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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:09 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 36:

‘I have an idea.’ Allan sought Lynne’s permission with this idea to help him gather evidence to strengthen his case against James Brokenborough. After Allan explained his idea Lynne nodded in agreement stating she would do anything Allan wanted to support enough evidence for a murder charge. High risk became involved. Lynne agreed to the risk.
After kissing each other goodnight they went to their separate rooms. Allan thought through his idea, piece by piece joining each event together trying to avoid serious risk factors to Lynne. This became a huge risk for Lynne to take. Finally, sleep overtook him. Dreams of Lynne, plus the risk filled his mind.
After breakfast he returned to Cunnamulla Police Station to explain his plan to Sergeant Gray who after listening to Allan’s plan stated. ‘This is a huge risk to take, especially involving Lynne. Are you certain your plan is going to work?’ Sergeant Gray queried.
‘No. I need more evidence I have at this stage. To gather more evidence, to convict Brokenborough being the murderer. I need a confession. The person who witnessed the shooting is dead. This is the only option I have to convict Brokenborough.’ Allan explained.
‘Okay. I wish you the best of British luck. If you pull this off, you realise what you’ll be?’ Sergeant Gray admitted.
‘One relieved detective.’ Allan admitted.
‘Apart from one relieved detective. Your standing in this town will never be forgotten.’ Sergeant Gray said.
Allan left Sergeant Gray’s office walked to his office, sat, placed his hands under his chin. Thoughts of what may go wrong sprinted through his mind. Is he placing Lynne in danger? Allan needed to make this plan work. He never wanted to place Lynne in danger at any time.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jan 28, 2022 10:29 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 37:

Early Saturday morning Allan and Lynne rode their horses from Cunnamulla to Tego Springs. On the way Allan explained the finer details of his plan asking Lynne if she still wanted to go ahead with his plan. High risk on her part involved. She agreed to everything Allan requested stating she was prepared to do anything to help his investigation.
Arriving at Tego Springs Allan and Lynne parted company as arranged. Allan rode onto the homestead, dismounted, tied his horse to the hitching rail, unleashed the pea shooter rifle from his saddle to carry inside. An aboriginal man walked around the corner of the homestead, ‘Hi brother.’ Tracker Jack called to Allan. ‘Been long time.’
Allan shoved his right hand out to shake Tracker Jack’s hand, smiled. ‘You haven’t changed. You ole bugger.’ Allan shook Tracker Jack’s hand firmly. ‘Where’s James Brokenborough?’ Allan asked released his grip on his friend’s hand.
‘Inside. Thought you visit him today.’ Tracker Jack walked to the front door, opened the door, shouted in a loud voice, ‘Hey, Mister, Detective Honor here.’ Tracker Jack stood aside for Allan to step inside the homestead. Darkness enveloped the interior causing Allan to adjust his eyesight.
A tall man stood before him. His words echoed through to Allan, ‘I shot her alright.’ A voice stated.
‘Are you James Brokenborough?’ Allan asked once his eyes changed inside the home.
‘Yes.’ This male person replied.
‘I’m Detective Allan Honor from Cunnamulla Police. Would you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?’ Allan asked sat at the kitchen table placed the rifle on the table in front of him. James Brokenborough sat opposite. Allan extracted his Official Police Notebook from his shirt pocket, opened his notebook. ‘I want to record our conversation if you don’t mind.’ Allan requested.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jan 29, 2022 10:02 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 38:

Brokenborough nodded.
‘What did you mean ‘I shot her alright.’ Allan asked after writing words into his notebook.
‘Was an accident. I shot her alright.’ Brokenborough repeated.
I need to prove Means – Motive – Opportunity – Intent before I can arrest this person. ‘Can you tell me your side of the story?’ Allan asked.
‘June 24 about noon. Always went out shooting pigeons to boil up in the boiler. I shot her alright. I had cause to do so. I was out after kangaroo coming out of the brigalow clump and Mrs Smith. I sang out to her. She looked at me and cantered away. She wouldn’t stop. I up with that pea rifle and shot her.’ Brokenborough pointed to the rifle on the table.
‘What was your intentions when shooting at Mrs Smith?’ Allan asked.
‘She rejected my advances. I didn’t mean to kill her. Only frighten her.’ Brokenborough said.
I can prove means by him admitting to shooting at Mrs Smith with the rifle. Now to prove motive. She rejected my advances – not strong enough. Now to put his plan into action.
‘Can you show me the location where you shot Mrs Smith?’ Allan asked.
‘Not far from here. Out the back paddock. I’ll show you.’ Brokenborough stood. Allan stood took possession of the rifle. ‘We can walk.’ Brokenborough stated.
Allan followed Brokenborough with Tracker Jack followed close behind. They walked a couple of hundred yards to a clump of brigalow scrub. Allan noted fresh mound of dirt near the brigalow scrub.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jan 30, 2022 10:00 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 39:

