.’ Allan explained.
‘Can we have a cuppa first?’ McIntyre asked politely.
They all joined in refreshments. Afterwards Allan and Lynne helped McIntyre drove his sheep to the fence on the boundary of ‘Kahmoo Station’.
‘How’re you going to move the sheep through the fence?’ Allan asked.
‘Same way I took them from the paddock. My dogs will hold them while I open the fence to push them through.’ McIntyre dismounted from his horse, took a pair of fencing plyers from his saddle bag, walked to a section of the fence. Unclipped wire netting which he lay on the ground. Placed a heavy log on each end of the fence he lay on the ground. Whistled his dogs to push the sheep over the wire netting. Allan counted each sheep when they crossed the wire netting fence on the ground. Two hundred head recorded.
Once the sheep moved into the paddock on ‘Kahmoo Station’ McIntyre reclipped the wire netting to the fence showing nothing changed from before. Allan stunned to realise how easy McIntyre removed the sheep from the paddock to his property. They moved the sheep to the billabong for water.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Apr 11, 2022 10:13 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 100:

‘We’d better move if we want to reach Cunnamulla by tonight.’ Allan told the others spurring Apache to canter ahead. They reached ‘Kahmoo Station’ homestead. Joe sat on the front veranda. ‘I’ll speak with Joe before we head into town. What’re you going to do with your dogs?’ Allan asked McIntyre.
‘Take them to Cunnamulla. My cousin will look after them while you charge me.’ McIntyre replied.
Allan dismounted from Apache walked to Joe seated on a chair. Explained how they caught his neighbour red-handed with the sheep. Counted them, returned them to the paddock where they were stolen.
Allan said, ‘We’re off to Cunnamulla where McIntyre will be charged.’
‘Stealing stock in this part of the country is a hanging. Hope you realise this?’ Joe almost shouted in rage; his face turned red.
‘Hold on Joe. McIntyre didn’t steal your sheep. He unlawfully used them. Stole the wool. Different to stealing the whole sheep.’ Allan explained.
‘What do you mean Allan. Stealing is bloody stealing.’ Joe’s rage escalated.
‘Settle down Joe. Trust me.’
Joe stood, ‘I’m pleased you found our sheep. I don’t for the life of me understand why you didn’t arrest him for stealing.’ Joe exploded. Shook hands with his friend Allan, bid him goodbye.
Arriving in Cunnamulla McIntyre dropped his dogs off at his cousin. Allan and McIntyre rode to the Police Station. Lynne returned to the hotel exhausted after a couple of days riding. She needed to bathe and relax.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Apr 12, 2022 10:49 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 101:

Allan escorted McIntyre to the front desk at the Police Station. Sergeant Gray present to charge McIntyre. After the charges placed in the charge book McIntyre escorted to the cells waiting to appear in court the following morning.
Sergeant Gray wanted a word with Allan in his office.
‘Where’d you dig this charge up from? ‘The Bush Detective’ law book? McIntyre should be charged with ‘stealing’ those sheep. Not what you’ve charged him with.’ Sergeant Gray anger rose with each word. Allan became a little frustrated with Sergeant Gray’s claims adding to Joe’s outburst. His knowledge of law clear in his mind.
‘Hold on a minute Sergeant Gray’. Allan explained his reason for not charging McIntyre with stealing each sheep. Instead stealing the wool from the sheep also unlawful using the sheep without permission or authority from the owner. He tried to explain further when a knock on the office door stopped him.
‘Come in.’ Sergeant Gray answered with a raised voice.
‘Nat Young. Sergeant Gray. May I speak with you?’ The voice of Mayor of Cunnamulla sounded behind the door.
‘Sit’. Sergeant Gray commanded Allan who wondered what all the fuss was about. As far as his understanding of the law; he did nothing wrong. Bush telegraph alive and well in Cunnamulla. Allan pondered.
Sergeant Gray opened his office door. Nat Young burst into the office directing his question to Allan. ‘What type of detective are you? McIntyre stole those sheep from me. Not the bloody wool. If you don’t charge this bastard thief with stealing. I intend to return you to the city quicker than you arrived.’ Nat exploded.
‘Nice to meet you again Mayor Young.’ Allan said in a sombre voice. ‘Let me explain.’ Allan finished waited for the hostile Mayor to simmer down enough to listen to his answer.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Apr 13, 2022 10:07 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 102:

