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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Mar 13, 2022 10:22 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 71:

‘Not at this time. I’ll have a better idea before we leave Glen Innis. Couldn’t imagine too many travelling to Cunnamulla, only yourself and your prisoner.’ Ned added.
Ned entertained Allan with more stories until they arrived at Bourke to remain over-night.
‘Where are we staying tonight?’ Allan asked.
‘At Carrier’s Arms which is also the booking office for Cobb & Co. Sam Doughty’s Livery Stable is next door to house the horses.’ Ned pulled his team in front of Carrier’s Arms. ‘This is where we stay tonight.’ Ned called to his passengers who alighted from the coach.
Once each passenger alighted from the coach, selected their luggage; they were met by the publican of Carrier’s Arms who welcomed everyone. Each shown to their accommodation. Allan provided with a small room with a single bed. A wash basin beside his bed. After settled into their accommodation each passenger gathered at the dining room for their meal.
Allan enjoyed this country hospitality; guests muttering to themselves about their trip. Allan enjoyed a hearty meal of corn meat; gravy plus vegetables. A mug of tea to finish off the meal. Bread and butter pudding filled his stomach. He retired early so he would awake early to continue his trip to Byrock.
‘Good morning Ned.’ Allan called when Ned entered the dining room for breakfast.
‘Did you sleep well?’ Ned answered sitting next to Allan at the table.
‘Like a baby. Knocked me about yesterday. Never rode on a coach before.’ Allan muttered between eating his breakfast.
‘After the years I’ve been doing this job. I’ll never be used to the roads, animals. Only people keep me going. I love company plus stories of different passengers.’ Ned finished.
‘How many stops do we have today?’ Allan asked.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:17 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 72:
Ned thought for a moment. ‘The Dry Lake Hotel. You’ll love the place. We change horses. Then Enngonia for another stop to change horses. Different country today. You’ll love this country. Dry and hot.’ Ned laughed. ‘We better be started otherwise we won’t reach Byrock by dark.’ Ned rose to leave the dining room.
True to his word Ned continued his stories throughout their journey to their next stop. After changing horses’, they continued; remaining overnight to again travel onto their next destination. After listening to Ned’s stories about Cobb & Co commenced business in 1853 by American Freeman Cobb and his partner. Cobb & Co horses were changed at stages every 10-15 miles along a stagecoach ‘line’ often at inns or hotels also to cater for the needs of drivers and passengers.
‘You’re lucky you weren’t travelling with us when we commenced. Around Bathurst where we’re staying tonight.’ Ned told Allan.
‘Why is that?’ Allan asked. Since Ned started telling Allan his stories Allan couldn’t have a word. His brain became bruised with Ned’s continuous talking.
‘Seven months after the company established itself in Bathurst nine coaches were attacked by Bushrangers. Captain Thunderbolt?’ Ned asked.
‘He hasn’t been around for three decades.’ Allan answered.
‘That’s right.’ Ned smiled. ‘We needed worrying about being held up with having ‘The Bush Detective’ aboard.’ Ned smiled.
Allan sat in silence pleased by the fact, highly unlikely to be held up by Bushrangers today of travel by Cobb & Co.
They stopped the night at Bathurst. Early next morning Ned told Allan they were on the final leg of their journey to Glen Innis. Allan thought about what he needed to do when they reached Glen Innis.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Mar 15, 2022 10:20 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 73:

To Allan’s surprise after they arrived at Glen Innis; he visited the local Police Station to find William Riley in custody to appear before the court the following day. Riley charged with being of an insane mind. What action would Allan now take to arrest Riley for murder and arson?
Early next morning William Riley appeared at Police Court charged with being of insane mind. After hearing medical evidence Riley was discharged. On leaving court Allan approached Riley. ‘Are you William Riley?’ Allan asked.
‘Yes. I am.’ Riley answered.
‘I’m Detective Allan Honor from Queensland Police. I’m arresting you for wilfully setting fire to Coongoola woolshed at Cunnamulla, Queensland in August 1894. I have an arrest warrant in my possession. I arrest you by virtue of this warrant.’ Allan read the words of the warrant to Riley who bowed his head.
‘I’ve been waiting a long time for you to turn up to arrest me.’ Riley submitted bowed his head.
‘You will be in my custody until Cunnamulla for your appearance to answer the charge of arson.’ Allan handcuffed Riley returned him to the Police Station.
Breaking daylight the following morning Allan returned to the Police Station Glen Innis to retrieve his prisoner. Ned waited outside for his two passengers being the only passengers on his return to Cunnamulla.
Allan couldn’t wait to arrive in Cunnamulla. He missed Lynne more than he ever thought possible. Riding inside the stagecoach, Riley handcuffed to the seat Allan pulled his hat down to sleep. His body weary from travel.
‘I won’t escape Detective Honor. I’m pleased you caught me.’ Riley stated. ‘I’ve waited a long time.’
Silence fell between both prisoner and detective on their return trip from Glen Innis to Cunnamulla. Silence is golden thought Allan pleased when the stagecoach pulled up outside Cunnamulla Police Station. Great to be home again. Thanking Ned for his companionship along the journey Allan escorted Riley to the front desk at Cunnamulla Police Station. Riley formerly charged with arson. After being placed in the cells Allan ran to the hotel. Their cries of joy to again be in one another’s arms. Lynne almost choking with emotion to again have Allan home.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Mar 16, 2022 10:13 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 74:

Chapter 10

Allan realised his love for Lynne when they shared one another’s company the night on his return. Lynne kept Allan up to date with their wedding arrangements. Sergeant Gray told Lynne a report gave approval for them to marry. Exhausted from his trip; mental fatigue, Allan didn’t want to leave Lynne’s side. They fell asleep in one another’s arms on the veranda of the hotel in the same chair they spent their very first night together.
Alec prepared a delicious breakfast before Lynne left for work. Allan prepared his questioning for Riley on Martyr’s murder. They each would enjoy their company after work. Allan considered this moment. His investigative mind told him he had the advantage to this investigation because; on their return from Glen Innis to Cunnamulla, silence between Riley and Allan non-existent. A couple of years before, Allan assisted a detective with a serious investigation. This detective far more experienced than Allan told him not to speak with the suspect whilst they transported him to the police station for questioning.
By the time they arrived at the police station; the suspect couldn’t hold inside any more information. ‘Sang like a bird’ about what he did. Silence is golden. Reason behind this piece of detective craftsmanship: the suspect didn’t have any idea what the police had also by keeping silent caused the suspect to think the police had more evidence about what was committed than he did himself. Walking to the Police Station Allan’s mind worked overtime on his questioning of Riley. He needed to be clever about his line of questioning. For two reasons. One. This act happened thirteen years before. Two. Much water had flowed beneath the bridge of life since the murder.
After conferring with Sergeant Gray of his intention Allan walked to the cell which held Riley. Allan unlocked the cell door. Riley rose from the stretcher where he lay. ‘Detective Honor. I want to tell you about a murder I committed.’ Riley expressed.
‘Are you referring to a man named Martyr?’ Allan asked.
‘Yes,’ Riley replied solemnly.
Before Allan proceeded with his line of questioning; he gave Riley an official warning: Riley didn’t need to say anything because whatever he said would be taken down in writing given in a court of law. Riley understood this official warning and wanted to tell Detective Honor everything about what he did. Riley admitted setting fire to Coongoola Woolshed in 1894. ‘Young Rollie Cole, a lad, went and fetched kerosene to light the fire. He never understood what I was going to do with the kerosene. My reason for setting fire to the woolshed because my bosses treated me like a dog.’ Riley admitted. ‘I wanted payback’.
‘You were tried at Cunnamulla and discharged.’ Allan said.
‘Yes. Wasn’t enough evidence to convict me of either crime. Now I want to tell you everything I did.’ Riley pleaded.
Riley told his story of intentional burning down Coongoola Woolshed using kerosene because his bosses talked to him like a dog. After setting fire to the woolshed he walked along a fence on White’s property. After lighting a fire near the fence Martyr followed him from the woolshed.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Mar 17, 2022 10:46 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 75:
‘What happened when Martyr approached you?’ Allan asked.
‘We had a bit if a row. He came at me. To punch me. I had a weapon in my hand and struck him down. I killed him.’ Riley bowed his head.
Allan produced the tomahawk he found in the cave. ‘Have you seen this tomahawk before?’ Allan asked held the tomahawk in front of Riley.
‘Yes. Looks like the same one I struck Martyr with. Where’d you find the tomahawk?’ Riley asked surprised.
‘On the floor covered in dirt in a cave not far from the fence on White’s property.’ Allan explained.
‘After striking Martyr with the tomahawk a few more times he was dead. Dragged his body in to the cave. I must’ve left the tomahawk in the cave.’ Riley admitted.
‘I didn’t find anybody in the cave.’ Allan said.
‘No. After I was discharged at Cunnamulla Court; I returned to the cave removed the body from the cave and burnt the body. Last night Martyr visited me in this cell. He stood over me with a knife. I want to confess to everything. Since this happened; I’ve never had a good night’s sleep since I killed him. Please help me stop these nightmares.’ Riley pleaded.
‘Where did you burn the body?’ Allan asked.
‘On the same fire I lit near the fence.’ Riley admitted.
‘Right. I need to return to Coongoola Woolshed to check out your story before I do anything else.’ Allan stated. Left the cells returned to tell Sergeant Gray of his mission. Saddled Apache; he rode to Coongoola Woolshed to speak with his friend Bruce White.
‘Is Rollie Cole still here Bruce?’ Asked Allan after they’d greeted one another with the usual handshake.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Mar 18, 2022 10:10 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 76:

‘Afraid not. He’s gone off to join you fellows. Told me he wanted to be like you. Left a couple of weeks ago. Fancy Rollie Cole joining the police.’ Bruce laughed.
‘I thought of him doing something worse than joining the police. Rollie would make a great police officer.’ Allan finished. ‘Can I borrow a shovel?’ Allan asked.
‘Yes. One is in the shed.’ Bruce walked to a shed, retrieved a shovel, handed to Allan. ‘Do you want a hand?’ Bruce asked.
‘No. I’ll be right. Just a little digging to do.’ Allan thanked his friend remounted Apache rode to the place where Riley told him he burnt Martyr. ‘This should be the place.’ Allan said to himself whilst dismounting tying Apache’s reins to the fence.
Grass grew over the area Riley stated where he burnt Martyr’s body. This is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Allan thought while he cleared grass and dirt around the area. Keeping a keen eye open for anything resembling bone, clothing or anything likely to be of human remains Allan removed his shirt, hung on the fence continued to dig.
Sifting clumps of dirt between his fingers; a couple of teeth sifted through his fingers. Wonder who belong to these teeth? Thoughts rushed through his mind. Collecting the teeth; he placed them into his trouser pocket to keep them safe. Digging deeper, sifting dirt through his fingers he discovered more teeth plus fragments of bone. Placing them into his trouser pocket for safe keeping he continued digging, sifting; keeping an eye open for any other evidence.
After exhausting his efforts his only other find was a couple of shirt buttons. Convinced he discovered enough to take to a doctor for examination coupled with evidence from Riley this being the place he admitted to burning Martyr’s body; his curiosity got the better of him. Allan searched near to the murder scene for more evidence. In a hollow tree not far from where he was digging; he discovered remains of a riding saddle which he placed in his saddle bag.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Mar 19, 2022 10:26 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 77:

Returning to Coongoola Woolshed he returned the shovel to Bruce farewelling him then returned to Cunnamulla. He rode to the hospital to speak with Doctor Espie Dodds medical practitioner for Cunnamulla. Directed to Doctor Dodds office he greeted the doctor in the usual manner of a handshake. Digging into his trouser pocket Allan placed evidence of teeth and bones on the doctor’s desk.
‘What have we here Detective Honor?’ Doctor Dodds asked looking at the scattered teeth and bones on his desk.
‘A prisoner William Riley who is presently contained at Her Majesty pleasure at Cunnamulla Police Station admitted he murdered a man named Ernest Henry Martyr in 1895 at Coongoola, not far from the Woolshed. Riley told me after killing Martyr he hid his body in a cave near where he murdered him. Later he removed Martyr to burn his body beyond recognition.’ Allan explained.
‘I remember the court case. Many years ago. Riley was let off because of insufficient evidence. If I remember.’ Doctor Dodds admitted.
‘You’re right. Hopefully this time I’ll have enough evidence to put him away for life. After arresting Riley at Glen Innis; a couple of weeks ago I escorted him to Cunnamulla. Since then he admitted murdering Martyr with a tomahawk; placed his body in a cave. After he was discharged by the court, he returned to burn the body. I found these teeth, bones and buttons where Riley told me he burnt Martyr.’ Allan explained.
‘You want me to identify these teeth, bones to belong to Martyr?’ Doctor Dodds expressed in a surprised voice. ‘You think I’m Mandrake. Be like pulling a rabbit out of a hat.’
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