‘She rode her horse out of the scrub’. Brokenborough screamed. ‘She’s supposed to be dead.’ Pointed to a woman on a horse. ‘I shot her, killed her, made sure she was dead.’ Brokenborough screamed pointed to a woman riding a horse. ‘Can’t be her. She’s dead. I killed her. She’s buried.’ Pointed to the mound of dirt.
Allan said, ‘What are you talking about Mr Brokenborough? No horse or rider anywhere.’ Allan looked at Brokenborough who wouldn’t stop staring ahead. His face pale.
Placing his hands over his face, he sobbed, ‘She rejected me.’
‘Did you intend to kill Mrs Smith when you shot her?’ Allan asked.
‘Yes. She rejected me. I hated her.’ Brokenborough stated.
‘James Brokenborough. I arrest you for the murder of Catherine Smith. I want you to understand you don’t need to say anything for anything you say will be taken down in writing and used in evidence. Do you understand this official warning James Brokenborough?’ Allan stated in a loud voice.
‘Yes. I understand. I meant to kill the bitch. She rejected me.’ Brokenborough stated.
Allan removed his handcuffs from his belt, fastened them onto Brokenborough wrists. ‘Tracker Jack. Would you saddle James horse please and your own to help me escort the prisoner to Cunnamulla where he will be charged with the murder of Catherine Smith.’ Allan commanded.
A soft female voice ‘thank you’ come from the brigalow scrub.
On their return to Cunnamulla Brokenborough kept shouting, ‘I killed her. She shouldn’t be alive.’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jan 31, 2022 9:58 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 40:

Arriving at the rear of Cunnamulla Police Station all three men dismounted from their horses. Allan held onto the handcuffs he placed on Brokenborough. They walked up the rear stairs of the station into the front office.
Sergeant Gray stood beside the huge counter. ‘How’d you go Detective Honor?’ Sergeant Gray said.
‘I’ve arrested James Brokenborough for the murder of Catherine Smith Sergeant. Would you charge him please?’ Allan finished.
Sergeant Gray opened a huge book started to write in the book. After charging Brokenborough with murder of Catherine Smith. Brokenborough kept muttering words ‘I killed her. She should be dead.’ Finally, after being processed by Sergeant Gray, Brokenborough taken to the cell block at the rear of the police station placed into a cell to await his appearance before the court.
Allan returned to Alex’s hotel, discounted from Apache. Lynne came running toward him threw her arms around his neck, kissed him on the lips. ‘You’re my hero. ‘The Bush Detective’. I love you.’ Lynne smiled.
‘You do.’ Allan replied astonished by Lynne’s words.
‘Yes. From the first moment we spoke, I fell in love with you. As promised. I will marry you.’ Lynne released her hold on Allan waited for his reply.
Allan coughed. Held his hand over his mouth. ‘I’ve never been proposed for marriage before. Can I think about your proposal?’ Allan muttered.
‘Don’t think too long. What you did is beyond thinking about. You are a bloody genius ‘The Bush Detective’. Lynne stated.
‘How long do I have before I give you an answer to your marriage proposal?’ Allan asked.
‘What’s wrong with you ‘The Bush Detective’. You’ve told me I’m the most beautiful woman in Cunnamulla. I asked you to marry me because I love you. What else do you want?’ Lynne walked away returned to the hotel. ‘I’ll be waiting for your answer’. She threw the words over her shoulder.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Feb 01, 2022 10:01 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 41:

Bloody hell. What should I do? She’s serious. Only meet her a week ago. Now she wants me to marry her. She is a dream come true. Marriage. Commitment. Family. Allan pondered. ‘What do you think Apache?’ Only reply a whiney.
After Allan feed Apache he returned to the rear of the hotel where he met Alex who put his hand out to shake Allan’s hand. ‘Congratulations my friend. You couldn’t have a better partner in your life.’ Alex replied. ‘Wish I was so lucky.’ Allan shocked at Alex’s question.
‘I haven’t agreed to her proposal. Alex. I can’t make up my mind. The Commissioner sent me here to investigate a murder. Now, I’ve been proposed to for marriage.’ He muttered.
‘She did tell you if you solved her mother’s murder; she would marry you.’ Alex answered with a grin on his face.
‘At the time I thought she was kidding. She’s serious. Me married. Hard to believe.’ Allan exposed his thoughts. His thoughts telling him he loved Lynne. Had done so since she serve drinks the first night he was in town. Those kisses also claimed him. Oh, what the hell. Why not. Can’t be too hard married to the prettiest woman in Cunnamulla. He pondered.
‘Where is Lynne?’ Allan asked.
‘In the kitchen. She may make you a cuppa if you hurry.’ Alex left to attend to the front bar.
Allan walked into the kitchen. Lynne sat at the table. Her hands covered a cup of tea. ‘Made up your mind yet ‘The Bush Detective’. About my marriage proposal?’ Lynne asked. Her eyes glued on Allan’s face.
He walked around to Lynne, kissed her on the lips, sweet lips. ‘Yes. I will marry you Lynne because I love you.’ Allan whispered in her ear.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Feb 02, 2022 10:31 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 42:

Lynne wrapped her arms around Allan’s neck, kissed him hard on the lips. ‘Thank you. Thank you and thank you. I love you. I will make you a wonderful wife.’ Lynne expressed excitedly. Her heart almost beating from her chest. ‘Sit. I’ll make you a cuppa.’ Lynne rose to make Allan a cuppa.
After everything settled Allan asked. ‘What made you ask me to marry you?’
‘Allan. You are a genius. When I rode from behind the bushes, the horror on James Brokenborough face. His admission to killing my mother. Love for you filled my heart. I truly love you Allan Honor ‘The Bush Detective’. Lynne finished.
‘Tell me Mrs Allan Honor to be. Have you considered a date for our marriage; where we’re to live. What about your position as a teacher?’ Allan asked.
‘Don’t you worry your brilliant mind about those small things. Leave everything to me to work out. I can’t wait to become Mrs Allan Honor.’ She kissed Allan hard on the lips.
Alex entered the kitchen over hearing Lynne explain to Allan about her answer. ‘Leave everything to me. I’d love you both to have your reception here at the hotel. If you want. How about an engagement party for starters?’ Alex told Allan and Lynne. Love gleaming from their eyes.
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