‘This better be good. Sheep thieves in this part of the country deserve hanging. Not treated with kid gloves. Teach them a lesson to warn others. What have you to say?’ Nat simmered down. Sat beside Allan.
‘Mr Mayor. Your sheep were taken by McIntyre from your back paddock a month ago. All he wanted was the wool. Not the sheep. This morning we caught him red handed returning the sheep to your paddock on your property.’ Allan went to explain.
‘Then bloody hell ‘The Bush Detective’ he stole the sheep plus the wool.’ Nat exploded.
‘Doesn’t work out to thieving the whole sheep. His intention at the time he moved the sheep from your paddock to only shear the wool to sell, pay his rates on his property. Not steal the whole sheep. Without your permission he unlawfully used your sheep.’ Allan explained in a quiet voice.
‘I’m going to contact my friend Sir Samuel Griffiths who wrote the Criminal Code to ask his direction.’ Nat finished. ‘Good afternoon gentlemen.’ He rose exited Sergeant Gray’s office faster than a bull left the bucking shuts at the local rodeo.
‘Bloody hell Allan. Look what you’ve got us into now. Sir Samuel Griffiths wrote the bloody Criminal Code.’ Sergeant Gray exploded. ‘Keep me informed.’ Allan stood left the office.
Soon as Allan reached Alex’s hotel word of McIntyre’s arrest spread like an uncontrolled bush fire out of control. Alex met Allan stepping into the kitchen. ‘You certainly stirred shit up in Cunnamulla.’ Alex said.
‘About McIntyre.’ Allan answered.
‘How you went soft on him.’ Alex stated making a cuppa for Allan. ‘Sit. Explain why you went soft on McIntyre.’ Alex placed a cuppa in front of Allan.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Apr 14, 2022 11:48 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 103:

‘I didn’t go soft on McIntyre.’ Allan explained his reason also his understanding of the law. ‘Criminal Code is law for State of Queensland. Including Cunnamulla. McIntyre unlawfully used Nat’s sheep. Stole the wool. Nothing further to add.’ Allan explained.
‘In this part of the country ‘stealing stock is a hanging matter’’. Alex stated in a righteous voice.
‘Alex. Cunnamulla is a town within State of Queensland. I stand by my decision to charge McIntyre with the correct charge. Something else to consider. McIntyre received two hundred pounds for sale of wool taken from Nat’s sheep. Because this amount is under five hundred pounds, if McIntyre decides to plead ‘guilty’ to the charges he will be dealt with in the court tomorrow morning rather than his case at a higher court.’ Allan explained.
Wheels turned over in Alex’s mind to understand Allan’s explanation. ‘Right. I understand. When you explain how you came up with the charges this all makes sense. You are ‘The Bush Detective’. Congratulations.’ Alex finished his cuppa. Rose from his chair left the kitchen.
‘How’s everything going?’ Lynne’s voice when she entered the kitchen. ‘I overheard your conversation with Alex. Appears you made some enemies.’ Lynne poured herself a cuppa, sat beside Allan, leaned across, kissed him on the lips.
‘Thank you. I needed this.’ Allan looked into Lynne’s eyes. Love filled his heart. Thoughts of how lucky to fall in love with this beautiful woman plus she saved his life by killing a snake which was about to strike him.
‘Don’t worry my darling. Everything will turn out right. Everyone will forget this after nine days. You did you’re best. Nothing else you can do. I’m proud of how you stuck to your guns.’ Lynne finished her cuppa. ‘I left the water in the bathtub for you.’ She smiled. ‘You need a bath.’ She sniffed, pinched her nose closed. Allan left Lynne walked to his room gathered fresh clothing. Walked to the where Lynne left the bathtub.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Apr 14, 2022 11:48 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 103:

‘I didn’t go soft on McIntyre.’ Allan explained his reason also his understanding of the law. ‘Criminal Code is law for State of Queensland. Including Cunnamulla. McIntyre unlawfully used Nat’s sheep. Stole the wool. Nothing further to add.’ Allan explained.
‘In this part of the country ‘stealing stock is a hanging matter’’. Alex stated in a righteous voice.
‘Alex. Cunnamulla is a town within State of Queensland. I stand by my decision to charge McIntyre with the correct charge. Something else to consider. McIntyre received two hundred pounds for sale of wool taken from Nat’s sheep. Because this amount is under five hundred pounds, if McIntyre decides to plead ‘guilty’ to the charges he will be dealt with in the court tomorrow morning rather than his case at a higher court.’ Allan explained.
Wheels turned over in Alex’s mind to understand Allan’s explanation. ‘Right. I understand. When you explain how you came up with the charges this all makes sense. You are ‘The Bush Detective’. Congratulations.’ Alex finished his cuppa. Rose from his chair left the kitchen.
‘How’s everything going?’ Lynne’s voice when she entered the kitchen. ‘I overheard your conversation with Alex. Appears you made some enemies.’ Lynne poured herself a cuppa, sat beside Allan, leaned across, kissed him on the lips.
‘Thank you. I needed this.’ Allan looked into Lynne’s eyes. Love filled his heart. Thoughts of how lucky to fall in love with this beautiful woman plus she saved his life by killing a snake which was about to strike him.
‘Don’t worry my darling. Everything will turn out right. Everyone will forget this after nine days. You did you’re best. Nothing else you can do. I’m proud of how you stuck to your guns.’ Lynne finished her cuppa. ‘I left the water in the bathtub for you.’ She smiled. ‘You need a bath.’ She sniffed, pinched her nose closed. Allan left Lynne walked to his room gathered fresh clothing. Walked to the where Lynne left the bathtub.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Apr 15, 2022 10:15 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 104:

After dinner Allan and Lynne went for a walk. Allan needed to escape to settle his mind. Sticking to his guns clearly defined in his mind plus ability to discuss what happened with Lynne became his saviour. They walked for a half-an-hour. ‘Can we sit here? I want to discuss something with you.’ Allan asked Lynne. Lynne joined Allan on the ground below a huge gum tree. ‘You didn’t bring your whip with you in case of snakes.’ Allan asked.
‘I can’t imagine snakes this close to town ‘The Bush Detective’’. Lynne wrapped her arms around Allan. ‘I’ll protect you.’ She kissed him on the lips.
‘Thank you for standing by me Lynne. I love you so much.’ Allan kissed Lynne with passion. ‘This title ‘The Bush Detective’ may change after tomorrow. The proverbial hit the fan.’ Allan smiled wrapped his arms tighter around his bride-to-be.
Silence between Allan and Lynne deepened. Their minds spoke to one another. After an hour they stood returned to their hotel, kissed before they each went to their own rooms.
Allan rose before daylight to prepared breakfast for Lynne and Alex. Alex appeared first in the kitchen. ‘Didn’t you sleep last night?’ Alex questioned.
‘Not much. Thinking of what is to happen today. People around here have their nickers in a knot about the charges I placed on McIntyre.’ Allan dished out breakfast to Alex and himself placed a plate of food in the warming oven for Lynne when she appeared.
‘I’ve been thinking about your explanation of the charges you placed on McIntyre. After you explained why you charged him with these charges everything made sense to me. You’re smart ‘The Bush Detective’. Congratulations.’ Alex ate his breakfast.
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